July 2015 Moms

stm questions

My kids will be 2 years apart. What age difference will yours have?

If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?

What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery?

Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way?
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Re: stm questions

  • My kiddos will be almost 3 years apart. We have the baby in a bassinet in our room at night the first few months and a crib in their room for naps so yes a new crib. I also will be getting a double stroller although I'm stumped as to which one. I really think I will use a carrier a lot for errands as well. As far as changing my daughter is potty trained so just a changing table in new babes nursery. These questions make me excited!!
  • Mine will be 3 1/2 years apart. I am going to be getting a double stroller but not sure which one yet. I love the city select but it's so expensive and the pieces are sold separately. Just don't know what else is good that's out there. I was going to buy a new crib but being we're still in our apartment and DD is still in the toddler bed, I'm just going to use the bassinet/ pack and play until they share a room and I get a twin for DD and LO will take over the crib.
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  • I am going to be a third time mom, can I play too? I will answer with what we did and what we will do.

    What age difference will yours have? 2 1/2 years between #1 and #2. 18 months between #2 and #3.

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller? We don't have one yet. I have been wearing baby in the ergo.  I think I might now and have the 2 older kids in the stroller and wear the baby.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery? We have a station in our living room. Klassy, i know. But it's where we spend 99% of the time and it's much easier to keep an eye on the older one(s) while we are all in the same room.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? We didn't buy a new crib between the first two. This time around I think we will borrow one that my parents have and they can use a PNP at their house (if they agree to it)

    July 2015 Jan Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Funnies


    BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15

    BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014

    BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)

    BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011

    BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
    "Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

  • Mine will be almost five years apart. No double stroller. Baby will sleep in a crib in our room. If baby is a boy after a year he'll move in with DS. If it's a girl... we may have to look for a bigger place! DD (step) will be 17 when baby arrives.
  • I keep thinking I want a double stroller that the LOs carseat clicks into. There were SO many times DD stayed asleep in the carseat as I put her in the stroller. I babywear too...but the stroller seems appealing right now. I feel guilty because I already have a travel system AND a jogging stroller. 
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  • Mine will be 2.5 years apart. DS is in the crib, with the toddler conversion currently, but we will  move him to our spare twin bed and the new baby will get the crib. I change DS on the floor or standing up already so no need for 2 changing tables. And i wont get a double stroller. I may baby wear this time, and DS isnt really a fan of the stroller much anymore anyways.



  • Our kids will be 3 years 1 month apart.

    Not planning on getting a double stroller. I plan to wear the new baby most of the time and we can use our single stroller for our big kid if needed (or H can wear him- shoutout to the toddler Tula). 

    DS is already potty trained so we just moved it from his room to the baby's room.

    We bought DS a full size bed so the convertible crib will be for the baby. Then later on, we have the kit to convert it to a big bed later. I did get a new crib/toddler mattress though because DS used a really old hand me down (which I realized sucked when we switched him to a toddler bed and he wanted us to lay with him for a while). 

    Baby 2 gets hand-me-down everything! The only thing I didn't keep was our swing so I'll pick another one of those up on a swap site or consignment sale when we need it. They take up too much room for me to save.
    June 2012 Mom (2.5 yr old boy), July 2015 Mom (team green), Babywearing newbie/enthusiast
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  • This is my 3rd.
    My oldest will be 7, DD will be 3 and has been pottytrained (mostly) for 6 months already. We still have bed wetting incidents.

    No double stroller, my SIL has one and when we go on family gatherings we'll use that one. This sunmer there will be a newborn and 1 yo in the family. I plan on carrying this peanut as much as possible.
    We've never had a changing station, we just changed baby wherever we are. Waterproof pads are great for that.
    DS crib broke when in toddler mode, the boys were jumping on it and snapped the wooden matress support. So we used a PNP for DD (#2) & will be doing the same for #3.
  • My first two are 2.5 years, this baby will be just over 3 years younger than my second.

    We never got a double stroller and don't plan on it now.

    I change diapers on the floor, so that's covered :)

    We didn't get a new crib for my second, but this baby likely will. Most likely an ikea to side car to our bed for bedsharing purposes.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • What age difference will yours have? My DD will be 2 months shy of 11 when this baby is due, and DS will be 4 months shy of 5.

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller? No, but I'm looking at a rider board for our BJCM stroller. The problem is, DS is already 42 pounds, which I think is the weight limit for most.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery? When we had DS we had a changing station in our room (he shared our room) and one downstairs. Now we're in a 2-bedroom one-floor apartment and baby will be in our room, so just a changing station in our room.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? No, that is one of the few things we've saved from DS. He just got out of it, though. (It was set to a toddler bed.) We transitioned him out before Christmas so he won't feel like the baby is "stealing" his crib.
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • What age difference will yours have? Almost exactly 4 years apart.

