How are you feeling? easily winded. I get tired more easily, too. Since taking the iron, tho, I sleep better. I don't necessarily STAY asleep, but I sleep harder.
Raves/Rants? My parents are getting ready to go to Easter Island and a few other places, and will be gone foe Thanksgiving. My sister's kids are headed to their dad's for the break next week, so we're doing Thanksgiving this Friday. I'm excited. I'm debating going to have Thanksgiving Dinner at Alamo Draft House and watching a movie on Thanksgiving proper. A little me indulgence.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Yoga pants/leggings. I'm sorry. This is not appropriate office or dinner attire and all y'all ladies at Disneyland in 2017...your butt sweat was so not attractive, nor were your underwear showing through your threadbare arse. LONGER SHIRTS!!!! I'm a huge proponent of if you've got it, flaunt it. However, one of the things you have to have are the age, size, and occasion. From one plus-sized mama to another...maybe we shouldn't always show off our orange peel legs, love handles, and leftover baby pooches, hmmmm?
@FyreFlyeRush no shame in my legging wearing game these days. Pants are so uncomfortable.
EDD/Weeks + days: 1/22 30+5
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Purple
Baby is the size of a(n): personal pan pizza
Upcoming appointments: mfm growth scan/bpp today, on Friday
How are you feeling? In pain all the time. If my pelvis doesn’t hurt, my ribs and back ache, my rlp is on fire, I literally hurt all the time. The only thing that helps is laying in bed, which isn’t really conducive to life. I’m also tired because I don’t sleep for more than two hours at a time. I’m pretty much just miserable and over being pregnant.
Raves/Rants? I started on my book hanging display for the nursery. We also finally decided on names so I should have the canvases done with those soon. I just need to decide what color to paint the frames.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Shows like the bachelor.
EDD/Weeks + days: 8th Jan but 20th Dec in reality / 32+5
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Purple
Babies are the size of (n): rolled up tabloid news paper / plastic scooter board
Upcoming appointments: Endocrine clinic tomorrow
How are you feeling? tired. so effing tired. The slightest thing will wake me up & then it will be hours before i get back to sleep again and am shattered. Absolutely regretting not starting maternity leave earlier & having to get up in the freezing cold to defrost the car for another 2 weeks. Also the usual massive, heavy, waddley complaints. Along with pressure and fearing my waters have broken every time i have to go to the toilet.
Raves/Rants? Rant: at 4:30am this morning, dh's phone starts ringing. Its his mum, hysterical, giving out that his 18yo brother wont go to bed. His brother is still in high school and has been having a few issues (one of which is he is falling asleep in classes cause he wont go to bed at night and no one knows what tf he is doing) and his mum is struggling with him. Background info - their dad died when dh was 17 & his youngest brother was less than a year old, so dh has always been relied on heavily and is like a father figure to him. DH had to phone his brother & tell him to stop being a dick and go to his bed. And that was me wide awake til my alarm went off at 6:30am. I have all the rage about this!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Gin. its having such a moment & all i see when i go out (well, when i used to go out) is people ordering all these fancy gin serves and to me its just rank & disgusting. Im convinced that people are just drinking it to be "cool" and on trend.
@kbrown2385, no shame intended. There is nothing wrong with leggings in the appropriate setting, and pregnancy is a 24/7 appropriate setting (although maybe not in a formal setting). My argument is with the people who think thy're appropriate business and/or formal attire, and then will promptly rage about social injustice over being told they are in violation of a dress code. Or the ones who wear yoga pants EVERYWHERE, including to dinner out.
@leprechaunlady, teenagers...UGH. My daughter was so perfect, it was ridiculous (like to the point we're over the moon anytime she goes on a date, or shows interest in someone). I am DREADING it with DS1. I know I won't get that lucky again.
@FyreFlyeRush - I feel so uncomfortable in my leggings if I don't have a shirt on that covers my camel's toe and butt.
@kbrown2385 - How big is your belly measuring? I can't remember if you were the one already measuring over 40 weeks. I can't wait to see your finished nursery!
@leprechaunlady - Ugh, why couldn't his mom have waited til a decent hour to call YH, especially since this is an on-going problem. I'm ragy for you!
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 18th / 31+2
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): asparagus bunch
Upcoming appointments: Today
How are you feeling? A little more tired and just large. This weather gave me a stuffy nose, so I'm dealing with that, but not much else to complain about. 3rd trimester treats me pretty well.
Raves/Rants? We had our 1-day birthing refresher course on Saturday and it was so good to remind myself of all the positions and techniques to use during labor. It was also interesting how little anxiety I had about labor this time around compared to last time. I was able to talk a FTM through her fears and anxieties, so that was nice. I finally finished the collage in the nursery, so maybe I'll go post a picture on the Nursery thread.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Disney. All of the Disney stuff including Disney World, Disney Land, Disney+, Disney Channel. I didn't grow up on Disney so I guess I don't have the childhood nostalgia helping me.
@marebear15 I love me some disney (Films, world, land) but I dont get all the disney tat (clothes, toys if youre not a child, furnishings etc) I just dont see the point in it!
@marebear15, I am a total Disney fanatic, but I'm 100% Disney'd out. They've sequel'd and rebooted themselves to death. I'm part of the Star Wars generation and grew up LOVING it...I now borderline HATE it. I was a HUGE Captain America fan, now if I see Marvel or super hero, I cringe. Although, I'm loving the availability of the old classic live action movies on Disney+ (SO has Verizon).
@marebear15 I’ve gotta be measuring over 40 weeks by now. A few weeks ago I was measuring 38-39 weeks. I’m with you on the Disney hype. I have some Disney nostalgia with the movies and stuff but I don’t feel the need to go to disney world multiple times a year etc.
@leprechaunlady I'm so sorry about that. I'm super rage-y for you as well. Just because she's not getting sleep doesn't mean her pregnant DIL shouldn't either. I would text her that. Grumbles
@marebear15 I'm glad your class went well! My classes have been going fine as well. I'm just sick of the questions that people are asking that were already answered during the class if they freaking paid any attention to the lecture. Like we had peds last week, and the dr was super awesome, covered a ton, including like newborns really don't need soapy baths for a long time cuz they don't really do anything that makes them super dirty. And mostly use water, except on maybe the lower area and under the chin if you notice anything grody. 20min later during the Q&A "aren't babies super dirty, why would water only work?!?!" I'm so glad that couple isn't in our normal weekly classes because I swear they ask the dumbest questions ever. I wanna smack them.
EDD/Weeks + days: 1/17, 31+3
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink
Baby is the size of a(n): an asparagus bunch? Where the eff do they come up with these
Upcoming appointments: birthing class tomorrow, normal ob 11/26
How are you feeling? Besides my right side from ribs and back hurting just peachy. My back is underlying scoliosis flaring up and ribs, well baby girl thinks they are super fun to play and push on. Other than that feeling really good. I get tired more easily now but that's to be expected. And I'm just constantly stuffed up in my nose.
Raves/Rants? Rave/rant all in one. I really love this nesting urge. I just wish I was stronger when I didn't get so tired so easily from doing daily tasks. I'm super excited that my parents are finally seeing the house for the first time since we moved here a year ago at thanksgiving. Though I'm kinda over the comments that DH's MIL keeps making about how they should have done this sooner and how "terrible she feels for me" that they waited this long. You know what, you are right. It does fucking suck that they haven't come up. But you know what, your comments no longer feel like sympathy comments and feel more like haha look at us for being good parents comments and are frankly not helping anymore. They are pissing me off more and more each time you say them. I might have to mention something to DH about it to talk to him mom about those comments. Cuz I love my MIL and I don't just wanna flip out at her about it. I know it's coming from a good place. But fucking zip it.
