Baby Names

Names for Boy & Girl! days away!

We just hit our due date and have been pretty certain for the last couple months on names! Would love some feedback just to make sure we are making the right choices!
Baby's sex is unknown!

Girls Name:
First Choice: Lexi Madisyn (feedback on this spelling of Madisyn vs traditional)

Second Choice: Lexi James (we are big fans of boys names for girls- just worried it's too "out there"

Boys Name:
First Choice: Hunter Grayson or Hunter James

Second Choice: Maddox James

Thanks for your feedback!

Re: Names for Boy & Girl! days away!

  • I like Hunter James better for a boy. I'm usually not a huge fan of boy names to girls, but Lexi James sounds kind of nice together. If you went with Madisyn I would go with the traditional spelling.
  • I would do a more formal name and use Lexi as the nickname. I love Alexandra! I would also spell the middle name Madison. I prefer Hunter James over the other options.

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  • Lexi is a NN it needs more for an adult.
    Please us Madison if you must, the Y is awful

    Hunter James
  • I would do Alexandra nn Lexi. It's more formal for an adult and Lexi is too juvenile for an a given name. Madison is the best spelling. I think using James just to use it for a girl is trendy. If it was someone name you were honoring I could possibly get behind it.

    Hunter James.

  • Agreed. Alexandra nn Lexi. It's nice to have a formal name for professional reasons later in life.

    Also Madison. It already means "son of" so you can't get more masculine than that?

    For a boy, Hunter James though James Hunter or Grayson Hunter would be so much better.
  • I would do Alexis or Alexandra with nn Lexi. Definitely spell Madison the traditional way. It looks really weird and trendy with a random y. I wouldn't use James, especially if it has no meaning to you.

    Hunter James is great.
  • Alexandra Madison, please. Lexi is a nickname and needs a proper full name (also be warned that she may get nicknamed 'Sexy Lexi'). Also, I will be in the minority and vote Maddox James. I can't stand Hunter (sounds country).
  • Alexia James

    And I am not a fan of Hunter or Greyson so would go for Maddox
  • I agree with pp. Lexi is too nicknamey. I would use Alexandra or Alexa instead. Madison (no y) is 1000x better than James. I'm so over the trend of James for girls. What about Jane instead? Alexandra Jane or Alexa Jane

    I like all of the boys names equally.
  • g8trkimg8trkim member
    Lexi seems like a nickname and probably wouldn't grow well into adulthood. I would choose a full name lime Alexia, Alexis, Alexandra, etc. I really don't care for Madison because it's trendy. Madisyn is really bad. I don't mind James but it's kind of trendy for girls right now too. Hunter is okay. Hunter James looks and sounds better than Hunter Grayson (which is also pretty trendy). I really dislike Maddox.

  • Everything @MixedBerries88 said.

    My first thought when reading the original post was: "is this a joke?"

    Op, please listen to the feedback... you asked for it and we're really trying give you perspective.

    Choose a formal name and use Lexi as a nickname. Your daughter will thank you for it later.

    Madisyn is bad. Spelling it with a 'y' just makes you look illiterate and ignorant.

    James on a girl is trendy. Let this band wagon pass you by. It's not cute.

    Suggest: Alexandria Jane or Alexia Jane

    Hunter is nms but it's not terrible. Hunter James is fine. Prefer James Hunter.

    Maddox is nms either. It's not terrible but I do think it's trendy. I'd pass.
    Vive Les Frasers
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