August 2023 Moms

Weekly Check-in 4/3

EDD/Weeks + days:

Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 

Baby is the size of a(n):

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? 

Re: Weekly Check-in 4/3

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    EDD/Weeks + days: 8/5 (officially keeping that day!) 22w2d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): baby is about 5/6 days bigger than the coconut size he supposedly is now. But we aren’t changing the EDD. 

    Upcoming appointments: next prenatal and glucose screening in early May when I’m 26 weeks. It’ll be a gap between appointments, but I’ve been off the regular schedule and they want me to get back on it. 

    How are you feeling? Mostly fine, easily out of breath and tired at work. Trying to do as much of my job as possible while sitting 

    Raves/Rants: no

    Questions: Did I ask about camping already? My DS preschool does an annual group camp out, early September. He’s been talking about it since last fall. I think I blocked out how rough postpartum recovery was last time. I’m trying to decide if I’ll be up for it or if SO should take him and baby and I stay home. 

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? Only one day? Probably head over to the coast and divide my time between being on the beach and shopping in all the quirky little shops and eating food 
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    @tumbleweed-1 I would not go camping while newly PP. I need comfort and my own space and things. I would send your SO. 

    EDD/Weeks + days: Aug 25/ 19+2

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Mango 

    Upcoming appointments: I’m not even sure when my next appointment is. 

    How are you feeling? I’m tired. I hit a wall every afternoon around 3. So I have to lay down and close my eyes for a few minutes. 

    Raves/Rants: I’m enjoying the sunshine we are getting. I just wish the temps would go ahead and get high enough to melt most of the snow. That’s really all I’ve got right now. 


    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do?  I would hike the glacier we have that in pretty difficult to get to. You can take a kayak out to it or you can take the trail out to it but it’s a long distance out. Plus, the current on the lake makes it very difficult to get back when you kayak. 
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    @tumbleweed-1 I agree with emerald, I wouldn’t be up for camping within 6 weeks pp. Even a bit beyond that. Between the pp bleeding, leaky boobs, frequent nursing, hormonal night sweats, etc I would definitely send SO. Is the camp out close enough that you could go for like campfire and marshmallow evening part with baby and then peace out? Like if you really feel like you need to be there? But even that sounds like a lot to me 😂 

    @emeraldcity603 hiking a glacier sounds pretty cool. I wanted to do that last time we were in NZ but we just didn’t have the time. 

    EDD/Weeks + days: august 23, 20 weeks

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): banana

    Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan on Wednesday

    How are you feeling? Ick. Still can’t manage without Diclectin. Also, I’m always so exhausted at the end of the day but as soon as my head hits the pillow I’m wide awake and takes ages to fall asleep.

    Raves/Rants: our dishwasher crapped out this weekend and the new one won’t arrive for another two weeks. It’s only been two days and I am already sick of hand washing dishes, which I realize sounds very spoiled but my kids use every single plate, bowl, cup they can find. I think I’ll have to hide everything except one for each of them.

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? Hmm, fly down to New York and see a Hamilton matinee on broadway, wander the met and then eat at some amazing restaurant. Or charter a helicopter out to sable island and see all those wild ponies. 
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    @pickle-chips There are several nearby that you can visit. One is a super easy hike but we don’t go until July at the earliest due to avalanche risks. We are moving into avalanche season right now and I worry about going certain places due to the risk. Last year there was a massive avalanche in a nearby neighborhood. Luckily the snow stopped before crushing houses but only by inches. It was wild. 
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    EDD/Weeks + days: I’m 20 weeks this week

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out Thursday! 🤞🏼

    Baby is the size of a(n): no idea. Whatever 20 weeks is in fruit or veggie…is it banana? 🍌 

    Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan Thursday! Regular ob appointment next Monday

    How are you feeling? Really tired the last few days but I’ve been really active and busy as well. So not bad. I’m having round ligament pain on and off. It’s better if I’m more active or get moving a bit. 

    Raves/Rants: I guess I have a rant. I took last week off because my oldest had spring break. I also wanted to work on cleaning the house. My office manager also decided to take the week off so I had no management in the office all week. She assured me she would log in and check on staff but maybe only did it once or twice. I ended up having to work every day for a few hours to keep things on track and then had to go in on Friday because my staff couldn’t figure out how to put a desk together for my new hire. Needless to say I was pissed! I’ve never been able to take time off in the last four years without logging in while on my “vacation” and finally hired management and enough admin, so I could take vacations and it’s annoying that it’s no different than before. I’m not sure how leave will go and I’ll probably end up working still. 

