June 2021 Moms

March Appointments Thread


Re: March Appointments Thread

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    @AKuzReve man your thyroid is low. I wish lol I just got mine checked on Monday and it went up to 2.76. 

    @mc0303 FX for you. Hope you pass. 
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    @mc0303 I hope you passed! 
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    @mindyb2019, I think my prescription dose is slightly too high but we’re just leaving it. 😅 Before I upped it for pregnancy, it was like 2.3 on my lower dose. Ah I hope it goes back to normal non-hypothyroidism levels post-pregnancy this time. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @mindyb2019 I’m on iron as well and have been for a couple weeks. I’m in Feramax. I take it before bed. I haven’t found it makes me too sick. But it has definitely made my poops more annoying 😂 
    they remind me of newborn poops. 

    I had blood work today to check my levels again so I’m interested to see if they’ve moved or if they’re going to recommend infusions. 
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    @AKuzReve lol what is your prescription dose if you don't mind me asking?? Are you on synthroid too? 
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    Good much to everyone waiting for GD results/taking the test tomorrow! Mine isn't until next week. 
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    @AKuzReve That is a good tsh! Mine has been holding steady at 1 for a few months now. I will take it! 

    @mc0303 I didn’t feel bad during my 3 hour and still didn’t pass. So I don’t know if feeling sick or not is an indicator. 

    @akoros  GL tomorrow. 

    I had my appointment today with MFM. Baby is measuring big (3.5 lbs at 28 weeks)! I thought I was just going for a consult on GD, but they were ready to do all measurements, so H missed another ultrasound and they did 3D at the end. He has chubby cheeks! I go every 2 weeks to her and every 2 weeks to OB, so I guess that means we see/hear the baby every week from here on out!
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    28 week appointment today which included glucose test and tdap vaccine. The drink was fine going down and I made sure to have hard boiled eggs 15 minutes before going into the office. I will have the results in a few days. 

    HB was 156 and she is moving a lot. I start two week appointments from here and will be back in the office for a visit on the 30th. 
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    @ramzlau, ahhhh chubby cheeks are the best. I’m glad about my tsh. It was quite high with my son (3-3.7) so this is a nice change. 

    @mindyb2019, on levothyroxine so the same ingredient as synthyroid but they don’t do brands here. 100mg is my current dosage - I was on 75 mg before pregnancy for a few months (I developed hypothyroidism with my son’s pregnancy then it went away and then I developed postpartum hypothyroidism when he was 6 months and started treatment at 9 months). When I first switched the dose, my tsh dropped to 0.14. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @mc0303 yay!! Congrats. so happy for you
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    @mc0303 Yay! 

    @ruemcclanahan That is great for your TSH. Will keep my fingers crossed that you don’t need iron pill. 2.5 lbs is perfect! 
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    Thank you!!!!
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    @mindyb2019 yay for ultrasounds! Your step daughter is going to love getting to see the baby. Does she have any other siblings or is this her first? 

    I have my 3 hour GD test tomorrow and my 30 week appointment. 
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    @klj0228 No, she doesn't have any other siblings so this is her first. She's wanted a sister or brother for sooo long and so she's over the moon excited to be a big sister. She turned 11 so there will be a big gap between them unfortunately :( but thats ok. She will be a big help to me with the baby and wants to help me do lots of stuff which is nice. 🥰 She doesn't know the gender of the baby yet as we're not telling her. She's hell bent its a girl and wants a baby sister soo badly lol Hopefully she's not too disappointed when she finds out its a little brother 😆
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    I have my second appointment this month on Monday. An ultrasound and my husband gets to come to this one!  So excited!
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