Also our washer is leaking. It came with the house. It's 10+ years old. It's a front loader which I hate anyway. But I was really hoping to get rid of the 90s fridge we were left, though that's still working perfectly fine, vs replacing the washer. But cloth diapering, that washer is gonna see overtime and I think it's more prudent to get a new washing machine, and a top loader at that, that i'll be happy with for the next 10+ years. Thinking about asking my parents for that for xmas instead of getting us other gifts. Dryer is still working fine. So there's that.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Complaining over the social media algorithms. Maybe I'm more exposed to it as someone who deep dives into SM marketing, but guess what, YOU DON'T OWN THE SM PLATFORMS. Zucky and Google do. They get to decide how they run. If you don't like it, get off the platform or shut up. You can easily create a space for yourself on the web and do all the SEO yourself if you really don't like how SM controls who sees your stuff.... Either learn to deal with the algorithm or bounce.
For some reason the Bump won't let me tag anyone to respond- but seems like everyone is just feeling large and pregnant at this point- I agree
EDD/Weeks + days: 30+4- Jan 9th last possible delivery date
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: double pink
Baby is the size of a(n): paper towel tube
Upcoming appointments: regular OB 11/26
How are you feeling? like I definitely overdid it with the nesting and such this weekend and am paying the price. Overall- it's new aches, pains, and anxieties every day.
Raves/Rants? I did a lot this weekend for the babies- cleared out space in the kitchen/linen closet/bathroom and also washed all clothes and blankets I have for them at this point to start putting those away. Also got some stuff for my hospital bag ready. Thank goodness my mom came over for a few hours to help me with some organization decisions because DH couldn't be bothered. We also undecorated for fall and decorated for Christmas, so I'm pretty spent. But I know it will just get harder to do these things so I'm glad its done!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? OMG NO ONE KILL ME..... but... The Office. I'm sorry- I just can't get into it.
How are you feeling? On week 2 of this stubborn cold. Every time I think it's getting better, I start to feel worse again. I'm really ready to just feel (relatively) well again because being sick in third trimester sucks! Otherwise, my hips are especially stiff right now, possibly from missing yoga last week due to being sick. I'm planning to make it to yoga tonight, though so I hope that helps!
Raves/Rants? The scale this morning showed that I've gained ~4 lbs in the past 2 weeks! I was overweight pre-pregnancy so my MWs have recommended that I try to stick to 0.5-1lb gain/week and so far, I had been hitting that 1lb/week very consistently. I'm not swollen at all yet, so I'm guessing this is due to the crappy food I've been eating the past 2 weeks while I haven't been feeling well. Time to kick my butt into gear and start cooking/eating healthier!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? The "newer" social media outlets like Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter. Being an older millennial, I joined the Facebook craze on the late side and can't figure out what makes these other outlets different/better. I can sort of understand why people might forgo Facebook entirely, I'm more thinking about those who use Facebook as well as several of these other outlets. I just don't have the time or energy to monitor that many.
@FyreFlyeRush genuinely curious since I tend to have horrible fashion sense: for leggings not being professional, would that include wearing them under a dress/skirt during cold weather? One of my pregnancy work outfit go-tos have been wearing comfy leggings under a maternity dress. For example, today I'm wearing brightly colored teal/orange patterned leggings, a simple black maternity dress, and a teal cardigan and I think I look pretty nice. Would you consider this type of outfit to be unprofessional? I detest stockings and it's too cold to go bare-legged in November where I am located.
@kbrown2385 sorry you're feeling so crummy! Do the babies have a firm eviction date yet?
@leprechaunlady I also don't get the buzz about gin. The only way I can drink it is mixed in a cocktail where there's so many flavors that you can't actually taste the gin.
@marebear15 great to hear that you're still feeling good and had a good birthing refresher class
@stashattack while it's annoying that you're going to be spending money on an appliance other than the one that you originally anticipated replacing, having a nice new washer is going to be so good for all those cloth diapers and baby clothes!
Upcoming appointments: next Tuesday for a growth scan
How are you feeling? Tired. Back pain ramping up. Heartburn ramping up. Getting super excited to meet this little guy!
Raves? Had my baby shower over the weekend and it was such I special day! I'm overwhelmed by all the love baby and I recieved. I'm overwhelmed by the gifts too! I thought we'd only get small items like clothes and blankets and wipes (which we did), but we also got almost all the big items too (TWO car seats, stroller, changing table, activity pad, high chair, crib set, boppy, bathtub)! I still can't believe we went from having practically nothing for him to being baby-ready in under 3 hours. I feel so grateful that my son is coming into a world that cares for him so much already.
Rants? My MIL told me last night "I don't know what my role will be" with the baby. I said, confused, "you'll be grandma." She says she doesn't know what that means. I was at a loss. As a FTM, I'm focused on figuring out what the heck I'm doing, and I certainly don't know how to advise someone on how to be a grandma. Now that I've thought about it more, I think she just doesn't know how involved to be and was looking for direction from me. I might have dropped the ball on this one.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Going to live sporting events. I get sharing the energy of the crowd, but that doesn't outweigh that I get a better view watching from home; I don't get rained on; I don't fight for parking; I don't pay $16 for a hotdog and a beer. 🤷♀️
@cats_in_a_window, no. That's fine to me. What I was running into a manager was Gen Z in particular thinking it was OK to wear leggings and a t-shirt in a Business Casual environment. I was actually OK with them being under a dress, providing it was of an appropriate length. I was lucky if the shirt covered vag half the time!
@noranorabobora, ah! Welcome to the overbearing MIL team! Your answer is perfect. She is grandma. That's her role. It's up to HER...not YOU to determine what that means and how to deal with it. You didn't drop the ball.
@FyreFlyeRush I never thought I would be a wear leggings to work type of person but I do think they can be dressed up and my pregnant body can't do anything else atm. I draw the line at jeans because then I just look like a student. However, I will NEVER wear leggings in public or when not working out without it covering my butt....just too self conscious! But power to people who can. I honestly don't care about how other people dress their bodies hah!
@stashattack OMG the MIL complaining about driving to visit and it's been a year. That happened to us too. But yet we visit them every 3 months or so..... It's the same drive if you haven't noticed. She complains that it's so far and then semi apologizes that they haven't been here and then pesters us about when we are coming next. Uggh the rage is real and I can so relate!
@marebear15 I'm with you on the Disney stuff. I will watch them but I'm not paying for another service at this point just out of principle.
@kbrown2385 super excited to see your book hanging wall on the nursery thread!
@leprechaunlady That's a frustrating experience with the MIL. I hope they work out a better way to deal with DH's brother since that isn't going to fly with newborn twins especially!
@amb0924 I'm with you on The Office. I think it was too real to me and just made me cringe instead of laugh!
@noranorabobora It's not your job to tell your MIL how to be a grandma but it also might be a good opportunity to set boundaries for yourself. My parents won't step in unless asked and I asked them to rent a place nearby so they could be around but didn't stay with us. That way I know that we can have help if/when we need but don't have to deal with them being around. But my MIL keeps asking when they should come visit and I'm just over micromanaging how everyone should be around us. Just work it out amongst yourselves. Talk to my parents and you guys sort it out and then just ask if you can come over. I don't know what it's going to be like so how can I tell you at the moment.... Sorry for the rant! I feel ya! If you come up with solutions let me know!
