Listen, backgammon is intense. Sometimes you need something to help you relax and unwind after a tough roll of the die.
Preach on, sister, preach on. There may have been a few...heated debates...due to our backgammon rivalry. We have an on-going score we keep for household domination.
I hear you. I am so competitive, I have to top DH in EVERYTHING. Except secks. I like to be on the bottom for that.
If you haven't lost a friendship while playing a game, you're not playing hard enough.
Brandi Bee are you fucking serious? How about when my kid refused to latch, and when he did he had a non-nutritive suck? Or when he lost over 10% of his body weight and was FTT? And then when I pumped 12 times a day only to get a few ounces and eventually dried up because I wouldn't respond to the pump?
Oh and then I got severe PPD (the reglan didn't help with my supply or my depression, btw) which was definitely triggered from all of that. So ya know, what Crystal said. STFU.
Umm... my kiddo didn't latch, @BrandiBee. I met with 4 "consultants," even the head lactation consultant at our hospital. It took me demanding formula after my DS went 12 hours without drinking anything before they'd let me have it. And THEN it took them 3 hours to rustle it up from the nursery. I tried. When my milk came in, I pumped. When he had GERD for 3 months and they had to keep upping his Rx, my mom politely suggested I try FFing. I gave him the GoodStart gentle formula and he never had GERD issues from that point on.
But like @OneDerfulMother said, it's a little too late to wring my hands over it now.
I submit that Caillou is the most annoying little shit out there.
Olivia the pig needs a punch in the dome as well.
You've gone to far talking shit about Olivia. Pump the brakes.
Molly is a lot like Olivia so I take it personally. Strong willed, imaginative, forceful, independent...I know she gets hated on and it makes me sad.
Molly loves her.
DD1 is all those things too but I try to help her harness her traits for productivity and positive stuff. Not that Olivia is necessarily negative but she's snooty sometimes and always self-absorbed.
Molly is a lot like Olivia so I take it personally. Strong willed, imaginative, forceful, independent...I know she gets hated on and it makes me sad.
Molly loves her.
DD1 is all those things too but I try to help her harness her traits for productivity and positive stuff. Not that Olivia is necessarily negative but she's snooty sometimes and always self-absorbed.
I disagree, but we watch A LOT of Olivia. She helps her friends all the time.
Though I have liked annoying characters before. Muno from YGG, for instance. His voice is the most annoying shit ever, but he's a good dude.
Yo Gabba Gabba is the fucking dingleberry of children's entertainment. It's awful and you should be shunned.
Uh, sorry, but no. YGG is the show to watch when you can't fucking stand another insipid kid's show and want to hear some halfway jammin' music by legitimate artists without making your kids cry.
I shared my story because there are a lot of women out there like me. I hope that anyone who judges will realize they don't know someone's back story.
I'm not bitter, but I am still sad.
But see, this pisses me off.
You are still sad about your experience, so that makes it okay to act like that? We were talking about milk supply issues specifically and that is what my reply was about. And then you come in all rabid like some vet having a flashback, like "WHAT ABOUT MY LATCH ISSUES BITCH!!!" Um, I don't know what your issue was and nothing I posted was directed specifically at you. Nothing I said implied you were a bad mother, you didn't try, or any other such BS. Those are all obviously your thoughts. Don't put words in my mouth.
Bumpcation fail. I was doing so well with minimal lurking, too. But TB pissed me off so much today that I give up. How fucked up is that? I'M SO ANGRY I CAN'T STAY AWAY.
Well, I think part of the point of a bumpcation is you don't lurk so you won't read stuff that makes you angry and have to dive in and waste hours of your life arguing with people over the internet.
But selfishly, I like seeing you around.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
In many cases I think "just trust your body" is terrible life advice.
All my body wants to do is lie on the couch and eat sugar and salt.
It's true, it's so true.
Also I'm a minor and I don't drink but my dad has been letting me play with Coors bottles ever since the blue mountains change to white when you hold them.
And I thought BB said rabid like a BAT, I swear that's what I saw the first time. Vets and PTSD jokes are reallly uncool and I don't unconditionally hate everything BB says like most people.
All my sorries to you ladies with BF issues of any type.
BB is right about one thing, unless you're in an awesome hospital L&D (and NICU in our case) nurses really know nothing about BF. I left the hospital with no idea what I was doing and wanted to give up in less than 12 hours of being home. The only reason we were successful is because of SO and my mom telling me to not give up. I had to use a nipple shield for two months and put formula on my nipple to get him to suk the first few days.
As someone who did have actual supply issues (as in I couldn't make enough to feed my kid, and yes, I saw lactation consultants, took herbs to boost supply, pumped, etc.), I really want to get it up to be pissed off about the whole breastfeeding/FF thing, but I just don't have the fucking energy.
I let comments like that make me feel bad about myself before, but I don't do that anymore. I couldn't breastfeed my kid past twelve weeks. She's been on formula since. She's really healthy and awesome. That's a fucking WIN in my book. /end scene
Jeez, @MollusksWrangler, I can't wear clothes I don't know where they came from anymore, I can't eat FOOD I don't know exactly where it came from..... STOP FREAKING ME OUT WITH YOUR GERMAPHOBIA I will turn into a starving nudist or something.
Re: UOs, anyone?
This is genuinely exciting for me, guise.
// I love you too. //
// I love you too. //
// I love you too. //
The best one is up for debate, but probably Duck Tails.
// I love you too. //
Olivia the pig needs a punch in the dome as well.
// I love you too. //
// I love you too. //
// I love you too. //
He doesn't even eat cookies much any more. He's all health n shit.
PS - He does still occasionally eat cookies. But now they give him one or two cookies as opposed to entire batches at a time.
// I love you too. //
// I love you too. //
Though I have liked annoying characters before. Muno from YGG, for instance. His voice is the most annoying shit ever, but he's a good dude.
// I love you too. //
// I love you too. //
It's not weird at all to shout out during sex.
// I love you too. //
Off to find the ignore button.
Also I'm a minor and I don't drink but my dad has been letting me play with Coors bottles ever since the blue mountains change to white when you hold them.
And I thought BB said rabid like a BAT, I swear that's what I saw the first time. Vets and PTSD jokes are reallly uncool and I don't unconditionally hate everything BB says like most people.
All my sorries to you ladies with BF issues of any type.
My UO, i can't stand Flo from the Progressive commercials. She annoys the shit out of me.
I let comments like that make me feel bad about myself before, but I don't do that anymore. I couldn't breastfeed my kid past twelve weeks. She's been on formula since. She's really healthy and awesome. That's a fucking WIN in my book. /end scene
STOP FREAKING ME OUT WITH YOUR GERMAPHOBIA I will turn into a starving nudist or something.