November 2015 Moms

hard kicking with discomfort

As of about 3 hours ago, the baby's kicks became extremely hard and sometimes uncomfortable. I'm still experiencing normal movement as well. I was wondering if this normal or something I should worry about. No discharge is present. I do experience a twinge in my pelvic region during these hard kicks and a sudden urge to use the bathroom. It different than anything I've felt during my pregnancy. Does anyone else have any experience with this? I'm 30 weeks.

Re: hard kicking with discomfort

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    Sounds normal to me . Hard kicks and discomfort has happened for weeks now . Having the sudden urge to pee has been the past week when little gal soccer punches my bladder lol

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    Thank you. It's my first pregnancy and I'm a worrier as it is.
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    Count your lucky stars that you're only now experiencing this at 30w. And just wait - it only gets worse as our LOs get stronger!

    This! DS used to bruise my ribs he kicked so hard. As a first time mom I was continually surprised just how strong babies are both in and out of the womb. It's uncomfortable but completely normal.
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    mmk29 said:
    Count your lucky stars that you're only now experiencing this at 30w. And just wait - it only gets worse as our LOs get stronger!
    This! DS used to bruise my ribs he kicked so hard. As a first time mom I was continually surprised just how strong babies are both in and out of the womb. It's uncomfortable but completely normal.
    I have what feels like massive internal bruises beneath my ribs, especially my right one.  Bridget LOVES to kick me there and then rub along it after it's already bruised and sore.  Especially at night. 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    mmk29 said:

    Count your lucky stars that you're only now experiencing this at 30w. And just wait - it only gets worse as our LOs get stronger!

    This! DS used to bruise my ribs he kicked so hard. As a first time mom I was continually surprised just how strong babies are both in and out of the womb. It's uncomfortable but completely normal.

    I have what feels like massive internal bruises beneath my ribs, especially my right one.  Bridget LOVES to kick me there and then rub along it after it's already bruised and sore.  Especially at night. 

    Oh I know, what's that point of kicking mommy as hard as you can if its not 3am. I used to call 2-4am his soccer practice.
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    I feel like mine tries to cram it's way as far under my ribs as possible to give it enough room for a swift kick to my bladder. I've been having those instant "I need a bathroom NOW" moments all of the time! Combine that with my LO using my inflamed fibroids as punching bags, I feel like I have the next Karate Kid in there!
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    The good thing with twins is they are too cramped to kick the tar out of you. The bad thing is there is twice as much baby in you. My first also wanted to punchisize his way out, this time is much easier for crotch kicks.
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    I think I can agree with the twinge in the pelvic region you speak of. Sometimes when he moves it feels like he's kicked a nerve or something bc it shoots a weird feeling throughout my body. Totes normal, I asked the doc.
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    When it feels like he's trying to escape early it hurts the worst!! The rib kicks are just as bad!!!
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    My boy also does gymnastics! And maybe your baby flipped positions, OP. Some days mine kicks towards my back, my stomach, or both!
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    A friend of mine used to get horribly hard kicks. She ended up calling the nurse hotline and they told her to put a ice pack where baby was kicking, she said it helped!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I am convinced that my son is confused about the birthing process. It feels like he is constantly trying to come out through my right side. The oblique muscles are so tender from his constant barrage of what used to be my waist.
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