October 2020 Moms

Weekly Check-in, Week 3 (10/15-10/21) - 7/6

How far along are you?

Due date?

Upcoming appointments?



GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth?
Current pregnancy -
First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

Re: Weekly Check-in, Week 3 (10/15-10/21) - 7/6

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    How far along are you? 24+5 (just had to check on the app because I legit could not remember)

    Due date? 10/21

    Upcoming appointments? 7/16 for glucose test

    Rant/rave? Rave-I start my first day of my fellowship today! Going to make this check in quick whilebwhile eating my breakfast because I want to get there early and get settled.
    Rant-nausea picked back up and I still haven't stopped meds. Got sick twice this weekend.

    Questions? Nah.

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth? Always worried about the what ifs until baby is in my arms, but my overall biggest worry is handling 2 children, getting enough sleep, and my job over the first year of life.  I was a zombie for so so long with DD.
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    How far along are you? 25+1

    Due date? 10/18

    Upcoming appointments? 7/13 for glucose test

    Rant/rave? My WFH setup has finally started working, so I'm able to connect to the network and our shared mailbox in Outlook, which means I can actually tackle my worklist from home and feel productive. It only took 3 1/2 months! 

    Questions? Nah

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth? I'd have to say all of the unknowns with the whole L&D process. As a FTM, I feel kinda short-changed that we aren't getting as many appointments and aren't able to sign up for first-time parents and L&D delivery classes right now because of COVID. I know nothing can truly prepare you for all of that, but it still would put my mind at ease that we did our due diligence in preparation for the baby's arrival, you know? I have no idea how I'll handle the pain, I have no idea how MH will be in the delivery room (we've had talks about the kind of support I think I'll need, but I truly don't know so how can he know?), and have an outline of a birth plan already thanks to the advice of a coworker who just gave birth yesterday morning. So yeah, just all of the unknowns are really weighing in the back of my mind.
    Me: 37 / DH: 41
    Due with baby #2: Feb 2022

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    mamahoschmamahosch member
    edited July 2020
    @babyodo I literally am having all the same fears as you as a FTM as well. COVID really jipped us from understanding and feeling what a normal first pregnancy is like honestly. All my birth classes and parenting classes have been online so far and they’re helpful, but nothing like the real thing I’m guessing.

    How far along are you? 25 weeks tomorrow 

    Due date? October 20

    Upcoming appointments? July 29 for glucose test

    Rant/rave? Rant- it’s been so dang HOT the last few days. The 4th was miserable but we spent most of it in the air conditioning. Real feel was 99 yesterday 😰
    Rave - My baby shower planning is coming along well according to my best friend! It should be fairly simple I’m assuming since it’s a drive through shower. Also I’m feeling very, very consistent movement throughout the day and I can see my belly twitch too when he moves or kicks  - it’s so WEIRD 😂 

    Questions? None for the moment 
    EDIT - thought of one! When did you feel your first Braxton Hicks contractions? I think I felt my first one last night!

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth? I have a lot of the same fears as @babyodo as a FTM too, but I also am worried about returning to school pregnant as high risk if we are returning to the classroom (we will find out the official plan from our district sometime in the next week or so). I want to start the year with my students because I absolutely love my preschoolers but I just don’t know what’s going to happen by fall. I’m worried that I’ll get exposed to COVID from a student or coworker and that I won’t get to see my baby after I deliver. I’m worried that I won’t make it to full term and baby will spend time in the NICU. I’m also sad that my mom won’t get to see her first and only grandchild in person at the hospital.
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    @babyodo I’m so sorry you don’t get to do all the classes and experience it. I love our Bradley method classes and the bonus is I got a massage the last 15 minutes of class during meditation. I know it seems so scary that the pain is going to be unimaginable. I remember once in class they mentioned that 26,000 women are at the same stage of labor as you doing the exact same thing. It helped me a lot during labor to keep reminding myself that. I look back and I can’t even remember what the pain really felt like. You will do it. You will overcome the pain and have an amazing baby at the end to make you forget it all. Do you know if there any virtual classes near you? Maybe YouTube videos? Also if you have any allergies or preferences include them in your birth plan. I remember them asking me and DH what my allergies were when I was in full pain and DH just stared at me. 😖 I just looked at him because he knows what mine are and I was not in a position to answer. 

    @carrotsandpeas3 Same fear too! I was a zombie and slept whenever I could get her down for a nap. I know I’ll survive, but I am the worst person without enough sleep. I’ve also gone through moments where I think I’m doing her a disservice by taking our whole attention away from her. It’s going to be a huge change. She’s been the only kid and only grandchild on my husbands side for 4 long years. 

