January 2022 Moms

Weekly Check-In 9/27

How far along are you//EDD:

Size of the baby: 

Upcoming appointments:  

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve?

Re: Weekly Check-In 9/27

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    How far along are you//EDD: 23w 1/24

    Size of the baby: grapefruit/soccer ball

    Upcoming appointments: I just had my 22 week OB appointment last Friday, nothing until Nov when I’ll do my glucose test/blood work  and 28 week OB visit

    How are you feeling?: feeling pretty good energy wise, haven’t had to nap to get through the day and have been able to do light exercise without feeling terrible after. Nausea is mostly gone. Back has been hurting a bit and I’ve been getting leg cramps in the middle of the night.

    Rant: our remodel is taking for-ev-er. Our windows are back ordered and won’t be here until after LO gets here. Not the biggest deal but I was really hoping to have everything done (besides exterior painting that can’t happen until spring) to be done before going on may leave.

    Questions: is there a way to privately share baby registries? I love to see what others have on their list

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? I am a pretty chill person but it absolutely irritates everything inside of me when people yell through walls, it’s so unnecessary, come closer or call/text/Google broadcast what you need to say. 

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    How far along are you//EDD: 24w2d

    Size of the baby: Cantaloupe, which seems rather large?

    Upcoming appointments: 24-week appointment tomorrow, 1-hr glucose test on Saturday

    How are you feeling?: OK - my sleep is still sucky, especially now that LO moves around a lot. I actually get nervous when I haven't felt her for a while! Also, I am starting to get bad backaches and leg cramps, especially at night. Oh, and sometimes my stomach feels like the skin is stretching so much that it's going to rip. OH and plus also, I still think I have a yeast infection? I'm going to have the OB check it out tomorrow.

    Rant: It's my own fault, but the baby's room is just an array of boxes and baby stuff that we need to start going through and sorting - and you know, actually getting her nursery together...even though we're planning on having her in our room for the foreseeable.


    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? When people don't take a few extra seconds to think critically about a situation before asking a question. I was always taught that "there are no stupid questions" but yes, there are.

    @elksamm  I LOVE looking at other's registries! I'll PM you mine if you show me yours ;) 

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    How far along are you//EDD: 25+3 1/7/22

    Size of the baby: feels like a watermelon. Lol

    Upcoming appointments:  2 weeks from.now we do our sugar test. 

    How are you feeling?: large. Tired and PSD has begun already. It hurts to walk or roll over or basically mive my hips in anyway. But ain't no slowing down for this mama.

    Rants/Raves: so for reasons beyond my control I had to quit my job at the hospital last week. I had an interview the following day at a competing hospital in the area. The interview went really well and. I was told HR would be contacting me. Ive contacted HR twice and am being told to wait that they are just backed up. With the medical staff shortage they should be jumping at someone with nearly 15 years experience. I just know financially we cant afford for me to not be working right now. As now we are trying to save for my maternity leave. And I'm just frustrated. I am impatient when it comes to things like this. 

    Questions:  Any STM+ had a paim med free birth in the past by choice and debating wether or not to do it again?  2 of my 3 were paim med free and I prefer it to not having control over my body.with the epidural. I just domt know if I can put my body through that again..

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve?

    Being interrupted when I'm speaking. I'm patient and let you speak, please return me the same respect. 

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    How far along are you//EDD: 26w3d (So close to 3rd tri!! 2nd tri flew by!) 1/1

    Size of the baby: eggplant or butternut squash

    Upcoming appointments:  10/11 for glucose, TDAP, and flu shot. Have I mentioned that I'm abnormally afraid/anxious about needles?

    How are you feeling?: Overall good! Baby is moving tons, especially late at night. I love it, but at the same time I want to tell her to settle down in there. I'm feeling a little anxious about getting all the things little things done before she arrives. 

    Rants/Raves: Raves - I get to have dinner with my nephew for the 2nd time in a month on Wed. My son's school pictures turned out adorable! My canker sores finally seem to gone?? (Knock on wood)

    Rants - work continues to be a never-ending stream of to-do lists and stress. I honestly don't know how I'd be managing without my student teacher. I shared one of my top contenders for a name and DH made a harmless joke that ruined it for me. Our amazing fall weather of 70 and sunny has reverted back to 90 and humid. 