EDD/Weeks + days: 1/27, 30 +1 weeks but likely induced no later than 1/20
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): I saw today that baby's big toe is the size of a fruit loop!
Upcoming appointments: Today, starting rotations with the other OBs on the team.
How are you feeling? Okay. Tired and over my whiny students but that isn't related to pregnancy or maybe my tolerance is just worse. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and feel the normal aches and pains. It's weird to see their foot in my chest and I played with it for a while yesterday mostly because it was really uncomfortable but also fun to feel!
Raves/Rants? I had a work baby shower this Friday and it was so fun. They made all these nerdy onesies based on cell biology which was super fun so I'm excited to dress the baby in those! It's just nice to feel supported by your colleagues and know that they are excited for the addition. I know I have lots of potential baby sitters and people are arguing over who is first!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Candles....I mean I like them but would prefer scented oils that I don't have to have fire to distribute lol.
Also's Monday and I actually checked in which means I am certainly shirking some of my work duties hah!
@noranorabobora ugh that kind of comment would make me super ragey. She probably was looking for guidance about how much she should be involved, but it sounds passive aggressive to me. Or I could just be hormonal and bitchy. You're right though, it's not your job to tell her how to be a grandma. But she might be looking for how much you do or do not want her involved in things once the baby comes. My family is completely different than my husband's family. My mom will ask to watch DD or ask us if she can come visit, while my MIL will always wait to be asked. Not that either way is wrong, but I prefer my mom's approach since that is what I am used to in my family.
@leprechaunlady ick, I don't like gin either. It tastes like pine trees.
@FyreFlyeRush sorry, not sorry. I love leggings and totally wear them like pants. But only on chill days/weekends/with sweatshirts. I never wear leggings to work unless it is under a dress.
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 6th/ 33 weeks
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): celery
Upcoming appointments: next week for 34 week follow up.
How are you feeling? My ribs on my right side have been KILLING me. And it is not just when he kicks but pretty much a constant ache. I can barely find a comfortable position. Heartburn also ramped up and I started taking pepcid every now and then since tums just weren't cutting it anymore.
Raves/Rants? Not pregnancy related, but they are trying to move the closing back on our house again. And not just a little, like another month. I am so frustrated with our builders and lack of transparency
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of?
Coffee. I mean, I get the point of it, but I just don't like it.
Baby is the size of a(n): head of cabbage (though my heffer baby is probably more like a pineapple already, whatever that even means)
Upcoming appointments: today, had my BPP and saw the nutritionist to come up with a plan to help reduce my sugar intake. It went better than I thought it would.
How are you feeling? Bloated and tired
Raves/Rants? Only a semi-rant. Due to everyone's schedules and now the holidays, I am not getting a baby shower until January 12th which will put me at 38 weeks 😲 I'm happy to be having anything done for me at all since I wasn't originally expecting anything as all my family and most friends live out of state, but I'm bummed it's going to be so late since I'm worried he could come early or I'll go into labor during or something lol. I almost declined having anything since I've already bought everything but it'll still be nice to celebrate so I'm asking instead that people bring children's books if they want to get something.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Certain memes. I rarely go on Facebook but whenever I do there's a new meme or version of said meme going around and everyone's posting the same damn thing like it's the most hilarious thing ever and I just don't get it. Right now it's some upset blonde lady and a white cat with a weird expression on his face and I just don't see what everyone loves about it. And in a few weeks it'll be some other meme 🤷♀️
@jaceru I almost put coffee down but I agree that I understand the point but I really hate the taste as well lol
@peppyj9 Well since you already bought the major stuff, then it will be a nice celebration if you make it but you also don't have to worry if you don't make it to your shower. That's kind of a win. You could also have people get older clothes or things for later since you already have the necessities for the moment. Perhaps donations for a college fund or something like that.
@peppyj9 sorry about the baby shower issues! Fx you don’t go early 😬.
@jaceru I have the same rib pain. It’s usually because baby girl either has her head or butt up there. Usually I can rub the area a little and she moves for a little relief.
@biolprof aww your work shower sounds great! Love all the onesies you got!
@noranorabobora so glad you had a great shower! Also, I agree with the others. Telling your mil how to grandma is not your job. Let her figure it out just like you will do.
@cats_in_a_window no official date yet. Ugh, sorry you’re still dealing with that cold! Hopefully you are on the upswing soon.
@stashattack sorry about the washer! Between that and the dishwasher, idk what would be worse to lose.
@FyreFlyeRush oh I'm definitely a legging girl. A plus sized legging girl and no apologies from me! They're just too damn comfortable! Although I mostly wear them with long shirts or dresses. But sometimes my butt isn't covered by anything other than the leggings, but mine are not thin, no underwear or cellulite showing through!
@kbrown2385 can't wait to see your finished nursery!
@leprechaunlady I don't have any kind words for what your MIL expects out of YH regarding his younger brother. I realize there are circumstances there that have created that dynamic but that is really unfair to YH and as a domino effect, unfair to you. YH is NOT his brother's father and should never have been forced into that role, especially at such a young age. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, I know there were extenuating circumstances, but from an outside perspective I feel upset for YH. To lose his father and then basically have to become one all in one breath. Just not right.
@marebear15 glad your classes are going well! I still have to sign up for some. Also, I freaking LOVE Disney! I am so excited for the day I can take my kids to Disneyland! Though I don't do apparel and home decor with Disney characters. That is just weird to me.
@stashattack omg, isn't it thre worst when teaching time is wasted answering stupid questions because people don't know how to listen or comprehend? Ugh. Also, definitely say something to MIL. I know it seems easier to have YH say something but it might go further if you say yourself that her comments are actually hurtful and don't feel sympathetic. Like, "it does hurt that my parents didn't come up sooner but that's something between me and them and it feels like rubbing salt in an open wound when you keep bringing it up"
@catsinawindow ugh, so sorry you're sick! Hope you get better soon!
@noranorabobora so glad you had a wonderful baby shower!! In regards to your MIL, I don't think you dropped the ball. It sounds like she was passive aggressively trying to get you to comfort her and reassure her how important she will be in the baby's life. At least that's how it comes off to me. But, as someone pointed out, it's an opportunity to set boundaries should you need to. Like "well, you're grandma and when you want to come see baby just call and ask and if we're free of course you can come spend time with your grandson!" Something like that.
@amb0924 sounds like you were super productive!! Now get a little rest 😉 also, you're crazy, The Office is hilarious!
@jaceru sorry you're dealing with house stress, and so close to your due date too! Hope they get it sorted out sooner than later! I also don't get the obsession with coffee. Like I enjoy coffee, but I'm not an every day drinker and I don't get why so many act like they genuinely need it to function. Like it's crack or something 🤷♀️
@biolprof how wonderful that you had a work shower! It's so nice that your colleagues show love to your little one! And the onesies sound so cute! Also, I am that candle person. I just love them! It's the scent but also the ambiance of a flickering glow in the evening that's just kind of soothing.
@peppyj9 - I agree about that cat/blond woman meme on Facebook. I am too old for all that stuff. I don't have any idea what it means and I can't bring myself to care.
@leprechaunlady - I love gin. But I didn't know it was having a thing right now, I just have always loved gin and tonics. I really love the flavor of gin!