    Questions: none

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do?  I would go to some fancy spa, some place warm and do all the things. I would then take my husband to a nice dinner, maybe on a beach somewhere and then hang out by the water. 
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 8/16, 20+5

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): banana but based on ultrasound, baby is measuring big and is in the 69th percentile for weight😅

    Upcoming appointments: midwife appointment on Thursday

    How are you feeling? Good mostly! I have pubic bone pain which has been annoying but mostly I’ve had a bit more energy and I’ve been nesting like crazy.

    Raves/Rants: we have something going on every weekend in April and I’m tired just thinking of it. Also DS has been a pill lately. I’m so tired of spending all day repeating myself 10x just to get him to do something.

    Questions: anyone know anything about a slightly below normal head circumference to femur length ratio? The midwife didn’t note any concerns in the notes in my portal and they didn’t call either, but the radiologist report was attached and I read it and it said the ratio was slightly lower than average. All google talks about is femur length being in the 5th percentile and increased chance of genetic abnormalities but the femur length isn’t that short. Since the midwife hasn’t said anything I probably shouldn’t worry but I am a little bit and will ask about it Thursday.

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? Buy a nice big ranch!!
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    @novelblessings That is not ok. Your time off should actually be time off. I would bring up your concerns about maternity leave now so they understand you will not be available. That’s your personal time to bond and adjust to having a new baby. 

    @justyouraveragemama I don’t know anything about femur length and head circumference. I would assume if the midwife didn’t mention it that it wasn’t far enough out of the range of normal to be an issue. 
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 18+6, 8/30

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue 💙

    Baby is the size of a(n): mango

    Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan on Friday!!

    How are you feeling? Feeling good! Baby is moving and grooving in there and I am so happy I can finally feel him move more consistently. 

    Raves/Rants: we are looking into getting a large tree next to the house relive any I’m nervous for the price. It is still flowering but losing branches consistently and seems to be dried out when it does. A big branch fell in the last windstorm and narrowly missed the neighbor’s house. He mentioned yesterday that if we wanted to get rid of the tree, they would be willing the split the cost which I thought was incredibly generous (we have awesome neighbors on all sides - we’re a corner house in a rural neighborhood). So I’m calling today to get a quote.

    Questions: anyone else already getting pressure on their pubic bone from baby? This seems early in pregnancy but ooof.

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do?  
    Day trip to NYC to catch a Broadway show and dinner! Hopefully my babysitter is up for an overnight 😂
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    @justyouraveragemama ours was off enough that it was making my daughter appear bigger than she was (she had super long femurs in comparison). We ended up getting induced bc her belly was so small and they just ignored her femur length. I still have a skinny, long-legged baby ☺️
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    @msjaay yeah ours is the opposite where head and belly are big but legs are short. Thinking back though DS was short, stubby, and chunky when he was born so it’s possible he was this way too but I just didn’t have access to the radiologist report so I didn’t know🤷🏽‍♀️
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    @gingermama29 that is very generous of your neighbors. Hopefully it won’t cost too much to remove the tree. I haven’t started feeling much pressure yet. I’m hoping I don’t until 3rd trimester. 
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 19w3d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Girl

    Baby is the size of a(n): mango

    Upcoming appointments: Had one yesterday

    How are you feeling? headachey, irritable, and very large

    Raves/Rants: Had a very short OB appt yesterday - met a new doc in the practice. I felt that the appointment was a little rushed, but she did take some time to educate me about weight gain (have gained 25 lbs so far). I had the same pattern with my last baby, no GDM, and normal birth weight - but she says I shouldn't count on being as lucky this time around. So here I am trying to eat better and get some more movement in :) Also have a PT appointment tomorrow (for SI joint dysfunction causing shooting pain similar to sciatica) so hopefully that should help with being more active. 

    Questions: I guess the only question for myself is - how did I make it through last time? I'm so grateful to be pregnant but cannot wait for August to get this baby out. 

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? Assuming we also had the day off of work in this dream, I would whisk hubby to mexico to walk the beaches and eat at a restaurant we loved last time we were there. 
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 8/10, although I just noticed my ultrasound report recommends changing it to 8/8. Not that it makes any difference I guess. 21.5 weeks

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink

    Baby is the size of a(n): somewhere between a pomegranate and a coconut?