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Loud chewers. People who don't pull into the intersection when turning left. 

    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    How far along are you//EDD: 23w5d / Jan 20

    Size of the baby: grapefruit

    Upcoming appointments: At the end of this week. Having a follow up u/s since this baby was doing yoga during the anatomy scan so they could get all the pictures they needed!

    How are you feeling?: good? I'm scared to say that in case I jinx it. Heartburn is annoying and I keep waking up in the middle of the night, but other than that I feel OK. 

    Rants/Raves: this is both a rant and a rave: we start moving this weekend! I hate the moving process but I am so excited for it to be over with!!!

    Questions:  For all you working Mommas, when are you planning to stop working (how many weeks will you be)? I thought I had decided but I keep getting mixed reactions when I tell people. S now in second guessing myself. 

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? People who drive with their high beams on in the city. 

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    Hi @lilyfox, I am currently planning to work right up until labor. I want to save my pto for appts and sick days if possible. I work a desk job from home, so this might be easier to manage than other jobs.You’re an expressive arts therapist, right (so neat!)? What are the things making you second guess your original plan? 
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    @lilyfox I am planning to work through delivery, as long as I feel up to it and the doctor says it's ok. I have a hybrid schedule and if I really wanted to work from home, I could. I just worry my water will break at work! 
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    @elksamm remodels are the worst.  We are just in our design process for our new to us house and I'm already frustrated with the situation.  I'm assuming nothing will actually start until next summer.  (i'm no help on the registry because we aren't doing a real one this time since it's a second kid, just a hidden one for ourselves to get completion discounts but only putting a couple of items like diapers and such on it)

    @fifilala516 Ugh--sorry sleep has gone poorly.  I really upped my water intake a ton recently and that hs helped with my ache body.  

    @AshleyGemini24 I did an epidural, so I'm no help on the med-free birth.  I will say as someone who has increased my staff by 30% so far this year, please be patient with the HR staff, its a lot of moving parts and they are moving as quickly as possible.  

    @magalina_h Oh no--i'm sorry about the anxiety around needles, at least you'll get it done all at once.  

    @lilyfox I'm heading in for my second AS today because baby wasn't cooperating during the first too.  I have a desk job so i'm planning on working until labor.  however my first came 3 weeks early, so i'll have my primary work completed and delegated other work to others at 36 weeks and then just do special projects (things i've put off) during my "bonus time" if i get it.  

    How far along are you//EDD: 22+3/ January 29

    Size of the baby: An ear of corn

    Upcoming appointments:  Today, follow up AS for additional pictures.  

    How are you feeling?: I've been feeling great recently.  My appetite is fully back and thankfully sleeping quite well.  

    Rants/Raves: I just feel very blessed right now.  I'm thankful we have been able to remain healthy so far and hope we can continue to do so over the next 4 months.  I'm a little nervous about having a baby during flu/cold season. 

    Questions:  Have you all received 3D images when you go for US? I'm going to ask for one today--i always see these cute ultrasounds pictures and then i never get anything like that.  

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Alluding to something but not saying the whole story.  Either tell me the whole story or keep your mouth shut.  

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    @fifilala516 I think I still have a mild yeast infection too! It started toward the end of my antibiotic cycle, and has just continued. At least it isn't overly uncomfortable, I just know things aren't quite normal down there. 

    @magalina_h I hate loud chewers too!! My husband is a terrible offender....and slurps.

    @lilyfox I'm self-employed, so I'll be working for as long as I can. I worked until 38wks with my first son (only stopped so I could have some time off before his arrival), and hopefully I'll be able to get that far again. 

    How far along are you//EDD: 23+2 Jan 23

    Size of the baby: grapefruit, I think 

    Upcoming appointments:  no OB for a few weeks. Pelvic floor physio on Thursday am

    How are you feeling?: mostly fine, as long as I get adequate sleep. Heartburn is far worse in this pregnancy than my first (I woke up last night as some stomach acid rose to my mouth....so that was cool). 

    Rants/Raves: we are getting our roof reshingled which is great, but fear the roofers may not be doing the job properly. Will have more info today. Rave: woke up this am, and my husband had folded the laundry that had been sitting in the basket for 2 days, and hung up the athletic wear to dry. 

    Questions:  none

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Loud chewing. Slurping sounds. The sound of my son eating a banana. 

