January 2023 Moms

Geriatric Pregnancy (35+ intro and check-in)


Re: Geriatric Pregnancy (35+ intro and check-in)

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    For the record, I hate the term “geriatric pregnancy.” I’m a geriatric nurse and we use “older adult” when talking about folks over 65. Why can’t it be called “older pregnancies?”

    - Name/Age/Loc: 35/Chicago

    - How Far Along are you? 9 weeks, 1 day

    - Planned or Surprise? Very much planned. Conceived after 4 failed IUIs and on the 2nd IVF embryo transfer. 

    - Do you have any other children? If yes, how many? Nope, first one! 

    - What is your next milestone (major appointment, etc) Because we’re doing IVF, I get to see the little gummy bear weekly and see the progression, which is amazing. I can’t wait to see real hand and feet and see the gummy move around.

    - What are you most looking forward to? The 12 weeks when we transition from the IVF clinic to an OB and I get to stop all these shots! So over it.

    - What are you most concerned about? I had a chemical pregnancy in the past and feeling worried this won’t stick. I’m cautiously optimistic though. 

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    I agree it's not cute
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    Name/Age/Loc. Kristin/38/Tx

    - How Far Along are you? 8w2d

    - Planned or Surprise? Surprise.  

    - Do you have any other children? If yes, how many? DD will be 7 in a week and I have 2 older stepkuds

    - What is your next milestone (major appointment, etc) 1st appointment with midwife/ ultrasound.  I haven't made the appointment yet they won't see me until 10-12 weeks

    - What are you most looking forward to?  I love feeling the baby kick

    - What are you most concerned about? Last pregnancy I gad GD and towards the end of my pregnancy I was losing amniotic fluid so they induced early.

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    Name/Age/Loc:  Whitney/35/San Diego 
    How Far Along are you? 11w
    Planned or Surprise? Planned
    Do you have any other children? If yes, how many? No
    What is your next milestone (major appointment, etc): Genetic Counseling, tomorrow
    What are you most looking forward to? A healthy baby
    What are you most concerned about? My age, and pre-existing health conditions. 
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    Late to the party--I somehow haven't checked in on this thread yet. Joining now!

    - Name/Age/Loc: 35/Illinois

    - How Far Along are you? 10w3d

    - Planned or Surprise? Planned (technically, we were going to wait another month after back-to-back losses, but we got a little rowdy and here we are  ;))

    - Do you have any other children? If yes, how many? Yes, a daughter who just turned 5!

    - What is your next milestone (major appointment, etc) Just had an appointment today! They had trouble finding the heartbeat, which was really stressful, but they did an ultrasound instead and saw the little blob squirming around in there <3 Next milestone will be the NT scan.

    - What are you most looking forward to? Getting to tell our daughter! I'd like to wait until after the NT scan and blood work, but we'll be on vacation while I'm waiting for the results and it will be totally obvious to all of my family...I don't want her to find out from everyone else. So we'll see!

    - What are you most concerned about? A loss, especially if it happens after we tell our daughter. Also, the thought of managing two kids is a bit terrifying :#:D

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    Name/Age/Location: SC/46/Upstate NY

    How Far Along: 12 weeks

    Planned or Surprise: Surprise

    Any Other Kids: DS, 8yo

    Next Milestone: Just had the 12 wk scan, NIPT, blood tests. So far, so good. Thank God.

    Most Looking Forward To: Finding out gender and NIPT results. And to see our DS as an older brother, God willing. He hated being an only child.

    Most Concerned: We hope the baby stays healthy and active! I thought I was going through menopause - nope! Apparently, you can still be super fertile during perimenopause (heads up). We had unexplained infertility, we’re not super fertile, and had our son via IVF. This is my first spontaneous pregnancy, and I’m just as shocked as anyone else would be at this age. I am definitely healthier than I was in my 20s, so I’m not too worried, if this is what is willed. God is good, and miracles happen all the time. Each day is a gift.
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    Hi im Jennifer and am 40 yrs old I have two boys 15 and 8 I am 10 weeks and 4 days my due date is January 18th I underestimated my fertility at my age so this pregnancy is a surprise for sure im looking forward to seeing if this one is a girl 🤞but above all especially because of my age I am hoping and praying for a healthy baby regardless of the gender 
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    I forgot to mention that im from Brooklyn, NY and Live in Greenville, NC I also hate the term geriatric pregnancy I feel fine like a 34 yr old 💪
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