Trying to Get Pregnant

Nausea and Vomiting 7-8dpo?


Re: Nausea and Vomiting 7-8dpo?

  • pjaimealpjaimeal member
    edited October 2013
    Alpresson said:
    It's ok a lot of these negative responses are coming from people leading seriously sad lives and this is likely the closest they come to having real friends so brush it off gurrrl.

    Alpresson said:
    It sure isn't hard getting a rise out of ppl around here. I don't like Cheerios.
    LMFAO. You don't have a sad life? Coming on the internet and trolling to get a rise out of people.....right.....

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    TTC #1 since 08/2013
    BFP! 11/7/2013
    EDD 7/21/2014
    Baby! 7/20/2014 
    9:14pm - 9lb 14 oz - 20 inches

  • Dude @pajaimeal... That gif is super mesmerizing.
    married since July 2009, TTC since May 2013, BFP April 5, 2014! 
    IT'S A BOY!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
    image   gifs leonardo dicaprio romeo + juliet
    Summer Dog/Winter Dog    D14 AUG. SIGGY CHALLENGE: TEEN CRUSH- LEO

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    BFP#1 6/2013: MMC 8/2013 @ 6 wks, 3 d
    BFP#2 1/2014: CP 1/2014 @ 3 wks, 4 d
    BFP#3 4/2014: MC 4/2014 @ 4 wks, 1 d
    Break until Dec 2014
    Femara, aspirin and progesterone started 12/2015
    Still working on #2!

  • So I'm a doctor now? Cool.
    Congrats, @DarcyHermoine, what an achievement!  
                                                  *********************SIGGY WARNING*************************
                                        May 14 Siggy                                             
    TTC #1 since June 2012.  DX: Unexplained Infertility.  Me: Hypothyroid
    3 Failed Femara + TI cycles and 4 Failed Injects + B2B IUI cycles
    Cycle 23: IVF#1 CoQ10 + Lupron + Puregon = BFP!!
    Beta #1: 199   Beta #2: 800+   It's TWINS!  EDD: Feb 19, 2015
    Team Purple!!!!
    L & E arrived early on January 5, 2015!!
    ~~~All are welcome!~~~

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh man! I thought I killed this thread in October?
    married since July 2009, TTC since May 2013, BFP April 5, 2014! 
    IT'S A BOY!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
    image   gifs leonardo dicaprio romeo + juliet
    Summer Dog/Winter Dog    D14 AUG. SIGGY CHALLENGE: TEEN CRUSH- LEO

  • Whats point of having a blog to ask questions when people are insulting the person asking ? How is this allowed ? Why answer if your not going to say anything nice ?

    It's a fucking Zombie thread. The tone hasn't changed though so if you don't like it then leave. Try babygaga
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BabyFetus Ticker
    TTGP since September 2013. All cycles were annovulatory due to Depo. 
    Surprise BFP: November 5, 2014

  • Because lots of people are quoting dear Cindy? I have no idea what you're talking about, FTR.
    If you click on her name it says her account has been deleted.
    Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
  • This isn't a BLOG? I was under the illusion that this was a blog and it's not. I'm very disappointed.
  • EllyD14 said:

    If you click on her name it says her account has been deleted.

    How did her account get deleted so quickly?
    Fucking bump!!!!

  • I love when twatwaffles try to pass themselves off as educated professionals but can't use proper punctuation/grammar to save their fucking hides.



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • mommy2Cmommy2C member
    edited March 2014
    gscoville said:

    I love when twatwaffles try to pass themselves off as educated professionals but can't use proper punctuation/grammar to save their fucking hides.

    ---massive quote fail---

    But don't forget that she only needed to meet the bare minimum to obtain her degree so it isn't guaranteed that she:

    1. Is actually intelligence.
    2. Knows anything about punctuation and grammar.

    Some of the dumbest people obtain their degrees lol.
  • My symptoms didn't even start till after i missed my af. i felt crampy waiting on af like she was about to show but she never did. then after i found out i was pregnant around 5 1/2 weeks is when my morning sickness set in.

    HOWEVER, if you are planning to conceive and you have started taking your multi vitamins or prenatals that contain iron that my explain your sickness.

    baby development
  • 8411mommy said:

    My symptoms didn't even start till after i missed my af. i felt crampy waiting on af like she was about to show but she never did. then after i found out i was pregnant around 5 1/2 weeks is when my morning sickness set in.

    HOWEVER, if you are planning to conceive and you have started taking your multi vitamins or prenatals that contain iron that my explain your sickness.

    I guess you didn't read the rest of the thread
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.

  • Then how are you continuing to post under the same account?! Are you a Ghost? I'm kind of scared.
    She had her account deleted, then came back and created a new account with the same name to whine about leaving us alone.

    If you go back to her original comment and click the name where she had been quoted it still takes you to the account deleted page.
    Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
  • janda426janda426 member
    edited March 2014

    Ok! I get it! Please no more. I regret posting anything on this site. Please stop continuing to bully me over my 2 posts. I deleted my account and i have been leaving all of you alone. Why continue? Please just stop. It was an error on my part to post anything at all here.

    Why did you even keep reading after you deleted your account? Way to waste TB gods time by deleting your old account. Youre a special snowflake alright.
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