December 2014 Moms

GD check-in 11/10

bowlwomanbowlwoman member
edited November 2014 in December 2014 Moms
Our weekly thread to discuss issues with other moms, share recipes, complain about pricking your fingers, or worry about blood glucose levels. 

I'm linking the previous threads here, because we discuss a lot of issues that new people may want to peruse, plus, RECIPES!

Basic Diet Info Most of Us Are Following
Disclaimer: this is for informational purposes only. We are Internet strangers, not your doctor or nutritionist. Please use this information only as a guideline for what many of us are doing for our diets while managing GD. Your specific eating plan/dietary needs may differ.

Eating schedule:
  • Breakfast: 15-30g carbs, 1-2oz protein (no fruit before lunch)
  • Morning Snack: 15g carbs, 1-2oz protein (no fruit before lunch)
  • Lunch: 45-60g carbs, 3-4oz protein
  • Afternoon Snack: 30g carbs, 2oz protein
  • Dinner: 45-60g carbs, 3-4oz protein
  • Bedtime Snack (eat within an hour of bedtime): 30g carbs, 2oz protein
Carbs to count toward meal allotment: 
  • all grains
  • all fruit
  • corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, peas, carrots and beets over 1/2 cup
  • milk, yogurt, ice cream, cottage/ricotta cheese
  • all sweeteners (honey, agave, sugar, maple syrup)
Serving sizes:
Generally 1/2 c of grains, veg, and fruit = 15g carbs
Exceptions to equal 15g carbs: 
  • 1 c dairy
  • 1/3 c rice
  • 1 c berries
  • 1 c cut melon
  • 1 med/fist-sized uncut fruit (apples, oranges, peaches, pears, etc)
  • 15 grapes

1. How far along are you?

2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?

3. How are you feeling in general?

4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?

GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
BabyFruit Ticker       
DD1 - 8 years
DD2 - 6 years
BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!



Re: GD check-in 11/10

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    bowlwomanbowlwoman member
    edited November 2014
    1. How far along are you?

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    Weekly NST/BPP on Thursday with my 36 weeks growth scan. Second appointment with my new OB on Friday.

    3. How are you feeling in general?
    I'm feeling okay. Allergies are kicking my ass today, and if I weren't hoarding my PTO for maternity leave I'd have taken today off. I'm also happy it'll start getting colder tomorrow.

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    I've kinda gluten overloaded this past weekend, but my numbers were really good until this morning's fasting number. I don't know if it's the gluten in my system, the allergies, or if I'm just blah, but we'll see what my numbers the rest of the day do. I've also been sleeping a lot and missing some of my testing windows, so I don't know if I'll get yelled at about it at my appointment on Thursday.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    Since my induction is now scheduled for November 26, I have just over two weeks. Nope, not ready. :) I have two weekends until then, though, so I can at least get the house cleaned. I have most of what I need, just some more diapers, changing pads, etc. still left to buy. The "nice to haves" since we have all the mandatory stuff already (carseat, pack n play bassinet, clothes, diapers).
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    Hey @Bowlwoman!  Thanks for the check in.

    1. How far along are you? 35 + 1

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?  Just the usual constant monitoring.  