@marebear15 - I agree about Disney. We got to Disney World /Disneyland when the grandparents pay, because the kids have fun at amusement parks. But I am not getting Disney+ and pumping monthly money into the Disney monstrosity. We'll watch Frozen 2, but not only Disney movies 24/7.
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 23rd/30w 4d
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): cabbage
Upcoming appointments: I had an ultrasound and an appt last week. My next one isn't for three weeks because we are going out of town. At that one I will have BPP and a regular appt. The recommendation is for me to start BPPs every week now, but just because of my age, not because of any signs. I am thinking on it. My 3 year old comes to every appt with me, and that is a lot for her to sit through weekly. They said he was measuring in the 95th %ile and is over 4lbs already. That seems really unlikely. My other three were all born after my due date. The first two were in the high 7lb range. And my third was 8 lbs even at a week late. I know those ultrasounds just done at the regular hospital are usually unreliable about size, so I am guessing they are just way off.
How are you feeling? Run down. Achy. I love the pregnancy part, and want to enjoy every minute of him squirming around in there, but I am just so tired. But we leave for San Diego in two days! I think some sun might help.
Raves/Rants? I have only lived here for two years, so don't really have close friends yet. Plus this is my 4th, and I haven't had a shower since my first. But on Sunday a could of mom friends and my sister took me out for brunch as a little sprinkle. And then San Diego some girl friends and family are throwing me a sprinkle. Everyone is excited that we are having a boy after our three girls. I feel very loved.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Disney +. Anything Disney, really.
@leprechaunlady Ugh the last thing you need when you’re already exhausted is more to interrupt your sleep! Oh, and I’ve had similar water-breaking fears when I have to pee, too.
@marebear15 Spanx leggings = no middle seam so no camel toe. My fave.
@stashattack That slightly backhanded sympathy would really bug me, too. Totally agree with mentioning something to YH.
Baby is the size of a(n): as heavy as a large bottle of listerine today.
Upcoming appointments: 11/20
How are you feeling? Big and sore and slow. Ribs and diaphragm ache after any meal like there is no room left, and the baby’s kicks and flips are hard enough to make me queasy at times. She is feisty already.
Raves/Rants? DH, DD, and I did a quick overnight trip this weekend to see his old friends in Atlanta, which was fun but utterly exhausting. I need my weekends to recover, and not having that is going to make this week rough.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? The Bachelor franchise and all the singing elimination shows. Don’t get me wrong; I love me some trashy TV. I just stick with the Bravo universe and 90 Day Fiancé.
@FyreFlyeRush The great thing about being a nurse is our options are scrubs, scrubs, or scrubs - no leggings in sight LOL
@marebear15 I couldn't agree with you more about Disney. I just don't understand. Everyone was talking about this Disney+ the week and I had no idea what they were even talking about it
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 17/ 31+3
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): Asparagus bunch?!?
Upcoming appointments: OB Wednesday then I start weekly BPP and NST's next week
How are you feeling? Heartburn got out of control and Tums weren't cutting it so OB put me on Pepcid and it has made a world of difference. Pelvic and sacral pain wax and wane but this week has been better yay! Overall doing well.
Raves/Rants? Both my hubby and I are off for Thanksgiving this year which is rare so hoping to enjoy the holiday together on the actual day! Most years we celebrate on another day when we are both off and it is never the same.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Specialty clothes for kids that are supposed to be cute but I don't see the appeal, like Matilda Jane. It looks like a bunch of rags sewn together IMO and people pay so much money for them. Just not my style.
Thank you everyone for the MIL advice! I sent her a long text today which pretty much validated her and her importance in our lives and our baby's life. I'm hoping it will alleviate some of her insecurities. I agree that she's being a little passive aggressive or overly sensitive, and I don't always cater to that sort of thing, but I'd really like smooth waters when baby comes.
@EmilyE13 I don't get the bachelor type shows either! I can't think of a weirder or more unhealthy way of starting a relationship. That said, my guilty pleasure is also 90 day fiance (I rarely admit to this) so that's how big a hypocrite I am, lol!
@MollySm Yay for adding a boy to the mix and I'm glad you're getting a couple sprinkles. That show of support and love is so uplifting. I'm having another growth scan next week because my baby's belly measured in the 95th percentile, which I'm hoping is a mistake. I'm looking forward to seeing if this scan confirms or not.
@peppyj9 I'm glad you're getting a baby shower and I really hope you get to go! I know you're a FTM like me, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed my shower. I was very emotional and it felt like a beautiful welcome into motherhood. Books are a great idea! At my shower, in lieu of cards the guests brought a children's book and wrote a message to Leif in it. I love the thought of reading them to him saying "this one's from Auntie Jan..." etc.
@jaceru Ugh! I hope it goes smoothly with the house closing from here on out. That would stress me out. And I hope your rib pain gets better. That's one symptom that I luckily haven't experienced yet (knock on wood) but I'm sure it's right around the corner as my little guy gets bigger.
@biolprof Your work shower sounds so cute! I wish I could see the nerdy onesies, what a fun idea. You're exactly right about my MIL issue, I don't want to have to micromanage her "help." Just help out if/when you can, and trust that I'll set boundaries if needed. I did use the opportunity to mention that we just want my husband and I in the room for the birth. She was saying how her dad and MIL were there when my husband was born, and I jumped in and said we wanted it to be just us. She didn't seem very upset, so I'm counting that as a win because she's very sensitive and percieves rejection easily.
@cats_in_a_window I'm so sorry you're sick! I've been weirdly paranoid about getting sick while pregnant. Pregnancy already feels bad, especially in the 3rd tri, and adding a cold to this would be awful. I avoid sick coworkers like the plague. My husband has been sick all last week, and I was sure he'd take me down with him. Miraculously, so far so good. 🤞
@amb0924 I can't express enough how jealous I am of your nesting instinct! I've been waiting and waiting for mine to kick in, but no dice. My to do list gets longer and I just feel more exhausted. And with twins to boot, you are superwoman! (But you are dead wrong about The Office, lol)
@stashattack I guess there's never a good time for an appliance to break down, but with the holidays AND a baby on the way it seems like particularly bad timing. At least you'll get a nice washer that you actually like out of it, because lord knows the baby will increase your laundry. Also, very jealous of your nesting instinct. Enjoy your parents visit and ignore your MILs super passive aggressive comments. I'd be annoyed too.
@leprechaunlady It's nice that your husband stepped into a fatherly role with his brother, but calls at 4 in the morning? What is your MIL thinking? You need your rest, and I hope this is a one time thing.
@kbrown2385 Sorry it's getting so uncomfortable for you! I can't even imagine with twins. You ARE in the home stretch and you look fantastic! Also I love the names you choose ❤
@FyreFlyeRush - I actually enjoy the Disney reboots because the live action interests me more than the animated stuff. Probably once again because I didn't grow up on animated cartoons.
@kbrown2385 - I'm going to try to take my kids to Disney World at least once or twice during their childhood, but I'm definitely going off season and when they are old enough to remember it (at least 5, maybe closer to 8).
@stashattack - Ugh I hate people with stupid questions. My birthing class was all FTMs except me, but no one asked anything stupid. We actually didn't ask that many questions, I think I had the majority of them because I wanted to learn more about my previous birth experience and make sure that no policies had changed.
