January 2022 Moms

December Randoms

Re: December Randoms

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    I am having the worst lightning crotch. Anyone else? I don’t remember this in any of my other pregnancies. I probably overdid it moving furniture today. 

    Also just remembered to add to my list vitamin d for baby and sunflower lechitin for me. I feel like I’m forgetting something. 
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    @kcf19 I wish it was cold here 🤦🏽‍♀️ i live in orlando so it can go either way! Sometimes it's cold but this year it's been hot. 

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    It’s cold and rainy here @alexxajams we used to live in Orlando and I don’t miss the heat but sometimes I would go back anyways 😂 mostly for Tijuana Flats 

    I’m still fighting off the last of this cold and now I pee a little every time I sneeze so that’s fun. It also makes me freak out that my water broke but nooooo. Just pee haha

    @kcf19 somehow I’ve completely forgotten to get a pump prescription still. Oops
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    @MrsJessS I'm with you on the peeing. Same for Everytime I cough. So annoying!
    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @magalina_h it’s so awful!! I guess I should just be thankful I didn’t have this issue with my other two 
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    @kcf19 I wish it was cold here 🤦🏽‍♀️ i live in orlando so it can go either way! Sometimes it's cold but this year it's been hot. 

    My sympathies. I would never make it through a summer pregnancy. I’m so hot 🥵 
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    I'm in NYC and the weather is so erratic (thanks, Global Warming). It feels like 25 here right now, but this weekend is going to be 65 degrees?? 
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    I'm not peeing when I sneeze, but I pee when I laugh. My 3 year old loves to make everyone laugh, and he's genuinely funny a lot of the time. The other night at dinner he was going on and on about toots and wiggling his butt or something and I lost it and totally peed my pants. So embarrassing that a 3-year-old's toot jokes made me laugh until I peed  :D

    I made two freezer meals in the past two days! I feel so productive. Tomorrow I'm tackling breakfast burritos - I hope to make at least 2 dozen to stash away. 

    Also, my doctor floated the idea of an induction around 39 weeks, which would be December 29. Sounds awesome to me -  we can get this kid out and all of us home from the hospital by New Years Eve, and have insurance take care of the entire bill! My doctor's office was supposed to call on Tuesday afternoon to schedule. I called yesterday for another matter and reminded them to contact me about the induction, and here we are a day after that. I hate nagging people but I want to get this sorted out! 
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    @Lisa3379 oh no! To be fair toddler toot jokes can be pretty hilarious. I’m hoping my midwife is extremely thorough stripping my membranes at 39 weeks (going on December 30th)…I’m aiming for that 2021 child tax credit 😂
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    Had my glucose challenge test this am...checking for results Every. Damn. Hour. 
    Also started to get a head cold Tues evening and still feeling like dog sh*t. 
    I had today off after my GTT, so I laid on the couch and watched Below Deck for a few hours, then cleaned up a bit and put up some more Christmas decor. I'm going to cancel my day tmrw too, so I can rest and maybe get some more things done. 

    I have yet to prepare the baby's room. At all. 
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    Definitely had a pee or amniotic fluid check in the middle of the night last night.  Woke up to such horrible reflux that i ended up puking.  I turned on the light in the bathroom and see pee drops all the way to the toilet.  Not sure how i peed that much from some coughing and having pants on where it still dripped but it was definitely pee.   :#

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    @blackhottamales I had the same thing last night too. Called my OB over it too, because I just couldn't believe that after having JUST going to the bathroom that that much pee could still come out. Mine was also cough induced...and just pee. 
    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Is anyone else feeling like their stomach might explode? I am 34w 3d and I am having a hard time sleeping because I can't get comfortable and if I eat a normal sized meal I feel so full I can't breathe. I don't remember feeling this way with my first pregnancy, but I did lose 30 pounds during the first 4 months of this one so I'm not sure if it's just a matter of running out of room. I love feeling the baby move, but man I'm ready for January! 🙂
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    @nik012 ohhh yes on the exploding thing. And certainly sleep in uncomfortable and hard to come by any more. I’m 37+2 today. I remember though at 34 not being able to eat a full meal any longer. Just been smaller snack-sized meals more often since then. 
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    Anyone start feeling menstrual-type cramps or contractions? And lose their mucus plug yet? Any dilations? Lol. That’s a lot of questions.
    I have been having more contractions, and there has been some pain with them. Not regular, though. Losing my mucus plug in bits. Although I know these things can mean I still have weeks, I hope labor starts soon. I’m so ready.
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    @katepattsea  lucky! I keep hoping I see mucus plug, haha. I just had my 37 week appointment, and I'm only 1 cm dilated. Also feeling random painful contractions, but yeah, they aren't regular and pretty short in duration. 
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    Definitely feeling the exploding feeling. Also dealing with a cracked rib and a cough from he11. I wanna cry every time I cough. So ready to get this karate kid out.🤣
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    @Browder5 a cracked rib?!? Painful enough, then add a cough and kicking baby into the mix? Woweee you’re a superhero.
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    Yes ma’am. It definitely hasn’t been fun. Lol the cough and kicking baby are how I got the cracked rib. I was sick over thanksgiving and was hunched over in a coughing fit and my stomach muscles were all tensed up and she kicked at the same time. Super rare for that to happen but doctor is guessing I was taking up all of her space by being hunched over so her feet were resting in my ribs. Im just hoping I can get it to heal some before labor.
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