September 2023 Moms

Symptoms - 1st Trimester


Re: Symptoms - 1st Trimester

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    Lol yup exactly!  :) 
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    6w3d and I’ve already cried twice about not being able to eat dinner. The food aversions are no joke. And I’m bracing myself for it to get worse! 
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    I feel like I just got slapped with irritability. My 11 year old dog has been up my butt all day to the point I turn around and run into her. Which isn’t that unusual , especially since I’m pregnant. But it’s pissing me off 😂 And then I cried because a dress wouldn’t fit. I’m not one to cry over clothes, so I realized then it was the hormones. So now I’m still crying but feeling nuts 🤪 
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    ash_marie33ash_marie33 member
    edited January 2023
    Well, I’m 8 weeks today and threw up for the first time this morning 🥴😮‍💨 thankfully the nausea went away pretty quick after that, but I think lesson learned that when I’m hungry when I first wake up I need to go ahead and eat something before it’s too late! 
    Also had a headache and back ache yesterday which I thought was from maybe overdoing it in the yard, but it lingered all night and morning. A little coffee and food helped this morning. 
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     well the nausea is finally creeping in and I’m so grateful for it. (For now at least) 

    I went grocery shopping and just the thought of all the food made me so queasy. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    Week 6 nausea sucked but week 7 my nausea is outrageous. Crackers, ginger ale, ginger chews, and tums aren’t working like they did last week. 😣 
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    6w5d, and the nausea has HIT ME the last two days - I’m actually kind of thankful and hoping it sticks around, because I wasn’t feeling pregnant without it since I’ve had it so badly every other pregnancy. 🤢

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    Agreed. Embracing it but it doesn’t feel awesome always. 
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    6+3 here, and the morning sickness is really hitting hard. Gagging so hard at everything that I can barely get food down, so I'll be talking to my OB about getting on diclegis, which helped immensely last time. In the meantime I'm doing my best to stay hydrated with liquid iv packs and sipping on ensure when I can.
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    @jennaverhaeghe your symptoms sound the same as mine over here, minus the hair loss (usually a 3-4months ppd for me, but maybe yours will stop and you'll have super thick, beautiful pregnancy hair and skip all the loss!!). the dizziness is terrible! at 7 weeks here. and so over the nausea that improves with eating. trying to eat healthy to minimize the gain, but its so hard. definitely getting older... wasn't so hard to lose the weight in my 20's!
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    5 weeks. CONSTIPATED. Really bad insomnia. Moody. Boobs hurt so much and they barely fit in my bra!!
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    6 weeks. Just mild nausea and fatigue for now, but I have to complain to someone about how swollen and painful my breasts are. Never wanted to get rid of them as much as right now.
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    A new pregnancy symptom for me, which is odd since I’ve been pregnant so many times  - so.much.phlegm in my throat!!! I’ve heard of a couple people who had pregnancy rhinitis but have never experienced it before…but it started basically as soon as a I got a BFP and isn’t letting up (and I’m also not sick in anyway). 

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    Was worried cause symptoms were less yesterday but ohhhh they’re back today. 🤢 
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    @babysavvy my symptoms have been up and down, too. i had about 8 hours of feeling decent the other day and kinda stressed about it. but then it all came back. i remember i had waxing and waning symptoms in other pregnancies, too. there is no "normal." i used to think that if i had ms symptoms then the pregnancy was ok, and if the symptoms went away was worried about miscarriage, but its just not accurate. everyone and every pregnancy is different.
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    5w4d and just threw up for the first time. I have a history of HG, so worried about what is to come.
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    Anyone else already having pregnancy brain and being very forgetful?? Last night I could have sworn it was Tuesday night (trash night at our house) and asked my husband to take the trash out, which he did lol….only to realize an hour later it was Thursday night and we forgot to take the trash out all week 😅🤣
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    Sooo nauseous. And at the point where any tight pants makes me feel nauseous. All my pants are tight. 😫😫😫

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @wanderlustsoul same, i'm doing the hairband around the button today. 
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    5+3 today and the fatigue is so bad. I am so glad that we're on winter break now because I'm sleeping 9-10 hours at night and taking 4 hours worth of naps in the day. Is this amount of exhaustion normal??? What can I do to help??
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    @mokamonster i feel the same. i try to sleep for at least 9 hours per night and nap if the older kids are at school and my youngest is napping/ if i have a babysitter. and i never feel rested/ awake/ energetic. i'm 7+6 and its been this way for weeks. 
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    @mokamonster I’m struggling too, and unfortunately it is totally normal to feel so exhausted. Between hormonal changes and your body working extra hard to grow a baby, but it gets better. Personally I find eating balanced meals and exercising (if you can find the energy, most days I can’t) it helps. Feel no guilt or shame in napping as much as you can! 