    Upcoming appointments: not for a while 

    How are you feeling? LARGE. Getting winded easily, and my back gets sore if I sit the wrong way for too long. So basically feeling like mid-third. Cool.

    Raves/Rants: I would jump in front of a train for my daughter, but I also may have been the one to stick her on the track. She is simultaneously the most amazing little thing and the thing that drives me the most insane. This week has been...a week. (And it is Tuesday.) God grant me the patience of Job and the energy of a 3.5 year old.

    Questions: @justyouraveragemama my daughter was like your little guy -- short little legs (measured at like 35 weeks when we induced) but big head, and tummy so big she was actually off of any sort of prenatal charts. I don't recall what the measurements were at 20 weeks but when we did a growth scan at 32 that's when the US tech and my OB were both like "welp, this will be a big one". She's still built like that -- we can get away with 3t pants (and she finally just grew out of her 18-month skirts) but she's moving into 6/6X shirts simply for the length. She's really tall (like taller than a lot of 5-year-olds) but all torso. But if we had seen the report, I suspect we would have seen a weird head-to-femur ratio too.

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? Just one day? Take the earliest flight we could to Disney (World or Land, I don't really care) and spend the day at a park. Ideally we're talking early March so nice weather, low crowds, and Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot or Food and Wine Festival at CA Adventure. Graze all day on festival food, ride rides, do the grown-up stuff it's been harder to do with a little one with us but that we used to love when it was just the two of us. Probably bring home a new pair of ears for the kid. :)
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    @gingermama29 I started to feel so much pressure these past few days and I don’t know if it’s baby getting heavier or baby just kicking down there. Sometimes I feel like hunching over and grabbing my V like omg stop this pressure! 

    EDD/Weeks + days: 23 weeks 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green

    Baby is the size of a(n): grapefruit but two weeks ago was the weight of it. I think the baby is heavier 

    Upcoming appointments: today I have my second anatomy scan! Can’t wait to see baby. They won’t allow us to record or take photos but SO snuck it last time too 🙄 I’m sure he’ll do the same 

    How are you feeling? Still have my daily congestion, hungrier, heavier! I have energy which is nice but I’m out of breath quicker. Last night I would say was the worst, I peed 3x and my Fitbit clocked me in at 1hr 32nd s awake tossing and turning lol and the belly hurts trying to flip side to side. 

    Raves/Rants: rants-insurance is a B. I keep getting billed for all these visits and I spent 2 hours on the phone yesterday and spoke to 5 different people. I’m currently on Medicaid due to my job loss and it should’ve been covered. They figured it out but I’m still receiving the emails for $$ due. 
    And SO keeps telling me “don’t worry everything will be ok and work out”. I finally told him that I hate HATE when he says that. It kills me. I don’t want to hear that at all. I told him I know it’ll work out because I am the one who has to deal with this and not him. I’m the one on the phone for two hours and not him. I’m the one who’s growing a baby in my body and not him. I told him how about you say things like how can I help? What can I do to help you? Instead of saying “don’t worry everything will be ok” blah blah!! I think he got the picture because the next day he was at work at texted me what can he do to help. Lol I gave him a list of house chores. 

    Questions: is an anatomy scan standard for pregnancy? My MIL was so confused why we’re getting an anatomy scan. She’s a nurse and never heard of that, and then she had told me she asked her nurse friends and they just told her because I’m high-risk and she said that’s stupid that I am high-risk bc I’m healthy lol. Her friends said it’s bc I’m 37 and ftm and she’s so old school she said she thought high risk is over 40. 

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do?  I would want to be on a tropical beach getting a massage hearing the waves and then having a beautiful dinner with a seafood tower lol and a California king size bed to lay in afterwards bc a queen bed and my pregnancy pillow isn’t big enough 
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    @lmn823 in Canada (I’m pretty confident all provinces) the 20 week scan is standard of prenatal care for all pregnancies—regardless of risk factors.
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 20w 6d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Team blue

    Baby is the size of a(n): banana 

    Upcoming appointments: Everything has changed now. We went to pediatric cardiology this morning and it was devastating. I’ll go to MFM on Thursday and back to cardiology on April 18. I’m officially high risk and we are praying baby keeps growing. 

