June 2015 Moms

new complaints and vents for the week 5/25


Re: new complaints and vents for the week 5/25

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    I'm really irritated right now. My c-section was scheduled for this coming Tuesday. My family wants to be there for the twins birth, so everyone made arrangements with work to be off that day. Plus they'll be taking care of DS when I'm in surgery and after. I had a doctors appointment yesterday and my doctor said she'd see me Tuesday for the big day. I got a call at 4:45 this afternoon saying the doctors will be in meetings that day and have to bump my c-section back. So now DH and I have to wait even longer to meet our girls, and my family has to scramble to try to get off of work. Plus I already have leave set with work, so now I start leave before I wanted to. I feel cheated out of time with my family. Ugh. Sorry, complaining over.

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    Sorry but I need to vent. This is no way my husbands fault and I am not mad at him just going crazy with the timing. About a week and a half before my wedding my DH started getting stomache pains. Took 3 days to find out it was diverticulitis so he was in the hospital for 3 days not even a week before the wedding. Now for the past month or so he has been having a different type of pain ( due date is in 5 days! June 2). He has been to his primary care and got a CT scan but nothing came up. Today he went to a different doctor and has a hernia which needs to be fixed!! Hoping it can wait a while but pretty anxious that the second opinion doctor is going to say it needs to be done sooner. Blehhh

    And My husband is very dramatic and takes everything to the extreme. And now he is in a horrible mood and taking it out on me.
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    I am so tired of having to be my mom's mom. It's like she's 17 and making bad choices. I mean I'm only 22 1/2 myself.
    My mom lives solely off the government and can barely take care of my brother and sisters basic needs and then goes out and leases a 2015 Honda.
    Everyone is upset with her but she can't understand why.... Um well you're using our tax dollars to lease a 2015 car... When us whom are working can't even lease a 2015 car. Gah she needs to grow up!
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    My complaint, today is the last day I get paid. The babies won't be here until Monday. I've been on bedrest and that used up all my sick leave and vacation leave. I do get up to 6 months off but unpaid.
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    The last 2 hours have really sucked. My legs barely work to walk and DH comes home with a mildly sprained ankle from jumping out of a truck bed at work. He usually helps me around when I'm this bad but is a bit recliner bound for the moment since his foot swelled when his boot came off. Not his fault but I can't walk 5 feet by myself.
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    After a really easy pregnancy (sympathies to those who have had a tough time) my carpal tunnel has been out of control bad for a few weeks now. I can't sleep, type, write, etc... Brutal. OB tells me at our 39 week appt that if I want to be induced this coming Tuesday I can because A) I'll be 40 weeks and B) swelling and fluid retention won't go down significantly enough until after I have the baby. Fast forward to tonight.... DH and I are talking and I mention that I'm looking forward to being induced on Tuesday. He's not having it. Said I'm trying to control the situation and we need to let nature run its course. Plus, that it's only one more week.

    What the actual fuck! Am I being crazy here? Ladies, advice please!!!

    (Sorry for the long rant)
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    Can not sleep. Its 2:30 and i got tired of being on my computer in bed. Came downstairs to eat and watch tv. I guess i pressed something on the remote without realizing it and now there is no volume. Great. I guess its back to the computer!
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    Went to the movies last night with MIL & SIL. When walking into the theatre before the movie started a woman shouted "Well lordy! You're due any second now!! You look like you could pop! What's your due date?" Even though my due date is June 8th I replied "Oh I know any day now!"
    Why do strangers feel the need to call out how big you are in public?
    If I saw someone fat and just yelled "Oh Lordy it looks like you had an extra Twinkie this morning!" I'd be kicked out of a store!

    I'm not due for another 4 weeks but I've been telling people "any day now"...it seems to put a stop to the questions about my size ;)
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    klkonwi said:

    A) I don't know you go take your name poll and shove it.
    B) if you say ' I wanna ' in a sentence.......... And are not kidding.... You have serious issues.