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller? Nope.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery? DS is potty trained so just a changing table in the nursery.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? Yes, because we are getting rid of the garbarge nursery set we have right now. We both hate the furniture and the dresser is broken.
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  • Almost 3 years apart

    I might consider getting one of the sit and stand strollers, if I could get a good deal on one used... but we probably won't even need that, since DH and I plan on wearing LO #2 for the first year at least. By the time LO #2 is 1, DS will be 4, so probably past stroller age.

    We have 2 diaper changing areas set up already (one upstairs and one downstairs), so we'll just leave those in place. Although I'm fervently hoping that DS will be potty trained by the time LO #2 is here.  

    No new crib. Not sure how we'll rearrange things. The crib is currently in toddler bed state in our room, although DS still bedshares about 90% of the time. I'll probably end up side-carring the crib and co-sleeping with LO #2, and then we'd get a twin mattress for DS. But we also have a pack n play with infant insert, so that's another option for LO #2.

  • Hahaha I just realized about the 2 changing stations question. I was totally like, "Why one in each kids' room?" but now I realize if you have 2 in diapers...
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • My kids will be 2 years apart. What age difference will yours have? 25 months

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller? I wasn't planning on it... We barely use the stroller now for DS, and I plan to wear the baby, but we'll see. I'll go on Kijiji if I need to.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery? Just one station. We live downtown in a major city--needless to say, our house is small (2 bedrooms). No room for two change tables! Once baby is 4-6 months, we'll move him/her out of the PnP in our room, and into DS's room.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? By the time baby #2 is old enough to move to DS's room, I'm hoping DS will be ready for a big boy bed, so we can just move baby #2 into the crib.  

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  • My first two are 2 1/4 apart. 

    When I was pregnant with my first we got the Phil and Ted stroller because we knew we wanted more kids, so you can convert it to a double.  So yes, we did get a double.  Even if our first stroller did not have that option, I would have wanted a double, so I would have purchased one.  DD just now at 4 has started walking more and riding her bike, so it was well worth it to have two seats. 

    We just have one changing table, but when DS was a newborn, we kept the pack n play up with the changer on it so I could change in two different locations.

    We only did one crib.  We room share in the beginning, so DS slept in a bassinette in our room for the first 7 months and DD kept her crib.  About a month before we moved DS we moved DD into a bed, so she was about 2 3/4 when she made the switch. 

    The new baby will be 2 1/2 years apart from DS and we basically have the same plan.
  • My kids are all within a month or two of being two years apart. My youngest will be 23 months when this one comes.

    We have an umbrella, sit-n-stand, and double jogger. Last time I mostly wore the baby and then had the second youngest in the umbrella stroller. I don't think I used the sit-n-stand last time at all and much preferred the double jogger. But overall baby wearing worked best while breastfeeding.

    We got rid of our changing station after #2, we never really used it, and won't be getting another.

    No new crib, all of my kids switched to twin beds around 18 months and it's worked really well, so my youngest won't be needing it by the time the baby arrives.

    Dylan Sophia 06.04.09 - Elijah Alexander 04.25.10 - 04.25.10 - Sullivan Thomas 09.06.11 - Calvin Douglas 08.06.13 - Baby GIRL Due 07.01.15!
    Elijah's Story: Embracing Elijah
    My blog: Midwest Chaos

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  • 1. They will be 26 months apart

    2. Yes, I'm getting a double BOB.

    3. We have only used the changing table in DS' room a handful of times so I'm not bothering. We mainly change on our bed since it's on the first floor, and used the PNP before he outgrew it.

    4. I think we will just get a basic crib this time. DS has a convertible crib, and by the time this baby needs a toddler bed we can move DS into the guest bed we have and 2.0 can take his toddler bed. We already have all the parts to convert it, so it can be this kids full size bed after.
  • My kids will be 2 years apart. What age difference will yours have?  4.5 years, a little further than we would like but our fertility issues took some time.

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?  No.  DD doesn't use a stroller often at all.  I will baby wear if we go somewhere that DD needs a stroller.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery?
    Just the nursery since DD is completely potty trained.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way?  We thought about it if baby is a boy but decided we can make white work and our crib is in great  condition.

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • They will be roughly 23 months apart. I actually ordered a double stroller on cyber Monday for a smokin deal, the contour (I don't know the style) but both chairs can be pointed towards you, each other, or out and it also can be made a single stroller. We will just have one changing table in the nursery. We bought a crib before our last miscarriage so we have an extra.
  • They will be almost 4 years apart. DS's birthday is July 5, this LO is due July 29. I will be having a RCS, so their birthdays should be about 2 weeks apart.

    My son rarely uses his stroller now. I'll wear the baby if DS needed it.