    How are you feeling? I’m devastated. There are three structural things wrong with his heart, but they don’t add up to a single easily recognizable condition. The doctor explained in detail the various structural issues and what they might do to help them. Our cardiologist is going to consult with colleagues and specialists both here and at other pediatric heart programs. But, our best case scenario, the one we are praying for is this: that this baby stays with me until 40 weeks, survives birth, and undergoes the first of a few heart repair surgeries during his first few days of life. The next would be after a couple months, and then a third when he’s around 4 or 5. If this is our path, he would live a normal life and you’d never know about his heart condition. Another option is that it becomes clear his heart is too damaged to repair and they put him on a transplant list. I suppose the last option is he doesn’t make it to birth and we lose him. My life is changing before my eyes and all I can do is wait and hope and pray. I should also mention that I’ve learned this is the sort of thing people TFMR for. For us this is not an option, and yet we are surrounded by very pro-choice people who I can’t help but thing will wonder why we “chose” to stay on this journey. I’m sorry if this offends anyone. Maybe I’m just still grappling with it. I don’t want my son to suffer, but I believe he deserves to be born and to have me hold him and try to give him the life he deserves even if it’s hard. 

    Raves/Rants: I’m so grateful for the care at this children’s hospital. If this had happened with my first pregnancy we would’ve been all alone half way across the country and 90 minutes from the children’s hospital. Here, we’re at a nationally ranked program that’s 10 minutes from our home. And so I’m raving about our decision to move back east. 

    Questions: Does anyone here know anyone who has gone through a congenital heart defect diagnosis with their baby? The internet is filled with stories but I need to keep my anxiety in check. What I want to do is talk to families and moms who’ve been where I am but not scour the depths of the internet making myself upset. 

    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? This is tough! Its hard to think of fun things right now. I’d like to drive to this restaurant that’s about 45 minutes away that’s supposed to be amazing and go on a date with my husband. It sounds pretty doable I guess haha
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    edited April 2023
    @lmn823 the anatomy scan results are listed for basically every OB patient I see in labor, haha. I think your MIL is incorrect on this one. 
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    @ccmrc143 I second what gingermama said. We are here for you. Sending you so many hugs, lots of love and hoping for the best case scenario. It sounds like you have a really great team on your side fighting for the best for you and your son. 

    And screw other people’s opinions. You are exercising your choice(!), and all they should do right now is support and uplift you and your family in every way possible. 💗💗💗
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    @ccmrc143 you do what you can as a mom. Most people who are giving you advice or questioning hasn’t experienced what you are going through yourself. And F everyone else’s opinion in my case, they are not living your life. Keeping positive throughout all this and praying for you and your family too. 

    @cherrystorming and she still went ahead and asked other nurses about it 🤷🏻‍♀️ which I find offensive and out of her place. 
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    @lmn823 anatomy scans are pretty standard, I’m using a birth center this time (with home birth option) and they are the hands off sort and don’t do routine early dating scans or anything but still the anatomy scan is part of their routine care. 
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    @ccmrc143 I just saw your update… been praying for you all day. I’m sorry that is huge news to process! 🤍 one of my coworker’s had a daughter last year with a similar condition, based on the surgical timelines you were presented with anyway. They definitely spent a lot of time in hospitals her first few months, but they have a beautiful little girl who was the cutest bumble bee for Halloween last fall. I also have a friend who is going through a second heart transplant (first as a baby) with their mid 20s fiancé this week. A lot of 2 steps forward 1 step back days for them but he lives a full life and is getting married this fall!

    Im sure you will learn way more medical terms/skills than you ever wanted to know… but I’m SO thankful with you that you are close to such a fantastic hospital! Praying for clarity and answers in the upcoming days/weeks, for growth for baby, and for people in your life to be supportive. I’d ask one of the hospital social workers if there’s a cardiac anomaly support group you can join at your hospital if that’s something you’re interested in! 

    Know that you and your son have a little army of prayer warriors here already!
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    @emeraldcity603 @priyadoc One would think! I have been prepping my staff and have talked with my office manager this week about my fears that I’ll be working while out. My new lead that started this week is so far very helpful already and told me if they need to help by taking things off my plate to let them know. I think either way I will have work to do but can do a bit of planning to minimize it or plan ahead. I just don’t want my business to go to shit while I’m out! As few weeks I can understand things slipping a bit but a few months scares me a bit after what happened last week. 

