Being a 90's baby and loving both BSB and Nsync, I freaking love the title of this thread! And I love all the gifs. This thread was a great way to start a Monday morning! I @tiffletons518 and @WasNotWas !!!
Last night I sang the skiddamarkinkydinkydink song to Quinn and I stopped before the "I loooove yoooou" part and damn if he didn't go "Aaaahhhh luuuhhhhooooo" Kid can't even speak and he can finish songs??
@asmallwonder tagging you because /relevant anecdote
Bradley walked outside and started yelling at the moon for 'still being awake" and Ty said (clear as day) "hush" (which is what we yell at the dogs when they bark)
We've had this trip planned for months, but my H got offered a new job and only started 3 weeks ago. It's the same as his previous job but this company has a lot more room to move UO within the company. Well didn't they just go and rope him into working his days off (our holiday fell almost entirely on his time off, so he didn't put the trip on the books). So now he's home and I'm at the lake with the inlaws. They are wonderful, but I'm feeling so bad for H, knowing that the only reason he said yes was because he really wants the early promotion to lead. Just wish he didn't think he had to say yes every time.
And speaking of the lake, MIL took my 7 and 5 yo niece and nephew to the corner store for ice cream last night. M went with them and she walked back into the yard with this!
ETA: clearly I didn't let her eat the whole thing, but snapped a pic for daddy before we took it away. I think mil would have let her just go to town though...
Good morning ladies. Hey, is anybody from Oregon here? (I can't remember)... Or does anybody know Oregon well? DH and I are traveling there, and will be spending some time on the coast and I was curious if anybody had any recommendations of things to see.... Anybody, anybody? Bueller....? Bueller...?
Born and raised!!!! Astoria is an old Navy town right on the mouth of the Columbia as it empties into the pacific. Goonies house is still standing and fun to visit and climbing to the top of the Astoria tower offers amazing and beautiful views!
Any of the 14 (don't hold me to that number) lighthouses are fun plaes to visit and most are known to be haunted (if that's your thing).
Seaside is a huge tourist town but offers a lot to do. Shopping, arcade, mall carousel, and tons more. I think it's the most kid friendly (if LO is going with you) but it's always packed and walking down the main road can get aggravating with all the people.
Newport is further down the coast but offers the aquarium and I think that's the beach where you can go down I to the sea lion caves. The caves is fun but the smell of fish can be very overwhelming.
If you are further down the coast I recommend stopping into tillamook to go to the tillamook cheese factory. Get the squeaky cheese and some yummy ice cream!
Lincoln city is another great beach, more on te crowded side again but they also offer the better outlet shopping mall. This personally is my favorite beach.
Alrighty, I'm done but happy to answer any other questions you have
@Bleachy14 OMG yes!!!! Go do crater lake!!! So freaking gorgeous! I would just do some hiking around the rim vs actually go out to the island. I hope whatever you do you will take pics and then AW them here. Oregon is a beautiful state and I miss home.
So my best friend and I had Backstreet Boys tickets senior year of high school when we knew we were WAY too old to still go. We just wanted to go to be... ironic (and we loved them, but wanted to come off as ironic). She backed out at the last moment and I didn't go. I mailed their tour organizer the tickets and pictures of my friend, and an epic letter full of lies about how sick she was and it was the end of her universe that she didn't get to see them in concert. I was sooooo expecting some type of surprise visit that I would videotape and that she would have to live with going to college the next year. They didn't even write back!!! So then I became an NSync convert. And let's face it, JT was the best thing to come out of any of those groups.
@cricket81 I'd make Asian noodles of some sort. I make a lot of peanut sauce and you can put that on noodles with just mixed veggies all stir fried and put those on top. It sounds fancier than it is and if you aren't allergic to peanuts it's tasty for all age groups!
ETA: now I want those to make with peanut stir fry!
OMG @michelin82 I HATE staying in hotel rooms with both kids! Whack a mole is the perfect description. DH once gave up and opened a 40 and started eating ice cream on our bed while watching Anchorman so he was basically in a spotlight eating ice cream while facing a toddler and a baby that didn't want to sleep. I nearly killed him, I was like, "we need to use the iPad in the bathroom for entertainment until they are asleep!"
Also the image of my husband eating ice cream from a pint and drinking beer in the dark in his boxers while simultaneously over stimulating my kids with his actions has never made me less attracted to him.
Do you have a recipe you like for peanut sauce? That sounds delicious!
I am terrible at following recipes, but it's something like this.
Natural PB+ some hot water to thin it out a bit soy sauce lemon juice dash of sugar
I think it's like equal parts PB and soy, with just a little lemon and sugar. I do a lot of tasting and adding more to get the ratios right because I can keep it in the fridge if I make too much. I usually make it with the end of a jar of natural PB so I can just add the other stuff and shake it!
This sauce is good hot or cold too. I sometimes make Asian coleslaw and add a bunch of this to finely chopped cabbage, carrots and red onion and toss with chopped peanuts and edamame.
