July 2022 Moms

October/November Symptoms


Re: October/November Symptoms

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    I’ve had that with my first and current pregnancy and it turned out it was the side baby implanted on when I went for an ultrasound. I’d get twinges here and there too.  If it’s pretty mild cramping I wouldn’t worry. 
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    @bumpedup @rosegoldg my nausea is really terrible too. All day long. 
    I started taking vitamin B6 a few days ago and it’s helping me. Not a complete cure, I still have yucky episodes but I’m able to eat full meals and not gag. I take 25mg three times a day.  Always check with your doc/OB first of course :smile:
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    @binxybaby that's what I keep telling myself! 
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    @Chanyrae77 that’s what I’m hoping! Twinge is a good word - it’s like Oof! Randomly and kind of takes me by surprise but not painful or have any other issues. Can’t wait for my ultrasound in a week!
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    The nausea today is awful, I’m already taking zofran as I am high risk for hyperemesis. But even so I’ve been on the verge of barfing all day. 

    Also anyone else insanely constipated? I don’t remember it happening this early with my first. Thank you baby and also zofran. Guess I’m buying laxatives tomorrow 
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    Anyone experiencing heartburn? I had a little bit of red sauce for lunch and I had heartburn for 5 hours! Then I found an article that said drink almond milk and some honey helps too. The almond milk nearly made me throw up. I took a preggie pop drop candy and the feeling went away. Doctor says small frequent meals and stay hydrated. Luckily not too much nausea yet 🤞but my appetite has decreased and I pee often. 
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    Seriously it’s such a struggle! I’m an elementary school teacher and besides the exhaustion, my brain is total mush and I’ve made spelling mistakes and lost my train of though while teaching several times to in the last couple weeks! Thank god my teammate is a close friend and I immediately told her I was pregnant or I’m pretty sure she’d think I was straight up losing it! 
    I relate!!! I teach high school and I am losing my train of thought as well. I keep wondering if the kids notice I'm having brain fog lol Where I live we also have to wear masks all day at school and they never bothered me too much before but now they are just so irritating. Unfortunately we have a high rate of covid right now so I don't think they'll be going away anytime soon. Teaching is so hard with pregnancy symptoms - esp in the phase where you can't tell your students yet!
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    @weezyfbaby1003 I have had back twinge! It's so scary - I got one while I bent down to feed my cats 🤦‍♀️ I am going to try and find some good prenatal yoga videos online once my back feels better and hoping that helps everything. Right now it is still a little sore and I'm trying to take it easy to avoid straining anything further. I hope yours feels better soon!
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    Hi all,

    It's reassuring to read through these and see how many of us are going through the same thing! I was pretty crampy for a few days - I really thought my period was going to come for sure - and other than that I've had mild nausea and fatigue. Fatigue isn't unusual for me - I'm a teacher and have a toddler at home! - but everything just feels a little more *intense* this time around. Oh and smells!!!! Some smells are just throwing me right off - I have to switch my shampoo because the one I was using that used to be fine/pleasant is making me gag! Fun times 😂
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    Who else is just eating absolutely everything under the sun? It's like on the days I don't feel sick I need to eat constantly to the point where I'm waking up at 3am and just can't go back to sleep bc I need to eat first, no wonder my jeans have already made it to the banned pile hahaha
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    @stardustskies ok the past couple of days for me, so much gas. So much gas pain!! I had never heard of that being a symptom before. I only have that and some breast tenderness. I thought I had cramping but I think it’s more gas than my uterus. Either/or. Not the most fun symptoms lol 
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    @quelinda99 there are some specific yoga type moves you can do to help the gas move and relieve the pain. I’ve used them before in pregnancy to relieve the pressure. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/positions-to-relieve-gas-while-pregnant
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    @crybabies Yess!! And it makes my nausea and disinterest in food worse 😭

    Also, my new symptom today is intense rib pain like when baby grows up into your ribs, wtf?? This is my third but I still can't see my body being that ahead of schedule, plus I didn't have this with my second. Super weird. 

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    @courtneyqdk For sure! I’m really looking forward to being able to tell everyone at school, just so they know I’m not ignoring them all, but all I can focus on is just my class and what I have to get done that day! 
    I’m in a mask everyday and used to wearing it now (I was back in person all last year too), but my bigger complaint these days is the extra acne it causes me! I’m 100% acne prone to begin with but with crazy hormones like everywhere my mask edges touch has zits! My whole jaw, and chin, and even by my nose! 
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    @weezyfbaby1003 I feel you on the acne! I wear a mask all day at work so my chin and jawline are staying broken out. Also annoyingly enough so is my hairline on the back of my neck, like what lol. 

    The past few days my boobs have ached all day and are sore to the touch. I whine about symptoms but am always thankful for them too. 
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    Morning sickness finally hit. I'll be in bed if you need me lol
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    I'm prone to migraines, especially when the weather changes to winter. It's cold here in my city and my head has been throbbing. Tylenol doesn't even touch it. During my first pregnancy I never got headaches or leg hair (lol) and I was so excited to not have headaches again. Guess that's not the case this time. Now to start my paranoia about preeclampsia if these headaches persists.
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    @elmann1 pregnancy migraines are awful. For past pregnancies, during second trimester my doctor has prescribed reglan to take with Tylenol and Tylenol with codeine (not taken with the reglan). Neither really helped me. What had worked has been a coke, benedryl, and a cold wash cloth on my head. Doesn’t work every time but it’s definitely helped more than the other treatments. Hope you feel better!