    @ccmrc143 so sorry to hear, still praying for your little man and your family. You know what is best so you do what you need to. I think I would probably feel the same, wanting to give my baby a chance to live at least. But still a very difficult and emotional situation to be in for any mama. We never want there to be something wrong with our kiddos. Hang in there, many of us are praying for you 🙏🏼 
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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    @priyadoc I got harassed about GD during one pregnancy at every appointment. He measured 2 weeks ahead from 8 weeks on. I passed the 1 hour glucose test with flying colors and they still wouldn’t drop it. I think I gained close to 40lbs that pregnancy. 

    @ki1244 My in-laws tried to temp me to do a group vacation with Disney as the bait. I was just like, no thanks. Now Universal? Absolutely! I love HP and I really only go for that part of their park. 😆

    @ccmrc143 I’m so sorry you are going through this. I got judgment when I chose to deliver my baby when I had my second trimester loss. I was just far enough along I needed to do it in the hospital. The nursing staff had no clue what to do with me. One nurse managed to say some pretty insensitive things to me. It made the entire experience worse than it had to be. I’m adding you and your precious baby to my prayer list and I will be praying for the best possible outcome for y’all. Two of my boys have heart defects but nothing severe. I was told that with this congenital defect that many structures within the heart can be affected. So far it’s just been one of the valves for both our sons. 

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    @ccmrc143 I’m so sorry, I’ll be praying for you and your little boy, this isn’t an easy situation to find yourself in. Nothing I can say can make this easier or make you feel better but we’re here for you❤️
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    @ccmrc143 I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll be thinking of your family and your sweet baby <3 Also, if your friends are pro-choice, then I don't think they would question the fact that you're doing just that and exercising your choice. I hope you get some more information in your upcoming appointments that can help you better navigate your journey. We're here if you need us.
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    EDD/Weeks + days: 23w but they also keep mentioning a 7/31 due date. I'm just leaving it as is.

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Team green

    Baby is the size of a(n): Chinchilla

    Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow, 4/6 with MFM. We need to get the pics they couldn't get the first go around with wiggles.

    How are you feeling? Pretty good. Definitely feel larger. Lugging my daughter up and down the steps is becoming an aerobic accomplishment.

    Raves/Rants: We hustled to show our house last week as kind of a favor to this couple who wanted on our street. We don't have a place to go, but they're very insistent on our neighborhood. I was out of town for work the prior week, so when I got back we cleaned and organized for two days straight. They didn't end up wanting the house. Which is totally fine, but it was because of something that they knew ahead of time (wanted an additional bathroom). I feel like I would be less irritated if they were like, it just wasn't for us after seeing it in person, or something.


    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? I lean towards a private jet, but I don't know where I could go and get back in one day. Maybe at least to the coast quickly so that we could have a beach day with lots of fresh food and massages.
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    @ccmrc143 I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s is such a hard thing to learn. Take sometime with your family to process. I’m glad you have a team of people around you. Sending you so much love

    EDD/Weeks + days: 22+3

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue 

    Baby is the size of a(n): coconut 

    Upcoming appointments: OB next week

    How are you feeling? Headaches. Lots of headaches. 

    Raves/Rants: I didn’t understand gender disappointment before now. I know I should just be happy everything is going fine so far. And it’s our first, we plan on having two, and I always wanted one of each, but I’ve felt so disconnected from this pregnancy. It’s only the past few weeks I’ve felt excited about being a mom. Not that I was dreading it or anything, I just didn’t feel much of anything. Mild stress about money etc but the baby was nothing more than a checklist of things I needed to do before I was due. Anyway I just started picturing a little girl when I felt “her” move and that helped. Everyone had told me they thought I was having a girl so that’s what I pictured. I had a little girl name. I imagined leaving the hospital with bows and then having a five year old little girl run around the farm. And now I’m back to feeling disconnected. I’ve done all the things to try and bond, it’s why I’m on this app, to try and make myself feel more normal about being pregnant. Aren’t I supposed to be happy, on cloud nine talking about how “I just love him so much already, can’t wait to meet you ❤️“ but I don’t. I don’t love him, I don’t know him yet, how am I supposed to love him already? I at least loved the idea of this little girl. My therapist figures it’s my way of coping with being pregnant while working my job (NICU). It’s hard to think of the 22 week old babies I’m trying to save while having a 22 week baby inside me, so I just don’t. My husband enjoyed seeing baby move around and suck his thumb during our anatomy scan, I watched for a four chambered heart, dysmorphic facial features, and grilled our poor tech about structures and measurements. Sorry for the long rant/trauma dump. I don’t feel like I have a safe space to vent about this stuff IRL because I think people will think I’m an awful mom, which is fair, I kinda think I’m a awful mom too