@amb0924 - I have to be in the right mood for The Office, otherwise I'm just rolling my eyes at everything and not actually thinking it's funny. Sounds like you had a productive weekend!
@cats_in_a_window - I just came down with the cold and currently can't breathe out of my right nostril. I feel your pain. I'd die if I have two weeks of this to go.
@noranorabobora - I'm glad you had an amazing baby shower! I'm so looking forward to mine this weekend. As for your MIL, I don't think it's too late to give her direction. She probably wants to make sure that she's not going to be the overbearing grandmother that will cause a rift between you, but also doesn't know where that leaves her. Maybe she's wanting to know your expectations for labor and the hospital. When can she come visit? Can she wait in the waiting room while you give birth? Do you want any help around the house during the first few days/weeks postpartum? Can she set up a meal train for you?
@biolprof - Have you been able to see the outline of the foot on your belly? One mom promised me since I don't have an anterior placenta this time, I should be able to see that, but I haven't yet, just lumps and bumps.
@peppyj9 - Wow, 38 weeks is late for a baby shower. Hopefully it won't turn into a sip and see *cringe*.
@MollySm - Aww that's so sweet that you are getting two sprinkles for your first boy!
@EmilyE13 - Guess I need to go shopping for Spandex leggings!
@DalexRN - You could have stopped at "I don't understand specialty clothing for children." Children get everything messy and barely stay in a size long enough for one season. I never spend my money on frivolous clothes.
@DalexRN Agree! I dont like Matilda Jane at all. And I don't really get spending a lot of money on cute clothes for kids in general. My DD gets paint and marker on all her clothes that she wears to daycare and then that onyl leaves the weekend for me to dress her in anything "nice".
@marebear15 I can't see the outline just a lump but I was excited to be able to feel it at least lol. I'm kind of hoping I can see it! Hope you can too!
Upcoming appointments: Midwife Appt. this afternoon
How are you feeling? My cold is finally starting to get better at night, but it might be due to the allergy medicine that I am now taking regularly.
Raves/Rants? DH and I went to a Vikings game on Sunday in Minneapolis as a psuedo-babymoon. His parents were also with us, and as much as I love my in-laws and acknowledge that they are wonderful people, I hate spending extended time with with them like a vacation. They bicker a lot and I was terrified riding with my fil driving. However, I got some great sleep in the king-size hotel bed, and we had a great time at the Vikings game. @noranorabobora I would agree with you that a live football game is a little overrated, but we had a great time overall!
The best part about being gone though was getting back and picking up DS. I got a literal hanging 5 minute hug from him and he kept say how much he missed us even though he had a great weekend at my parents.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Elf on the Shelf. I find it extremely creepy and refuse for the thing to enter my home. Plus I don't have the energy to move it and come up with creative scenes for it.
I agree with everything you guys said about not understanding the dad's, except for coffee. I love my morning coffee. It's the only reason I don't kill people in the mornings.
I'll come back for replying, I was on vacation all last week and need to play a bit of catch up at work.
EDD/Weeks + days: 30 weeks 4 days
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): platypus without the tail
Upcoming appointments: regular on this morning
How are you feeling? Tired from dealing with DD waking up, but otherwise I'm feeling really great! Now that I'm not anemic anymore I have all kinds of energy. I need to call the chiropractor though, all the walking on vacation tweak my back a bit.
Raves/Rants? I loved the weather in San Diego, but dealing with a toddler on vacation was harder than I thought it would be. She climbed out the pack and play the first nap and refused to sleep there. So we had to put her in the spare bed (we got an apartment with Airbnb). She refused to fall asleep without one of us there in bed with her. Fast forward to being home and she's waking up multiple times a night and wanting us in her bed. Not happening.
Baby is the size of a(n): 3 chocolate croissants (yummm)
Upcoming appointments: midwife appointment today that went well (i'll update in the appointments thread) also infant CPR / first aid course on wednesday night
How are you feeling? I am all bump and it is getting hard, things are starting to pull now and get soar. It's hard to be at my desk to be honest, 5 more weeks of full work left, maybe less though
Raves/Rants? Rave: so much nesting happening over the weekend, I pulled out and organized all the baby clothes, but since DD was born in the summer I have a ton of short sleeve stuff. I will need to get some neutral basics for the winter time.
Question: is anyone else getting anxiety when hearing Christmas music? hahah for me it means the countdown really is on until baby is due and I also underestimated how much stuff I causally need to prepare for during the holidays let alone all the baby items still
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? COSTCO... I know it's crazy but I have no use for it. I go maybe 1 time every year to stock up on toilet paper/ dishwasher pods and garbage bags but that's about it...I one time saw someone come out of there on a saturday morning (so busiest time ever) carrying just bags and bags of is that necessary?
@kbrown2385 also tired over here since I'm up every 2 hours so I don't think I'm getting anymore deep sleep @marebear15 that's nice you get to share experience to FTMs who are having fears or anxiety around labour @stashattack I can't remember if you go to a chiropractor for your back/ribs or for maternity massages, I found it really helps! @noranorabobora your baby shower sounds like a success!\ @biolprof so sweet that they made those onesies for you, it's nice to feel that support from colleagues @peppyj9 I would add diapers to that list of things people can bring haha, but I love the idea of bringing books, I did that for my shower with DD. @EmilyE13 90 day fiance is my guilty pleasure too! @breweber2010 totally agree about the elf on the shelf! way to much effort and he looks so creepy hahaha
@breweber2010 I agree with the elf! It’s so creepy and I have zero motivation to move it all over the place and have it do fun things.
@c1kc1kpol1cn1k I can’t believe how close you are to baby time. I should probably look into a refresher course for infant cpr.
@persnickity sorry you had such a tough time with dd on your trip. Hopefully she gets back to normal for you soon.
@DalexRN absolutely agree about kids specialty clothing. Not only are most of them ugly but they are super expensive. I don’t spend a ton on clothes for myself so the idea of spending a lot on a shirt that will be worn for 3 months gives me anxiety.
@amb0924 I;m with you on the office. I just can't get into it.
@noranorabobora I'm glad you worked it out with your MIL. That sounded like a total doosey of a situation. LOL
@biolprof yay for an awesome work shower!! My DH and his dad are both scientists so my MIL got onesies for us that say "i wear this onesie periodically) with the periodic table of elements on it. DH totally rolled his eyes at it but I find it adorable.
@peppyj9 and @marebear15 OMG yes. And it's not like they are eating into teaching time, but more so it's from 7-9pm each tuesday. The recent lectures have only gone like an hour long with a q&a afterwards. Can't y'all just save your questions and ask your OB later so we can all go HOME?!?! Cuz the last 2 times we had to wait until the very end to find out if our group was going to tour the L&D floor or not. I swear if I don't have any questions for the breastfeeding lecture I might just leave with DH early if the questions get too stupid.
Yeah, slowing losing our washer sucks. But I hate it anyway. I hate front loaders and it gives me an excuse to get rid of it and get a top loader I'll actually like. IDK why front loaders are a thing. You still have to bend over to get clothes in and out, and it's just asking for leaks TBH.
@stashattack I actually hate our top loader lol. I would much prefer a front loader but mostly because ours is a water hog and the agitator makes my clothes wear out faster but to each their own lol! I would love that periodic table onesie! My MIL may have made me a DNA overall for the baby when they are 18 months or so. I'm super excited about it!
@FyreFlyeRush I love me some leggings...but agree some people need their privileges revoked. Like anyone who every wears see through leggings as pants.
