September 2014 Moms

B&M Monday

It's not even 8 am and I'm so over Monday. Let's hear it, ladies.
{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
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Re: B&amp;M Monday

  • Day 3 of very little sleep. Radiating hip pain, heartburn, and pregsomnia can all kiss my pasty, preggo ass.
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
    image image
    My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    image image
  • My freaking hips-I feel like a rotisserie chicken turning constantly during the night.

    Also, painful contractions that are now waking me up at night. Interested to see what my overly laid back MFM has to say about all these today now that I landed in L&D last Thursday with a short and dilating cervix -_-.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • I hate you guys for talking about fried dough and funnel cakes when I won't be able to go and get some for at least 2 more weeks. All I can think about is delicious fried foods <3
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  • AnyMaxAnyMax member
    suitern said:

    My freaking hips-I feel like a rotisserie chicken turning constantly during the night.

    Also, painful contractions that are now waking me up at night. Interested to see what my overly laid back MFM has to say about all these today now that I landed in L&D last Thursday with a short and dilating cervix -_-.

    Oh no! I hope everything is okay!

  • I got a charlie horse and the Tdap shot on Saturday morning. Now my left side still hurts and I'm gimpy on the stairs.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies

  • Day 3 of very little sleep. Radiating hip pain, heartburn, and pregsomnia can all kiss my pasty, preggo ass.
    This exactly! I don't remember the terrible sleep coming until the last month with DS....
  • I have been awake since DD woke up at 2:45 am. I could not fall back to sleep :((
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
                                   DS 10/02/09  DD 03/28/11
  • I'm working today and leaving on a long trip tomorrow so I was trying to get my packing done yesterday. Unfortunately, I also had yard work I have to get done before my trip because DH won't do it (he has "really bad" allergies). DH played video games last night and wouldn't help with anything so I went to bed really late, got almost no sleep because my back and hips have started hurting, am working with cranky babies today, and still have things to finish tonight before my trip. (Thank goodness once I get on that plane I'll be able to mostly relax for two weeks.) But right now, all I want is a nap and I can feel my tolerance for small annoyances will be low today.

    image Baby Girl born September 23, 2014


  • There was a mosquito in my room last night. I have since vanquished him, but not before he bit me about a dozen times.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    My dog had major crate issues when we first got him (for good reason - not his fault). We switched from a metal crate to an airline crate months ago, and things were perfect. Until now. He got out of his crate 3 times this weekend. He doesn't BREAK out - the crate is perfectly in tact; he GETS out. We have no clue how, but he can open the door. Fuck.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • I woke up nauseous and started vomiting. I called out of work and then started hysterical crying because I hate calling out of work. Luckily our calling out is done via email so no one had to witness me bursting into tears.

    BabyFruit Tickerimage

  • I've had a upper respiratory infection since last Wednesday! I'm really tired on non stop coughing and sleeping in the recliner. It's just getting really freaking old.

    And my grandma text me this morning and asked if I would be mad if she went to Niagra Falls around LO due date and is still gone when he comes. Honestly I don't know,I guess not, I mean he will be here when she comes back. :/
  • Just so tired, I just want to feel rested sometime.  I am sleeping but work is exhausting.  I have a lot of help at home but I guess it is work.  I need a break and I don't see anything in the future.


  • H woke up looking for a fight yesterday. He's a dirty fighter so all this stuff was brought up. He later apologized, but today I can't help thinking if some of it is true, or at least he feels it is. Neither way, I just don't have the energy to work on it or fix it.
    Eliza Mae - September 16th, 2014
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  • kmbk27 said:
    My dog had major crate issues when we first got him (for good reason - not his fault). We switched from a metal crate to an airline crate months ago, and things were perfect. Until now. He got out of his crate 3 times this weekend. He doesn't BREAK out - the crate is perfectly in tact; he GETS out. We have no clue how, but he can open the door. Fuck.
    @kmbk27 I'm not familiar with an airline crate, but is there any way you can secure the door? Is that how he's getting out or is he busting it open another way?
    S14 Remembers our Angel Babies

    S14 September Siggy - Show to binge-watch when the baby comes
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • tatorhead328tatorhead328 member
    edited July 2014
    Yesterday afternoon I said, "I haven't had any trouble sleeping so far this pregnancy!" so you can all imagine how last night's sleep went for the stupid, stupid woman who thought it was a good idea to say that out loud. I woke up every hour and a half with severe heartburn. Then an hour before I had to get up for work, I couldn't get back to sleep because it felt like my lungs were being crushed.

