March 2015 Moms

My remedy for Constipation

Girls... This may be a little TMI BUT since I discovered this it's been a HUGE relief for my bouts with constipation.

SQUAT!! LOL!! YESSS Squatting!! I found an article online one day and decided to give it a try... Because at that point anything was better than forcing a brick out of my bum...

I placed a chair in front of the toilet and put my feet up on the chair so that my feet is about the same height as my butt on the toilet .. Then I pulled the chair close... So just imagine you actually squatting down like a frog but you're not on the floor! Then have at it! Lol

Thank me later! :-D

Re: My remedy for Constipation

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    lmao, my husband tells me to do this. I mean, it makes sense when you read about it.
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    there is actually a product called the squatty potty
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    there is actually a product called the squatty potty

    I have it. It only does so much to help my constipation lol I still need stool softeners on the reg
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    Here is an illustration of what is going on lol
    photo 532010a1d9d64_zpsdjbcqxxv.jpg
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    March 15' January Siggy Callenge: Animals Being Jerks
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    For @suzyq0525 and all of our other M15 loss moms
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    Squatting does the same thing for the colon that it does for the birth canal.  Humans weren't meant to force anything out in an L position.

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I have actually gotten off the toilet and squated on the floor before and then moved back to toilet, Of course hoping not to poop on the floor LOL


    Married the love of my life: 5-17-14



    Step Mom to Z: 4-11-06

    IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

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    I have been using a stool in front of a toilet to poop ever since I saw a hydro colonic center had them in front of all of it's toilets. That day changed my life. LOL.
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    I've used this trick for years; it's a wonderful thing. Even just raising my feet onto my tippy toes can help if in a public restroom.
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    Also drinking lots and lots of water helps and eating fruits n veggies but sometimes you need a stool softener!!! This is one of most embarrassing parts of pregnancy that and my other issue !!! The sneeze n pee this is something i am dealing with !!! And yup I kegel !!! Still doesn't help
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    I have also been finding that those little delicious Christmas oranges are helping to keep things moving. Plus they're awesome.

    Sept. Challenge



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