@leprechaunlady ugh. Teenagers are fun. Hope you can catch a break and get some sleep!
@marebear15 you’re making me think maybe I should have taken a class. Oops. Probably would have been helpful 😬
@stashattack sorry your washing machine is leaking. FWIW we have the super cheap Roper from Lowe’s and it has been the best for cloth diapering. It has an agitator and I think it gets things way cleaner than my moms which is way fancier.
@amb0924 glad I’m not the only one to say The Office! I just can’t
EDD/Weeks + days: 1/23 30+6
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink!
Baby is the size of a(n): platypus
Upcoming appointments: Tuesday next week
How are you feeling? Swirly, frazzled, maybe nesting but also maybe just panicking? Physically not too bad, mentally I’m a hot mess.
Raves/Rants? See above about swirly/frazzledness. I’ve just had so dang much going on. Transitioning DS to his big boy bed is a hot mess. But him and sleep have pretty much been a hot mess from the day he was born so 🤷🏻♀️ We also started potty training ish. In a no pressure, not picking fight and kind of way because hes the most stubborn person I know. It’s been hit or miss but I’m glad he’s kinda taking to it somewhat. If he could be mostly out of diapers by the time baby gets here that would be awesome. Rave: found a great deal on a used double BOB and I’m going to get it tomorrow 🙌
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? The Office. I just don’t get the appeal
@peppyj9 and @c1kc1kpol1cn1k awesome ideas about the Pampers and books for the shower. I did the same and got a wonderful library so far. I had folks write a note to baby on the inside cover of their book.
@FyreFlyeRush I feel you on the leggings....especially if they are see-through!
How are you feeling? Tired and out of breath. I'm ready to stop working for the day at 2pm every day.
Raves/Rants? Had monthly appt earlier this week and we got to visit L&D ward and postpartum. I'm a healthcare professional, work in the hospital, but it was so overwhelming for me. Cried afterward.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Dressing like a slob when air travelling, like they stepped straight out of bed or out of the gym.
@ivyphotoop eh I'm that person. Flying is already uncomfortable as it is, no matter how short the flight is. I wanna be comfy AF as possible. So Imma be in leggings, flip flops (if summer time) a tshirt and a sweatshirt cuz I'm always too cold on flights. I can't be bothered with jeans or skirts while flying. IDK I just feel like I'm trying to get from point a to point b as efficiently as possible and I ain't trying to impress nobody on that flight.
@ivyphotoop, I dress in loose slacks, a flowy top, and loafers. But, it's all out of convenience. I used to be that I'm flying who cares person, but I rapidly discovered I'm a lot more comfy in clothes that are loose fitting. And loafers are easy to take off for security, and no one questions why you wear socks with them, so I can wear my compression socks....a must on 15 hour my feet don't touch that disgusting airport floor!
@FyreFlyeRush Im so excited for Thanksgiving food! Enjoy! @kbrown2385 The weight of two on your pelvis deserves as much laying in bed as possible! I can only imagine how uncomfortable that is. @leprechaunlady Im always afraid my water is going to randomly break too! I’m sure having two in there makes the feeing even stronger. @marebear15 Ive never been to Disney land or Disney world. I’d love to bring the kids one day but I don’t see the hype either. @stashattack Im sorry about your washer. I think there are some pretty good deals out there for washer and dryers right now!
I’ll come back after the kids are in bed to respond to everyone else. Short nap and I have myself a stage 5 clinger who needs to go to bed early. Oooof!
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 24th, 30+6
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): I’m not sure anymore lol
Upcoming appointments: Weekly nst and weekly ob appointment Tomorrow.
How are you feeling? I’m doing ok. My hips bother me more lately. I can’t tell if there’s a butt or a head under my rib but it’s making me a bit sore.
Raves/Rants? Nothing baby related but I’m over this week, hence why I’m just posting now. Everyone is sick in my house and I’m just exhuasted from dealing with fevers, runny noses, and lack of sleep. Not to mention the attitudes from not feeling well. I know my turn is next but instead of being able to rest I’ll still have to take care of everything. I keep reminding myself it could be worse.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Pumpkin spice anything. I hate pumpkin.
Re: Weekly Check-in All Groups w/o 11/18
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): Garden Gnome...creepy
Upcoming appointments: Reg OB tomorrow
How are you feeling? easily winded. I get tired more easily, too. Since taking the iron, tho, I sleep better. I don't necessarily STAY asleep, but I sleep harder.
Raves/Rants? My parents are getting ready to go to Easter Island and a few other places, and will be gone foe Thanksgiving. My sister's kids are headed to their dad's for the break next week, so we're doing Thanksgiving this Friday. I'm excited. I'm debating going to have Thanksgiving Dinner at Alamo Draft House and watching a movie on Thanksgiving proper. A little me indulgence.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Yoga pants/leggings. I'm sorry. This is not appropriate office or dinner attire and all y'all ladies at Disneyland in 2017...your butt sweat was so not attractive, nor were your underwear showing through your threadbare arse. LONGER SHIRTS!!!! I'm a huge proponent of if you've got it, flaunt it. However, one of the things you have to have are the age, size, and occasion. From one plus-sized mama to another...maybe we shouldn't always show off our orange peel legs, love handles, and leftover baby pooches, hmmmm?
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Purple
Baby is the size of a(n): personal pan pizza
Upcoming appointments: mfm growth scan/bpp today, on Friday
How are you feeling? In pain all the time. If my pelvis doesn’t hurt, my ribs and back ache, my
rlp is on fire, I literally hurt all the time. The only thing that helps is laying in bed, which isn’t really
conducive to life. I’m also tired because I don’t sleep for more than two hours at a time. I’m pretty much just miserable and over being pregnant.
Raves/Rants? I started on my book hanging display for the nursery. We also finally decided on names so I should have the canvases done with those soon. I just need to decide what color to paint the frames.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Shows like the bachelor.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Purple
Babies are the size of (n): rolled up tabloid news paper / plastic scooter board
Upcoming appointments: Endocrine clinic tomorrow
How are you feeling? tired. so effing tired. The slightest thing will wake me up & then it will be hours before i get back to sleep again and am shattered. Absolutely regretting not starting maternity leave earlier & having to get up in the freezing cold to defrost the car for another 2 weeks. Also the usual massive, heavy, waddley complaints. Along with pressure and fearing my waters have broken every time i have to go to the toilet.
Raves/Rants? Rant: at 4:30am this morning, dh's phone starts ringing. Its his mum, hysterical, giving out that his 18yo brother wont go to bed. His brother is still in high school and has been having a few issues (one of which is he is falling asleep in classes cause he wont go to bed at night and no one knows what tf he is doing) and his mum is struggling with him. Background info - their dad died when dh was 17 & his youngest brother was less than a year old, so dh has always been relied on heavily and is like a father figure to him. DH had to phone his brother & tell him to stop being a dick and go to his bed. And that was me wide awake til my alarm went off at 6:30am. I have all the rage about this!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Gin. its having such a moment & all i see when i go out (well, when i used to go out) is people ordering all these fancy gin serves and to me its just rank & disgusting. Im convinced that people are just drinking it to be "cool" and on trend.
@leprechaunlady, teenagers...UGH. My daughter was so perfect, it was ridiculous (like to the point we're over the moon anytime she goes on a date, or shows interest in someone). I am DREADING it with DS1. I know I won't get that lucky again.