    Ok. Well that about covers the 2 new posts I have just seen. :)

    I say 'wanna' and 'gonna' and 'kinda'. And I get on people for spelling, even! (Hypocrite, right here)
    Sorry. My bad
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    I am so beyond frustrated with one of my friends. She's been in an off an on relationship with a cheating ass wipe who manipulates her for over 2 years now. She and I lived together my last year of college and when I moved out he was supposed to move in with her. She had already signed the lease and he waited until 1 day before rent was due to tell her he wasn't moving in. They eventually moved in together months after that and he ended up kicking her out. She has found him in bed with another girl. He has screamed at her and thrown all of her stuff out of his/their apartment on multiple occasions. All of his "friends" are girls and he refuses to introduce her to them or let her come out with them. Girls call his phone at all hours. She finds other girls hair in the shower drain and their makeup in the bathroom. When she brings up any of this he calls her stupid and crazy and throws a fit and says he can't take it anymore and breaks up with her (only to get back together the next day). The list could go on. But last time she called me to talk about it was the last straw. They had been out drinking when they got into a fight and when they got back to his apartment it escalated and he as usual screamed and threw all her things but also pinned her down to the bed and held a pillow over her face, and at one point had his hands around her throat. To me or any sane person that would be the wake up call to NEVER SEE THIS PERSON AGAIN. And I thought for her it was. At my insistence she started seeing a therapist once a week and is on antidepressants. That was about 3 weeks ago and I was checking in with her everyday for the first week and she seemed to be in agreement that it was ridiculous she let it go on for so long, etc. I also suggested she move back home for a while to get away from her routine/ensure she would not be seeing him. So that was the plan. It's been about a week since we talked and today she calls and says I need some advice I feel crazy. I say okay what's up? She's been seeing the kid again and pushed back leaving town until the 6th!!!!! I felt like I was in the twilight zone or the movie Groundhog Day having the same exact conversation for the 27381827th time in the last two years. So shocker things had been "very good lately" but when she came home one night her side of the bed smelled like perfume and they got in a fight and was she right for thinking he had a girl over? I was trying so hard not to just say WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH YOU. I settled for explaining that it doesn't matter in this one instance if she was right or not because he's already done everything terrible he could do and why would she ever consider being back with him after the last time! I seriously feel like I'm wasting my breath and I can only repeat myself so many times. She said she is really done this time but I said if him physically assaulting you wasn't enough to keep you away what makes you think this time will be? I just don't know what else can be done at this point and I don't want to lose my friendship with her but if she does this one more time I may lose it on her. Praying she can hold out until she moves on the 6th and just never look back. Sorry this is so long, I'm not just annoyed I'm pregnant lady annoyed so it's amplified.

    Also I'm due the 12th and she wants to come visit next week after she moves out... Can't say no in this situation but really? Do I want to worry about someone sleeping on my couch when all I want to do is sleep on my couch??

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    Westypet said:

    I would also explain that it's really hard for you to have overnight guests in your condition but you'll happily make plans for this day and this day and this day...

    Protect yourself, too.

    Where she lives is 4.5 hours away from where I live. And her parents house is 5.5 hours! I know she just wants an escape, but in reality I may not even be here when she wants to come because of relocating to my parents 2 hours away where I will be delivering. Kind of hoping this is the case. Visitors are like my pressure point because I am such a neat freak and need my house to be perfect at all times.
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    croberts710croberts710 member
    edited May 2015
    @katyertl I am totally with you on this one! The dresser and crib are still not put together after months of asking, and I feel like when I ask him on his day off I get shot a look like your kidding right?? Do I ever get a break with a toddler and being 9 months pregnant... Nope. Guys can be so selfish
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    @katyertl I am totally with you on this one! The dresser and crib are still not put together after months of asking, and I feel like when I ask him on his day off I get shot a look like your kidding right?? Do I ever get a break with a toddler and being 9 months pregnant... Nope. Guys can be so selfish