    3. How are you feeling in general?  Pretty rough physically.  But, we're nearing the end so I guess it's expected.

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?  Yes, my numbers have been wonky for the last week.  I'm getting really frustrated.  It always happens right after I meet with my endo, too, so now I need to put a phone call into the office.  What a pain.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?  
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
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    1. How far along are you?
    35 weeks 5 days
    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    Nothing new. Nst tomorrow but he will fly though like last times.
    3. How are you feeling in general?
    Extremely tired. Yesterday consisted of 3 hours of sleep and everytime i tried to nap baby would start flipping around and keep me awake. Had dh drive me to work so i didnt crash on the way home. I ended up leaving early and fell asleep on the way home slept for 10 hours....
    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    Last week was wonky yesterday back to normal. Hopefully the wierdness is over and back to normal.
    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    Trick question. I am ready for our boy to be here. My house not so much. It is crazy that we are basically on a anyday this could happen part of it. I am just looking forward to meeting our son.
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    1. How far along are you?
    34w 1d
    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    I have a growth scan this afternoon, which is always exciting but I still get nervous for them.  I have my regular OB appointment (now we are on weekly ones) on Wednesday and an unexpected one today because I was having menstrual like cramping throughout the night last night.
    3. How are you feeling in general?
    I am getting really anxious about labor and delivery.  I am just scared about it all and how my body will handle it and whether the baby will be born healthy, etc...Mind is on overload.  Physically I have been feeling great, but last night I woke up three times with menstrual like cramps and hot flashes.  I am hoping it is all just normal stuff, but will see the nurse practitioner in an hour.
    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    We hosted a big party for my husband's clients on Thursday and then had company over the weekend, so my diet has not been very good.  My numbers have been a little high considering all the carbs and sugar I have been eating, but I really need to get back on the GD diet.  I also think the stress of realizing that our baby will be here in 42 days is really sinking in and when I am stressed I do not want chicken breast and lettuce. :-)
    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    In terms of supplies and nursery, I am ready.  In terms of being able to be a mom, I think I am as ready as I will ever be.  Thinking about labor and delivery, I don't think I am ready at all and am really starting to get nervous.  I feel like after 9/10 months of not having alcohol, not being able to travel recently, watching my diet with GD, and then having to go through child birth that I should be rewarded with a trip to Australia or something really relaxing.  It is sinking in that the first few months of adjusting to a child will probably be really hard and I will be sleep deprived and not feel very good.  It must all be worth it though. :-)
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    Hi everyone! :)

    1. How far along are you? 35w1d

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week? NST & U/S @ MFM tomorrow, regular OB on Friday.  My internal exams start this week - oh joy :-<

    3. How are you feeling in general? physically pretty good, fatigue is really starting to take hold.  I need a daily nap!

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake? I think my sugar may have crashed during the night last night - I woke up shivering, but didn't notice any other symptoms (sweating, light headed, etc).  So in my middle of the night stupor i just grabbed another blanket thinking I was cold and went back to sleep.  Woke up with a fasting of only 75 (my lowest ever!)  Will definitely have to pay closer attention to my body if that ever happens again.  Hopefully my maternal instincts are stronger than my instincts about my own body!  #-o

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks? Nope, Nuh-uh, Not even close!  I tried to be motivated this weekend to get things in the nursey put away - I did get some stuff washed, but once I brought it into the room and tried to think "What are the most logical places to put these things away?" I had a mini-break-down, sat down in the middle of the room and cried.  Sometimes I think I can be too type A for my own good.  Big things like the car seat, stroller, pack n' play are all still in their boxes.  At this time, all I have is furniture in the room, and a crib sheet on the matress.  Mother of the year right here folks! :-S

    I had originally planned on working as long as I could, but now i'm starting to rethink stopping work the week before my due date, just to have some time to decompress and make sure things are ready, but i feel guilty mostly for losing out on a weeks pay that I could get after the baby is here.  I also don't want that week to turn into me just sitting around thinking "Is this it? am I going into labor?" at every ache, pain, and kick.  God, I'm am one hot mess these days!
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    1. How far along are you?  37 weeks

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?  NSTs Monday and Thursday for the 6th week in a row.  AFI ultrasound today.  OB appt on Wednesday.   I swear I live at my doctor's office.

    3. How are you feeling in general?  Pretty good. I've been pretty lucky in terms of pregnancy symptoms.  I'll be happy when this baby is born (or at least drops) and I can take a deep breath again.  