@kbrown2385 - How big is your belly measuring? I can't remember if you were the one already measuring over 40 weeks. I can't wait to see your finished nursery!
@leprechaunlady - Ugh, why couldn't his mom have waited til a decent hour to call YH, especially since this is an on-going problem. I'm ragy for you!
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 18th / 31+2
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): asparagus bunch
Upcoming appointments: Today
How are you feeling? A little more tired and just large. This weather gave me a stuffy nose, so I'm dealing with that, but not much else to complain about. 3rd trimester treats me pretty well.
Raves/Rants? We had our 1-day birthing refresher course on Saturday and it was so good to remind myself of all the positions and techniques to use during labor. It was also interesting how little anxiety I had about labor this time around compared to last time. I was able to talk a FTM through her fears and anxieties, so that was nice.
I finally finished the collage in the nursery, so maybe I'll go post a picture on the Nursery thread.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Disney. All of the Disney stuff including Disney World, Disney Land, Disney+, Disney Channel. I didn't grow up on Disney so I guess I don't have the childhood nostalgia helping me.
@marebear15 I'm glad your class went well! My classes have been going fine as well. I'm just sick of the questions that people are asking that were already answered during the class if they freaking paid any attention to the lecture. Like we had peds last week, and the dr was super awesome, covered a ton, including like newborns really don't need soapy baths for a long time cuz they don't really do anything that makes them super dirty. And mostly use water, except on maybe the lower area and under the chin if you notice anything grody. 20min later during the Q&A "aren't babies super dirty, why would water only work?!?!" I'm so glad that couple isn't in our normal weekly classes because I swear they ask the dumbest questions ever. I wanna smack them.
EDD/Weeks + days: 1/17, 31+3
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink
Baby is the size of a(n): an asparagus bunch? Where the eff do they come up with these
Upcoming appointments: birthing class tomorrow, normal ob 11/26
How are you feeling? Besides my right side from ribs and back hurting just peachy. My back is underlying scoliosis flaring up and ribs, well baby girl thinks they are super fun to play and push on. Other than that feeling really good. I get tired more easily now but that's to be expected. And I'm just constantly stuffed up in my nose.
Raves/Rants? Rave/rant all in one. I really love this nesting urge. I just wish I was stronger when I didn't get so tired so easily from doing daily tasks. I'm super excited that my parents are finally seeing the house for the first time since we moved here a year ago at thanksgiving. Though I'm kinda over the comments that DH's MIL keeps making about how they should have done this sooner and how "terrible she feels for me" that they waited this long. You know what, you are right. It does fucking suck that they haven't come up. But you know what, your comments no longer feel like sympathy comments and feel more like haha look at us for being good parents comments and are frankly not helping anymore. They are pissing me off more and more each time you say them. I might have to mention something to DH about it to talk to him mom about those comments. Cuz I love my MIL and I don't just wanna flip out at her about it. I know it's coming from a good place. But fucking zip it.
Also our washer is leaking. It came with the house. It's 10+ years old. It's a front loader which I hate anyway. But I was really hoping to get rid of the 90s fridge we were left, though that's still working perfectly fine, vs replacing the washer. But cloth diapering, that washer is gonna see overtime and I think it's more prudent to get a new washing machine, and a top loader at that, that i'll be happy with for the next 10+ years. Thinking about asking my parents for that for xmas instead of getting us other gifts. Dryer is still working fine. So there's that.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Complaining over the social media algorithms. Maybe I'm more exposed to it as someone who deep dives into SM marketing, but guess what, YOU DON'T OWN THE SM PLATFORMS. Zucky and Google do. They get to decide how they run. If you don't like it, get off the platform or shut up. You can easily create a space for yourself on the web and do all the SEO yourself if you really don't like how SM controls who sees your stuff.... Either learn to deal with the algorithm or bounce.
PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: double pink
Baby is the size of a(n): paper towel tube
Upcoming appointments: regular OB 11/26
How are you feeling? like I definitely overdid it with the nesting and such this weekend and am paying the price. Overall- it's new aches, pains, and anxieties every day.
Raves/Rants? I did a lot this weekend for the babies- cleared out space in the kitchen/linen closet/bathroom and also washed all clothes and blankets I have for them at this point to start putting those away. Also got some stuff for my hospital bag ready. Thank goodness my mom came over for a few hours to help me with some organization decisions because DH couldn't be bothered. We also undecorated for fall and decorated for Christmas, so I'm pretty spent. But I know it will just get harder to do these things so I'm glad its done!
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? OMG NO ONE KILL ME..... but... The Office. I'm sorry- I just can't get into it.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): large cabbage
Upcoming appointments: MW appointment on Thursday
How are you feeling? On week 2 of this stubborn cold. Every time I think it's getting better, I start to feel worse again. I'm really ready to just feel (relatively) well again because being sick in third trimester sucks! Otherwise, my hips are especially stiff right now, possibly from missing yoga last week due to being sick. I'm planning to make it to yoga tonight, though so I hope that helps!
Raves/Rants? The scale this morning showed that I've gained ~4 lbs in the past 2 weeks! I was overweight pre-pregnancy so my MWs have recommended that I try to stick to 0.5-1lb gain/week and so far, I had been hitting that 1lb/week very consistently. I'm not swollen at all yet, so I'm guessing this is due to the crappy food I've been eating the past 2 weeks while I haven't been feeling well. Time to kick my butt into gear and start cooking/eating healthier!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? The "newer" social media outlets like Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter. Being an older millennial, I joined the Facebook craze on the late side and can't figure out what makes these other outlets different/better. I can sort of understand why people might forgo Facebook entirely, I'm more thinking about those who use Facebook as well as several of these other outlets. I just don't have the time or energy to monitor that many.
@kbrown2385 sorry you're feeling so crummy! Do the babies have a firm eviction date yet?
@leprechaunlady I also don't get the buzz about gin. The only way I can drink it is mixed in a cocktail where there's so many flavors that you can't actually taste the gin.
@marebear15 great to hear that you're still feeling good and had a good birthing refresher class
@stashattack while it's annoying that you're going to be spending money on an appliance other than the one that you originally anticipated replacing, having a nice new washer is going to be so good for all those cloth diapers and baby clothes!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): Coconut
Upcoming appointments: next Tuesday for a growth scan
How are you feeling? Tired. Back pain ramping up. Heartburn ramping up. Getting super excited to meet this little guy!
Raves? Had my baby shower over the weekend and it was such I special day! I'm overwhelmed by all the love baby and I recieved. I'm overwhelmed by the gifts too! I thought we'd only get small items like clothes and blankets and wipes (which we did), but we also got almost all the big items too (TWO car seats, stroller, changing table, activity pad, high chair, crib set, boppy, bathtub)! I still can't believe we went from having practically nothing for him to being baby-ready in under 3 hours. I feel so grateful that my son is coming into a world that cares for him so much already.
Rants? My MIL told me last night "I don't know what my role will be" with the baby. I said, confused, "you'll be grandma." She says she doesn't know what that means. I was at a loss. As a FTM, I'm focused on figuring out what the heck I'm doing, and I certainly don't know how to advise someone on how to be a grandma. Now that I've thought about it more, I think she just doesn't know how involved to be and was looking for direction from me. I might have dropped the ball on this one.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of?
