June 2015 Moms

6/2 Daily Symptoms: One Day Closer... How Do You Feel?


Re: 6/2 Daily Symptoms: One Day Closer... How Do You Feel?

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    39 weeks tomorrow according to my first ultrasound, but 41 weeks if we listen to my original dates and followup ultrasound. I always felt like the original dates were closer to right. As such, I'm super done with being pregnant. I'm all crampy, sore, and sick in general...
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    Same ol! Just waiting for a call from my Dr about when I should come in!
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    I am 39 weeks and 1 day today. Sleep has been declining for a couple of weeks now, so I am thankful when I'm able to get a little bit of shut eye. I am having contractions, but not consistent enough for them to be of any real concern. I no longer have ankles and can't fit into any of my shoes besides a pair of flip flops that have adjustable straps that I had to go buy. I was dilated to a one last week and have an appointment tomorrow, so we shall see if I have progressed any since then. I'm just ready to meet our baby boy! And being back to my normal self would be awesome too! Haha!
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    Good luck @katyertl

    So exciting!!
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    Really nervous and superstitious about the full moon as much as I'm ready to be done with this pregnancy I hope my chunky monkey stays put because DH is out of town until Friday. I'm excited about everyone who's getting prepped to meet their lo soon and love seeing the announcement board all the babies are so adorable.

    As for symptoms I feel guilty because I sleep so damn good at night and everyone seems to have horrible restless nights. But I constantly feel hungry during the evening I just want to eat everything in site! O and this back pain sucks!
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    I'm so exhausted
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    My left side of my lower back has been aching the last few weeks & my chiro will fix it. Today, I was headed to the bathroom (big surprise) and my right side suddenly started aching. This side is different in that it is a constant ache and nothing is helping. On a good note, I've actually slept really well the last two nights.
    I just came in from watering my flowers and found my dog eating an entire bag of cookies our neighbors baked for us. Damn dog.
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    ElRubyElRuby member
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    dancegurl1118 !! Hope the epidural makes things better! A friend of mine had back labor and it's my #1 labor fear. Stay strong momma!
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    aj1327aj1327 member
    @dancegurl04 hope the epi makes it all go away and that you're not waiting too long!
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    katyertl said:

    Thanks ladies! Super excited but nervous. Hope she does ok!

    Keep us posted on you and the nugget!!
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    aj1327aj1327 member
    @katyertl thinking of you!
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    Ahhhh! Good luck ladies! Wishing you a healthy and easy delivery!

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    mvargas12 said:

    Ps. Anyone else hiccuping randomly through the day? Just one hiccup every now and then through the day. I never had that before pregnancy.

    YES!! This was my symptom a few days ago! (Not saying you should know that. Just saying I'm so glad it's not just me!)
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    I feel uncomfortable and ready for LO... Super emotional and I'm sure the rest of the family is ready for me to be normal again lol... Not sure what that is or if I'll get it back but wow to this roller coaster
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    I think my body knows I'm being induced soon....or I'm stressing myself too bad and it's causing exhaustion and diarrhea. Idk but I feel different or I'm just crazy.
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    amark11 said:

    mvargas12 said:

    Ps. Anyone else hiccuping randomly through the day? Just one hiccup every now and then through the day. I never had that before pregnancy.

    YES!! This was my symptom a few days ago! (Not saying you should know that. Just saying I'm so glad it's not just me!)
    Ahhhh! Sorry, I should pay more attention to symptom threads! Do you know why that happens? It's not a big deal, just weird!
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    @mvargas12 Yes, I get that all the time, even when I'm not pregnant. Like at least once a day for as long as I can remember. It usually happens after I eat.
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    mvargas12 said:

    Ps. Anyone else hiccuping randomly through the day? Just one hiccup every now and then through the day. I never had that before pregnancy.

    Perfectly timed hiccup while reading that. So yes.
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    last night i had what felt to me like a period cramp (like i actually ran to the bathroom to check my underwear for blood) it hurt so bad i actually threw up a little. if thats a contraction.. im royally screwed. i could never survive my period cramps without extra strength inuprophen. i would just lay there in pain not being able to do anything.
    not sure if its a pregnancy symptom or im going crazy at this point but my left eye lid keeps twitching. just the bottom one though. its getting annoying.
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    @JessHeppell I had two of those random period cramps in the early hours of the morning and they did hurt. They were spaced apart by a while tho, so I dunno WHAT that was.

    Congrats to @dancegurl1118!! woot woot! <:-P I'm gonna have to step up my RRL tea consumption!

    For me today feeling generally good other than my girly bits feel extra tender and I feel a lot of pressure under my belly button - like being bloated during that time of the month, but times a lot. And the usual back pain, tired.
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    Still feeling super crampy & achey. Found that diarrhea everyone keeps talking about. Thought I was having some pretty painful contractions today (with pressure)... Turns out it was just an upset tummy. Maybe I'll go into labor tonight! Hahahaha. One can wish.
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