June 2015 Moms

6/2 Daily Symptoms: One Day Closer... How Do You Feel?


Re: 6/2 Daily Symptoms: One Day Closer... How Do You Feel?

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    MommaswizzMommaswizz member
    edited June 2015
    @dancegurl1118 you two look beautiful!! So glad to see you're both doing well :) Eta, I saw it briefly lol I can vouch to the others, you and your daughter look gorgeous!
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    Once you get home!!! Pics!!!!! @dancegurl1118
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    klkonwi said:

    So far team green has mostly been girls am I right?!?! .
    @mellymar I'm upset my DH wouldn't let me find Mo the little black kitten tonight because he's freaking about "toxoplasmosis." Lol how dare he care about safety?!
    I told him I could get that from undercooked meat probably more commonly than the cat and I would wash my hands like crazy after.

    Bah. Tell your hubs its from their feces (you probably knew that already) and its not like you're going to put your hands in your mouth after handling her poop or touching her butt. And, more people get toxo from gardening than from cats. Just sayin'. However, she IS a stray(ish) so if you do handle her definitely DO wash your hands afterwards, and no kissing the kitten! Total drag, I know, but stray kittens can have ringworm or who know what on their fur and you don't want that on your face or lips.

    Are you guys gonna keep her? As in, let her in the house? Or is she just going to be a farm cat?
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    My boobs are super leaky. I don't just mean a drop here and there, I mean like pouring out liquid. Ugh.
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    Oh, and, more than likely you have probably already been exposed to toxo in your regular life, so you would have antibodies (you do, after all, have a farm).
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    klkonwiklkonwi member
    edited June 2015
    No she has to stay at the farm :( DH will not let me have indoor animals at our house in town unfortunately. It's DH parents that live on the farm and he helps farm it.
    About a year ago I should have brought home a dog....and said tough luck but now it's bad timing
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    @klkonwi yeah I wanted to adopt a dog but by the time I was mentally ready for it I was already 4 months pregnant. Not a good time, dealing with training a dog to adapt to our house and then springing a baby on it shortly after it gets settled. Besides, this way I'll be able to find a dog I know is good with kids, and see if I can find a dog that bonds with ewok when they meet.

    Maybe y'all can get a dog too in a while. I think kids and dogs are so precious, kids learn so much from having a pet in the home. Next time you are at the in laws give Mo some squishy for me ❤
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    mellymar said:

    @klkonwi yeah I wanted to adopt a dog but by the time I was mentally ready for it I was already 4 months pregnant. Not a good time, dealing with training a dog to adapt to our house and then springing a baby on it shortly after it gets settled. Besides, this way I'll be able to find a dog I know is good with kids, and see if I can find a dog that bonds with ewok when they meet.

    Maybe y'all can get a dog too in a while. I think kids and dogs are so precious, kids learn so much from having a pet in the home. Next time you are at the in laws give Mo some squishy for me ❤

    And from me, too! DH's family has two farm kitties, and they are so loved and loving!!!
    Love sweet cats. :-)
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    KaLikeAWindKaLikeAWind member
    edited June 2015
    Maybe its the moon or maybe its just one of those days or *maybe* its all in my head cause I know its a full moon and I'm giving myself a placebo effect. But, I really did feel weird today. Still feel weird. I seriously haven't really been aware of any braxton hicks this whole pregnancy, but I was definitely having some today. Either that or they were mild actual contractions (not like what I felt in the wee hours of the morning. Those 2 suckers hurt. These are, unpleasant, but not as bad as those). I don't know, cause... I haven't felt any BH before! But whatever they are I've been having them off and on all day.
    I'm sure its all in my mind, but all the same its had me checking the tp for a mp all day when I went pee, and has me glad that DH should be home tomorrow afternoon.
    All I can say is - I had better not be one of those ladies who has a week or more of prelabor.

    Edited cause somehow I ended up with two afternoons right at the end there
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    mellymar said:

    Maybe its the moon or maybe its just one of those days or *maybe* its all in my head cause I know its a full moon and I'm giving myself a placebo effect. But, I really did feel weird today. Still feel weird. I seriously haven't really been aware of any braxton hicks this whole pregnancy, but I was definitely having some today. Either that or they were mild actual contractions (not like what I felt in the wee hours of the morning. Those 2 suckers hurt. These are, unpleasant, but not as bad as those). I don't know, cause... I haven't felt any BH before! But whatever they are I've been having them off and on all day.
    I'm sure its all in my mind, but all the same its had me checking the tp for a mp all day when I went pee, and has me glad that DH should be home tomorrow afternoon.
    All I can say is - I had better not be one of those ladies who has a week or more of prelabor.

    Edited cause somehow I ended up with two afternoons right at the end there

    Today WAS a weird day. I spent it in bed, pitiful.

    I think I've got a ways to go, due date twin.
    I'm having random painful BH or mild contractions, but baby definitely hasn't dropped yet. Wahhhhhh!

    I just have to remind myself not to compare myself to other early or mid-Junies too much. That might make me insane.

    Er, more stabby than I am now...
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    Waking up multiple times per night. Often with leg cramps and thirsty, despite doing my best to stay hydrated. Super huge belly. More BH than before, starting to feel them more. I had a lot of period type cramping the other night, but when I got a good night sleep it went away. I think I was just super tired. Can't wait to see if I am at all effaced/dilated at my appt Thursday. It does feel like something is a little different with my body and I'm a little closer to meeting my LO. 37+3 today according to my LMP, 37+6 according to my first ultrasound! A small difference in dates, but I hope my first ultrasound is right and he'll come slightly before I have to be induced.
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