
Saturday Spam


Re: Saturday Spam

  • Dh and i went out last night so i didn't get to bed until after midnight. The baby woke at 2 then was up for the day at 5:30. When i got him back down at 7, DS1 woke up. I woke up dh and told him i was going back to bed. Dh put on cartoons and slept on the couch, so of course DS1 came to wake me up before 8. I'm struggling.

    My brother was supposed to install carpet in our basement today, but i can't get a hold of him.
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  • My child is a hot, cranky, whiny stage 5 clinger this morning. Send help.

    This was us yesterday. Sending you all the booze that I cannot yet have.
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  • DS is 2.5.

    I can tell hubby is stressed right now- suddenly there is much more pressure on him as the sole breadwinner and provider.

    He took a shower and calmed down/reset himself.
  • Just got up and straightened the house while they sleep..oh wait she's up Today I work in SF to set up for trade show so Sammie and dad are going to hang with another dad and kids for the day. They usually go to a winery in town that has. Play space for kiddos to play.
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  • What has happened to my avatar?!?! 
  • vandelay said:
    Good morning! We are taking our Christmas tree down today because this is the last day my community does Christmas tree recycling. Yes, our Christmas tree is still up. Suck it, judgers.
    My big tree is down, but my little one is still up along with our stockings. I have been busy and its not priority 1 to me right now. 
  • Is it just me or is it impossible to find a sound machine that never goes off? 

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • So many congrats @Hawkward‌ !!!!!!!

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

    image  image
  • Is it just me or is it impossible to find a sound machine that never goes off? 

    The one I have in our nursery is on 24/7. It's a The First Years. I will see if I can find a link.
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  • DS2 swimming at y! I have zillions things to do. BUT IT'S COLD AS FUC!K OUT! NOT DOING SHIT AFTERWARDS!



  • Me and the wee one are home alone until tomorrow afternoon!  I tried letting him sleep with me last night (slumber party!).  Hell no.  He randomly sits straight up, then crashes back down.  My poor noggin, after two collisions he was escorted back to his crib.   
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • I use a box fan as white noise. Not pleasing to the eye but was better at drowning out background than anything else.
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  • Is it just me or is it impossible to find a sound machine that never goes off? 

    We have one by Homedics that has a sound machine abd projector that never go off.
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  • My brother isn't able to do our carpet today. We took down Christmas decorations instead. I convinced dh to donate everything we didn't put up this year. Now everything fits in 2 totes.
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  • Thanks everyone! I bookmarked them all and can now over-analyze each one!! 

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • oscarwao said:
    I'm going to Magic Kingdom today for the first time as an adult, so beer will be involved, yah!
    I thought MK was the only park without alcohol? 

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black

  • oscarwao said:

    I'm going to Magic Kingdom today for the first time as an adult, so beer will be involved, yah!

    I thought MK was the only park without alcohol? 


    I did not know that. I was at Animal Kingdom last month and saw beer so I just assumed each park had beer. Thanks for the info! A pregame beer will be in order then.
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  • I quick Google search revealed there is beer at MK, but only at the Be Our Guest restaurant during dinner hours. I bet they charge a pretty penny.
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  • oscarwao said:
    oscarwao said:
    I'm going to Magic Kingdom today for the first time as an adult, so beer will be involved, yah!
    I thought MK was the only park without alcohol? 
    DON'T CRUSH MY DREAMS!!!!!!! I did not know that. I was at Animal Kingdom last month and saw beer so I just assumed each park had beer. Thanks for the info! A pregame beer will be in order then.
    Haha, sorry! You'll definitely want to pregame :) 

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • @BrightEyes112‌ that's the worst! I also hate movie theaters that don't have beer or a bar. I'd way rather have a beer than popcorn, KWIM?
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  • @credcat7‌ I hear that resort is tons of fun! Enjoy your trip!
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  • oscarwao said:

    @credcat7‌ I hear that resort is tons of fun! Enjoy your trip!

    Thanks! We went a few years ago but that was before I had a kid so I am so excited to experience this with her. Going to pin trade with her and my 8 year old niece!!!!
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  • oscarwao said:

    @BrightEyes112‌ that's the worst! I also hate movie theaters that don't have beer or a bar. I'd way rather have a beer than popcorn, KWIM?

    Lol our theatre doesn't sell booze, but at least I know that going in.
    There's some trend going on in my city where almost all the theatres have converted to full service theatres in like the past 5 years. DH and I were ridiculously excited the first.time we went .... we split a bucket lol.
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