April 2020 Moms

Placenta Previa?

I went to my scheduled 20 week ultrasound yesterday, and I was finally able to find out I'm having a little girl and discovered that she has no abnormalities and is growing great. I was so relieved, but then the nurse practitioner told me that I have placenta previa and put me on pelvic rest until 28 weeks when they'll do another ultrasound to see if my placenta has gotten out of the way of my cervix or not. Is anyone currently going through or has experienced it in a previous pregnancy? 


Re: Placenta Previa?

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    I don't have full placenta previa. I have what they call marginal previa. I have been put on pelvic rest and no lifting more than 20 lbs(easier said than done with a 2 year old). I'm getting another ultrasound on the 30th to check on the placenta, but I was told it resolves itself most of the time.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @Kathryn0903 My nurse practitioner said the same thing about it resolving. But she did prepare me for the possibility that if it doesn't, I may have to have a c-section. But it's gonna be a long 8 weeks waiting for the next ultrasound to see if anything has changed. 
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    @sbalding88 thankfully, I'll only have a 5 week wait between ultrasounds, but it's still hard!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    They are watching me for issues bc it's close, but no rest yet. I go back Jan 10th for another US to see how it's moved.
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
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    I have a low lying placenta, but it isn’t covering the cervix. I wasn’t given any restrictions, but need to get another ultrasound next month to make sure that it’s moved. 
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    *lurking from May 2020*

    I had placenta previa with my second son. It never resolved. If you guys have any questions let me know, I can probably answer a good bit about what to expect towards the end if it doesn’t resolve. 
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    @smallbutmighty77 I wish they would check by ultrasound at my 1/10 appointment, but they scheduled it for 2/11, right around the beginning of my third trimester. The nurse practitioner didn't say anything about partial or close so I'm assuming it's the full placenta previa. But I haven't had any bleeding, which they say can happen sometimes. So I'm happy about that, and I hope my little miss stays safe and sound while I try to make it through pelvic rest. lol. 

    Hopefully, your placenta will get out of the danger zone over the next few weeks. <3 
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    @rox7777 I'm hoping to hear back from my OB office tomorrow about some of my questions. It wasn't until my appointment was well and over that I started thinking of questions about what I can and cannot do while on pelvic rest. I'm trying not to think too much about if it doesn't resolve and more how I'm going to get through the next 8 weeks of pelvic rest as I'm still a bit unsure on what I can and cannot do beyond no sex or orgasms and not lifting things that weigh more than 20 pounds. If you have any advice on how you stay active while on pelvic rest, I'd appreciate that; I've been working out most of my second trimester because it helps my energy some, helps with keeping the weight from creeping up too fast, and helps me feel less anxious, but I'd give it all up to keep my baby safe. 
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    @sbalding88 Exactly what you said as far as pelvic rest. No downstairs activity and no heavy lifting. DS1 was actually 2 when I was pregnant with placenta previa and there was few times where picking him up was a must. We managed fine. I did my daily evening walks with the dog as far as activity, but my doctor okayed low impact exercise with no issue. Pelvic rest is not nearly as strict as bed rest. Really the key is avoiding sexual activity and heavy lifting because you can get spontaneous bleeding with previa. 
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    @rox7777 I am a little curious as what things were like near the end. I'm hopeful for it to resolve, but I also want to be prepared for if it doesn't. Did you have a c section scheduled and was it scheduled for a certain time(37,38 weeks)?
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @rox7777 Also did you have more frequent ultrasounds in the end?
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @Kathryn0903 I had weekly ultrasounds starting at 30 weeks. I had to go to a specialist that would check baby’s position, placenta, and fluid levels. The main concern was that the placenta could detach, which is exactly what happened. I had a CS scheduled for 39 weeks, however, the placenta detached at 36 weeks. I noticed blood running down my legs after a shower, called my OB and they started prepping the OR immediately. I was at the hospital in 45 minutes and in the OR 30 minutes after that. I think I start bleeding around 1030am and he was born at 1221pm. Most previa babies are born early and DS1 was a 38 weeker, but my OB doesn’t like to schedule early CS unless absolutely necessary. Blood loss is also the other main concern, but the OR was prepped for my case and had one of those fancy blood recycling machines. I did end up needing a transfusion, but I’m also anemic and bled through 2 towels from the time I started bleeding to surgery. DS2 was born 7lbs1oz, but they he was considered a premie, so he had to do the standard car seat test before we could be discharged. Overall it wasn’t a horrible experience and I highly encourage you not to read the internet, but my OB stressed that the extreme cases rarely ever happen and mine ended up being pretty textbook after all. 
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    @rox7777 thanks, that helps to hear how things went for you.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Mostly lurk around here, but wanted to pop in to say I got diagnosed with partial previa, and my OB was very not concerned. He said since I haven’t had any bleeding as of yet, he wasn’t putting me on pelvic rest, but I would be if I started spotting. I’m getting a second scan at 28 weeks (February), and if it hasn’t resolved by then, they’ll schedule a 3rd tri scan, too. They’ll schedule a c-section after that scan if one is needed. He did say in cases of marginal or partial previa, almost all cases (like 90% I think) resolve themselves before delivery.
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    I had my anatomy scan today and my OB called to say the placenta was covering my cervix and no exercise or intercourse.But she didn't use any technical terms like you guys got, so I'm not quite sure of anything. Like this 20lb lift limit. My kid is 30lbs! 😬 I'll call tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm reading too much.
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    @babybison I think with those of us that have toddlers, they can't honestly expect us to not lift our kids. I can try to limit, but I still got to get my kid in and out of the car seat.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @babybison DS1 was 2 when I was pregnant with previa. I did have a lift limit, but my OB said that she expected that it wouldn’t be followed all the time. Basically follow safe lifting techniques (bend at the knees, lift with your legs and not your back) and try to keep the weight manageable. I did cut back on needless carrying and taught DS1 how to climb in and out of the car, manage small sets of stairs and other tasks that were okay for his age to help some.
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    @rox7777 @Kathryn0903 I called back today and it is complete previa and she recommended no lifting including my toddler unless he's going to run into the street or something. So we'll work on him climbing into the car himself. She also said for bleeding calmly go straight to the hospital, and the bleeding looks "hella scary" but baby usually isn't harmed. 

