May 2022 Moms

weekly check in - week of 2/7

Didn't see this started for the week so figured I'd kick it off!

Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days:


Upcoming Appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?

Re: weekly check in - week of 2/7

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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/4, 27w6d


    Upcoming Appointments: 2/28 for normal mid-wife appt and scheduled out all my bi-weekly appts after that! Can't believe I'll be scheduling weeklies soon 😬

    How are you feeling?: I have been getting sooooo tired. I've been staying away from caffeine for the most part, but the past couple of days I've had to give into a small cup of coffee, which of course doesn't help my heartburn.

    Rave: We had such a relaxing babymoon! It was great to spend time away with DH before LO gets here. 
    Rant: Gained 10 lbs since my last midwife visit 4 weeks ago, but can't say I'm surprised with my nightly ice cream sundaes. Definitely going to cut back a bit on those lol 

    Questions: none! 

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? The Sound of Metal. I really enjoyed it! I really like Riz Ahmed as an actor and thought he did a great job with this role. 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/16, 26+1

    FTM/STM/TTM+: stm

    Upcoming Appointments: PFPT next week!! And normal OB the following week

    How are you feeling?: Everything hurts or is uncomfortable in my pelvic/back/hip region. I'm hoping PT helps because i feel like i have multiple issues (pelvic floor, sciatica, SPD...) that need to be addressed. 

    Rants/Raves: rant: why are second+ pregnancies so much harder?? 😂😭 I was not this miserable this early last time. 

    Questions: nope

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Dune! I liked it, but kinda annoyed they did a "part 1" and didn't do the whole book. But DH read the book and said there's a lot going on and it's fast paced so maybe 2 movies are needed. 

    @karisahamdi ok what's this sound of metal about?? Color me intrigued. 
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    edited February 2022
    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: May 24, 25w


    Upcoming Appointments: Was supposed to have an appointment today, but I caught an upper respiratory virus (again) and had to reschedule for next week. 

    How are you feeling?: Feeling great! Enjoying the nesting energy atm. Getting some stuff done!!!

    Rant: Gah this heartburn is bad!
    Rave: I made a local mom friend! We both have dogs too and she’s so nice!!!

    Questions: Have y’all looked into baby sign language? I’ve decided to read a few books and try to start it early. Funny story, I watched a ton of videos on the topic on DH’s desktop. Later that evening he was on his phone and said his YouTube app was acting crazy, suggesting videos about deaf babies. I had to explain what it really was and apologize for messing with his YT algorithm. XD

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? DH and I watched Pig the other night, a new Nick Cage movie. It was AMAZING!!! The main character is so complex. Think if Gordon Ramsey and Bear Grylls had a baby who was raised by John Wick. Yeah. 
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    @taylorharris0522 our daycare starts baby sign language pretty young, but DD didn't really pick it up until she was 1-1.5+ anyway. So overall wasn't a huge help for us, but certainly always worth a try!
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    @taylorharris0522 we have done some level of baby sign language with all 3 of our kids. It’s annoying to try to remember to do it all the time when they just don’t respond, but once it clicks for them, it’s HUGELY helpful! I’d definitely look into at least the basics (eat, all done, more, milk, water, up, down, etc)

    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: May 7, 27w3d


    Upcoming Appointments: not until the first week of March! Doctor wasn’t worried about getting me on the 2x a month schedule until after 30 weeks this time since my pregnancy has been so by-the-book. 

    How are you feeling?: so much better! Covid cough is finally clearing up like 2 weeks after all of my other symptoms, so I’m not peeing my pants constantly anymore lol

    Rants/Raves: Rant: been having to research iron supplements that don’t make you sick and it’s stupid. I’m just skipping the “iron supplement” and am just going to get encapsulated beef organs and cook in cast iron. From what I’ve read, the absorption is better that way anyway but it’s freaking expensive.
    Rave: my mom is the absolute best. DD1’s homeschool co-op was canceled today (teacher had a covid exposure), so she asked if she could take DD1 and DD2 to chick-fil-a for lunch and to play on the newly-reopened play place there, which the girls love. She texted me after lunch “kidnapping your kids. See you after dinner” and took them for the entire freaking afternoon. So not only did I actually get stuff done around the house with only 1 kid here, the girls came home exhausted and already bathed so they finished getting ready for bed and crashed. Hallelujah!

