March 2015 Moms

Brusha Brusha Brusha

I know that it's just barely Sunday, but this has been stuck in my head since I came back from vacation and saw Grease related titles.

Re: Brusha Brusha Brusha

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    Also, every time I fart these days I get RLP. And that's a lot.
    I get it when I cough! It hurrrrts!
    BabyFetus Tickerimage
    BFP #1: DD born 08/12
    BFP #2: 04/13 Natural M/C: 5/13
    BFP #3: 06/14 DUE 3/5/15
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I need to vent a bit. I saved for weeks to take my husband to a very expensive steakhouse for his bday and he goes crazy and decides to spend sixty dollars just in alcohol to get drunk. I probably should have explained the budget for the night to him before we got there, but I figured he'd use his common sense. The food was really good though.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Kaylin Lanelle Born 9/2012
    Rylee Amelia due March 5, 2015

    For SuzyQ

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    I just watched a cheesy movie on Netflix called "Unconditional" and bawled when I would normally roll my eyes... It was a real Hallmark-style one, but man it got me good! I kinda like this more hormonal/emotional, less cynical/disapproving side of myself, lol.

    Married the most patient man on the planet:  May 16, 2009
    Me:  30; DH:  30

    BFP:  June 25, 2014; EDD:  March 9/10, 2015
    4 fur babies:  2 dogs & 2 cats

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    @meladoriestar‌ hope that gets better. I have had a ton of pain alternating between gas, constipation, lower back, and RLP. It is not fun, but it reminds me I am blessed with two babies.

    Random fact I learned on google...your poop is green during pregnancy because pregnancy hormones cause your gallbladder to produce excess bile which turns it green. It is probably like any other symptom which doesn't happen for everyone, but yeah I have been wondering why for weeks.
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    Wide awake at 4:30 for the 3rd day in a row, I hope this isn't a new pattern.

    We are having our Fantasy Football draft at our house later & I was too tired last night to prep much so I guess I'll start soon. I'm a little stressed because my H said families are welcome to come and hang out & use the community pool, etc. I really love having all of these friends over but our house isn't big enough to fit them all comfortably if it rains. Please don't rain South Florida, pleeeeaaaassseeee.
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    I'm up in my nightly post-pee hour of being wide awake :/ Still hoping for more sleep.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    For Suzyq
    and all M15 Losses
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    I woke up at 0530, to the scratching of my damn cat at the bedroom door! I know she was coming in not to snuggle but to wake us up to feed her... Omg, I seriously was pissed because I was finally sleeping really well!
    My husband is requesting to go on a walk with our dog, I told him he could go, but he wants me to go with him to get out of the house. Dude! It's so hot out already! I just want to stay inside where we have air conditioning.

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    My allergies are acting up a little so I'm sneezing a lot and REP sucks so bad each time. Plus I'm having awful acid reflux so now I have to be really careful of what I eat so I don't trigger it. Last pregnancy I had awful heartburn but not until 3rd tri.
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    I have been up since 0630 & that's fucking bullshit.
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    I'm really close with my mom and out of the blue last night she gets really upset and said she wishes i would have asked her what's wrong and starts talking about how lonley she is. There is a lot more to it but i don't know what to do. I'm sure she is going through a hard time (she has been single my whole life and just recently started telling me when she gets lonley) and took it out on me. We were both crying by the end of the night. I want to be there for her but if course am running around all day getting ready for my trip. I don't know how to approach it today. I just feel so sad for her and helpless because i can't make her feel better.

    But it's OK. Because:

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Morning! Kind of. I have to work and I don't want to. I bought a new pillow yesterday and it made all the difference in my sleep :) it's been a busy week for me and I haven't been able to post much. I'll make up for it today!
    BFP - 6/28.....Unofficial(waiting on u/s) EDD - 3/9

    image    image

    July Siggy Challenge. Summer Fail. March 2015 Group
    baby development
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    Yay! I get to participate in a random thread! I have a killer headache this morning. I don't think I drank enough water yesterday. Today isn't going to be fun!


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    Someone facetimed me at 2 am. Asshole
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    @JNCPro3130 I woke up with one too...yuck. Hope yours goes away soon!

    This is the earliest I have ever caught a random thread!

    DH and I watched Muppets: Most Wanted last night. I love the Muppets. I don't think it was as good as the first one though.
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    Hi guise! I have to admit I don't remember this song...must find grease to watch. I'm also hooked on OITNB but I haven't started second season. I watched first season last year in 3 days on a binge. I was so excited when the new season came out but wanted my hub to watch with me, plus couldn't remember everything so I wanted to rewatch. Well he's only let us watch 3 episodes! I'm dying I want to keep going but he said he wanted to watch so I guess maybe by next year we will be caught up...ha. My ham sandwich was so good yest that I'm eating one for breakfast! Winning.
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    @janda426‌, I'd be pissed! I'm not a night owl, but still. I've had trouble sleeping and I'd make whoever woke me stay up until I fell asleep again.

    @meowkitten‌, thanks! You too. I've had my morning protein shake (about 20-24oz of fluid), and I'm chugging water. I'm trying that before grabbing the Tylenol. On the bright side, maybe I can get away with staying in bed longer. :)


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    edited August 2014

    @meladoriestar‌ hope that gets better. I have had a ton of pain alternating between gas, constipation, lower back, and RLP. It is not fun, but it reminds me I am blessed with two babies.

    Random fact I learned on google...your poop is green during pregnancy because pregnancy hormones cause your gallbladder to produce excess bile which turns it green. It is probably like any other symptom which doesn't happen for everyone, but yeah I have been wondering why for weeks.

    I had been wondering about that too! Thanks for this!
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    Mom has been in town all week and I am counting the seconds until she leaves. We don't get along at all yet I wanted her to come and visit. Why do I put myself through this misery-lol. How the hell am I going to tell her she will NOT be in the delivery room with me but my MIL will be?