    Soooo... probably shouldn't have lifted that rock salt for the walkway this morning.
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    Question: DS is 2 and a pretty responsible kid. Should install the toddler rail on his crib? It's been nice to have him contained in the morning, but now I don't know if I should lift him up and into/out of his crib
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    @babybison I probably would. My son is almost 2.5 and we switched to a toddler rail right when he turned 2. He does get up and grab books off his bookshelf to sleep with, but otherwise he does really well. Now with this lifting restriction, it is nice to have one less thing to worry about as far as lifting.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @babybison my toddler - almost 2.5 went right to a full bed. Rarely gets out of bed and when she does she usually just goes to her door and asks for me. The other night she did go to sleep on her floor in front of her door, but otherwise she is fine. We do lock her door at night so she can't wander or anything, and we don't really have anything fun in her room other than her stuffed animals...
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
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    We switched DD2 to the toddler bed about 2 weeks before her 2nd birthday and it’s been WONDERFUL. She entertains herself so well now without fussing for me to get her up (she only has stuffed animals and a few books in her room). If DS doesn’t take to it after a few nights, you can always switch back and try to limit lifting other times throughout the day
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    @babybison The bleeding is super scary. I won’t lie. I only had some minor spotting up until I had DS2, but when my placenta detached it was the scariest thing I’ve experienced. However, I could still feel him kicking and moving up until I got to the hospital, which helped the anxiety a lot. I had complete previa too, but it was just impossible to not lift DS1 occasionally. We lived in a third floor walk up at the time. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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    @rox7777 Thanks for the information! I think I'm wanting to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but I've let my work know about the lifting and pushing restrictions. My OB also wrote in my doctor's note to work to avoid squatting as much as possible, which I found interesting. But I'm not mad about that because those low shelves at the library were kinda starting to hurt my back so now I have an excuse to avoid them. :smile: I haven't had any bleeding yet - fingers crossed that it continues that way but between your information and the nurse that calls me from my insurance company, I feel more prepared should anything go wrong.

