I'm due Aug 12. I live in Castle Rock and will be delivering at the Univ. of CO Hospital. I'd like to join the FB page too. My email is erinrus@hotmail.com Thanks!
Hi everyone! Please add me to the group as well! This is my first with a due date of June 24th. I would love to meet some other new mommies! My email is stephanieaswift@gmail.com. Thanks!
FTM here! Due April 13th. Also delivering at the University of Colorado hospital (hopeful water birth!). Would love to be added to the fb group laura.loehnert@gmail.com
Thanks so much, @Sunshine4020! It's so weird, but I haven't seen any notifications/invites yet.... Not sure what's going on. I double checked my FB settings and contact info, and everything should be set. If it's not too much trouble, could you try adding me again? I really, really appreciate it!! (for easy access, my email address again is phigavalas@gmail.com. THANKS!)
Hey ladies! I just went and tried to re-invite everyone who says they didn't get an e-mail. Unfortunately facebook just tells me that the person has "already been invited to the group".
@Sunshine4020 - bummer, but thanks for trying again! I just friend requested you as well (from Phiphi Gavalas) .... hopefully that works this time! ....I did some research and apparently lost invites for secret groups is pretty common, and FB doesn't have a solution for it. You should be able to add friends, though, so hopefully it works once we're FB friends. I'm also happy to help you manage/monitor things once I'm in, too. Just let me know! Thanks again!
Hi Friends! Still taking new Members?? FTM, still early, but would love to meet some other local mamas. I'm in Boulder County but work in Cherry Creek.
Hi all! I live in Centennial. FTM 32w/4d with boy/girl twins. Just chilling in the hospital due to preeclampsia and signs of early labor. Would love to chat with any Colorado mamas out there! Nice to meet you all!
I am a FTM and wanted to join too. I'm looking for other moms and potential play dates. My son was born in Feb 2015 and I live in Lakewood. my email is becky.dickison@gmail.com
Hi All- I'm a FTM, due November 9th living n the Glendale area. Any Denver Metro groups you ladies are in that I could join for support? I have a lot of questions and clearly have no idea what I'm doing!
Hey everyone! I'm a little late on seeing this group but I'm a first time mom as well and I live in Aurora. My baby boy was born in January. I would love to be added to the fb group if it's still possible! My email is caitlin971@yahoo.com
@Caitlin&Brandon, @jwolfe_87, @blairdavis99, @Jeterpants, @buggina0282, @MereAndChris - I just tried to send you guys an invite to the Facebook group. First time trying to add people, so hopefully it went through! Sorry it took so long, too. I haven't checked this message board in months!
@honeydc1112, I'm near the Cherry Creek area, too. Congress park to be exact, but Cherry Creek is walking distance for us. When were/are you due? I just had my girl two months ago.
Everyone else - if you want to be added to the FB group, just post your email and one of the admins or I will try to get you added. (Hope I didn't miss anyone this time. Apologies if I did!)
Re: First Timers in Denver Metro?
Congrats everyone!