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    How far along are you//EDD: 24w4d

    Size of the baby: Papaya 

    Upcoming appointments:  October 5th

    How are you feeling?:  I am feeling okay, minus constant hunger, Gassy, & anxiety!😅

    Rants/Raves: I have noticed a decrease in movement. Every time I would eat, he would move like crazy. & now it’s very occasional. I’ve googled It (I know we shouldn’t do that😂) & I have read that sometimes between 25-30 weeks that can happen due to the baby increasing rapidly in size making it’s harder for the baby to move? still wondering if I should call the office 😰 Raves, I got so many maternity clothes & I feel like a normal person again & not such a bum😂

    Questions:  Anyone else experiencing less movement? How do you handle the constant anxiety of something bad happening to the baby? It’s truly driving me insane. How do people eat healthy in pregnancy!? 

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve?

    Right now, when my husband tells me “He’s fine, he’s just sleeping” when I worry about the decrease in movement 😡 I’m sure I say It every hour, & that can get annoying but I feel like he doesn’t care. I promise he does tho, he just got these custom binkies he had made so it’s safe to say he’s VERY excited😂 

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    @fifilala516 mine is still very much a work in progress that I’m mainly putting together for myself and the completion discount. Happy to send mine over! I’ve never sent or received a PM - can you do that in the app? 

    @AshleyGemini24 with DS I had planned to do a med free birth… it did not work out that way. My water broke and I had crazy contractions 1:30 apart for hours and was only 2 cm - the epidural was amazing and didn’t slow down labor, DS was out within 6 hours

    @lilyfox I work from home and have a relatively chill job with a very understanding boss/company so I’m planning on working until I go into labor. 

    @blackhottamales I’ve not had a 3D at any of my appointments and not sure if I’ll have anymore US’s since everything looked good at the anatomy scan
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    How far along are you//EDD: 25+6/January 5

    Size of the baby: Cauliflower

    Upcoming appointments:  Just had a checkup today, follow up scan October 14 or 15

    How are you feeling?: Sleeping suuuuuuuucks. She won't stop moving when I lay down, so it takes forever to get to sleep. Otherwise ok. 

    Rants/Raves: My 3 year old won't stay in his damn bed. Constantly up and out for 30-60 minutes when we put him down, then another 30-60 minutes in the middle of the night. He gets up to go to the bathroom over and over, which is his loophole evidently that it's ok to get up? Anyway, I implemented sticker charts and his older brother gets a Jamba Juice today and the little guy doesn't, so I'm hoping that let-down drives the point home that life would be a lot better for him if he just stayed in his stupid bed at night. 

    Questions:  nope

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Where to begin... people that look at their phones while you're talking to them. People who insist on cruising in the far left lane and not letting people pass them. 

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    @elksamm @fifilala516 I'll share my registry with you guys! There isn't a whole lot there right now, but I plan to add more to it later this week, if I can remember. 

    @AshleyGemini24 I had epidurals for my previous births, but both wore off to some degree, the second one wore off almost completely I think. I'm going to try it again, because what do I have to lose? I don't think I can stomach a med-free birth but I may not have that choice I guess. 
    @magalina_h I'm a total wuss around needles. You'd think with three pregnancies, all the bloodwork, etc I'd be ok, but I've only gotten marginally better. I had my flu shot yesterday and I dreaded it all day. 

    @blackhottamales I had 3D pics done at my latest scan, the tech just did them randomly I guess. Hopefully you're able to get some! 

    @firewife_911 My only advice re: eating healthy is just making sure to have healthy foods prepared and easily accessible so it's easier to eat that instead of junk. And don't buy junk. It takes a little work initially, but if I make a bunch of chicken and a big salad (or buy pre-made salads) I'm more than happy to eat that for a couple days because it's already ready to go. 
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    @elksamm Yes, it's only thru the app (and it took me like 5 minutes to figure out). Just sent!
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    What has everyone's doctors been saying about the booster, if you're eligible (that is, 6 months past your 2nd dose of Pfizer?) I had not yet met the OB I saw today (you have to see all doctors in rotation at my practice) and he was vehemently anti-booster (and, anti-vaccine, it seemed). I was floored. All the other doctors I had spoken to were definitely on the side of getting vaccinated + the booster when it was authorized. 