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    @mokamonster totally normal! The exhaustion is crazy. I’m trying hard to fit in naps when I can which isn’t always easy with 2 tiny humans. Weekends are nice. 😅

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    MY BOOBS!!! I think this is about the same timing as my last pregnancy, but my boobs are probably already about 2 cup sizes bigger + still just as sensitive. I need to get out my maternity bras, but PGAL brain is making me feel too paranoid to. 

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    Question for the 2nd or more time moms: is your uterus just almost sore feeling? I know I’ve read that it stretches much easier after having been pregnant.  But this is just wow, uncomfortable. 
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    Intense nausea weeks 6&7. First time throwing up today, 8w2d. 
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    6 weeks today, and food tastes extra salty to me. Weird. 
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    @anniemarie887 i was just thinking today how my uterus just has felt sore. not crampy, just sore. i'm 8+1 today.

    just always feeling overall terrible. i literally just stuff my face when the nausea subsides and have definitely gained weight in my thighs. just yuck all around. hoping the time passes quickly for all of us feeling crappy.
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    @litzi-2 glad it’s not just me *TW MC* this isn’t my 2nd pregnancy, I’ve had 3 losses - one was a 9w MMC - last year I had D&C’s and a hysteroscopy to remove retained tissue. I feel like my uterus has taken a beating and it all makes me nervous  *END TW*
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    Low key panicking because I feel fine today. Not really nauseous. Not exhausted. Busy, busy day and I feel perfectly fine. 😫 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @wanderlustsoul I’ve been experiencing the same. I’m 8 weeks today and some days I feel no symptoms and worry a little bit. But I had my first appointment today and saw the baby with a little heartbeat. I know it’s hard not to stress but having symptom free days can be totally normal. Also, I find on days that I’m busy busy, I don’t have time to notice any symptoms lol  


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    @wanderlustsoul With my first I was nauseous and tired during week 7… got a head cold towards the end of that week, and woke up the next day feeling completely symptom free. All was fine, and I never did have anymore nausea after that! With my second I had no symptoms at all until the heartburn kicked in well into the second tri. Enjoy the feel good days!
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    Thanks guys. It’s hard to not worry when PGAL. I had a good most of the day today and then the nausea and exhaustion came back full force after dinner. 🥲 I put the boys to bed, showered, and then went to the couch where I promptly passed out for 2.5 hours. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    Oh also I still BF my 19 month old and the last week, ouch. His latch just hurts so much. 😫

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    7 weeks today and the nausea is starting to hit. It stays manageable as long as I eat something small right as I wake up or when I feel like I might be starting to feel hungry. Sense of smell is intense still and garlic has betrayed me. I cannot handle the smell lol Other than that, just tired per usual and thinking coffee might not last much longer. It kinda made me queasy this morning 🙃
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    I am finding I'm super gassy like with the last several pregnancies, like just walking around freaking BELCHING alll day every day 🤣 well, anyhow so that's where my morning sickness comes from, is the gas I figured out. I should probably look for the gas-x. Anyway, all day for a few days I just regret every single meal. I can't seem to judge what, after eaten, will feel like an unreasonably large amount because I can't eat nearly half what my normal amount of food would be before I start to feel gross and super bloated. And my 5 year old is starting to ask questions because I'm being very unusual..... but I can't deal with breaking his heart right now if it doesn't work out again. I keep reminding myself symptoms are temporary and that "today, I'm pregnant" and hoping it gets easier day by day and I start to have better intuition about my eating.
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    I might cry from this heartburn that won’t stop. 
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    I just need to rant about my symptoms going into overdrive this week (nausea, sore breasts, intense fatigue, muscle pain, headache...). I do take prescribed medications to help, but this week, it's not helping much. I feel like I can't even do my job properly, it's frustrating.
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    7 weeks today and the nausea is starting to hit. It stays manageable as long as I eat something small right as I wake up or when I feel like I might be starting to feel hungry. Sense of smell is intense still and garlic has betrayed me. I cannot handle the smell lol Other than that, just tired per usual and thinking coffee might not last much longer. It kinda made me queasy this morning 🙃
    Solidarity! I cannot stand garlic now. This happened to me when I was pregnant with my son and I was so hoping to avoid it this time around because garlic is a staple in this house. No such luck though. My husband had some garlic infused olive oil with bread a couple weeks ago and I wanted to yeet the whole plate out the window. The smell lingered for days (my husband swears it didn't but he doesn't have pregnancy nose) and it was awful.

    I also can't handle the smell of coffee. This one's new to me, coffee was fine last time and I'm a huge coffee lover. So it was a very unpleasant shock when husband brought me coffee one morning and I immediately had to run to the bathroom to throw up from the smell. 😭
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