    Questions: none 

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?
    lol DH and I have been doing a Tolkien rewatch so the last movie we watched was The Two Towers, which I love. LOTR in general is probably my favorite movie series of all time. Other than that, I probably haven’t seen a “new” movie while it was still new since like…Avengers: End Game 😂 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days:
    May 28th, 24 weeks and 3 days


    Upcoming Appointments: I met our new doctor today and she is great! I have to book my glucose test next and get bloodwork done again.

    How are you feeling?: I’m feeling good, except my bump is really expanding this past week. I just feel very squished and uncomfortable. My skin has also gotten really itchy. Other than that, I am doing ok.

    Rants/Raves: I know it sounds silly, because obviously being pregnant means getting bigger, but I’m just so tired of DH’s mom commenting on how much I am showing. I know she is excited but it really bothers me and I guess I’m just really self conscious about it. I know I’m pregnant, I don’t need it pointed out to me all the time. :(


    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? We watched Wreck It Ralph the other night as a family. It’s one of our favourites.
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    @pajamstagrams it's about a metal drummer (Riz Ahmed) who suddenly loses his hearing and how he copes with it. It was very good!! I think it may have won a couple of awards last year. 

    @fireflyz_56 love Wreck It Ralph! I sobbed the first time I watched it lol
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    @karisahamdi interesting! I like some (but not metal so I'll have to check it out.

    @skc040512 excellent choice. Huge LOTR fan over here. DH and I just finished a rewatch of all 3 a couple months ago. 

    @fireflyz_56 I said the same thing to DH bump feels so stretched out like he and my ute is going through a growth spurt lol. I'm sorry MIL keeps commenting on you body, it's frustrating to hear people fixate on something you can't control. I've gotten a few comments about "you're getting big!" or "wow, you still have 3.5 months left?" or "wow you're gonna have a big baby". Yes, yes, I know, I'm not tiny, yes, I'll likely have a big baby, but also, have you ever seen a pregnant woman? This is nothing. 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/19, 25+5 🤯


    Upcoming Appointments: not till the beginning of March for my glucose test

    How are you feeling?: honestly, freaking huge and sore. I don't understand how I’m going to grow for 14ish more weeks. I’m so much more uncomfortable this time around. Remind me to get in better shape before getting pregnant if we have a third. 

    Rants/Raves: both a rant and a rave in 1- DH has been out a lot of nights/days over the past week either attending basketball games or work related stuff. He was gone 9-5 Saturday 😩 so I’ve been all mad because I feel like he can do whatever he wants…so I’m taking the night off tomorrow and going to dinner with a friend. We are so excited for the time away from our kids and husbands haha. 

    Questions: not that I can think of

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Hmmm probably Encanto! I loved it, and especially loved watching DD dancing. Toddler dancing is the best 

    @fireflyz_56 I’m with you, I feel giant and am tired of people commenting on my size, even if it’s positive. 

    @skc040512 yay for no longer peeing your pants 😆 you are brave with the beef organs. I had an acquaintance who refused to take a prenatal during her pregnancy and she ate a bunch of stuff like that. More power to ya!

    @taylorharris0522 we didn’t do anything sign language wise ourselves, but our daycare did. DD just recently started signing for more (probably around 16m or so). It’s definitely worth a shot! 

    @pajamstagrams ugh, same! I was not this uncomfortable and sore this early on last time. Good to know I’m not the only one and my body isn’t like shutting down haha 

    @karisahamdi glad you all had a good baby moon!
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    @skc040512 Wow I love that your mom “kidnapped” your kids and gave you the day!!!! Not only was that probably so fun for the kids and her, but so refreshing for you!!!! So so so sweet 
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    MrsLaLaBugMrsLaLaBug member
    edited February 2022
    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days:
    5/29 24+3
    Upcoming Appointments:
    Monday glucose test 😬 I’m already at appts every 2 weeks! Crazy! But I love my doc so much and I’m glad he’s really helping keep my anxiety at an all time low by watching all the things. 
    How are you feeling?:
    best I’ve ever felt. But it’s getting harder to do things much quicker. 
    I hate the heavy and uncomfortable feeling at the end of every single day. I am enjoying the energy spurts for the moment and have needed them for all the running I’ve been doing lately!!! 
    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Encanto! It was super cute. 