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?  None.  In fact I seem to be a strange breed who is getting less diabetic as my pregnancy progresses.  I'm eating the same foods and my numbers are lower.  So i felt safe to add in more ice cream.  :>

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks? We finished our nursery this weekend so I'm feeling pretty good on that front.  As a FTM i'm having more trouble getting a hospital bag together.  I'm just indecisive about what I want to bring.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    1. How far along are you?

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    Just getting used to being at the doctor's office 4x a week (2 days).  I can't believe how much monitoring is going on when the only thing that has been off was my GTT and my fasting glucose number (now controlled with 14U insulin at night).  I'm doing NST, BPP, OB, Endo, MFM every week. It's insane to me.  They'll be inducing me a week before EDD, so I have 5.5 weeks left, at most.

    3. How are you feeling in general?
    A little achy, here and there.  Mostly after too much activity... but that activity is becoming less and less.  Like, I tried to do a little house work and felt terrible. I really can't wait to just feel like a normal human again. 

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    Nope. All controlled. 

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    As long as that means getting baby out of me, I am as ready as I'll even be.  So, not at all ready. but too late to turn back now!
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    1. How far along are you?  33+3

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?  The OB is happy with my progress and GD seems to be under control.  No other appointments for a couple of weeks.

    3. How are you feeling in general?  Very tired, but otherwise can't complain.

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?  Numbers have been good.  I find that I am hungry between readings even though I'm eating per the plan; it's hard for me not to snack but for the most part I've towed the line and kept to the GD plan.  It's just hard.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?  Haha!!! No way.  I am tired of being pregnant, but we still have a lot of work to do to get the house ready for LO, most of which involves cleaning and putting things away in the nursery.  We are in the middle of a bathroom remodel, so I can't really clean until that's done (every day the house gets a new layer of dust/dirt).  It was supposed to be done this week, but now our contractor is saying it's going to bleed into next week as well.  Once that's done I will be cleaning like a mad woman and then I will be able to say I'm ready for LO.  Luckily I still have time since my EDD isn't til the end of December.
    BFP#1 - M/C on 12/23/13
    ~*~*~December 2014 PGaL ~*~*~
    Rainbow baby born on 12/19/2014

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    How far along are you: 35 weeks today Anything new on the medical front: Nope this is my last week with no appointments. I do have a prenatal lactation appointment tomorrow though. Excited about that!!!! How are you feeling in general? Pretty good just really tired and achy. I am getting tired of the daily Braxon Hicks but what is one to do. Any issues with numbers, meds food intake? Meh they are what they are I don't stress unless they are super high. GTKY Are you ready to be bringing baby home in the next 2-6 weeks? Ekkkk time is sure flying. Looking at just over 4 weeks till I deliever. Everything is ready to go for him. I can't wait to finally meet my boy :D. I am really nervous about the new adventure of bing a stay at home mom though :D.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hello!  I don't always post/update but will this week because I'm completely stressed out.
    1. How far along are you?
    32w 5 days

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    Had my first Bpp and NST today, I am going to be having them twice a week from now on.  I had a growth sono last tue and baby was measuring 47th percentile, which made me feel a bit better.
    3. How are you feeling in general?
    Physically eh, tired a lot and starting to get uncomfortable at night.  Emotionally a mess, having a hard time controlling my blood sugars and it's really upsetting me.  
    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    I am following my diet and never cheat.  I am on glyburide 5 mg in the morning and 7.5 at night and it's not working.  My after lunch and dinner numbers have been better but my after breakfast and fasting are still high and seem to be getting higher.  I think I am going to be started on insulin wed, which I am not looking forward to.  I hope it works, because I really really want to get this under control.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    I have a little over 7 weeks left, and am not ready at all supply wise.  I have no diapers, wipes, changing table, nothing really!  I am not worried about that, I'll pull it together at the end.  I am pretty sure I am having a shower this weekend so I'll plan from there.  This is my 2nd baby but with a 9 yr gap.  

