September 2015 Moms

What cha judgment.

This was my snow day breakfast.

Re: What cha judgment.

  • Oh my I want pizza and toaster strudels now! I went to the grocery store this morning and just happened to pick up some chips and French onion dip.
  • I can't keep my hands off hot fries :(
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  • I keep going towards chips with boat loads of salsa.
  • I bought toaster strudels in bulk at Sam's Club last week and have been eating two daily
  • My obsession was subway till last week. Now I'm jonsing for chicken and mashed potatoes so that's what my SO is getting for dinner tonight. Right now I'm trying to focus on getting my iron up without having to have injections so twice a day on top of my 2 prenatal vitamins I'm having iron rich smoothies.

    I want taco bell.
    ( BTW I'm planning on a Mexican theme baby shower)
  • mac and cheese and chicken noodle soup!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • At the moment: Crunchy peanut butter. On everything or on its own.
  • Strong cheese pasties... Has to be Gregg's.....mmmm want one now. Yum.
  • Strong cheese pasties... Has to be Greggs pasties..., omg want one now!
  • Everything comes back up anyway so I still eat the way I did before I was pregnant... although I have added lays classic to my food list because they help settle my stomach somehow... I also started drinking Kellog's Protein shakes for some added nutrition.


    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Oh crap. I forgot. Lipton Chicken noodle soup. I used to eat that as a kid like crazy. I haven't had it in over 20 years and now I'm inhaling it. I got myself the reduced sodium one this time so I can feel a bit more guilt free
  • I want breakfast foods. Cereal, fruit, milk, juice, toast and jam... All I want is breakfast!
  • Baked potato & ice cream-vanilla w/lots of chocolate syrup!!
  • Lots of red meat, pizza, chicken wings, chips and salsa, cheese, and carbs in the forms of cereal and bagels. My pre-dinner snack yesterday was a blueberry bagel with cream cheese and strawberry jelly on top. Yum!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In about to get some pizza. :)
  • Lately I just want French bread. Like all the time. And just the cheap, soft kind from the grocery store. No idea why haha. Also baked potatoes with cottage cheese, yum.
  • Blueberry bagles w/cream cheese. Baked Mac N Cheese. Raisin Bran. Steamed Veggies. Chocolate Ensure Complete. Dole Banana Dippers.
  • Cereal, fruit, toast with butter and jam and sauerkraut :)
  • Chocolate pudding, bagels with cream cheese, and I'm choking down as many raw veggies with hummus as possible purely for the baby's sake!
  • I can't get away from a bagel and cream cheese every morning! I keep trying to get back to oatmeal, but the texture just kills me right now!

    I know!! I'm going to try quick oats next time. Maybe it didn't sit well because of the old fashioned oats.
    And I get to try something different this week! Butter and parmesan on a bagel, yum!
  • Cheese on anything!, protein, pizza, fresh bread with butter, apples, cereal, tortilla chips

  • ( BTW I'm planning on a Mexican theme baby shower)

    Because of your love of Mexican food? Haha this is great!

    I had cut dairy and bread out of my diet for at least a year before I got pregnant... Now I eat cheese and bagels (with cream cheese) like nobody's business!!!
  • Salt bagel with cream cheese. Give me all the salt!
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I am all about the cream cheese and bagels too!!
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  • I need groceries SO bad!!! My birthday is Saturday and I told my husband that I wanted Einstein Bro bagels or doughnuts... or both lol! We never eat that stuff and I'm hardcore craving an Asiago bagel.

    Today I've had coffee and PBJ. Blech. I want real food. I am thinking of making twice baked potatoes for dinner.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Forcing yogurt right now. Not enjoying it at all.
  • Weirdly, this pregnancy all I want is light stuff to eat - particularly breakfast stuff like yogurt with granola, oatmeal, eggs, or a bowl of cereal. With my previous two pregnancies it was so hard to lay off the junk and the sugar - it's all I wanted. This is a welcome surprise this time around! Although I will say this time I'm dying for a Diet Coke. I NEVER drink soda but for some reason this time it's what I thirst for!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • OMG! Bagels must be a preggo food for real! Me too! Blueberry bagels with strawberry cream cheese, and cinnamon raisin ones with honey pecan cream cheese. Yum!
  • Just had my second bagel with cream cheese for the day! Threw some veg on this one to assuage some of the guilt ;-)
  • I'll eat whatever I can stomach that day, But now I want a bagel after reading about it 20 times Lol.
  • Ice cream!! Candy, pizza, pasta with light light sauce or butter. Bagels too! Basically lots of junk, but it's all I can stomach for right now. 2nd trimester where are you??

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Avocados, pizza, anything with cheese, omg .. Chipotle!!
  • I FINALLY got a bagel today after craving it for three weeks! But right now I'm dying for some Velveeta Mac n cheese but my husband keeps telling me no cause he doesn't want to buy food until we absolutely need to. :(

    I've literally been crying about it for two days and told him to invite family over and have them bring some. He thought I was joking...
  • I made a big pot of beef and barley soup with fresh french bread the other day and I have wanted to eat it for every meal! It's also been cold and snowy the last few days so I think it's feeding my nesting instincts  B-)
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