UGH @michelin82 I am getting the shivers thinking about that. Our kids don't transition well either. We have started using air bnb so we can only stay in homes or apartments so we can have doors and more private space! The time that I wanted to kill DH I ended up pumping and eating dinner in the bathroom at 10:30 while crying. It was super good for relationship building. Not.
Boy band Venn diagram. Notice how no one was all "98 degrees 4 lyfe!"
Personally, I was all about Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins and Stone Temple Pilots and the like by then so I have no horse in this race.
I LOVED 98 degrees. There were posters all over my room and I still listen to their Christmas album (I guess that should be a FFMC). ">
Speaking of two kids in a hotel room, has anyone seen this video (or maybe it was on here and I missed it)? It is supposed to be funny but it hits a little too close to home for me to laugh. I just get stressed and my neck tenses up watching it:
White countertops?! Why?! I just cut up a watermelon, and now my countertops are pink. And, will stay pink until they get wiped down a few more times. And, the ugly white backsplash too. Hate. My. Kitchen. Cannot wait to move.
Re: Quit playin games with my SPAM
O no you di'int
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
@pitchslap we have support!
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
Don't forget the Christmas album
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
so much water...
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
@asmallwonder tagging you because /relevant anecdote
Bradley walked outside and started yelling at the moon for 'still being awake" and Ty said (clear as day) "hush" (which is what we yell at the dogs when they bark)
It was amazing.
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
Any of the 14 (don't hold me to that number) lighthouses are fun plaes to visit and most are known to be haunted (if that's your thing).
Seaside is a huge tourist town but offers a lot to do. Shopping, arcade, mall carousel, and tons more. I think it's the most kid friendly (if LO is going with you) but it's always packed and walking down the main road can get aggravating with all the people.
Newport is further down the coast but offers the aquarium and I think that's the beach where you can go down I to the sea lion caves. The caves is fun but the smell of fish can be very overwhelming.
If you are further down the coast I recommend stopping into tillamook to go to the tillamook cheese factory. Get the squeaky cheese and some yummy ice cream!
Lincoln city is another great beach, more on te crowded side again but they also offer the better outlet shopping mall. This personally is my favorite beach.
Alrighty, I'm done but happy to answer any other questions you have
So my best friend and I had Backstreet Boys tickets senior year of high school when we knew we were WAY too old to still go. We just wanted to go to be... ironic (and we loved them, but wanted to come off as ironic). She backed out at the last moment and I didn't go. I mailed their tour organizer the tickets and pictures of my friend, and an epic letter full of lies about how sick she was and it was the end of her universe that she didn't get to see them in concert. I was sooooo expecting some type of surprise visit that I would videotape and that she would have to live with going to college the next year. They didn't even write back!!! So then I became an NSync convert. And let's face it, JT was the best thing to come out of any of those groups.
I meant to get the plain ones to have with pasta, but grabbed coconut by mistake.
@cricket81 I'd make Asian noodles of some sort. I make a lot of peanut sauce and you can put that on noodles with just mixed veggies all stir fried and put those on top. It sounds fancier than it is and if you aren't allergic to peanuts it's tasty for all age groups!
ETA: now I want those to make with peanut stir fry!
OMG @michelin82 I HATE staying in hotel rooms with both kids! Whack a mole is the perfect description. DH once gave up and opened a 40 and started eating ice cream on our bed while watching Anchorman so he was basically in a spotlight eating ice cream while facing a toddler and a baby that didn't want to sleep. I nearly killed him, I was like, "we need to use the iPad in the bathroom for entertainment until they are asleep!"
Also the image of my husband eating ice cream from a pint and drinking beer in the dark in his boxers while simultaneously over stimulating my kids with his actions has never made me less attracted to him.
Do you have a recipe you like for peanut sauce? That sounds delicious!
I am terrible at following recipes, but it's something like this.
Natural PB+ some hot water to thin it out a bit
soy sauce
lemon juice
dash of sugar
I think it's like equal parts PB and soy, with just a little lemon and sugar. I do a lot of tasting and adding more to get the ratios right because I can keep it in the fridge if I make too much. I usually make it with the end of a jar of natural PB so I can just add the other stuff and shake it!
This sauce is good hot or cold too. I sometimes make Asian coleslaw and add a bunch of this to finely chopped cabbage, carrots and red onion and toss with chopped peanuts and edamame.
UGH @michelin82 I am getting the shivers thinking about that. Our kids don't transition well either. We have started using air bnb so we can only stay in homes or apartments so we can have doors and more private space! The time that I wanted to kill DH I ended up pumping and eating dinner in the bathroom at 10:30 while crying. It was super good for relationship building. Not.
Suites for life!
my read shelf:
Speaking of two kids in a hotel room, has anyone seen this video (or maybe it was on here and I missed it)? It is supposed to be funny but it hits a little too close to home for me to laugh. I just get stressed and my neck tenses up watching it:
no love for LFO?
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
Reason #452 why BSB was the worst:
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13