    I appreciate reading all your posts, if anyone has any words of wisdom for me or anything they can tell me to help me feel better about the insulin I'd really appreciate it.
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    @mhsj425 Sorry to hear about your meds. My nutritionist told me a couple of weeks ago that glyburide just doesn't work for some women. Do you recall what your initial fasting numbers were? She said that for women who have fasting numbers around 120, it's almost impossible to get their fasting numbers down with glyburide and they normally just start them on insulin from the get go. That may be part of the problem, or it could be that your body just doesn't respond as well to the glyburide.

    Regardless, this is how your body is reacting to pregnancy. It sucks. I've done injectibles (not insulin, but others for my type II a few years ago), and while it's a pain it's not horrible. And, it's temporary.
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    Thanks @bowlwoman‌ for your reply. My fasting number from the beginning have been between 100 and 120 with no improvement. I am ready for the insulin if it will help. I hope it does!
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    @mhsj425‌ - I was apprehensive about starting insulin too. And it was very frustrating in the beginning. I started on 8 units at night. My fasting numbers are really the only ones that are high (and they're between 90 and 100. I had to keep increasing my dosage per my Endos instructions. I'm up to 14 units now... But the number is creeping towards 80 again. In fact, in the last week since I've been on 14 U, I've been between 76 and 89. Doc said I'll likely have to go up again. Point is, it may take a while to regulate even with insulin. So don't be discouraged. You'll get there and they'll keep monitoring you. And you may have to adjust dosages.. It's a balancing act. But at least it's temporary. Good luck!
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    Thanks.  It's so hard, and I feel like at almost 33 weeks I should have it under control by now :(
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    1. How far along are you?  35w1d
    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?  BPP with growth scan today.  Baby's looking great.  Measuring in the 89th percentile.  Time will tell how big it actually is.  I didn't have an ultrasound this late my last pregnancy.  It sure is squished in there!  The tech had a difficult time getting a good round shot of the abdomen.  Baby is back head better stay there!  It has flipped every week since 32 weeks.   
    3. How are you feeling in general?  Still can't complain for being 35 weeks and still feeling relatively good.  Definitely get winded easily but that's to be expected.  The chiropractor has helped with the lower back pain.  BH contractions are picking up.  
    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?  High numbers last week but they seem to be back down and easier to control again. Fasting numbers were in the high 80s when 70-73 is typical for me.  
    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?  I think I'm still in denial that we will be bringing home a newborn soon.  The sleepless nights, being on the baby's schedule and not my own.  I guess we're ready though.  We'll figure it out.  
    The one thing I haven't given much thought to is labor.  I should really do a little preparation for that.  Perhaps a littler refresher on laboring and relaxation techniques.  After seeing a breech baby last week on ultrasound, I couldn't allow myself to get excited for a vaginal delivery.  After the scan today, I can once again prepare for a vaginal delivery.  

    DS 06/2013

    DD 12/2014

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    edited November 2014
    1. How far along are you?
    33 weeks and 2 days
    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week? Another NST tomorrow with the midwife I had last week but I am hoping to be able to go back to appts with my doctor soon. Work schedule has messed up being able to have him.
    3. How are you feeling in general? Tired, exhausted, and nausea lately . Just off in general.

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake? My numbers have been decent however I have been bad lately with missing my testing hours and also sleeping in and messing up my time schedule for my meal plans. My ketones were fine but lately I have been having traces and small amounts. I guess it has been since I been off track lately.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks? Yes and no. I still need to finish the nursery and just overwhelmed with trying to figure out things with work and work time for DH. I mean I am so excited to be a FTM and will have a LO soon but just so much to do still.


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    1. How far along are you?

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    I had a BPP last Thursday and everything was good.  I just have a regular belly check on Thursday with the OB.  I have another BPP next Tuesday.

    3. How are you feeling in general?
    I feel okay in general.  My baby shower was on Sunday and I felt the effects of it yesterday.  I helped pack up the cars and unpack when we got home.  I had to make up for eating cake and cannoli's somehow!  The chiropractor has been a godsend the past month.  I do feel like I've been punched in the crotch most days and have been feeling a bit of pressure down low.

