March 2015 Moms

Crying during feedings

My 10 week old baby has had bad gas since 2 weeks. I mostly breastfeed but supplement with formula. We just switched to a sensitive formula even. When she gets gassy she screams and cries during feedings. Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas besides gas drops??

Re: Crying during feedings

  • @katiesmith44 My son did this too. My first son ended up having reflux and so it hurt him to eat... My third son had thrush and made it painful too... The best thing I've found for gas is tummy calm. It's all natural and within 5 minutes gets rid of the bubbles. Careful tho, it's black. May stain clothes. Good luck!
  • Take your baby to the doctor to check if they have reflux and/or dairy intolerance. I had the same problems with my baby, and it turned out that she is milk protein intolerant. She's gotten a ton better since I adjusted my diet.
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  • adelemsadelems member
    I second the diary intolerance idea. Or reflux. My baby was spitting up like crazy and super gassy during and after feedings. I cut diary as things have improved! It could be other diet related things too.. Eggs, soy, ect.

    Also, there are studies that link digestive issues in infants to lack of sleep. My baby has a lot harder time when he's low on sleep.
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