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    MrsLaLaBugMrsLaLaBug member
    edited February 2022
    @pajamstagrams omg I feel you on the everything more miserable earlier this time around. 😫
    @karisahamdi yayyy for a great babymoon! I need one!! 😆
    @taylorharris0522 our daycare did the sign language fairly early on. I loved it! 
    @skc040512 yay for no more Covid cough accidents and kidnapped kids!!! Another big LOTR fan here, too. 💜
    @fireflyz_56 DH mom needs to STFU. Sometimes I wish you could just instantly taze people who say stupid shit to you when you’re pregnant. “HOLY CRAP!! You sure it’s not twins?!?!” 
    @b_1029 I hope you have a great night off and enjoy the dinner date with your friend!! 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/10 - 27 weeks


    Upcoming Appointments: 2/21 3rd AS

    How are you feeling?: Heartburn/acid reflux and nausea is about to drive me crazy. Round ligament pain (pelvic/hip pain) is ramping up.

    Rave- My dresser that was suppose to be on back-order until the 18th is supposed to be delivered by tomorrow, so I'm excited about that!
    Rant- I bought a maternity dress off Amazon and it was a bust. I even sized up from the chart (according to my current measurements). I guess it'll make a cute church dress post-partum?


    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?
    Ron's Gone Wrong- it was cute! 
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    @karisahamdi I also have a nightly ice-cream ritual, lol! Ice-cream has definitely been one of my biggest cravings. 
    @pajamstagrams This is my first pregnancy, but I am really petite and have been all belly, so I just assumed that is why I have felt so bad so early on. I love my baby and we are SO grateful, but ready to have my body back!
    @fireflyz_56 I had a sub teacher see me in the hallway yesterday and ask me, "How many days left? You look like your gonna pop!" 90 days. I have 3 months left. I totally relate to you, SO ANNOYING! 
    @MrsLaLaBug I have very short lived bursts of energy, LOL! But I think the reality of how close it is for baby to be here (we are under 100 days now) has definitely lit a fire under my a** lmao.
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    @karisahamdi last pregnancy, that happened as well. It was all those ice cream and brownie sundae's I made myself nightly. 

    @pajamstagrams I swear I wasn't miserable until 10 days before brith last time. This time I'm feeling all sorts of hurt each day.

    @taylorharris0522 our daycare taught our DD sign language from a young age and to this day she still uses it. The most helpful was "more" when she wasn't able to say more!

    @skc040512 that is amazing about your mom! How lucky! I wish I had my mom closer do be able to do things like that with DD. 

    @b_1029 go girl! you enjoy that night off and dinner out! totally deserved.

    @mrslalabug I loved Encanto as well! Each time DD wants to watch a movie I suggest that hoping that she says yes. 

    @sph97 Are you at the point where you are carrying tums around 24/7....not like I know from experience. ha. 

    @fireflyz_56 good luck on the glucose test!!

    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days:


    Upcoming Appointments: Today! Can't believe that next will be every 2 weeks

    How are you feeling?: Well, I helped move a fixture at work against my better judgement and the left side of my lower back hurts now.

    Rants/Raves: Never go through your closet to make a postmark pile when you are only in 5% of your clothes. 

    Questions: Why does baby have super active days and super mellow days? There are days where I feel he is going to kick his way out my cervix or I may rupture my innards and then were are days like rolling waves one a calm sail. Or maybe It's not has intense when he is directly behind this anterior placenta. 

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Oh gosh... I can't even think of the last movie I watched entirely but I think it was a Denzel Washington one...The Equalizer. I thought it was good - every movie he has been in I have enjoyed.
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    And846 said:

    @sph97 Are you at the point where you are carrying tums around 24/7....not like I know from experience. ha. 

    I have bedside tums, work tums, living room tums- I don't think I'd survive without them lol!
    My baby also has super active days and mellow days, I assume the mellow days are him growing a little extra lol. 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 27+0


    Upcoming Appointments:14th for glucose test 

    How are you feeling?:tired and in constant need of a back massage or chiropractor.

    Rants/Raves: My mom bought us black out curtains for DD and LO rooms. DD loves a dark room so we have been putting up cardboard to help block out more light. She also kept her mask on the entire time we were at the dr office too for her check up so I call that a win.

    Questions: Not that I can think of right now.