    Now I have a doctor's appointment this morning, but I'm pretty sure my doctor will be delivering the baby of a girl I know instead of in the office, so this is now the second appointment in a row where they'll have me see the PA instead of my doctor. Frustrating. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    I had really strong Braxton Hicks contractions all afternoon/evening yesterday, mostly without cramping, and was starting to really get worried.  Took an extra dose of my magnesium supp (since I usually only do a half dose each day) and tried to drink a lot of water, to no avail til DD went to bed and I could actually lie down.  Going to see my acupuncturist today, he had great luck regulating my periods and eliminating my morning sickness, so I'm hoping he can do something about my BH/contractions.

    I'll be 31 weeks on Thursday, and 32 weeks is when DD was born, so I'm getting really anxious/looking forward to passing that 32 week mark. 

    This pregnancy is going to make me lose my mind.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • LTMamaLTMama member
    suitern said:
    Also, painful contractions that are now waking me up at night. Interested to see what my overly laid back MFM has to say about all these today now that I landed in L&D last Thursday with a short and dilating cervix -_-.
    Eeek, hang in there!  Please let us know what the MFM says today.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @shimmer475 I'm right there with you on the emotions. I'm a person who gets my feelings hurt very, very easily, and it has only gotten worse in the past couple of weeks. I swear, my emotions were perfectly normal until I hit the third tri and then BAM - all the crying. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • There was a mosquito in my room last night. I have since vanquished him, but not before he bit me about a dozen times.

    I have like a dozen bites on each foot and I'm so itchy I'm losing my freaking mind.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • LTMamaLTMama member
    @shimmer475, Saturday traffic on 95 is enough to make me cry any day.  You have my sympathies! 

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    kayemgi said:

    kmbk27 said:

    My dog had major crate issues when we first got him (for good reason - not his fault). We switched from a metal crate to an airline crate months ago, and things were perfect. Until now. He got out of his crate 3 times this weekend. He doesn't BREAK out - the crate is perfectly in tact; he GETS out. We have no clue how, but he can open the door. Fuck.

    @kmbk27 I'm not familiar with an airline crate, but is there any way you can secure the door? Is that how he's getting out or is he busting it open another way?

    By airline crate I just meant one with hard plastic sides as opposed to the metal crates with the bars (of which he was not a fan). He's definitely getting out through the door even when it is properly closed. There is a place to secure it, so that is what we are doing now. I just feel so bad doing it - no clue why. I think I'm projecting my feelings about having to basically padlock him in there onto him. He has liked this crate since the day we got it, he will even go in there when we are home and hang out with the door open, but I think now that he knows he CAN get out he tries to. Hoping the lock fixes that.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • LTMama said:

    @shimmer475, Saturday traffic on 95 is enough to make me cry any day.  You have my sympathies! 

    Ugh it was awful I was pretty much parked on 95 in Delaware because of the stupid 495 bridge closure, it was hot and I swear my ac in my car is crapping out on me, and DD was car sick! Best part is I get to do it all over again at least 2 more times :(

    I think all of 95 was a parking lot yesterday. We were going to white Marsh and it'd just suddenly stop. No reason!