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    This whole thing is just getting really old to me and I'm getting frustrated.  In general, my numbers are fine except when I intentionally eat something I know will spike my blood sugar.  I think if I don't have a meal or two like that a week I feel like I'm going to scream.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    The reality of this situation still hasn't set in for us yet.  I got the call yesterday that our furniture is in (finally) and H is going to pick it up today.  My mother is going to come over tonight and help me go through all the clothes.  I don't think the closet and dresser are big enough for the amount of clothes I received.  Some stuff may have to go hang out in the guest room dressers and closet until she is big enough to wear them.  Overall, I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants at the moment.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    1. How far along are you?
    32w, 6d

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    Nope. Last week's appointment was routine and my MD said my numbers are good. No NSTs or other additional monitoring has been mentioned thus far.

    3. How are you feeling in general?
    A little blah. I have 0 energy but so much left to do. My job ended so I am off until after the baby. Hopefully that nesting instinct will kick in soon!

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    I have had 0 appetite. I basically force myself to eat and my numbers are often pretty low - 60s and 70s sometimes. Probably explains my answer above as to why I have no energy. We went to the farmers market this past weekend and got some fresh local fruit and vegetables so I'm hoping the lure of yummy food that I'm allowed to have will help bring back my desire to eat. Because right now the only things that sound good are McDonalds french fries and cookie cake with tons of icing...

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    Anxious for her to come but definitely not ready! Ready to not have GD anymore, too!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Ladies, I have been having a major sweet tooth lately. How are you all dealing with those cravings now that you are so far along (other than giving in and going crazy)?

    BFP#1 - M/C on 12/23/13
    ~*~*~December 2014 PGaL ~*~*~
    Rainbow baby born on 12/19/2014

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    @ToriGirl2014 Sometimes I just give in. Or, I wait until after dinner when I've taken my meds when I know my insulin production is ramped up.

    Another way is to eat something sweeter for a snack, like a couple of graham cracker squares and some milk, fruit and cheese, a few chocolate chips with strawberries, etc. Just make sure you get adequate protein.

    Also, my nutritionist knows that every so often I'm going to slip up. As long as my numbers are mostly good, an odd off day here or there isn't going to hurt me or baby. This is what she told me a few weeks ago. They're mainly want to make sure that you aren't always cheating or that you aren't and your numbers are going up anyway.

    Now, take that information with a grain of salt from an Internet stranger. Your doctor/nutritionist may be much more strict, and it will also depend on your specific situation.
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    Thanks @bowlwoman.  My numbers are diet controlled and I've been doing well on my own.  I just feel like the cravings are driving me crazy some days, like today.  I am trying not to cheat unless there's a really good reason - like a holiday or my shower.

    Bottom line ... I know I am whining, but this is hard!  I've never been on a "diet" in my life; never needed to and never wanted to.  So I lack a certain level of discipline.

    BFP#1 - M/C on 12/23/13
    ~*~*~December 2014 PGaL ~*~*~
    Rainbow baby born on 12/19/2014

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    1. How far along are you?

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    This kiddo is a stubborn little turd. Another long NST (1hr40mins) because his heart rate wasn't spiking with movement. They finally did a BPP and he looked perfect as usual.

    3. How are you feeling in general?
    Like crap. Woke up super crampy, headache, and just blah. Still dealing with RLP, sciatica, and BH. During my NST today the Dr saw a good bit of contractions and my Dr pretty told me I have an irritable uterus and I'm still on modified bedrest.

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    Everything is going good except snacks. I'm just not hungry.