    I still think I am going to get the booster, but I'll probably wait until I see the one remaining doctor I haven't seen yet next month.
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    @fifilala516 I didn't even think to ask my doctor about it today. Since I'm a SAHM and have very low exposure, I think I might wait until the baby is born. I'll be 6 months from my last shot at the end of October, so I figure waiting a couple more months isn't that big a deal. But I might change my mind later, we'll see. 
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    @fifilala516 my doctor says they are still waiting for guidance from the CDC, but they are hopeful I can get a booster in Nov. They said that I need at least 8mo between my last dose and the booster. I got my 2nd dose the first weekend in March. 

    @blackhottamales, yes I have gotten 3D and 4D images at my last 2 u/s

    @lilyfox I'm working right up until delivery. I don't get to take time off before that unless it's per doctor's orders. 
    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @fifilala516 When I asked my OB about the booster she recommended getting it whenever I am able. I got Moderna so will see when that becomes available, I guess.  
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    @katepattsea Yes, I am an expressive arts therapist (I also think it is neat! 🎨). This type of work requires some thought for going on maternity leave. I have to make sure my clients are lined up with another provider before I go, so working until I go into labor isn't really an option. Since I am in private practice, I am basically self employed so this decision is entirely up to me. At this point I am thinking that I will stop seeing clients when I am 35 weeks. I think that should give me enough of a buffer in case anything happens early (plus time for nesting and getting ready!).
    I guess I'm second guessing myself because I get reactions from both ends of the spectrum  ...some people tell me they worked right up to the last minute while others recommend taking off earlier.  So I'm just over here like 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    rachel0428rachel0428 member
    edited September 2021

    How far along are you//EDD: 26 weeks, 1/4

    Size of the baby: 🥬 kale! Had a growth ultrasound today (also because I just established care w new provider after moving) and he is measuring 2 lb 3 oz already

    Upcoming appointments: 10/30 but may do a quick visit sooner for Tdap and flu shot (otherwise will do then)

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good but more bloated and sleep continues to be rough 

    Rants/Raves: My husband and I are getting settled in North Carolina from moving from Minnesota. Hoping we start getting fall weather sooon

    Questions:  They’re starting to talk to me about elective induction at 39 weeks.. I guess we’ll see how things go but I’d probably prefer not to be induced if possible. Have any of you had an induction and how did you process that decision? 

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Hmm.. I get pretty annoyed by people who frequently interrupt others.

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    @fifilala516 I ended up getting the Pfizer booster today at my ob appt. I’m now 8 months out from my second Pfizer dose since I work in health care. They said they are recommending it for pregnancy (given it’s a high risk condition) and if greater than 6 months out from second dose of Pfizer. I don’t think there are any recommendations for Moderna yet because there is less data about length of effectiveness (but does seem to have better efficacy than Pfizer at 6 months out). :) That’s my understanding after discussing today w maternal fetal medicine. 
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    @firewife_911 totally feel you w the anxiety about less movement. I guess I felt more reassured today when he was moving all over the place during the ultrasound even though I couldn’t feel it. So I guess I’m just trying to tell myself that there’s probably a lot of movement I can’t feel .. I have found if I sit up and lean forward, I tend to feel him moving more though which helps. Also yes the eating healthy thing is tough.. I’m trying to buy produce once per week and prep it when I buy it so it’s easy and accessible to eat for snacks. Yet today I picked ice cream for my snack 😊.. I guess it’s a balance and we just do our best. 
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    @lilyfox I’ve always worked right up until delivery. I’ve had 3 inductions and I’m sure this time won’t be any different 🙄. Unless something crazy happens with covid I will work as long as I can to save PTO. My work is allowing me to carry over more PTO into the new year, for once! They’ve never allowed this before for maternity leaves-so dumb. 

    +1 to feeling less movement. 

    As far as boosters, I’m waiting on guidance for Moderna. I kind of want to get the Pfizer booster since it’s a half dose and I felt pretty crappy/had a fever for days with Moderna. 
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    How far along are you//EDD: 25+3

    Size of the baby: cauliflower 

    Upcoming appointments:  so many appts. 

    How are you feeling?: large 

    Rants/Raves: I had another (secondary) covid exposure at work. Now I have to double mask and my face is going to melt off 🥵. Cant wait until my kids can get vaccinated. 

    Also, the kitchen reno needs to wrap up ASAP. 