    @chilibeansm0m‌ - born and raised in CA but moved to MN last year. My fam and grandma are in Napa and were shaken up by the earthquake. Everything fell to the floor. Hope you are okay!
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    I'm with you ladies on the RLP. I didn't think it would hurt this bad so early but damn!

    I was born in Anaheim, CA but my parents moved us to Oklahoma when I was 5 and we've been here ever since. But I still remember the worst earthquake ever and I was only maybe 4 years old... It's like it happened yesterday. I remember laying in my bed and then the violent shaking started and I had a shelf of toys by my bed and they all fell off. I got up to walk across the hall to my parents' room and I remember them kneeling by their door and I kept tumbling back and forth against each wall as I tried to get to them. It was crazy.. My mom remembers it too.

    Anyways. I don't want to get out of bed because:


    Wait, you're in OK too?

    A work in progress

    MMC April 2014 at 6w2d, D&C at 9 weeks

    MMC August 2014 at 9w1d, D&C at 12 weeks

    CP October 2014

    My Ovulation Chart

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    Stephy129Stephy129 member
    edited August 2014
    Yesterday we took our daughter to urgent care and the doctor didn't even bother to glance at her chart. He prescribed a medication she already takes daily. Um thanks doc!

    Edit: spelling
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    wendyld said:

    I'm with you ladies on the RLP. I didn't think it would hurt this bad so early but damn!

    I was born in Anaheim, CA but my parents moved us to Oklahoma when I was 5 and we've been here ever since. But I still remember the worst earthquake ever and I was only maybe 4 years old... It's like it happened yesterday. I remember laying in my bed and then the violent shaking started and I had a shelf of toys by my bed and they all fell off. I got up to walk across the hall to my parents' room and I remember them kneeling by their door and I kept tumbling back and forth against each wall as I tried to get to them. It was crazy.. My mom remembers it too.

    Anyways. I don't want to get out of bed because:


    Wait, you're in OK too?


    Yes!!! You're in OK?? How did I miss this??

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    wendyld said:

    I'm with you ladies on the RLP. I didn't think it would hurt this bad so early but damn!

    I was born in Anaheim, CA but my parents moved us to Oklahoma when I was 5 and we've been here ever since. But I still remember the worst earthquake ever and I was only maybe 4 years old... It's like it happened yesterday. I remember laying in my bed and then the violent shaking started and I had a shelf of toys by my bed and they all fell off. I got up to walk across the hall to my parents' room and I remember them kneeling by their door and I kept tumbling back and forth against each wall as I tried to get to them. It was crazy.. My mom remembers it too.

    Anyways. I don't want to get out of bed because:


    Wait, you're in OK too?


    Yes!!! You're in OK?? How did I miss this??

    Well I missed that you were too, but I'm in OKC.
    A work in progress

    MMC April 2014 at 6w2d, D&C at 9 weeks

    MMC August 2014 at 9w1d, D&C at 12 weeks

    CP October 2014

    My Ovulation Chart

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    @FrecklesInside‌ I know your asshole phone won't let you see PMs, so if you haven't left for the boat yet, I sent you something.
    A work in progress

    MMC April 2014 at 6w2d, D&C at 9 weeks

    MMC August 2014 at 9w1d, D&C at 12 weeks

    CP October 2014

    My Ovulation Chart

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    wendyld said:

    wendyld said:

    I'm with you ladies on the RLP. I didn't think it would hurt this bad so early but damn!

    I was born in Anaheim, CA but my parents moved us to Oklahoma when I was 5 and we've been here ever since. But I still remember the worst earthquake ever and I was only maybe 4 years old... It's like it happened yesterday. I remember laying in my bed and then the violent shaking started and I had a shelf of toys by my bed and they all fell off. I got up to walk across the hall to my parents' room and I remember them kneeling by their door and I kept tumbling back and forth against each wall as I tried to get to them. It was crazy.. My mom remembers it too.

    Anyways. I don't want to get out of bed because:


    Wait, you're in OK too?


    Yes!!! You're in OK?? How did I miss this??

    Well I missed that you were too, but I'm in OKC.
    That's awesome! I'm in Tulsa!
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    Awww @Cinderella105. My kitty was doing that on Friday when I stayed home in bed. She was pretty assertive about getting cuddled. They're sooo cute when they do that!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Awww @Cinderella105. My kitty was doing that on Friday when I stayed home in bed. She was pretty assertive about getting cuddled. They're sooo cute when they do that!

    So cuddly! It's like she lays there knowing I'm thinking about getting up and she puts her paw on my neck and says "no..... Stay..." Lol
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    @chilibeansm0m‌ I am up near fresno, and didn't feel it at all. I am a really sound sleeper when I actually am able to fall asleep though.
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    I just cried because my H grumped about making me toast and then didn't toast it enough and it was basically heated up bread with way too much butter and cinnamon sugar mix on top and was floppy. I tried to just suck it up and eat it because he did try, but it made me feel even more sick. I went to throw it away because I thought he was in the shower but he was toasting himself an english muffin (which of course was perfectly toasted) and I lost it. Completely unreasonable, I wasn't this weepy last time. It's really annoying.
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    My asshole of a cat woke us up at 530, and my H insisted I get fresh air and take a walk. We then went to the grocery store, got a weeks worth of food, plus some things I have been craving like olives, pickles, sour gummies, and trail mix.
    My husband is on a coupon kick and loves using them now ever since he started watching those extreme coupon shows. We aren't extreme, but we are extremely happy to save $20 on our grocery bill.
    Now he wants to tackle folding laundry together. It's not even noon and I still havn't eaten anything yet!!! I already feel like I need a nap!

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