    The 495 bridge is a mess. Sorry you have to go to PA so much. I would pull the pregnancy cod and skip a few times.
    Eliza Mae - September 16th, 2014
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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    @shimmer475, Saturday traffic on 95 is enough to make me cry any day.  You have my sympathies! 
    Ugh it was awful I was pretty much parked on 95 in Delaware because of the stupid 495 bridge closure, it was hot and I swear my ac in my car is crapping out on me, and DD was car sick! Best part is I get to do it all over again at least 2 more times :(
    Oh no!!  Last time I braved 95 was horrible.  The drive back from my brother's place in NC usually takes 5 hours max, but this time it took NINE HOURS.  We were parked forever, so I posted something on Facebook about 95 traffic and my awesome neighbor saw it and immediately called me with alternate route directions.  We took back roads that were a lot more distance to travel, but had no traffic.  Ugh.  All that, with a 2.5 year old in the car...

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My carpal tunnel is coming back and my hands are numb and swollen. So, I drop EVERYTHING. Then this baby is riding so low and out front that it is nearly impossible to bend down to pick up the fifty thousand things I drop every day.  Oh and sciatic nerve pain has kicked back in too. WAHHHH!!!
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • My hips. They hurt so bad. I didn't even know they could hurt like this constantly. And I'm so tired of feeling like I can't breathe. Also, DH for not doing any of the things he was supposed to this weekend. We have contractors starting on finishing our basement today, and he waited until 11pm last night to get down there and move boxes, etc so they have room. I feel like his procrastination was on purpose just to see how I would react (which was not well...)
  • I'm going to complain again. I'm so tired, I just want to cry. I just want to be able to sleep.
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
    image image
    My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

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  • BeedeckBeedeck member
    edited July 2014

    Here it goes...

    1. Our new house won't be done before DS2 gets here.
    2. We can't get tenants solidified for our existing house because we don't have a final completion date for the new house.
    3. My boss gave her 2 weeks on Friday, this means waaaaaay more work now for me, and I already had my plate full.
    4. My maternity leave will probably need to be cut short because I will need to step into my boss' role and there is no one else available to do her job.
    5. I just checked our calendar yesterday and every single weekend until my due date is book solid.
    6. I feel like I'm getting a sinus infection.

    ETA #6



  • nilveronilvero member
    edited July 2014
    Preface I have a '11 Hyundai Elantra that has smallish windows, so I always make sure to pull out of parking spaces as carefully as possible. 

    I'm pulling out of the grocery store and I look both ways. When I am almost done backing out, I see a small little girl run ahead of her mom or sister so I slam on the brakes. As I straighten out, I look at mom to mouth sorry (even though little girl ran away from her). She glares as at me and the little girl looks at me and drops the coffee she has her in hand (mind you she's like 3). 

    As I proceed to drive away, I hear a huge SLAM against my back windows. Mom threw her coffee all over my car! Now I'm distracted and I look back at mom flicking me off. I almost decided to go around and say something, but I see the driver in the car behind me pointing and yelling at her. 

    I just got home and I'm sitting here shaking and crying. And here I was thinking, man my only bitch today is my back pain!
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Holy Charley horses batman!

    We were at the park last night and now I have about 9 horribly itchy bug bites. 
  • LTMamaLTMama member
    nilvero said:
    Preface I have a '11 Hyundai Elantra that has smallish windows, so I always make sure to pull out of parking spaces as carefully as possible. 

    I'm pulling out of the grocery store and I look both ways. When I am almost done backing out, I see a small little girl run ahead of her mom or sister so I slam on the brakes. As I straighten out, I look at mom to mouth sorry (even though little girl ran away from her). She glares as at me and the little girl looks at me and drops the coffee she has her in hand (mind you she's like 3). 

    As I proceed to drive away, I hear a huge SLAM against my back windows. Mom threw her coffee all over my car! Now I'm distracted and I look back at mom flicking me off. I almost decided to go around and say something, but I see the driver in the car behind me pointing and yelling at her. 

    I just got home and I'm sitting here shaking and crying. And here I was thinking, man my only bitch today is my back pain!
    Holy shit, she threw her coffee at you because her daughter ran out behind your car??  To the extent that anyone is responsible for the near miss, it's the mom for not keeping a hold of her kid in a parking lot.  Not necessarily her "fault," per se, bcs some kids are hard to control, but it's definitely not yours.  That's ridiculous.