    Questions:  has anyone ordered their breast pump yet?!

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Right now everyone and everything is annoying me. 

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    magalina_hmagalina_h member
    edited September 2021
    @kcf19, I think there's a timeline for insurance coverage. Some will only let you order so many weeks prior to delivery. For my son, I got my pump through the hospital gift shop before being discharged.
    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @fifilala516 I’ve looked all around the app but can’t find where the PMs are, do you (or anyone else that knows) mind telling me where to find it? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Re: booster shot: I got my second Moderna shot in August so I won’t be getting a booster while pregnant but I would totally get the Pfizer booster if I were eligible. At my next OB appointment I’ll be getting the tdap and flu shot. I believe in science and that vaccines save lives. 

    @rachel0428 I’ve talked to my OB about 39 week induction, being ama (37) we’ve both agreed it’s the best plan for me. 
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    @elksamm If you're on the app, you should see something that says "Inbox" at the top of the January 2022 landing page. If you're on the desktop page, there's a little envelope icon next to the globe-looking one that shows you your notifications.
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    How far along are you//EDD:  23 Weeks/ 1/26

    Size of the baby: Grapefruit

    Upcoming appointments: 10/15/21 MFM Growth Scan and Regular OB visit after 

    How are you feeling?:  Feeling sore.  I keep getting pain in the bottom of my stomach.  Doctor keeps telling me it's normal.  The pain is mostly at night so sleep has been none existent.

    Rants/Raves:  Rants: My head is killing me today.  Raves: I don't have anything to rave about because my head is killing me right now.

    Questions:  NATM

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve?  My biggest pet peeve is people's lack of common sense.  As I have gotten older I have just realized that some people really don't have any but it still gets on my last nerve.

    @lilyfox I don't plan to stop working.  Going to work until delivery.  I'm a municipal clerk so besides filing and helping people that come in I just sit at a desk.  Plan to take a week vacation after the baby is born and then work form home for six weeks.

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    @fifilala516 I just asked at my appointment Monday and my doctor was all for me getting the booster asap.  She actually signed up for her booster while I was there because we were trying to see if the state had opened them up to schedule yet.  I got both doses of the Pfizer vaccine in January so it has been 9 months and it is making me very nervous with how things look here.   I am planning to make my appointment today for hopefully this weekend! 
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    @kcf19, I think there's a timeline for insurance coverage. Some will only let you order so many weeks prior to delivery. For my son, I got my pump through the hospital gift shop before being discharged.
    Ohh yeah good point. I can order mine any time, but with shipping delays everywhere I want to do it soon. 
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    How far along are you//EDD: 24w1d; Jan 19th

    Size of the baby: Cantaloupe 🍈 

    Upcoming appointments: Oct 15th for Glucose/28 week appt with my Midwife. 

    How are you feeling?: Good. I have also noticed a decrease in movement which has had me on edge a few times. But baby girl still usually moves after meals and at night so that’s good! 


     Rants: Ready for the pregnancy insomnia to go away! Ready to get our house more finished, we have a few open walls currently from tearing down walls after buying my husband’s grandma’s home last November. We’ve done most of the work ourselves (flooring, tearing walls out, painting paneling) and I’ve been living with a half kitchen since December (I cook on a two burner electric stove and convection oven 😅). Just ready for my house to not feel like a construction zone with two toddlers and a baby on the way!

    Raves: Our kitchen and laundry room will be done by Christmas though as the cabinets are being custom built and have begun!!! So excited I could cry!!!

    Questions: No questions currently! 

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve?

     People being rude to others with a difference in opinion from them. Chill out. You can think differently and still be friends. 

    Also, treating people unfairly. Don’t like it one bit. 

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    @elksamm I feeeeel you on the remodel. Hoping things go smoothly for you from here on out!

    @fifilala516 Don’t worry toooo much about the baby’s room! You still have time! Maybe tackle one box or two a day? Baby will be happy to be with you in your room for the first 6months to year anyways! But, I definitely know the nesting probably is driving you crazy! 

    @AshleyGemini24 I’m so sorry about your job! Praying for your new job to start quickly and for not too much of a financial stress on you! 