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Coco. It’s a cute movie can’t go wrong with Disney/Pixar. DD is on a real Disney+ kick right now so I’ll take watching a full length movie over watching the same 5 short clips of dug days or Olafs adventures over and over again. 
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    @taylorharris0522 we taught DD basic sign language like more, all done, food, milk etc. it really helped once she caught on to help decide what she really wanted before learning to talk (now I just hear no mama)
    @karisahamdi baby moon sounds amazing, glad you were able to enjoy it.
    @pajamstagrams I just told my DH that everything seems to be happening earlier this time around. The sleeping poorly, heartburn, the back aches. I seriously wonder how I will make it til May.
    @fireflyz_56 when I was pregnant with DD my MIL called me gorda multiple times and talked about how much weight I gained. She is very into weight (FIL too) not sure why. I def had DH talk to her about it though as it was frustrating especially when you don’t feel like yourself because of all the changes your body is going through to bring another human into this world. Luckily she hasn’t said much this pregnancy but I’ve also been wearing baggier clothing and and just kept my distance. Hopefully it stops!
    @skc040512 congrats on the cough going away!
    @b_1029 girls night out sounds awesome I would love to join :)
    @MrsLaLaBug good luck with the glucose test I take mine next Monday as well. Hoping I don’t have to take the 3 hour test like last pregnancy. All that waiting was brutal.
    @sph97 heartburn is the worst. I normally don’t have it at all when not pregnant *knock on wood* and it is just awful. Even water can trigger it for me which is just horrible.
    @And846 I felt like I overdid it this weekend and just needed to lay and bed and do nothing to recoup. LO is all over the place in activity for me too. Sometimes they are moving and grooving constantly and other time I wonder where they’ve been.
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    @karisahamdi  I had a similar bump in weight during my last pregnancy, too.  Sure, treats and diet play a role but I also think it just happens if baby and you have a growth spurt.  :) 

    @pajamstagrams I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable! 

    @taylorharris0522  We did some baby sign with with DD and it is helpful, especially for family or babysitters who don't pick up on their other cues you might know.  We didn't start doing it consistently until she was older. 

    @MrsLaLaBug  Yes, I also feel so big and heavy at the end of the day!  My bump is so much bigger at the end of the day when I think my core just gives up. Ha!

    @And846 That's timely advice. :D   My poshmark/consign pile is getting ridiculous. 

    @addsprinkles521 good luck with your glucose test!

    @fireflyz_56 That's super annoying about our MIL. I'm sorry you have to deal with that!

    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days:


    Upcoming Appointments: Had a check-in on Monday.  The last three appointments they have commented on how active baby is. I'm grateful but man I think this little guy is going to keep us busy!  

    How are you feeling?: So, so tired. I'm ready for bed by dinnertime.  And by the end of the day I just feel heavy and huge. 

    Rants/Raves: Rave: It hit 40 degrees here this week!  Rant: Between work being insane and my super low energy, I am not making progress on house projects and the nursery like I wanted to and it's stressing me out that things won't be done before baby arrives or I'm really too pregnant to do anything.  I'm still waiting for the nesting energy I was promised! 


    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?  I honestly can't remember the last movie I watched besides Frozen with DD.  It might have been the most recent James Bond movie.  That's not my favorite genre but it was ok.  
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/9 - 27w3d

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 4th/5th tm

    Upcoming Appointments: Just saw my midwife today, growth scan 2/24

    How are you feeling?: I'm really crashing tbh. Fungal height I'm measuring 35 weeks and I'm just really getting uncomfortable. I'm also having a hard time mentally preparing myself for 2 babies and 5 kids. 

    Rants/Raves: Rant: My sister offered to throw me a shower and now is just acting so put out by having to fit it in her busy schedule. All along I said I didn't need a shower, just let me know you can't do it. Now it's all falling on my mom to prep and she's having surgery next week so then it's falling to me. So frustrating.

