August 2020 Moms

Weekly Randoms 2/10


Re: Weekly Randoms 2/10

  • That's gorgeous @lachnessmomster

    @maelove I've beaten you in the naivety department. Are we not allowed to use retinol? I don't think any of my products have it but I will check now. 

    @psychobutthead hope everyone is feeling back to normal soon. Sorry about the sickness.
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  • @psychobutthead I'm sending you all the hugs right now! I wish I had more advice for you!! For what it is worth it sounds like you are doing an amazing job taking care of your kids and doing the best for them. I think it is amazing how you have managed to get your finances in order and have paid off your car! I hope you are able to start taking classes and make that work with the support of your Dad and Stepmom helping with the kids. I'm so sorry that you are in this situation and that your husband doesn't give you the respect that you deserve. You are such a good mom to your kids and you definitely deserve something for yourself such as those classes so that you can be more independent. We are always here for you to vent anytime! ♥️ 
  • I was having a very lazy day and was not on here much so I had a lot to catch up on! 

    @lachnessmomster I agree with what everyone else said! Hope you're feeling a little better after getting a little time to sleep in. Hope your daughter is feeling better!

    @wildrainbow I hope the cramps are easing up! 
  • @psychobutthead wow that’s a lot. It sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and your kids are so lucky to have you, I hope you put together a plan that works for you and your kids. I have no advice but we are here. 
    Craft Blog
  • @psychobutthead honestly I would leave him too. I would have left after the dating app thing but I totally get why you didn't.

    As for college, local schools will have most of your pre reqs online. However Western governor's University is online and affordable and you can work at your own pace. I about killed myself but finished my masters in a year so I could be done before DS2 arrived. You can work as fast or slowly as you need to. Do you know what you want to major in? If you do want to apply they often wave the application fee to so don't apply without a fee waiver.

    Good for you having a seperate checking and savings account. That's smart. Also congratulations on paying off your car. That will be a huge help financially. Is the car in both your names? If so see if you can get him to sign it over to just you. That way when you leave him you'll know you have the car. 

    Other than that, have a plan, find a good lawyer, and leave ASAP.
  • So many hugs to you @charhar0820! my husband and I have been together for ten years. We are for sure different people than now. We had a rough patch for a couple years, but we are finally on the other side and doing extremely well. I hope that you are able to work things out with your partner. But I’m also proud of you ladies for working towards independence and not accepting this as your life! 
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

  • @psychobutthead I just want to hug you so hard right now. I don’t have any words of wisdom or advice but I hope you’re able to do what you need to go after what you deserve in life. Whether that’s forcing him to fix his selfish behavior or leave him, I hope you find peace, love, and support 💗 And you don’t sound hormonal or crazy or anything. I hope no one is saying that to you and if they are, cut them out of your life. 

    Same goes to you, @charchar0820
  • @blackgirlmagic i forgot to respond to your message.
    To leave him i need a degree, a job, a car in my name, and enough money in savings to get a place and have everything turned on, and enough money for furniture and beds.

    @charhar0820 i understand. Its hard to explain to people why we cant just leave. No they arent abusive they are just shitty. And im just left with do i want to leave with nothing? Or do I want to get my crap together and deal with him longer?
    We have been together 9 years this march. My problem is he never changed. Its always been promise after promise that never happened. That things would ve different once we bought a house, different once we got married, different once we had more kids. But it never is. It doesnt change.
    Im not the hopeful 20 year old i was. I feel like my soul has died along with any hope, or feelings i had.
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • @psychobutthead you are in an incredibly difficult place and for this I’m so sorry. I think thT no matter if you leave or stay with him....becoming more independent and having the ability to leave If and when you want will make you happier and less stressed. So if you understandably don’t want to make a decision right now I think you are working on doing all the right things! 

    @jwhite3116 generally speaking retinol is a no during pregnancy however I have heard some OBs say the topical kind is fine so I’m not really sure what the right answer is! 
  • @charhar0820 @psychobutthead I'm so sorry you guys are going dealing with jerks! You two seem like such strong woman and it really sucks you don't have an equal counterpart contributing toward what it takes to raise a family. I think you both have your head on right and know there is a problem, it's just knowing when is the best time to leave if that is what's best. I really hope you guys find your way out of this - either your men have a wake-up call or have your Ms. Independent moment - and can be happy again  <3
  • @psychobutthead Like the girls have said you are an amazing mother and strong woman.  I'm so sorry you are in this position, but you'll make it through. You're making the smart, tough decisions to make your and your kids future better.  These days wont be easy but they will be worth it.  I worked full time and took night/weekend classes and it was hell but I made it.  I know you're not thrilled with the idea of debt, but would you qualify for a Stafford loan?  These don't charge any interest until 6 months after your graduation, but only lend a certain amount based on your tuition costs. I used this type of loan for the max I could, then paid the rest oop.  This may be an option to help you preserve your nest egg.  Whatever happens stay strong, you are strong and I admire you.  I'm a child of divorce and I know how truly unbelievably strong women can be.  Big hugs to you and @charhar0820. We are here for you girls ❤
    Me: 33  DH: 36
    Dating 4/2008
    Married 6/2016
    TTC #1  9/2019
    BFP 12/13/2019!
    EDD 8/27/2020 Baby Girl  <3
  • I'm sorry for your struggles, psycho and char. No advice, but thinking of you. 
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