    @magalina_h I actually have a Vasovagal response to needles. Literally not afraid of them, worked in the medical field with them at one point, doesn’t really hurt too badly to me, but my body just gives out unless I’m lying back. So, for every blood draw or shot I have to be lying down or they get to pick me up off of the floor. 🤦🏼‍♀️ So embarrassing. Also, your work sounds really stressful, hoping it eases up some so you can feel rest in that area of your life! 
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    @lilyfox Good Luck with the move!! Also, I now stay at home with my two toddler (31/2 & almost 2) but my first pregnancy I took the last month off! I am SO thankful for that time now. I was able to prepare/nest on my own time. I got to relax before baby came! I got to slow down a little and cherish the last little bit of time that it would be just me and my husband. Life changes so much with a baby in the very best ways, but it definitely changes. I don’t regret it and if you can financially afford it I TOTALLY RECOMMEND!!

    @blackhottamales Super glad you’re feeling blessed and content! It’s hard to feel that way sometimes and definitely in pregnancy, so I’m happy for you! We had my last naughtier Dec 26th and I was a little nervous too. But I was also breastfeeding and knew that was helping babe with all the germies! Just make sure nobody kisses baby on the face for a while, and I’m sure all will be fine!💕

    @sarah_is_pregnant Go, Hubby!! I know that made you feel so appreciated! 

    @firewife_911 I feel you on the anxiety!! Hoping babe will be more consistent for ya during the day 😅

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    @Lisa3379 Sorry about your sleep! Mine is backwards, I fall asleep so easily but wake at like 3/4 with the pregnancy insomnia and can’t fall back asleep! So frustrating! 

    @rachel0428 I have been induced twice, both times were fine and had baby within 12 hours of start of Pitocin. I was already in early labor with both though. I definitely recommend trying to wait until due date for induction date unless there are medical factors to consider. Just gives baby more time to cook and body more time to be ready for labor! 
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    How far along are you//EDD: 26 weeks and 4 days

    Size of the baby:  butternut squash.. it is funny you can tell what app people use 

    Upcoming appointments:  Oct 15th maternal fetal ultrasound Oct 19th check up with the doctor 

    How are you feeling?: Good! Better than before. I feel lucky because Nov I move my night job to working overnight. I get anxious over feeling her but then not feeling her for awhile glad I am not alone!

    Rants/Raves: We are moving Nov 8th while I am thrilled need to find a new doctor plus work on finishing up our house after we move... plus move over our farm animals. Just so much to do. On a good note I just submitted my final PhD Paper!! YAHOO! Goal is to get moved and finish that before the baby gets here. Due date is Jan 5th. Saw a psychic.. who states she thinks I will have the baby December 27th! We have our family Christmas December 26th luckily I am moving closer to home. 

    Questions:  Are people having off and on nausea? 

    GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Working in such a close space in the office right now at the hospital. 

    3 Adopted kids: <3 20 year old girl, <3 12 year old boy, <3 11 year old boy.....4th GIRL DUE Jan 5th, 2022!!!!!!

    Fertility Journey starts in 2019 at one clinic to have our own. Using donor sperm, his isnt well after multiple testing- genetics. 
    We tried 3 IUI in 2019, then switched in April 2020. 

    April 19th, 2021 1st FET cycle 1st HCG April 30-176.9  2nd HCG May 3- 591 7 week ultrasound May 20th went well HB 140 baby measured 7 weeks 1 day sac measured 7 weeks 2 days June 1st 9 week ultrasound June 11th 1st apt with new OBGYN- no ultrasound just a physical, labs, protein urine collection. June 14th blood work with fertility- no changes to medications continue to decrease, June 21st last blood work with fertility graduated now on to OBGYN only. June 25th 12 week NT saw the nose, arms, and legs everything normal!!! July 23rd check in with OBGYN-  heartbeat is 150! August 18th 20 week ultrasound went GREAT! Aug 19th check in with the OBGYN. Sept 15th 24 week echocardiogram normal! Sept 17th OBGYN apt heard the heartbeat! Oct 15th baby is 3.5 pounds Oct 19th OBGYN apt 28 weeks Oct 28th paperwork apt with new provider 

    .....Next: Nov 2nd first apt new clinic Nov 4th OBGYN apt Nov 8th OBGYN apt Nov 10th OBGYN apt, Nov 12th Maternal Fetal 32 week ultrasound, Nov 15 OBGYN apt Nov 17th OBGYN apt 
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