Health & Exercise

Running 1st trimester

I'm normally a marathon runner, but I'm struggling with running now that I'm pregnant. Treadmill is the worst, as I find it stuffy in the gym and I'm just SLOW compared to normal. It's too cold outside, but the one run I've done out there since pregnant felt great! Anyone else experiencing this? I'm 9 weeks, and I feel (1) SUPER deconditioned and (2) Like I have gained a ton of weight and it's slowing me down. Help! : :)

Re: Running 1st trimester

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    Usually the first trimester your energy can be really low and you feel tired and sluggish. With both of my pregnancies, I felt much better in the second trimesters. Hang in there Mama, it should get better.
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    I was supposed to be doing my third half marathon at the end of my first trimester and that is completely out the window, which makes me so sad. FTM here and no one prepared me for the nearly crippling exhaustion and how much effort even a 20-30 minute workout would feel during this first trimester. 

    No advice here, just wanted you to know you’re not alone. Hoping the energy bump comes in the second trimester and I can at least do some light runs. 
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    emelda22emelda22 member
    edited May 2020
    Removed for TOU violation.
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    FTM, 6 weeks now. My heart rate spikes to 140 when I climb up my driveway so I had to stop working out since doc says that average hr target should be 140. Ugh. I miss it so much and am going a bit crazy without it. I hope this doesn’t mean I’m relegated to “brisk walks” for the entire pregnancy. I really wish I could keep weight training for my mental health.
    Just venting. Not alone.
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