    Who throws their coffee at a car???

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • jg1011jg1011 member
    Arrived at my high risk appt to find that the only dr here today is the dr I really don't want to see. He "discharged me" at 20 weeks despite my LONG history (cardiac issues, pre-e with HELLP, delivery at 35 weeks, GD) which he fails to "remember" each time I saw him week 12-20. I had these same issues with him last pregnancy too...and if he cracks one more joke about my pacemaker or my age I may kick him...hard!

    I just started insulin on Friday and new high risk insisted I be checked today and I was experiencing contractions this weekend so I have no choice but to stay and see him.

    Now I'm worried that somehow he will miss something......ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
    IMG_4550[1] Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Preface I have a '11 Hyundai Elantra that has smallish windows, so I always make sure to pull out of parking spaces as carefully as possible. 

    I'm pulling out of the grocery store and I look both ways. When I am almost done backing out, I see a small little girl run ahead of her mom or sister so I slam on the brakes. As I straighten out, I look at mom to mouth sorry (even though little girl ran away from her). She glares as at me and the little girl looks at me and drops the coffee she has her in hand (mind you she's like 3). 

    As I proceed to drive away, I hear a huge SLAM against my back windows. Mom threw her coffee all over my car! Now I'm distracted and I look back at mom flicking me off. I almost decided to go around and say something, but I see the driver in the car behind me pointing and yelling at her. 

    I just got home and I'm sitting here shaking and crying. And here I was thinking, man my only bitch today is my back pain!
    Oh hell no. This would have been a serious confrontation if it happened to me.
    Same here.
    That's the crazy thing... I normally would have gone back and said something to her. But I was so damn freaked out (and I've been super emotional lately!) that all I wanted to do was get home!

    @LTMama I totally agree. I know kids can be a handful, which is why I mouthed sorry to her. I just don't get the whole oh let me throw my coffee at her car angle. Especially because I could have slammed into someone else or another car!
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • nilvero said:
    Preface I have a '11 Hyundai Elantra that has smallish windows, so I always make sure to pull out of parking spaces as carefully as possible. 

    I'm pulling out of the grocery store and I look both ways. When I am almost done backing out, I see a small little girl run ahead of her mom or sister so I slam on the brakes. As I straighten out, I look at mom to mouth sorry (even though little girl ran away from her). She glares as at me and the little girl looks at me and drops the coffee she has her in hand (mind you she's like 3). 

    As I proceed to drive away, I hear a huge SLAM against my back windows. Mom threw her coffee all over my car! Now I'm distracted and I look back at mom flicking me off. I almost decided to go around and say something, but I see the driver in the car behind me pointing and yelling at her. 

    I just got home and I'm sitting here shaking and crying. And here I was thinking, man my only bitch today is my back pain!
    Oh I would have got out and said something! I had someone throw their mail at my car once. He evidently thought I was speeding when I was going the speed limit and I even gave him plenty of room, since he was standing partly in the street getting his mail out of the box. I was going to stop and say something but laughing at all the mail he had scattered across the road he had to pick up was enough for me.
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • @LTMama Sending positive vibes that your LO sticks around to cook awhile longer.

    DS STTN again (so awesome!) but woke up at 7am instead of 8..... oh well. We had a lovely breakfast of strawberry waffles and now I'm laying here trying to not to lose them. I'm getting so sick of being sick. Thinking of asking the OB for something other than zofran. Seems kinda silly this late in the game, but I've been maintaining my weight pretty evenly.... meaning I'm losing while DD is gaining and it's not good for me. My MIL hadn't seen me in two weeks and she mentioned that I'm looking like I lost weight (except my bump of course).

    I'll also add myself to the list of painful hip owners. I hate sleeping on my side. It hasn't affected my sleep yet. After 18 months of DS not STTN I don't think anything can keep me from STTN if I'm given the chance. :P
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