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    Yes and no. I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over. I am pretty miserable. I think we pretty much have everything for this kiddo, but I feel like we are missing something.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    @ToriGirl2014‌ - one thing that I found that I'm surprised has helped is hot tea in fun flavors. Republic of Tea makes pumpkin spice tea. For when I am allowed dairy at a snack time, I make a huge cup and add a splash of cream and just a bit of honey (just offset by eating a little less carbs or fruit or whatever you are allowed at that point). I have some Russian-spiced local artesian honey I use. It's super-yummy and tastes a little like forbidden Starbucks or something. Plus it helps me get a snack in when I don't have a huge appetite - tea and a bit of cheese or something.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @bluebird00 - I didn't think about dark chocolate.  There are a lot of brands that would be low carb in small amounts as compared to other sweets.  I know where to find them!  Back in the day I used to love Green & Blacks and I think that would be OK to eat occasionally.

    I'll have to look into the teas some more.  I am trying to avoid the caffeine in coffee/tea but I'm sure there are some decent herbal teas or decaf teas out there.

    BFP#1 - M/C on 12/23/13
    ~*~*~December 2014 PGaL ~*~*~
    Rainbow baby born on 12/19/2014

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    @bluebird00 - I didn't think about dark chocolate.  There are a lot of brands that would be low carb in small amounts as compared to other sweets.  I know where to find them!  Back in the day I used to love Green & Blacks and I think that would be OK to eat occasionally.

    I'll have to look into the teas some more.  I am trying to avoid the caffeine in coffee/tea but I'm sure there are some decent herbal teas or decaf teas out there.

    I make decaf iced tea and sweeten with a bit of agave nectar. I know the jury's still out on long term use of agave, but for my GD purposes, it allows me a bit of wiggle room because it doesn't spike my blood sugar. I find I have more problems with oatmeal than I do a bit of agave.
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    33.1 weeks

    Just got back from my appt. The baby is big. Already looks like 5 lbs on the ultrasound. Everything else looks good. Just measuring ahead. Next time, the doctor will do an internal exam and we will discuss delivery more. It looks like regardless of induction or c-section, the doctor will get him out early.

    I am feeling good. A little more heartburn. Can't get the temperature right in the house. It's cold outside, but too hot inside. So I keep turning the a/c on. MH is just bundling up inside so he won't freeze.

    numbers are good. I am just ready to open up my food options!

    Am I ready? No! I'm super ready to meet my little man. However, the house is definitely not ready!

    My due date is Dec. 30. Just found out that my in-laws and brother in law and sister in law are coming for Christmas. My mom is coming, but that has been known bc she is helping me post baby. Fil/mil live 9 hrs away. Sil/bil live 10. And my mom is 7 away. My husband is very excited to see his family, but I am not into all those people in the house needing attention. And now that it seems that the baby will definitely be here as well. I can be bossy and let my hair down with my mom, but I have to be on my best behavior with his family. They are "fancy". I think I am going to go crazy!!
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    @Emilysan16 is there anyway you can get the inlaws to stay at a hotel instead?  Or maybe there are other relatives near by they can stay with? You shouldn't have to deal with the stress of house guests on top of being postpartum and dealing with a newborn on top of it.  Especially if they aren't the type of people that you are comfortable having a full-blown meltdown in front of.  

    I firmly believe that this is one of the few times where we can put our feet down demand our wants/needs take priority, and to hell with everyone else.  Anyone who wants to get all butt-hurt about it can go pout in a corner somewhere.  They'll get over it.  

    I'd talk to your DH about this ASAP.  Maybe he can convince his family to wait until after the New Year when things settle down to come and stay at your house.  
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    1. How far along are you?

    2. Anything new on the medical front (doctor appointments, nonstress tests, ultrasounds) this week?
    Had regular ob check and bpp this week. Got to see LO in 3D for the first time! So exciting. LO also finally turned head down, so I'm hoping he stays that way.