    DS son is potty trained, so just the nursery will have a changing table.

    LO will use DS crib. He has a big boy bed now.

    BTW- this post makes me sad. My "baby" doesn't need diapers, crib or stroller anymore. When did he get so grown up?! :(

    BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010

    BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011

    BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013

    BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy.  Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)    

                                  <3 We love and miss you Timothy <3

    BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014

  • 1. 23 months, almost exactly.

    2. Yes, it's one of the four things we'll be purchasing. I ended up using my stroller a lot more than I thought, so I'd like to be prepared. I also baby wear, but a double stroller will really help me out while shopping.

    3. We never had a changing table. We've always changed DD in her nursery. Either in her crib, or on the floor. Same for this baby. Plus, our kids will be sharing a room for a long time.

    4. No. DD is still in her crib, but we got her a big bed for later transition. This baby will be in our room for almost a year anyway, so no sense to rush her out.



  • Mine will be 27 months apart. We will get a double stroller for park use and when we go to the zoo, which we do a lot of in the spring/summer. No changing station, we never had one with DS either. Definitely getting a second crib. I want DS to stay in his as long as possible.


    TTC #1 since 3/2011
    DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
    DH is a testicular cancer survivor
    IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
    ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
    Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
    Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
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    TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal

    IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.

    FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216  Beta #2: 823

    Baby Boy born 7/10/2015

  • Okay so here it goes try to flow along.

    My oldest is 8, my son is 3, my other daughter is 2, and my infant son is 6 months. There will be a 14 month age difference between my infant and the new baby.

    I have a double stroller and a bookbag thing my husband wears on his back. I'm not sure what it's called but it's more for toddlers. Usually the newborn I wear in a snugglie (breastfeeding purposes) and the next two youngest go in the double stroller. The older guys walk.

    My 2 sons share a room and my daughters share a room. This time we are looking to move into a 6 bedroom home
  • I'm a fourth time mom.

    One, two, and three are all two years apart. This baby will four years out from my third.

    I was talking to dh about a double stroller we decided ds2 will be four so he will be old enough to walk. We didn't do strollers pass three with my dd either.

    As far as diapers ds2 is potty trained and dd was potty trained about two months after ds2 was born. I never had a diaper station just put a blanket down and changed on that. I'm thinking about one this time around though.

    We had plans on using ds2 crib and put him in the room with ds1 and get them bunk beds. Dh said he can't remember where he put the screws to the crib smh. Its one of those converted cribs and its in day bed mode now for ds2. So if I can't find the screws than I will be buying another crib. :(
  • Mine will be almost 3 years apart to the day.
    Yes getting A double stroller. Im getting a graco one I think that holds the infant seat in the back and has a front seat for my toddler.
    Im transitioned my son to a full size bed months ago so I will put his old crib back together. And I'm hoping he will be potty trained or close to it by then but if not he is waaayyy too big for a changing table anyway so i just change him on the bed or floor.
  • My kids will be 2 years apart. What age difference will yours have?

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery?

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way?
    My daughter will be almost 4 when LO is born.

    We may look into a used sit and stand, but dd rarely uses her stroller now so I'll just the stroller we have.

    Luckily, dd is potty trained, so only a changing table in LOs room

    Well reuse the old crib since dd is in a big girl bed

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I found this link on double strollers: 
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  • What age difference will yours have?
    They will be 26 months apart.
    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?
    I had thought about it, but then I also thought about a sit and stand one. SIL didn't care for her sit and stand because it was to long. I also want to babywear.
    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery?
    I have a pack n play changing pad. Honestly I didn't use the diaper change thing much with dd. We had a pad and just used.
    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way?
    The baby will sleep in the newborn pack n play thing like dd did. Then dd will move to a toddler bed and the next baby will use Dd's crib which is dark cherry wood.
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                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • What age difference will yours have?  They'll be one month shy of six years apart!

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?  Nope, DD is way to old to be in a stroller!

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A towel and some wipes?  lol

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way?  Nope.  DD is in a regular twin and we have her crib so the baby will be in her crib.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • What age difference will yours have?
    28 months

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?
    I am a runner so yes! I really want a bob, I have the single and love it. Need to figure out if it will fit in my car though!

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery?
    My son gets changed on the floor or couch (probably not in the floor once my belly gets bigger!!) and baby will be in our room so probably just on our bed for a while.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? Eventually yes because my son has a lifetime bed. We are planning on moving in the next year so we will probably keep baby in our room until we move rather than set up a new nursery and move my son to another room just to move very soon after.
  • DD1 (step daughter) will be 12, DD2 will turn 6 about a month after my due date and LO1 & LO2 will likely be only minutes apart.

    We are getting a double stroller, but it is for the twins. We haven't used a stroller with DD2 since she was probably 3.

