Here's a thread specifically for us to vent our buttholey mil issues. Here's mine. She's effing rude as crap to me. She stays all day hogging up my son. Talks to me like I'm the biggest piece of shit she's ever seen. I suck it up and take it most of the time but today she just had gone too far. I screamed at her for it and I'm terribly sorry. She just deserved it for the way she's been treating me. She's been joking telling my son she's going to take him far away from his crazy mommy. That really pisses me off cause I lost my son three years ago and she knows that. I'm so stressed and depressed.
Re: mil them here
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
Me: 31 DH: 34
Married 11/09/2013
LO#1: LMP 09/14/2014 BFP 10/15/2014 EDD 06/24/2015 DS Born 06/14/2015
LO#2: LMP 09/18/2016 BFP 10/19/2016 EDD 06/27/2017 DD Born 06/27/2017
LO#3: LMP 05/16/2018 BFP 06/18/2018 EDD 02/20/2019
I also hate that she comes in the afternoon and just expects to stay for dinner... I am barely cooking meals for my little family .. Why can't she just offer to bring something for dinner since ya know I just had a baby or maybe not stay for HOURS!?
ETA: can't spell.
five. It's so frustrating dealing with her she's the kind of person who always thinks she's right and knows everything. Pp that lady sounds evil! Good thing she stays away. Im snuggling baby Cameron on my chest. She has a doctors appointment so she had to leave yay alone time. I'm enjoying just me and baby time.
So anyways I am beyond annoyed with my MIL she only wants to come around when she feels like it which is fine by me but gets but hurt if we tell her no. Well anyways today I told my DH I wanted to go shopping and he wanted to join me he called his mom to see if she would baby sit but was busy which is fine. So after we already finish shopping and DH had to go to a meeting for work she texted me asking if we needed her to come over I told her no we where fine and that DH was already at work. So once DH comes home he tells me that his mom told him that I told her she couldn't come over. Now it's already 7pm I was going to start cooking after feeding DD and she's coming over and she comes over all the time in the evening without much notice and stays till almost 10pm all the while we are starving because I only have enough for us and don't want to eat in front of her. On top of that she hasn't taken care of a baby since my DH was little and she needs to relearn and learn all the new things yet she will not shut up about what we should be doing. It took me weeks to finally get her to stop telling us to give DD formula and to take her out and put a bunch of lotion on her, take her a bath in a tub with the cord still on, give her water, give a pacifer, let her do the first things with DD. Etc and a while bunch more arghhhh just thinking about it. On top of that she called her her little girl and how much my DD is like her daughter now because she always wanted one but never did. Oh I could go on forever and ever but I guess I'll end today's gripe here. to be continued......
Also she's a big "Let her cry it out" supported. Not as a newborn, girlfriend. No way no how.
My MIL doesn't seem to want to listen to how we want LO taken care of. Like she was feeding him and didn't think she needed to burp him although he is gassy and def needs it. Or she was on the phone and LO's head was lolling off her lap and she kept saying "he's fine." Um... no he's not. Just let me take him, you can have him back when you are done.
The real weird thing is she keeps bringing up intimacy pp and how important it is to force yourself to have sex even if you don't feel like it. It is so inappropriate and uncomfortable, and really none of her business!
I know I really shouldn't complain... but ya.
This is my mil. Too too helpful and kind. I find it soooo irritating especially as a post partum mum (it happened after DS was born too). She's just too in your face, the defensive mama bear in me sees it as her trying to steal my newborn moments. I know she's just excited and happy and It makes me feel guilty for complaining, given the MILs described on here, but sometimes i would prefer she distances herself a bit.
(I.e she's set up 2 nurseries in her house, one for DS who's 2 and one for DD who's 4wks- we live 5 minutes away... There are very few instances when we would need this type of setup and I've been very clear- I won't be leaving our NB with then overnight for a long long time- However, she still went ahead with the nurseries).
ETA autocorrect
I was talking to my mom on the phone today (well, as its now 3am, yesterday) and I'm explaining our struggles with getting LO to bf - the inefficient nursing while on boob, all the effort I put into his actual time on boob to make it more efficient, the pumping that comes after, supplementing with formula after that... Talking about how long the endeavor takes me each and every time... And first thing she says is "well I can give him his formula when I'm there" (she is coming next week). Yeah, no shiz. Anybody can give a bottle of formula. Its convenient like that. But it annoys the piss out of me that I'm explaining these struggles I am having and how its really doing a number on my mental edge and emotional state ("I can't feed my baby") - and all YOU can think of is "well now I'll get to feed him sometimes". Yeah, thanks. You can hold a bottle of formula for 5-8 minutes of the HOUR long ordeal that is feeding my kid. Go you, mom. That'll be SUPER helpful.
I know she really will be helpful in other ways when she is here, and I really WILL be grateful she came, but it was such a selfish reaction to my outpouring of dismay that it really pissed me off.
My mom on the other hand is a nightmare, especially now that my sister is also here. She insisted on coming for 10 days to "help" but other than a few diaper changes and trips to Wal mart she basically just tells me how cute the baby is when she's not screaming her head off. My sister was bored yesterday so they went to the mall for 5 hours, leaving me alone with the baby during her Afternoon Screamy Time. Not helpful. They also leave the house a mess and DH is constantly following them around cleaning up after them. They leave tomorrow. Thank god.
My parents are a different story. My mother and sister came two days PP to "help" and my mother preceded to sit on the couch watching TV until she could smoother the baby with kisses and snuggles every chance she could and wouldn't put her down or hand her over until she was red in the face and screaming. While my poor sister, who just got back from deployment, did nothing but housework and cook the while time (she was amazing, I don't know what I would do without her) I ended up sending my mom home because she stressed me out too much and wasn't doing anything to help. Plus she smokes and I just can't have that. Then, they ALWAYS call during the witching hour wanting to talk for an hour while I'm trying to sooth DD, even though neither of them work and could call during the day. It's little stuff, but it still annoys me.
This is why I'm also grateful that we didn't tell anyone in my family about me getting induced and after DS was born, I was strong and sent an email out saying give me time to recover and let us get into a new routine.