    3. How are you feeling in general?
    Starting to feel pretty miserable. My pelvic area hurts SO bad! I am lucky if I sleep 4 hours a night. I'm just so uncomfortable. :/

    4. Any issues with your numbers, meds, or food intake?
    We had to up my glyburide last week due to high fasting numbers again. Thankfully it has dropped my numbers way back down and my nutritionist said she doesn't anticipate needing any more adjustments. 

    GTKY: Do you feel ready to bring baby home within the next 2-6 weeks?
    I don't know! Yes and no. I feel like I'm missing all kinds of stuff. But I am definitely ready to hold LO!!! I'm sure as unprepared as I feel, things will fall into place. 
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    I am going to talk about it with my husband when he gets home from work. We live 7-10 hours from all family. They will have to stay at a hotel. It's just hard, because my husband is so excited to see his family. We have invited his family to visit lots of times, but they always say no. And this time, we didn't invite them! My husband has voiced how it hurts his feelings that his parents would rather go to their vacation home by themselves than visit him. We see my mom a great deal more than anyone on his side, but hey I'm an only child and my mom is a widow, she will come see/meet us whenever or wherever. I don't want to hurt him or make him think I don't like his family. I invited his parents for thanksgiving, but they declined. They weren't even planning to come visit until a good bit after the birth. I don't know why they decided that Christmas was a good time! I just don't want to hurt my husband.
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    amedberyamedbery member
    edited November 2014
    Okay - had to share this recipe with y'all. It is kale salad with butternut squash, almonds, and aged cheddar with just lemon juice and olive oil dressing. It is amazingly good and low on carbs. Also, because it is kale, it holds up overnight.

    ETA itchy trigger finger
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @amedbery Looks yummy!

    My growth scan yesterday was great, Q weighing in at 6lbs 9oz at the 55th percentile. Sugars good, BP good, weight good. No complaints. Then, last night I started having prodromial labor (false labor), with contractions that were 8-10 min apart but never got closer or increased in intensity. I was nauseated and my dinner number was 161 after my meds AND only eating about 1/2 my carb allotment. The contractions stopped after 3-4 hours, but I'm still a bit crampy and nauseated today. I just got back from my OB appointment, and I'm not dilated or effaced at all. So, who knows what's going on in there. :)

    Happy Friday, everyone!
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    @bowlwoman thanks so much for sharing your story.  My numbers were quite a bit higher last night than they have been for weeks and I was wondering is some false labor may have contributed.  I feel better knowing other people are experiencing this as well.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @bowlwoman thanks so much for sharing your story.  My numbers were quite a bit higher last night than they have been for weeks and I was wondering is some false labor may have contributed.  I feel better knowing other people are experiencing this as well.
    @brennabe97 I've noticed the entire third trimester when I have a lot of BH (or regular contrax now, I guess), my numbers always get higher for a couple of days and then go right back down. My nutritionist commented on it, and said that if I were having a problem with the hormones, then it would stay elevated. The fact that the numbers go back down after a couple of days means that it's probably contraction related.

    My after breakfast number this morning just tested at 122, and I only ate about 20g of carbs. Still feeling crampy and some nausea, so I'll see what my numbers do the rest of the day.
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    I always note on my log when I'm having contractions, even if my numbers aren't high. I like having the log to look back over later for patterns and stuff.

    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    @amedbery We are hosting a tailgate lunch tomorrow and I was looking for GD friendly salad recipe.  That one's a contender!  If not tomorrow, I will make it some point.  I've never had "raw" kale.  I always cook it so I'm interested to see how it is in a salad. 

    @bowlwoman You're making me nervous!  I have been nauseated (all I want for breakfast is a plain English muffin.  no peanut butter.  no eggs.  just butter) and having crazy numbers this week as well.  I keep telling myself it's nothing.  It's just normal third tri stuff.  But if you go into labor in the next few days, I'm going to freak out!  It's like a switch was flipped this week and I can tell my body is preparing for labor - increase in contractions and pelvic pressure.  Now I just have to trust that I'll know when I am actually am in labor.  Until then, life as usual.  Still PLENTY of time to wrap up work assignments...

