LMP says I'm due April 24th... However Dr / ultrasound says I'm due May 1st.
Would anyone be interested in starting/joining a private Facebook group for FTM in Denver Metro? Emphasis on the word private, so our Facebook friends wouldn't have to know
I'm not a first time mom (second baby due in January) but would love to opportunity to meet up with some local moms in colorado since I am not from here.
I've created a secret group, but I think I need your e-mail addresses (that you have linked to Facebook) in order to invite you all? Please message me your info so I can add you.
I would like to join the group! I wasn't sure if it seemed strange to say I wanted to meet up, but I don't know anyone around here either and would love some mom support.
I would like to join the group as well. My due date is April 5th, and just moved to Denver a little over a year ago. I'll send you a message, Sunshine4020--thanks for getting things organized!
I am also new to denver and a ftm due in feb. I would love to meet some new ppl in the area!!! Let me know if you all decide to meet, or would like to meet
If not, I have to invite you via e-mail address. I have already sent a few. Hoping it's all working (this is my first time setting up something like this). There is only me and one other person in the fb group currently. If you need to my facebook email is: chelseamm@gmail.com
Hey everyone! FTM due in December and just moved to Thornton, I would love to join this group and meet some other FTM's in the Denver area. Please add me via FB, my email there is valy0016@yahoo.com I can't wait to share stories and meet new mommies
Hi everyone, I am a FTM in Lakewood. EDD June 12th. I would love to be added to the FB group. I am having trouble finding a good doctor, any recommendations( in the Denver area) ?
@Sunshine4020 I would love to be added as well! FTM due April 2015. We moved out here about a year and a half ago from California, now living in DTC! My fb email is: jamielyc@usc.edu. Looking forward to meeting you all!
Hi @Sunshine4020 - id love to be added to the fb group! I'm a FTM in south Denver (due July) and would love to meet other moms! My fb email is ellynodell@gmail.com
@mrsgeiser@jlaquino -- I sent invites to both of your e-mails. Sorry I am just seeing these messages now. @scubakate - I need to invite you by facebook email it turns out. Since the group is secret and private it is making this sort of difficult. BUT so worth it once you are in!
Hope I'm not too late, but I would LOVE to be added, too! I'm a first time mom-to-be, due in early July. I live in Denver (Congress Park neighborhood) and am looking forward to meeting other moms as well! My email is phigavalas@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!
Hi everyone! I would love to be added to the private fb group. This is my first pregnancy, and we will be having twins in April. My fb email is ml.campbell@colostate-pueblo.edu...I think... I can't wait to get to know everyone!
Re: First Timers in Denver Metro?
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I'm a first-timer, due in May, and live in Reunion (far north-east Commerce City).
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Me: 29 DH: 35
Married: 9/29/12
DS #1: 3/8/15My fb email is ellynodell@gmail.com