    GTKY: if you can do one thing in one day, unlimited funds and a babysitter, what would you do? Buy a beautiful house somewhere on a remote tropical beach where I could go and ignore the world. That or repeat what we did for our wedding day, hike to the top of a mountain and drink champagne watching the sunrise, then have the best brunch after hiking down and go back to the beautiful hotel we stayed at and have a romantic dinner by the alpine lake. 
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    edited April 2023
    @lizdiane456 I don’t have any advice but I can definitely relate. We aren’t finding out but I’m definitely hoping more for a girl since that’s easier for me to wrap my head around for some reason. I’ve also struggled with connecting. 

    Potential trigger… For me it’s partially because of a 2 year infertility hx and then a MC the month before this pregnancy. I’ve just been waiting to lose this baby.  I also work as a nurse and have walked through the loss of kiddos with parents. I had my anatomy scan yesterday and had a similar reaction - anxiously looking for things that are wrong, while my husband is noticing all the cute things instead (which I love him for and wish I was doing the same).

    I hope it helps to know that you aren’t alone. I’m trying to connect by just focusing when I am feeling the wiggles. No expectations or forcing myself to talk to baby which doesn’t work for me yet. Just being in the moment and trying to recognize that at that moment MY baby is doing  good and normal baby things. 

    And I don’t think that makes you or me an awful mom - we’re just living in our realities of seeing some of the worst things people can go through at  our jobs. It definitely filters everything I do - alllll the therapy lol
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    @lizdiane456 don’t beat yourself up too much (which I know is much easier said than done). What you’re feeling is completely valid and normal. Not every single mom feels in love the moment the baby comes out, let alone while the baby is still growing inside. Those feelings will come eventually. Vent away in here. 
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    @lizdiane456 same as others, you are absolutely not a bad mom. There are a variety of experiences and reactions that are normal. I have many friends who didn’t even feel a connection once the baby was born, more or less when they were pregnant. They’re kind of just sacks of flour you care for at first and you don’t get a lot of interaction back lol. Those are the people who are less likely to speak up so it seems less common. Don’t put pressure on yourself to feel any kind of way. 
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    @lizdiane456 I just want to echo what's been said above. Take your time to process the news and know that however you feel is ok. I had major gender disappointment with my first (wanted a boy), and now I can't imagine anything better than my sweet little girl. It gets much, much better!
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    @emeraldcity603 I completely agree! I remember on my first BMB it was absolutely the worst thing you could possibly say. There were a couple of very vocal individuals who would shout down anyone who mentioned gender disappointment, which is so unfair! And as someone who experienced gender disappointment with my first I wish I could go back in time and say it’s not black and white—it’s incredibly personal, nuanced, and valid! 

    So @lizdiane456 please do not feel like you’re a bad mum! You can absolutely feel all of these feelings and talk about them here without judgement (as seen by everyone’s caring and thoughtful support above). I also unpacked a lot of my feelings around gender disappointment with my therapist and it was the most helpful, so glad you have someone on your team to help you too.
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    @lizdiane456 goodness gracious, you are not a bad mom. Depression is a very real, very rough place to be, and includes a lot of feelings that rationally make no sense but you experience them anyway. I didn't feel any sense of connection to my daughter until she had a name, but even then, after she was born my reaction wasn't "oh look at this beautiful amazing child", it was more like "uh...I'm tired and she's sort of crusty, can someone else hold her and maybe wipe her off and I'll get back to that later?" She's the best gift I have now, and I can't imagine my life without her -- but I was adamant then, and am glad I stuck to it now, that I *not* journal my feelings because until she's an adult and can hear and understand it, I never want her to know there was a time when I didn't know if I even wanted her, or that I wondered if I would have even been sad if I miscarried. But I do look back at those days and can honestly thank God for them, because it gave me a different perspective and an empathy for moms experiencing that. My heart hurts for you, because I understand how it felt. There's a picture of pregnancy and for some people it's their reality, but it isn't reality for everyone and that's ok too.