    We purchased two of the 6 drawer short dressers but I doubt they both fit in the nursery. The plan is to get a changing pad for on top but we know, realistically, we will end up changing them where ever we are when they need changed. I am toying with the idea of also setting up a smaller changing station downstairs just so we will have everthing we need on both levels.

    DD1's crib is long gone and DD2 had a convertible crib and was already using it as a full size bed when we moved and the movers destroyed it. So, yes, we bought two new cribs for these LOs. Both are convertible up to a full size, they are the same company and finish but slightly different designs so they won't always be matchy-match. And as long as they don't get destroyed in our next move, or the ones after that, they will all have full size bed and dresser sets when they move out on their own. (DD2 will be getting a new bed when the moving company pays out our claim, so she will eventually have a set again as well.)
  • What age difference will yours have? 2 1/2 years between #1 and #2.  3 years between #2 and #3.

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller? Yes, I will be.  Hopefully the CityMini Double.  I had a Graco before that I loved but it was discontinued.  Some people don't really need the double stroller but I couldn't have lived without mine.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery? Just the nursery, DS should be fully potty trained by the baby's arrival (hopefully!!!)

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? We didn't buy a new crib between the first two because DD got new big girl furniture.  This time, DS is going to keep the crib which converts to a full size bed and the baby will get a simple crib.  Down the line, the baby will get big kid furniture of his/ her own.  I had to do it this way because DS's room is the biggest kid room we have and fits a full size bed the best-- DD and baby will have twin sized beds in their rooms.
    Married 2008 - DD 2010 - DS 2012 - Team Green due July 1st!
  • My kids will be 3 years and 3 months apart.

    The big is potty trained, so diaper changing isn't an issue. We still have her change pad in her room for getting her dressed, so we'll get the baby a new one to go on top of his/her dresser.

    Not sure about a double stroller. I might sell my City Mini single and get the double and then keep the single umbrella stroller. Need to think about this!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • What age difference will yours have? Ours will be almost 2 1/2 years apart.

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller? Still thinking about it. Not sure yet. Maybe we will get one that converts back and forth or that has a little seat or step for the older one. We like going on long walks and the older one won't be able to walk that long for quite a while. Also considering a double jogging stroller because we like to run. For store trips and things I think I will use my ergo carrier more for the little one.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery? Hoping #1 will be out of diapers soon. All of her baby furniture we will use for the little one and she will get a new set.

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way? Nope. Hopefully DD will transition well to the big girl bed!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. Mine will be a little over 3 years apart.

    2. DS rarely stays in the stroller for any length of time now (he'd rather walk/run) so no double stroller.

    3. Potty training now and already packed up the changing pad that was on dresser but will pull it back out for baby. They will be sharing a room (even if baby is a girl) until they get big enough to protest/when we save up enough to move or finish out attic.

    4. Just moved DS to twin bed and have left the crib up ready to go since they'll be sharing a room.

    If this baby is a boy, I plan on buying next to nothing and just clothes if it's a girl.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • They will be 3 and a half years apart.

    I am hoping to mostly rely on baby wearing the baby, but I'd like to get a Graco Sit & Stand.

    DS is potty trained and the baby will room in with us for 6 months to a year.  We have a changing table set up in our bedroom.

    Nope.  DS is in a twin bed and has been for about 9-10 months now.

    My little goofball born 1/2012
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Our 2 will be 2.5 years apart.

    We rarely use our stroller and I'll be wearing this baby a lot. My DD is pretty independent and walks a lot.

    We have one room for the 2 of them because for the time being, we're living with my in-laws. We have one changing pad on DD's dresser.

    DD is in a toddler bed so we'll be using her crib for the baby. In the very beginning, baby will be in a rock n play
    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary Birthday
  •  What age difference will yours have?  DD1 and DD2 are 19 months apart.  The new baby will be 9 years younger than DD1 and 7 years younger than DD2. 

    If you are a STM are you getting a double stroller?  No, my girls are too big for strollers.  I did have 2 double strollers for my older girls.  We had a front-back for malls, etc.  I had a double jogger that we used for walks and festivals.  The side-by-sides do NOT fit well into doorways.

    What are you doing for diaper changing? A station in both kids rooms, or just the nursery?
    I will only need one for the baby.  I'm still thinking of putting something downstairs and upstairs because we really did enjoy the changing table vs the floor or a bed. 

    Are you buying a new crib for baby on the way?  Yep- gave all our stuff away thinking we were done!  :) 
  • My kids will be about 20 months apart, we will get a double but not sure how soon(I baby wear a lot on maternity leave and when I'm not at work). I've only used a diaper changing station about ten times. It's whenever wherever around here, lol! No new crib but I may get a new bassinet for our room and once the baby transitions out of our room my toddler will be ready for a big boy bed.
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