July 2020 Moms

J20 Weekly Check-In - 3/2


Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 

Baby is the size of a(n)/fun fact: 

Upcoming appointments: 

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: What was your first job?

Re: J20 Weekly Check-In - 3/2

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    Oops forgot to tag! @pocketrose that really does sound like the ideal weekend! I lol'd at your description of the basement being so organized that it looks like you were robbed... I totally get it.

    @kristinl492 I can't get down with the twisted tea craving but you do you girl! Once it gets warm maybe you can split one with someone lol. 
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    @rjk0427 when traveling just wash your hands a lot! Try not to touch your face. Hand sanitizer in between, bring those Lysol wipes and wipe down plane surfaces etc. you should be fine. For the general population that gets it it’s like a cold/flu. If you have other health problems it’s more serious. 
    (I’m plane traveling this month and not worried) 
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    @pocketrose yay for a clean house and great weekend!!!

    @kristinl492 yay for comfy jeans and not having to spend money!!! 

    @me@meanjellybean Let us know how the AS goes!!! I am sure everything will be great!!!

    @ra@rachelredhead I totally understand thinking my bump has gone down ( I think that all the time).

    I will be back for more tags later. 
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    @b_1029 I don’t think bigger measurements at this point mean much of anything in terms of predicting outcome. They all start growing at different rates at this point, and being big now doesn’t mean they’ll continue to grow really fast the whole time. It does seem more likely to result in a larger baby than an earlier due date if I had to pick one. I’m kind of making this stuff up, but just based on what I’ve heard / experienced. My babies were both pretty much on track at 20 weeks, but then were late and big. 🤷‍♀️
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    @Pascal86 darn haha. I figured it probably just meant bigger baby. DH and I are both on the taller side so I assume we’ll have a baby on the longer side but who knows. 
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    @rjk0427, @Pascal86 I agree with @nursejenn5, I wouldn't be worried about it! I have some background knowledge in public health and we deal with tons of viruses every year! The general population is going to be just fine. I realize being pregnant we are immune compromised but not to the extent we need to quarantine ourselves. Remember the media definitely dramatizes things!
    I have a flight this weekend with D. Bringing sanitizer wipes to wipe our seats/trays, hand sanitizer, and putting our hair back to avoid touching our faces. Wash your hands and eat healthy foods!
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    @mehugg I'm jealous of your nice massage.. I'm thinking I should throw one of those in every once in awhile to offset my abusive therapeutic massages  :D Your babymoon sounds fantastic. Glad you enjoyed it! 

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    kristinl492kristinl492 member
    edited March 2020
    @mehugg I’ve had a gift card for a massage burning a hole in my wallet since Christmas time but in typical “mom” fashion, I have yet to take the time for myself. I need to go ASAP. Your baby moon sounds wonderful!
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    @mehugg @mrs_sheddy I appreciate the input! Thankfully my boss cancelled our trip so I can stop worrying about this specific one. Some of our clients are starting to restrict travel and limit visitors, so that’s a lot of the reasoning besides me just telling him I’m nervous. And it’s very comforting to hear people who work in the medical field / public health say they’re not too worried. But I got the flu two years ago when I was pregnant, and it was one of the worst things that has ever happened to me, so I’m very ready to never go through that again, even though I do get that logically my risk of getting Coronavirus is pretty low. 
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    @treeofcheem I’m planning on the same thing with the car seats - putting the oldest in the middle. She’s still in the five point buckle thing, but she can buckle herself in. Can’t get out though, so it’ll definitely be annoying no matter what. Anyway, CONGRATS on the boy!

    And, thanks to everyone for reminding me about massages! I’m going to hold off for now, but I’ve made a plan to get weekly massages during my last month of pregnancy. In my previous pregnancies, I’ve been pretty much fine most of the way through, and then completely miserable at the end, so I’ll need stuff like that to look forward to!
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    @mehugg I never babysat! Never had an interest either lol, still don't  :D

    @Pascal86 that's so interesting about baby's size etc being based more on the "carrier" as opposed to the biological parents. I've heard the same thing about labor and delivery, like if you want an indication of how your labor/delivery experience might go, ask your mom. That makes sense.
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    EDD/weeks+days: July 2/ 22w+4d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green

    Baby is the size of a(n)/fun fact: ear of corn...have hit 1lb in weight and a foot in length!

    Upcoming appointments: Nothing this week...OB 3/17

    How are you feeling? Generally pretty good, I feel like myself and have gotten used to having a baby belly. I have figured out my sleep issues (hip/back pain), so that's good. My main issue right now is gas/bloating/heart burn anytime I eat a meal. I am seriously regretting how much I ate for lunch, it's painful!!

    Raves/Rants: I can feel the baby moving on a daily basis, so cool...and my husband was able to feel some kicks too this weekend.

    Questions: Nothing

    GTKY: What was your first job? I didn't have a "real" job other than babysitting in high school. My first real job was the summer after my freshmen year of college...I worked at Dj's Galaxy Quest - a family fun center, with a bunch of other high school and college kids. Good times!!
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    EDD/weeks+days: 7/19 - 20w1d 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: PINK! :) 

    Baby is the size of a(n)/fun fact: Venti Starbucks cup; found out today it weights about 11oz right now 

    Upcoming appointments: we just had our AS today. everything looked good.

    How are you feeling? Good :) had a pretty bad headache yesterday though. 

    Raves/Rants: Nothing

    Questions: Nothing 

    GTKY: What was your first job? I was a housekeeper at a hotel and I worked at Subway.

    @nursejenn5 the free food was nice, but I can't eat Subway anymore! blech! 

    @rachelredhead 3rd time is a charm! crossing fingers for you. we put in 3 offers on our first house and we ended up getting it :) good luck!

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    @Pascal86 I'm not panicked about it, but my fear trigger was the same as yours sort of. We were planning a long weekend babymoon to Florida from PA and my sister who is in healthcare and possibly the most, annoyingly practical, rational nonpanicking person I know told me that I should really reconsider flying now and instead plan a trip that we can drive to and monitor leading up to it. Then a day later my work sent out an email too about protocols and emergency reactions (I work for a college so it makes sense). I'm definitely following my ob's req. to not fly and what others and @nursejenn5 (thanks btw!) said. Bring on the hand washing and non-face touching!

    @rachelredhead fingers crossed on the house! Sending all the positive vibes your way!

    @stlbuckeye132 it's a lettuce type thing. I wish the Bump would just stick with fruit. 

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    I read everything but can’t possibly reply to all... a few things:

    @treeofcheem remind me to text a friend on DD’s BMB. She has 3 across now and will have recs. Of course, it’s dependent on your vehicle... but worth checking out.

    @rachstar18 my friend just said something about the stores being bought out bc of it. So crazy! 
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    EDD/weeks+days: 20 weeks + 3 days 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Team Green

    Baby is the size of a(n)/fun fact: red swingline stapler

    Upcoming appointments: just had ultrasound at MFM 4 days ago and 20 week appt with midwife yesterday. All good!

    How are you feeling? Good! Decent energy and finally keeping up with house. Still trying to find therapist 

    Raves/Rants: I started much heavier this time (ending pregnancy weight of baby 1) and nausea had kept my weight in check. This month I gained 5 lbs 😤

    Questions: when will I feel baby move?!

    GTKY: What was your first job? Counter clerk at dry cleaners! Oh the stories I could tell (about customers) and the fun we had (2-3 teen girls and no boss on-site)
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    @meanjellybean congratulations on a boy! How exciting!
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