    How far along are you? 25 weeks 3 days

    Due date? 10/16

    Upcoming appointments? Two weeks

    Rant/rave? Heartburn can kiss my butt. It’s been horrible lately. 

    Questions? Anyone want to share their plan for what they are planning on doing with LO while you go into labor. 

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth?

    not being able to have anyone to watch DD. My in laws aren’t exactly reliable plus they live 1.5 hours away. I’ve asked a few friends but I hate imposing. 
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    @babycakesday I plan on having my parents come watch her, but they live 3 hours away. My sister lives 40 min away (but has a 2 and 4 yo so had her hands full) and will be our back up until my parents can get there if it happens early or they aren't there already. Will probably have them come in town the week I am due if they are able. My parents are reliable though and my mom is retired and can really come any time even if my dad can't come with her. I'd probably try to have an in town back up person if I were you so it gives whoever time to come in from out of town. 
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    I wish my MIL would just drive by herself. My mom would do it but she’s states away. I asked a friend with no kid if she would come and stay in case my in laws take too long so for now maybe that’s our plan. I mean worst case, I’ll just go alone. 
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    @mamahosch I started feeling them a little over a week ago. Tip, I asked my mom (she's an L&D nurse) how to tell if it's Braxton-Hicks and she said to feel your uterus, it feels like a rock during a contraction. It's actually kind of cool (I think) you can really feel the outline of your uterus.

    How far along are you? 25 weeks

    Due date? Oct 19

    Upcoming appointments? July 14th for glucose screening and rhogam before I drive across country for the move

    Rant/rave? Rant: Symptoms are sneaking back, felt like I couldn't get out of bed this morning, even packing a few boxes brings on the Braxton-Hicks and makes me feel like I'm overdoing it and need to rest
    Rave: Baby is SO active! When she's really moving and grooving my belly looks like a California fault line even through layers of clothes. Endless entertainment.

    Questions? Nope.

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth? I try not to dwell on health stuff that's out of my control. I mostly worry that we've bitten off too much with all kinds of life changes all at once, and how am I going to juggle job and baby and travel and covid next spring when I need to come back to Arizona, ugh. Also speaking of covid, how are we going to deal with grandparents coming from hotspots in Arizona and California and wanting to cuddle baby. :s
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    kalesix3kalesix3 member
    edited July 2020
    How far along are you?

    Due date?

    Upcoming appointments?
    Glucose screening, hemoglobin check, and Preeclampsia labs all in one in three-ish weeks. 

    My high risk doctor told me a different weight for baby than the ultrasound report said and now I'm an anxious mess wondering which measurement is right. I envy people who don't have to obsess and panic that baby is gaining too fast or too slow. Bleh. 

    How is it actually really July 😬

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth?
    I have a lot of anxiety after losing my first baby during labor so I can't really put my finger on a single biggest fear.

    @amapa20 that's a really helpful tip! I wasn't really able to feel any BH last pregnancy, at least nothing that really felt like one, and so far it's the same this pregnancy, I'm curious to know if I'm able to feel them later on. 
    Will your grandparents be willing to
    quarantine for a few weeks before visiting? 
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    How far along are you? Shit I never know....past half way! 

    Due date? 10/20

    Upcoming appointments? 7/20

    Rant/rave: glucose test looming in my near future 😩 I always get so sick. I did mention it to my dr and she said since I’ve never had GD she may let me do an alternate test but I dk what it’s called or that it was even an option. I also talked to her at my last appointment about how upset I was that I was sent home last time with as far along as I was progressed and how fast my labors are. She made sure to put a note at the top of my chart to not send me home so on call dr knows. I feel way better about that now. Last time I was sent home at 7:30 made it back at 8:15 and baby was delivered by charge nurse at 8:50. I’ve for sure had some anxiety about this one being born out of the hospital. 

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth? Haha oh shoot just answered that above^

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    @kalesix3 They are all pretty good about taking all the necessary precautions (although my mom being an L&D nurse means exposure at work is a real danger, but she's also the one I really want around). I guess the real problem is them having to fly out and stay at a hotel. I know that just telling them they can't see her isn't going to be an option. What is everyone else planning?
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    @amapa20 My mom won’t fly so I don’t have to worry about her. At this point we’ve discussed it and we’re not letting my in laws hold her until she’s a little older. They can see her from afar for now. 
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    @amapa20 I will have the same problem with my ILs coming from Texas. We'll see the state of things in a few months, but I might be that crazy person making them wear masks to hold the baby... Except they will be staying at our house so general exposure will be hard to avoid. There's zero chance of them not coming though. My parents will be driving in from 3 hours away and are being super cautious, so I trust them. ILs are going to church in person in Texas. 😑
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    My in laws and parents are from a small town that still only has one case total so I’m not too worried about them but I’m worried about both SILs coming from the city. One more than the other becuase she’s not careful but I don’t know how to be like “you’re safe but you’re not” without causing major drama. I’m trying to wait to see how everything pans out before I stress about it too much. 
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    @carrotsandpeas3 I mean like a month ago I would’ve been fine going to church back when our area had like 80 cases a day but now with some days over 1000 new cases big fat no on church in person. 