    Rave:..... idk honestly lol


    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?
    Detective Pikachu. I think I'd like to watch a movie made for adults for once lol!
    Married 11.12.11
    JB 08.02.13 
    EC 12.11.15
    GE 04.04.19
    #4 & #5 due 05.05.22
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    @jackdetroit I hate your own shower is causing you stress, and that now your left to planning it! Is it small? Do you have a friend you can call? All my “shower” os going to be is a cheap balloon arch and backdrop from Amazon and family and friends bringing finger foods. I hope everything works out for you and you start to feel better soon! Just take it easy! 
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    @sph97 It's virtual so theoretically shouldn't be that difficult. But I didn't even really want one in the first place! I was happy just making a registry and sending it to whoever asked for it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Married 11.12.11
    JB 08.02.13 
    EC 12.11.15
    GE 04.04.19
    #4 & #5 due 05.05.22
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    @jackdetroit it does suck that she’s bailing after offering, considering you don’t even want one! I wouldn’t even know where to start with a virtual shower
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/23, 25+3


    Upcoming Appointments: 2 weeks for growth US and glucose 

    How are you feeling?: Overall not too bad this week. Nausea is better in the evenings if I don’t eat sweets. Which, kind of sucks when my husband has ice cream most nights haha

    Rants/Raves: My 2yr old has hand, foot, and mouth 😫


    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Encanto- loved it!
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 25 weeks 6 days

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 2nd 💗💗

    Upcoming Appointments: growth ultrasound Feb 17 glucose Feb 22

    How are you feeling?: really good for the most part. Other than not sleeping well. I haven’t posted in here forever because I’ve been nervous (PGAL brain is real and hard to overcome). At my AS she was in the 42nd percentile then at my next ultrasound at 23 weeks she was in the 15th. Sooo they want to monitor her growth. It has of course made me nervous but as time we went on I’ve relaxed a lot. So I’m just hoping for a great growth ultrasound this coming Thursday and that it was just a reading error or something because it sure feels like she’s growing!

    Rants/Raves: That nursery post sure has made me feel behind haha. I’ve done nothing. Second child syndrome 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Questions: nope 

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?
    Encanto. I’m in the minority here because I thought it was the most boring movie ever. And I love most like that!  Ron’s gone wrong is a favorite at our house but encanto just didn’t work for me. 
    Has anyone seen Redeeming Love yet?  I can’t wait until it’s streaming to see it!
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    @laketide haha I know right, I want to take the rest of the day off work and just go get things done in the nursery 😆 we have to wait for a replacement part for the dresser though since I effed it up. I hope your scan goes ok, that is nerve wracking for sure! 
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    @laketide We got our niece hooked on Ron's Gone Wrong lol! Its so cute!
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    @wiscobabies nooooooo HFM is the worst!!!!! So sorry!
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 25 weeks

    FTM/STM/TTM+: #2

    Upcoming Appointments: next week for glucose and counseling. 

    How are you feeling?: good actually!! All the weird stomach stuff has finally subsided and now I’m HUNGRY and craving sweets (of course right before my glucose test) 

    Rants/Raves: it’s been sunny and that is like medicine for my soul!!

    Questions: I think I pulled something in my abdomen while lifting my toddler. It doesn’t hurt all the time, just occasionally. Could it be an separation? It’s in a specific spot in the upper right side. I’ll ask my midwife this week for her input, too. 

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Probably some dumb kid movie … ugh 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 25 weeks

    FTM/STM/TTM+: #3

    Upcoming Appointments: Had an appointment yesterday.  HR was fine.  Next time I have to do my 2nd glucose test.  

    How are you feeling?: Fairly good.  My hips are still a bit uncomfortable but I've been going to PT and that helps some.

    Rants/Raves: It was in the 50's today which is super warm for February in new england.  We spent a ton of time outside today which made me so happy!  Rant: My 2 year old thinks its hysterical to run away from me both in the house and outside lately and it's exhausting.

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? Encanto and surprisingly I really liked it.  The girls loved it too.  We've watched it a bunch in the past 2 weeks. 
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    Est. Due Date / Weeks + Days: 26+4 may 17
    Upcoming Appointments: none this week
    How are you feeling?: I'm doing pretty well. Think hormones may be raging a bit this week. Had a physio appointment finally which was great, helped my hip and shoulder. 
    Rants/Raves: Rant: DS is hopefully starting daycare/preschool in September and my MIL is stressing me out over still getting "her day" with him. I wish she would just approach it from a support position, because I have obviously made time with her grandson a huge priority in all our lives over the past two years. Raves: had an amazing visit with a friend and her toddle ryesterday and it was just so fabulous.
    Questions: natm

    GTKY: What was the last movie you watched? What did you think? I think The Power of the Dog and I thought it was pretty great - really enjoyed the acting and storytelling, the soundtrack was interesting, and it was gorgeous to look at.
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