I don't really like "Jaxon" but like the NN Jax. I don't know why spelling it Jackson turns me off a bit, but it does. We named our oldest just Bella because we didn't like the NN "Izzy". Kind of the same reasoning here I feel.
So is just Jax ok? I feel like this is what we'd call him no matter which spelling we went with.
Re: Is just "Jax" okay for a FN?
My Blogs
I do call my kids things that aren't related to their actual names, so I understand that side, too.
Thanks for the input!
No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college. Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole. IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age. On to IVF. Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11. Froze due to overstimulation.
FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN. FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).
Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer. Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.
ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET 7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1 9.10.14 TRIPLETS!!
Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d. Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".
TTC since September 2012
I like Jack much better, even though I currently know five little boys named Jack.
Jack will stick around though, Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson is a terrible trend that will eventually die out.
I like jack or Jackson, only spelled these ways.