    @babybison My doctor didn't say anything about it being partial so I'm assuming mine is complete since she was very adamant about the pelvic rest. But she also seemed pretty optimistic that I had a good chance of it resolving so I'm hoping that come 28 weeks, I'll be released from the pelvic rest. 
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    @rox7777 your experience is so helpful! Thanks!

    28 weeks can't come fast enough. 
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    @Kathryn0903 I'm so glad to hear that! They won't do an ultrasound on me until February 11th so I won't know until then if it has. Definitely hoping mine resolves too. <3 
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    @kathryn0903 that’s great!! I have an ultrasound in a week to check on mine! 🤞🏻
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    I was just thinking about you guys. I'm hoping situations improve for everyone. I still have over 3 more weeks of waiting 😑
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    @babybison I'm with you. Just over 4 weeks before I'll know anything one way or another. :P Hang in there! Hope you get good news in 3 weeks. 
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    Placenta is in a place where it is hard to tell but they think still somewhat in the way. So pelvic rest til they re-check in 4wks! Im already a planned c-section but they want to be aware if they think I should go a bit early or extra bleeding risks. Hope it moves! 
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
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    I looked up if I can do some yoga because I need to stretch my back and hips. 
    "For a full Placenta Previa, a woman should avoid doing yoga asana (postures). Instead, practices such as Yoga Nidra, and visualizing the placenta moving out of the way, can be very powerful."...
    I'm not sure visualizing my organ moving will actually help my organ to move. 🙄
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    I got the results of my ultrasound and the placenta is still 1-1.5 cm from the cervix. I’m so bummed. I was really hoping it would move. Everything I read and my providers all made it sound like it would, but it didn’t.. I don’t want to have a c-section. 😢 I haven’t talked to the midwife yet. We have an appointment on Monday. I know they will probably do a re-check at like 35 weeks, but now I feel like I have to start preparing myself that I may be getting a c-section.
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    @babyrummom I'm so sorry! I'm afraid this might happen to me as well. :( Let us know how your appointment on Monday goes; I still have another month before they check my placenta to see if it's gotten out of the way. I know that a c-section will be fine as my mom had 3, but it still kind of freaks me out a little bit. 
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    @sbalding88 my mom also had two c-sections for my brother and I, but I feel the same! I was really hoping to have that natural birth experience. 
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    @babyrummom So sorry it didn't improve! On the bright side, it's good to know now and be prepared. The internet does make it seem like the close ones all improve! 
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    This will be my 3rd c section and I'm not looking forward to it. At least with DD I went into labor but after 40hrs they needed to go get her.  DS1 was planned bc DD had a heart condition and they didn't want to risk it with him. We had all kids fairly close together so they don't think vbac is possible. Plus with all DS1s genetic stuff, we have a lot of Drs involved in this labor.
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
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    @babyrummom I don’t know your plans for the future, but VBAC is still an option later down the road! DS2 was my placenta previa baby born via emergency CS at 36 weeks. 24 weeks with number 3 and no complications thus far so we’re planning for a VBAC. Honestly, DS1 was a vaginal delivery and far more traumatizing than DS2 was. Even with the early labor and emergency CS, my doctors were fully prepared and got me in and out so quickly. I didn’t even have time to panic. I know it’s not ideal, especially if you’re a FTM, but just know it isn’t a horror story either.  
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    @babyrummom Me too. Trying to be optimistic and learn how to manage the labor pain so that I can get through it epidural-free. (Nothing against epidurals, but I hate the idea of being stuck in bed unable to move from the waist down.) I'm hoping I get the choice, that when they check the placenta, it won't be completely covering the cervix anymore and will be clear enough out of the way that I'll have the choice. It's going to be brutal waiting until February 11th to find out. 

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    @rox7777 Thank for the words of encouragement. We do hope to have another kid someday and off VBAC is an option, I would like that (if I end up with a c-section this time around). I am not sure if the hospital that I plan on giving birth at will do VBACs or not. It’s a pretty small hospital, so they make require I go to one with a NICU, which would also be further away. These are all hypothetical situations, so I’ll try not to get to ahead of myself! 

    @sbalding88 I will probably need another ultrasound in February to check again, so hopefully we both have good news next month! Not knowing is the hardest part! I’m a planner and this is hard for me!

    @smallbutmighty77 how was your recovery from your past c-sections? 
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