July 2014 Moms

Book Club - NOW OPEN!

edited May 2014 in July 2014 Moms
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Re: Book Club - NOW OPEN!

  • I don't have any light books to recommend but, I am going to join in this time :) I'm hyped!
  • Oooh! I'm good with something light! The last one was too much to half listen to (I listen to books all day at work).

    I don't have any fabulous suggestions off the top of my head, but I will go look!
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  • Yay!  I have no recommendations because my tastes tend to lean towards historical non-fiction.  Doesn't tend to lend itself to "light and easy."  That's part of why I'm enjoying book club.  It's expanding my horizons (though I will say my guilty pleasure is anything by Tori Spelling...).
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  • I guess I misunderstood before, and read Cuckoo's Calling already--it's so good, so I am in for discussion whenever people get rolling with it :)


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  • I'm in!
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  • jensaviccijensavicci member
    edited April 2014

    kwh33ls said:

    I guess I misunderstood before, and read Cuckoo's Calling already--it's so good, so I am in for discussion whenever people get rolling with it :)

    No, you didn't bebe. I just wanted to open up the floor in case anyone else had an idea, didn't want to bulldoze the book pick. I'm totally down to read this one again, it was amazeballs. 

    I will admit, bit hard to get into, but then I could not put it down. So good.


    Ah shoot. I hope it gets good somewhere in the beginning because my ADHD kicks in if I'm not interested long enough lol. But I'll trudge through. For the sake of book club!
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  • I second what @LiteraChick‌ promises, @jensavicci‌ ! The first couple of chapters are a little slow while you meet the characters, but then you get sucked in completely. I was seriously annoyed when it was over and the next isn't out yet. Like, WTH....if you're going to write a good book, have the next one ready. What do you think this is, Harry Potter?? ;)


  • @kwh33ls‌ and @LiteraChick‌, I'm trusting you ladies with my lunch hour break which is very important to me. Haha no but, I'm sure it'll be fantastic!
  • edited April 2014
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  • Downloaded! LET'S DO THIS!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hi ladies. Check out this Link..quite a few I want to read. Into the wild is my next download. https://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/books-to-read-before-they-hit-theaters-this-year
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  • Sweet! Let's do "The Cuckoo's Calling"

    Go getcha books ladies!

    @lori_n_lior sticky please?
    @lori_n_lior -- Can you please enable this so we can hide the thread from the top of the page?



  • BoraBoraBabyBoraBoraBaby member
    edited April 2014
    I might be in. DH has been playing Xbox lately so it frees up his iPad. Maybe I'll download tonight. Sounds like a great read!
  • I was able to snatch this from my local library, so I'm in.  Hopefully I can get it finished in time during my lunch breaks.

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  • Hey, I read this already, and it's awesome. You guys are going to really enjoy it. 

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  • tourqeyes said:

    Sweet! Let's do "The Cuckoo's Calling"

    Go getcha books ladies!

    @lori_n_lior sticky please?

    @lori_n_lior -- Can you please enable this so we can hide the thread from the top of the page?

    Is it not sticky for you? 

    It is. I want to hide it like I've hid the other sticky posts if possible.



  • I ordered my book on eBay and it shipped two days ago. Should be here soon! So, I need a little more time too lol
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  • Sooooo how's it going? What y'all think? Digging in or plodding through?
    It's going pretty good for me.  I'm not sure how far along I am at this point.  It's definitely an easy/quick read, but then I look at the % complete (reading on my kindle) and I think I'm less than 20% of the way.  I have been falling asleep reading the last few nights, though, and then the characters end up in my dreams, which is weird.

    I've got no thoughts yet on the story/characters as I think I'm still in the beginning sections of just introducing and developing the characters and storyline.  So many possibilities at this point on who may or may not have done it (if it wasn't suicide) and what may or may not happen with various relationships.
  • I'm a little over halfway through.  So many possibilities! I don't know why, but I always come back to thinking that the brother did it.  Definitely a lot of characters to get acquainted with.  It's not a "OMG, IM TOTALLY HOOKED" sort of read, but I am still intrigued to find out what actually happened and how it plays out.

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  • I totally thought of the brother too @bullybutt. I think I'll be disappointed if it ends up being him haha. I'm about a third of the way through, and like someone else said, it's not a crazy page turner, but I am enjoying it!

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  • Okay, I finished the book.  I like the way it played out and tied all the loose ends together.  I'll just wait for the others to finish up and chime in.

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  • I finished last night.  I'm not sure I liked the ending.  I enjoyed the book and was looking forward to how it all came together, but now looking back on it and the "clues," I'm kind of meh about it all.  I'm still mulling it over, but that's where I'm at for now on it.
  • Yeah, I get what you mean on the clues statement.  It's like he just pulled all of the answers out of a hat.  I wasn't surprised by the killer or how that played out.  I'll give the book a B- or C+.

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  • I finished, too! I agree that the end was a bit predictable, but I really did enjoy the writing. Not Harry Potter-ish at all!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My book still hasn't come! I'm getting really pissed off because idk what the problem is. SMH this would happen when I actually want to join in on the fun -_-
  • I don't know if anyone else has read "Gone Girl" but it really should be on the list of future reads.  I'm almost finished with it. OMG!!! I really want to watch the movie now just to see how Ben Affleck portrays the main character.  It's really really good! 

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  • jensaviccijensavicci member
    edited May 2014
    So....my book came today and um, I'm not sure you ladies know what "light reading" actually means lol. You guys will be on book 3 and I'll still be all "you guys! Chapter three of the cuckoo's calling is insane!" Haha.

    *takes deep breath* ok, here I go...
  • @jensavicci‌ You can do it! It's not a difficult read at all. You'll fly through it.
  • @jnnfrrose6‌

    I know I can! And even if I'm not as quick as you guys are I'm going to finish it and continue making my comments all the way through :) I've already finished the prologue. Lol Woot woot!
  • hgtvmomhgtvmom member
    My reading/listening is slow because I'm training my replacement at work, which means far too much brain power and no book listening! Boo! But I am super excited to see how this plays out!
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  • @jensavicci - I haven't cracked it yet. I already read it, but I want to reread it.

    Who would you ladies cast for the movie?

    I see Ray Stevenson for Cormoranimage

    Jessica Chastain as Robin Ellacott


    J. Law of course, for Lula Landry

    I could see him as Cormoran.  

    Jessica Chastain wouldn't work because the girl that plays Robin needs to be blonde (based on the book description) and I can't see her as a blonde.  I could see J. Law in that role.

    J. Law doesn't work for Lula, because she needs to be black, or half black per the description.  That to me was a fairly major part of the story (being adopted by a white family, searching for her father that she was told is from Africa, etc...).  Rihanna would be the right look, to me, though I don't know what her acting capabilities are.  Maybe even 
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