    @bluebird00 I was just telling a coworker today I'm still counting down the weeks, not and bowlwoman are definitely counting down the days!  So exciting for you both!

    DS 06/2013

    DD 12/2014

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    @erien I hear you. Last night was a huge wakeup call that it's coming and we better get our shit together. :D My boss is starting to freak a little, I think.
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    @amedbery - that salad looks delicious!!

    On another note, can I vent a bit about my appt today? (i'm going to anyway... :D)

    I'm getting a little frustrated at having a revolving door of doctors.  There are 4 docs at my regular OB practice which i have to rotate through, and then i've seen 3 of the 4 docs at the MFM practice where i've been getting all my groeth & BPP ultrasounds.  And I really wish they would all get on the same freaking page about things!!

    So as our EDDs are rapidly approaching, i've been getting more and more apprehensive about the though of induction because of the GD.  There's just something about not letting labor start to happen naturally that really freaks me out.  2 weeks ago at my growth u/s, MFM doc #1 said baby looks great, measuring just under the 50th percentile size wise (i know, i know the accuracy may be off), and NST looked great.  He was very reassuring that while it was unlikely they would let me go much past my due date, he was seeing no reason to induce early.  

    Forward to regular OB appt a few days later (last Friday) OB #1 echoed similar sentiments.  NST looked great, she didn't even do a fundal measurement, but size from U/S was good, won't let me go past, but didn't see a need to induce early.  

    Then i'm at regular OB again today, now with OB#2.  NST looks great, didn't do a fundal measurements (probably more occupied with my first internal exam #notpleasant), and then finishes up the visit by saying next week we would schedule my induction date, because they don't let GD mamas go past 39 weeks.  WTF?!?!  I was pretty taken aback and didn't really respond with much more than agreeing to talk about it next week, but i'm pretty frustrated at the inconsistency of information i've been given.  Combo that with hormones and some other stuff going on, i basically cried the whole car ride home.  

    Now obviously if the baby is in some kind of distress i'm not going to mess around - get this baby out as fast as you can.  But if baby is doing well, and the NSTs look good, isn't the best thing to let baby cook as long as possible?  I dont' think I am on board with "we're going to induce you just because that's what we do" . If "that's just what we do, why would 2 other docs told me something drastically different?  

    Plus, things were still locked up pretty tight down there - while a lot can change in 3 weeks, I do not want to proceed with an induction if my body isnt' ready, spend who knows how many hours in labor, and then end up with a c-section.  

    I don't really know if I have a question here.  Both DH and my mom said not to be afraid to ask for the opinions a different doctor next week (I'm scheduled with OB #2 again).  And at least the conversation won't catch me completely off guard like it did today.  

    Thanks for listening - It feels better just to get this out.  I really want a twinkie  #Dec14GDmamasROCK
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    @BdblZ Do you know which doctor will deliver you, or is it just luck of the draw? Yes, I'd definitely ask OB#1 and OB#2 to discuss and get on the same page. My OB says that they take the recommendation for delivery from the MFM office, so maybe you can advocate for that since MFM#1 said later?

    My OB let me go to 40w2d with DD1 because I was trying ot avoid an induction, but that's as much as he wanted to risk it. With DD2 and this one, we went closer to 38 weeks because of some other risks.
    BabyFruit Ticker       
    DD1 - 8 years
    DD2 - 6 years
    BFP3 - 3/31/14, Harmony Test 6/5/14 - It's a BOY!


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    Hugs @BdblZ‌! That would have caught me completely off guard and upset me as well. Hopefully you more clarification at your next appt.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    Thanks guys.  Its a luck of the draw for whoevers on call that day regarding delivery (although I guess if you schedule ahead you would be able to have some say).  

    I am definitely going to ask Tuesday at MFM, esp with another current growth check.  Hopefully they give me some more concrete info that I can take back to my OB on Friday
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