DH took DD to dinner and a movie. I made homemade pizza with the boys. I think my yeast was old and the dough didn't rise well. Good thing the boys were so hungry they'd have eaten cardboard with ketchup on it.
God I wish I could drink today. Guess I'm hitting the garage hard after the kids are in bed. Today was day 1 of potty training. We're now on our second dress and third pair of undies, but she's gone on the toilet almost every time we've made her sit on it. She just pees a little first and then realizes she needs to potty. Adding to that SO is being a dig ole dick face.
DH just asked me if I found someone to have a threesome with. I was only semi joking when I told him that I wanted to have another one. The only thing that's really keeping me from it is the work that it takes to find someone decent. I'm lazy.
I'm west coast so it's still early, but I'm off today and just wrestled with a stupid Ikea toy that had the holes predrilled in the wrong places and the baby kept trying to take my tools. And thus, wine.
DH just asked me if I found someone to have a threesome with. I was only semi joking when I told him that I wanted to have another one. The only thing that's really keeping me from it is the work that it takes to find someone decent. I'm lazy.
I make DH do all the work. I don't have the patience to wade through the crazies.
If we didn't live so far away from civilization things would be so much easier.
Am I the only one on the west coast who starts drinking early?
Nope. I've been drinking since I started making lunch.
Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
I couldn't do a threesome at this point in my life. I'm comfortable with DH. I don't have the energy or desire to go through all of that having-sex-with-a-new-person stuff when it isn't necessary.
DH just asked me if I found someone to have a threesome with. I was only semi joking when I told him that I wanted to have another one. The only thing that's really keeping me from it is the work that it takes to find someone decent. I'm lazy.
I make DH do all the work. I don't have the patience to wade through the crazies.
If we didn't live so far away from civilization things would be so much easier.
I feel your pain. We do not live in a highly populated area. It really is limiting.
I wish i could drink tonight but i had pizza for dinner so no calories left. I had to leave work early to take the dog to the vet because Sh was coughing blood. $450 and 3 more heart meds later. I made a frozen pizza for a quick dinner and we weren't even finished the ILS dropped by. Mil told us that she is retiring. Fuck. Now she will be over all the fucking time.
Then after i nursed the baby i handed him off to FIL so i could do the dishes. 5 minutes later baby cries for a second and mil comes to tell me. I could hear him but there were 3adults in the room, surely one of them could figure out what was wrong.
Storytime: The last week of my freshman year at college, my roommate proposed a threesome with her and her guy. She was confused when I politely declined. She actually said, "But I thought you were bisexual?" Yes, just because I was openly bi meant that I'd have sex with all males and females. LGBT people don't require attraction and will sleep with anyone apparently. :eyeroll:
Here's a threesome mood killer. DS has diarrhea? He had a nasty runny-ish shit this morning and the teacher said he had two "runny" ones today, but ate great. He just had straight up water butt. Ate dinner great too. Could it just be teething or something or am I on a one way ticket to stomach bug-ville?
Oh, AND, we have hot waterrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
DS is 1DAF
"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
@littlejerry I think the boys had bouts of looser stools during teething, but not straight up liquid. Every kid's body is different though. I hope he's not getting sick.
Re: Got my drink and my 2 step (drinking thread)
I need drinks.
I think we almost have a new water heater installed, though. Too bad it's not free!
If we didn't live so far away from civilization things would be so much easier.
Then after i nursed the baby i handed him off to FIL so i could do the dishes. 5 minutes later baby cries for a second and mil comes to tell me. I could hear him but there were 3adults in the room, surely one of them could figure out what was wrong.
Tldr maybe I do need a beer.
That's a lame excuse.