    I was lucky that I wanted girls and I've gotten girls, but had that not been the case I have no doubt I'd be disappointed. It doesn't make you a bad mom, and it doesn't mean you won't love your son less than you would have if he was a daughter. It means your expectations weren't what played out, just like if you ordered a cheeseburger and got the most delicious steak in the world -- it's amazing but it's not the burger you expected. It's ok to be like "um, not quite?" and be sad, disappointed, annoyed, whatever. Eventually you'll take a bite anyway and discover it's awesome and realize it's actually what you needed, but in the moment, dammit, you wanted a burger. Why would anyone fault you for that? Grieve what you wanted. Just don't drown in the grief. Easier said than done, I know, so for the moment keep your checklist, finish tasks and celebrate those, and maybe focus on the things that you *can* enjoy with this little guy -- seeing his relationship with your husband, teaching him to pee on a cheerio or something, BABY FEDORAS, teaching him how to treat women, cooking with him... Oddly enough the thing that first broke through my depression was a gift from my husband's aunt (one of my favorite in-laws) -- a pack of baby socks with burgers and pizza on them, with a cookbook called Little Foodie that has a ton of interesting puree combos and recipes for kids up through the first two years, all with suggested wine/cocktail pairings for the parents. I have no idea what it was about that book and socks that gave me my first glimmer of actual excitement, but now it's what I gift new moms in case it has the same magic effect for them, and every time my daughter and I cook something from it (because it still has some of my regular rotation recipes in it -- her meatballs are AMAZING and her muffin recipes are on point) I smile and remember how that first sparkle of hope actually felt. And I hope you feel some of those sparkles again soon. They'll come.
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    @lizdiane456 I totally relate to you and you’re not a bad mom! Read what @ki1244 said over and over. Spot on. I’ll just add that I did have gender disappointment too, wanted a girl and ended up with one and now two boys. During labor with my first I had a meltdown that I wouldn’t love my baby. I cried and said never mind I don’t want a baby at all. At that point I didn’t even know the gender, but if I had, it would’ve been worse. I promise you that you will love your little boy. Even if you’re the girliest girl who has no interest in anything guys like, you’re going to love him. I did not connect with my first until long after he was born. It will happen for you. 
    I also want to thank you for working in the NICU. My prayer is that my son will be born alive and able to receive the level of care you and your colleagues offer 🙏 I know that brings its own layer of complexity for you because you know so much about what could go wrong. Perhaps seeing that all day is triggering your brain to wall up and not feel emotionally tied to your baby, as a defense mechanism? Because if you don’t love him yet, if you’re not excited, you’d theoretically feel less hurt if something went wrong? I know my anxiety works that way, lots of boundaries and defenses. No matter what it is, try not to judge yourself for it. Are you able to see a therapist? I ended up needing Zoloft pretty soon after DS was born due to PPD and I only wish I had prepared for it sooner. If you tell your OB you’re struggling, and even if you don’t want medication, it will open the door for them to check in with you on your mental health more frequently should you really need it. Sending love your way ❤️
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    Thank you everyone ❤️ I took a whole day to just feel my feelings while my husband was at work and that helped some. Still have a ways to go but I don’t feel as distressed as I did last night. I’m not a huge girly girl myself so it took me by surprise that I reacted as strongly as I did. 

    @ccmrc143 thank you! I love my job, though it has made pregnancy difficult. I have a wonderful therapist and she helps a lot but the cognitive dissonance definitely is a coping mechanism. I’m hoping it will get better into the third trimester, but holding him at arms length feels like if God forbid we did end up in the NICU, I’d be able to make hard decisions more easily. I tried talking to my husband about this the second we got pregnant, what interventions would we do under what circumstances and have everything laid out and to him he feels it’s absurd because it probably won’t happen, but to me I needed the plan now so I wouldn’t have to make difficult choices when I’m emotionally involved. The upside is if we do end up in the NICU I know our team and I know they would look after him so it would be less scary because it would just be like going to work without having to do so much work. 
    I really hope for the best for your son, I unfortunately have no experience with APVS specifically, but I’m sure you are getting an overwhelming amount of information right now. The only advice I can give is that google is not your friend right now, it can be easy to fall into a rabbit hole with it and generally causes more stress than it helps. Just try and take it day by day  ❤️
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