    My IL are super cautious so I shouldn’t worry but my MIL is a teacher and come fall as of right now she’s going to be teaching in person. 
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    How far along are you? 25w

    Due date? 10/19

    Upcoming appointments? 7/28 for a video visit and 7/30 for a fetal echo (just because of DD2’s history)

    Rant/rave? My next appointment is a video visit but after that I sincerely hope they don’t think I’m going to continue doing this. There is literally no point to chatting about my morning sickness and fetal movement for 5 minutes. I want her heart tones and my fundal height checked to be sure nothing is going amiss. Also, I’m checking my BP and urine at home but I’d feel more comfortable with them doing it. 

    Questions? Nope

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth? With DD2 I went from 6cm to her being delivered in about 10 mins. I’m just nervous about getting to the hospital too late or too early.
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    FTMs- we never did any type of class and I honestly don’t feel like it mattered. Not sure if that helps anyone, but I felt like my body just knew what to do and it helped not having all of these preconceived ideas in my head. 
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    The only thing I liked from my class was an amazing breastfeeding video that explained the stages baby goes through right after birth in order to eat. Other than that, I don’t even remember what the heck they taught us. Once you’re in labor anything they told you goes out the window. 

    @coldbrew I feel ya on wanting to be seen in person! I just had my first in person appointment  in mid June. They found an arrhythmia with the Doppler and US and I couldn’t help but feel like it would have been found sooner if I had been seen in person sooner. Not that it would have mattered but I just felt like we had been left in the dark. Arrhythmia is now gone so thankfully it was just a little stress and worry on us for a few weeks but it just sucks being pregnant during all of this! 
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    @coldbrew with my doctor's office, they made it clear that even though they were by default scheduling a lot of the visits as televisits, at any time I could insist on an in person visit anyway.  You may want to check to see if your doctor's has a similar policy.
    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

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    AB518AB518 member
    edited July 2020
    The board seems relatively busy today.  It took me awhile to catch up on what's going on.

    @JLaVO888  I'm glad to see that you are back!  A lot of people stopped posting around the time quarantine started.

    How far along are you?  25 weeks 3 days

    Due date? 10/16

    Upcoming appointments? Last week of July

    Rant:  I'm stressed.  Whenever I feel like this year can't get any worse, it does.
    Rave:  I enjoyed having a three day weekend.  I spent a lot of time with DS, and I did a lot of cleaning.  I continue to be thankful that this pregnancy appears to be normal and going well.

    Questions? nope

    GTKY: What's your biggest fear for your current pregnancy/birth?  I have a lot of fears about this pregnancy/birth.  The health of my baby is always my biggest worry.  Lately, my most realistic fear is that my father will never meet this baby, and I'll probably never see him alive in person again.  I'm trying to be hopeful that he will get better, but I'm starting to accept the fact that he is most likely near the end.  

    edit: spelling
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @AB518 glad to be back! 

    Sorry you are having to start the process of mourning your father. It’s hard when you can feel the end approaching. I hope he does get to see you and meet baby. 
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    @AB518 Sorry about your father. 
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    @AB518 I'm so sorry, grief during pregnancy is so rough to go through, sending internet hugs your way. 

    @amapa20 I totally feel you there, I don't think realistically we can say no to the in laws so
    I'm planning to let them fly when they want to and just be the hand washing no kissing police when they visit. I'm nervous though because they won't quarantine even if we ask them to and in the past my MIL has been sick and not said a word until we were there to visit and then acted all hurt that we wouldn't do hugs etc. 🙄
    At least they're really the only family we're close to or that are part of our lives so I won't have to deal with crowds of people and germs with a newborn. 
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    @AB518 I’m sorry, sending positive vibes to you.
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    AB518AB518 member
    @JLaVO888 @babycakesday @kalesix3 @coldbrew  Thank you for the support.  I've never gone into detail about what's happening with him, but it is basically a recurrence of cancer that isn't responding to chemo this time.  He beat the odds two years ago after being on an experimental medication, so I'm always hoping for another miracle, but it's obvious that this time is different.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Sending so much love to you @AB518. ❤️
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    I'm so so sorry @AB518 the exact same thing happened to my grandfather too, it's devastating and there aren't enough comforting words to send to you. 💔
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