    I’ve had a newer symptom the past couple days. My boobs have hurt like they have postpartum- like they feel like they’re going to leak milk at any minute.  Hoping that’s a good sign!
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    Ugh, my hips are so loose and achy today. It is way too early for this nonsense. Stupid relaxin.

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    So…weird symptom…my nipples (just nipples, not areolas or anything) are crazy itchy. Only since my positive test. Lotion only helps a little. Wtf?
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    Omg this is great to read everyone is as oof as me rn. Ravenously hungry constantly and the super sense of smell has kicked in strong- 

    and oh boy do i agree. How tf am i expected to work. Thank god for wfh. I have been horizontal running sales calls all day. 
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    @twentythree19 SAME!! I read it’s our skin stretching…. Ooof
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    elucioelucio member
    edited November 2021
    @sunshineandlemons ah good to know, thank you! I'm always open to suggestions for headaches. I skeptically used an ice pack yesterday, and it worked?! I'll bring it up to my OB this Thursday at my appointment.

    Today my nausea took another step up even when I thought it couldn't i can't even look at my lunch. Maybe I'll go to Target and buy some crackers... and look at the holiday section...

    sorry, just realized this commented from my other Bump account (elucio) from my previous pregnancy. This is @elmann1. I'll log out and log back in!
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    @howardme I love that you have a friend who can do that for you! I've always dreamed of having hook ups like that in a hospital. How are your cramps lately? Mine have eased up a lot since then but got a couple today. 
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    @elmann1 I got lucky! Just met this friend a few months ago in a women’s wine night I go to but she has been fantastic to me so I am very grateful. My cramps have been better - not as frequent as last week, how about you? 
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    My boobs feel like they are trying to escape my bra! Such a bizarre feeling!  :lol:
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    Someone remind me - is extra discharge normal in the first trimester? The first tri anxiety is high right now so I am questioning everything 😂
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    @jellie603 sure is. Just your vagina giving baby some extra protection ☺️
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    @jellie603 I’ve noticed an increase too
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    @howardme I love that! What a cool friend. Same here with the cramps. Much better. Tomorrow is my 8 week scan and I'm so nervous. Although I've already seen the little one and heart beat at almost 6 weeks when I was spotting, I'm nervous about growth and really just want them to still be in there! 

    @jellie603 Definitely normal to have a ton of discharge. 
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    @jellie603 glad you asked about that, I noticed the same thing today and was confused!
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    The insomnia has hit me. I don't know if it's the hormones or the nerves, but I was wide awake at 2am! Now that it's time to be awake and function at work, I can't keep my eyes open lol.
    *TW* TTC history
    Me:32 DH:31
    Married: 8/2015

    TTC #1: 4/2017
    Testing: HSG, U/S, BW, and DH's SA all normal
    DX: Unexplained
    8/2018: Clomid + TI = BFN
    9/2018: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2018: Clomid + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    12/2018: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone \\ Cancelled due to cyst
    1/2019: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD Sept 30th, 2019
    10/7/2019: Healthy baby boy!

    TTC #2: 12/2020
    2/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    3/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    4/2021: Surprise! Natural BFP! \\ EDD Jan 6th, 2022 \\ Chemical, betas not rising
    8/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    9/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    10/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD July 29th, 2022

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    @LJMoon6 the insomnia is terrible!! 😴
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    I feel like this week (I’m in week 5), the bloat has gotten really bad. I feel like I’m so squishy.
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    @sunshineandlemons I definitely had some crazy bloat on Tuesday after having a sub. Couldn't get it with GF bread so I'm sure that had something to do with it haha. But boy did I look a few months along without even trying.

    So glad we have the ability to hide the bloat with oversized sweaters in the winter haha
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
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    So constipated...ugh...usually that is not at all an issue for me! So I blame baby! Haha. Anyone have any suggestions? I feel like i already eat of lot of fiber and drink water. Maybe more exercise? Its been hard lately with daylight savings time. 
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    @zinnia19 Dulcolax stool softener 
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    @zinnia19 water and exercise - and if it stays really bad, see if your OB recommends anything

    @LJMoon6 @sunshineandlemons i've been doing 1/2-1 unisom at night and it helps! it's often give with b6 for nausea too so I know it's safe during pregnancy
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    @zinnia19 with both my previous pregnancies I had to start taking Colace daily probably about halfway thru the pregnancy. I'd probably just check with Dr first but guessing they'd recommend something like that
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    @zinnia19 Prunes. I swear by them. Not prune juice, but the actual prunes themselves. Eat a handful. If nothing happens in an hour, eat another handful. Works every time.
    *TW* TTC history
    Me:32 DH:31
    Married: 8/2015

    TTC #1: 4/2017
    Testing: HSG, U/S, BW, and DH's SA all normal
    DX: Unexplained
    8/2018: Clomid + TI = BFN
    9/2018: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2018: Clomid + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    12/2018: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone \\ Cancelled due to cyst
    1/2019: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD Sept 30th, 2019
    10/7/2019: Healthy baby boy!

    TTC #2: 12/2020
    2/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    3/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    4/2021: Surprise! Natural BFP! \\ EDD Jan 6th, 2022 \\ Chemical, betas not rising
    8/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    9/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    10/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD July 29th, 2022

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