    Drives me nuts! I'll start doing something and he goes "stop I'll do it" but then doesn't make an attempt to get off the couch. Granted he has started working 6 days a week 12 hour shifts now so I stopped bugging him now since I only work maybe 10 hours a week because of this high risk pregnancy. I'm still able to do things so I have just taken it upon my self to now
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    @Serenamarr I'm sorry you are going through this with your friend. It totally stinks that she feels so attached to this guy that she always goes back. You definitely have your plate full with being 9 months pregnant and soon you'll have a newborn. I think that you just need to be a listening ear. If, God forbid, somewhere were to happen to your friend you will wish you would've just stuck by her side longer. Or maybe you won't, I don't want to speak for you but that's how I would feel. You live a few hours away so you are keeping your distance, it's not like she's putting you or your family in danger. Something I do know though is that you can't force someone to do something (lose weight, care more, leave a S/O...), no one is going to change unless they make that decision all on their own. A listening ear and encouraging friend who builds her up is what she needs, and it sounds like you've been that for her. Good luck and I hope things change with your friend soon!
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    I cleaned the house all nice and then it went from 95% clean to 10% clean in 48hours.
    I think I'm going to go insane.
    My fridge and pantry are becoming bare.
    DH and I's cellphone bill is going to be through the roof after LO is born because data and late charges.
    My son peed his pants twice today because "I don't like my shorts mommy." Really!? We have a bathroom on each floor!
    My mom is driving me insane about this new car she's leasing and she keeps saying how she doesn't trust the dealer and the dealer is trying to take the car and get another one. Gosh why do I have to tell you to be an adult and say no if 1.You can't afford the car 2. If you don't trust the dealer. !?
    My grandmother is also driving me bonkers even though I know she means well. She made plans to come to the house Wednesday and that day I came down with some painful BH that were pretty bad so I told her I'd rather not have any guests and she was just like Fine and almost cried on the phone. Ugh
    Can I just have my baby and go hide now!?
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    My bf and I were visiting his dad & stepmom today...he was helping to mow their lawn and do some stuff for them since the accident they got in has left them in too much pain to do it themselves.
    Anyway after all the chores were done my bf sat down and started drinking with his dad (12:30 in the afternoon) and drank all day basically Til about 7 pm. My bf and his dad both know that hard liquor like whisky is going to turn him into a drunken idiot (I've talked to him about this before and nothing changes). And his dad enables him and keeps giving it to him.
    So around 6 o'clock I mentioned that I was hungry and wanted to go pick something up for dinner. Bf said 'ok just a couple minutes I want to go have a smoke with my dad first' which is also another thing I can't stand. I waited over an hour while they sat outside and continued to smoke and drink.
    Around 7:15 I said 'ok can we take a walk over to the store now to pick up dinner food'. He said goodbye to his dad and stumbled out of the house.
    The entire time we were walking down to the store he was yelling and swearing about how he works so hard during the day and he wanted to hang out with his dad and why did I have to take him away 'just because I'm hungry'. I explained to him that I had been waiting a while for him to leave and that I was starving and couldn't wait for food any longer (his dad didn't have anything I could have eaten there). He continues to yell and swear and tells me to 'go f*ck myself' and punching the telephone post. Meanwhile the neighbours are looking out their windows, people on the street are stopping and asking if everything is ok and he continues his drunken tirade. I walked ahead of him and didn't talk to him the whole way home, he's trying to grab me and make me walk with him but I just walked home alone. He got home and continued to swear and went out on the deck and smoked and drank another drink.
    He's sleeping now which I'm happy about cause he finally shut up. But I was so close to giving him a good punch in the face earlier. I've never been so embarrassed in public before.
    Sorry that was so long, I'm just so angry.
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    Go for it

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    @NotISaidtheCat he's alright when he doesn't drink. But him and his dad both do it and enable each other, and I'm sick of him coming home and drinking and spending money on beer every day and then going to his dad's on weekends and spending all day drinking there. I told him I would just go by myself to get dinner and for him to go home and that's when he got all pissy.
    So I think tomorrow once I've slept a bit I'm gonna actually go out somewhere by myself and think about all of this.
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    That "advices" thread is driving me nuts X(
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    That "advices" thread is driving me nuts X(

    What about it? I've been posting a lot on there... :-??

    I don't think "advices" is a thing...
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