Going to live sporting events. I get sharing the energy of the crowd, but that doesn't outweigh that I get a better view watching from home; I don't get rained on; I don't fight for parking; I don't pay $16 for a hotdog and a beer. 🤷♀️
@noranorabobora, ah! Welcome to the overbearing MIL team! Your answer is perfect. She is grandma. That's her role. It's up to HER...not YOU to determine what that means and how to deal with it. You didn't drop the ball.
@stashattack OMG the MIL complaining about driving to visit and it's been a year. That happened to us too. But yet we visit them every 3 months or so..... It's the same drive if you haven't noticed. She complains that it's so far and then semi apologizes that they haven't been here and then pesters us about when we are coming next. Uggh the rage is real and I can so relate!
@marebear15 I'm with you on the Disney stuff. I will watch them but I'm not paying for another service at this point just out of principle.
@kbrown2385 super excited to see your book hanging wall on the nursery thread!
@leprechaunlady That's a frustrating experience with the MIL. I hope they work out a better way to deal with DH's brother since that isn't going to fly with newborn twins especially!
@amb0924 I'm with you on The Office. I think it was too real to me and just made me cringe instead of laugh!
@noranorabobora It's not your job to tell your MIL how to be a grandma but it also might be a good opportunity to set boundaries for yourself. My parents won't step in unless asked and I asked them to rent a place nearby so they could be around but didn't stay with us. That way I know that we can have help if/when we need but don't have to deal with them being around. But my MIL keeps asking when they should come visit and I'm just over micromanaging how everyone should be around us. Just work it out amongst yourselves. Talk to my parents and you guys sort it out and then just ask if you can come over. I don't know what it's going to be like so how can I tell you at the moment.... Sorry for the rant! I feel ya! If you come up with solutions let me know!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): I saw today that baby's big toe is the size of a fruit loop!
Upcoming appointments: Today, starting rotations with the other OBs on the team.
How are you feeling? Okay. Tired and over my whiny students but that isn't related to pregnancy or maybe my tolerance is just worse. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and feel the normal aches and pains. It's weird to see their foot in my chest and I played with it for a while yesterday mostly because it was really uncomfortable but also fun to feel!
Raves/Rants? I had a work baby shower this Friday and it was so fun. They made all these nerdy onesies based on cell biology which was super fun so I'm excited to dress the baby in those! It's just nice to feel supported by your colleagues and know that they are excited for the addition. I know I have lots of potential baby sitters and people are arguing over who is first!
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Candles....I mean I like them but would prefer scented oils that I don't have to have fire to distribute lol.
Also's Monday and I actually checked in which means I am certainly shirking some of my work duties hah!
You're right though, it's not your job to tell her how to be a grandma. But she might be looking for how much you do or do not want her involved in things once the baby comes.
My family is completely different than my husband's family. My mom will ask to watch DD or ask us if she can come visit, while my MIL will always wait to be asked. Not that either way is wrong, but I prefer my mom's approach since that is what I am used to in my family.
@amb0924 not an office fan either
@leprechaunlady ick, I don't like gin either. It tastes like pine trees.
sorry, not sorry. I love leggings and totally wear them like pants. But only on chill days/weekends/with sweatshirts. I never wear leggings to work unless it is under a dress.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): celery
Upcoming appointments: next week for 34 week follow up.
How are you feeling? My ribs on my right side have been KILLING me. And it is not just when he kicks but pretty much a constant ache. I can barely find a comfortable position.
Heartburn also ramped up and I started taking pepcid every now and then since tums just weren't cutting it anymore.
Raves/Rants? Not pregnancy related, but they are trying to move the closing back on our house again. And not just a little, like another month. I am so frustrated with our builders and lack of transparency
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of?
Coffee. I mean, I get the point of it, but I just don't like it.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): head of cabbage (though my heffer baby is probably more like a pineapple already, whatever that even means)
Upcoming appointments: today, had my BPP and saw the nutritionist to come up with a plan to help reduce my sugar intake. It went better than I thought it would.
How are you feeling? Bloated and tired
Raves/Rants? Only a semi-rant. Due to everyone's schedules and now the holidays, I am not getting a baby shower until January 12th which will put me at 38 weeks 😲 I'm happy to be having anything done for me at all since I wasn't originally expecting anything as all my family and most friends live out of state, but I'm bummed it's going to be so late since I'm worried he could come early or I'll go into labor during or something lol. I almost declined having anything since I've already bought everything but it'll still be nice to celebrate so I'm asking instead that people bring children's books if they want to get something.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Certain memes. I rarely go on Facebook but whenever I do there's a new meme or version of said meme going around and everyone's posting the same damn thing like it's the most hilarious thing ever and I just don't get it. Right now it's some upset blonde lady and a white cat with a weird expression on his face and I just don't see what everyone loves about it. And in a few weeks it'll be some other meme 🤷♀️
@peppyj9 Well since you already bought the major stuff, then it will be a nice celebration if you make it but you also don't have to worry if you don't make it to your shower. That's kind of a win. You could also have people get older clothes or things for later since you already have the necessities for the moment. Perhaps donations for a college fund or something like that.
@jaceru I have the same rib pain. It’s usually because baby girl either has her head or butt up there. Usually I can rub the area a little and she moves for a little relief.
@biolprof aww your work shower sounds great! Love all the onesies you got!
@cats_in_a_window no official date yet. Ugh, sorry you’re still dealing with that cold! Hopefully you are on the upswing soon.
@stashattack sorry about the washer! Between that and the dishwasher, idk what would be worse
to lose.
@kbrown2385 can't wait to see your finished nursery!
@leprechaunlady I don't have any kind words for what your MIL expects out of YH regarding his younger brother. I realize there are circumstances there that have created that dynamic but that is really unfair to YH and as a domino effect, unfair to you. YH is NOT his brother's father and should never have been forced into that role, especially at such a young age. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, I know there were extenuating circumstances, but from an outside perspective I feel upset for YH. To lose his father and then basically have to become one all in one breath. Just not right.
@marebear15 glad your classes are going well! I still have to sign up for some. Also, I freaking LOVE Disney! I am so excited for the day I can take my kids to Disneyland! Though I don't do apparel and home decor with Disney characters. That is just weird to me.
@stashattack omg, isn't it thre worst when teaching time is wasted answering stupid questions because people don't know how to listen or comprehend? Ugh. Also, definitely say something to MIL. I know it seems easier to have YH say something but it might go further if you say yourself that her comments are actually hurtful and don't feel sympathetic. Like, "it does hurt that my parents didn't come up sooner but that's something between me and them and it feels like rubbing salt in an open wound when you keep bringing it up"
@catsinawindow ugh, so sorry you're sick! Hope you get better soon!
@noranorabobora so glad you had a wonderful baby shower!! In regards to your MIL, I don't think you dropped the ball. It sounds like she was passive aggressively trying to get you to comfort her and reassure her how important she will be in the baby's life. At least that's how it comes off to me. But, as someone pointed out, it's an opportunity to set boundaries should you need to. Like "well, you're grandma and when you want to come see baby just call and ask and if we're free of course you can come spend time with your grandson!" Something like that.
@amb0924 sounds like you were super productive!! Now get a little rest 😉 also, you're crazy, The Office is hilarious!
@jaceru sorry you're dealing with house stress, and so close to your due date too! Hope they get it sorted out sooner than later! I also don't get the obsession with coffee. Like I enjoy coffee, but I'm not an every day drinker and I don't get why so many act like they genuinely need it to function. Like it's crack or something 🤷♀️
@leprechaunlady - I love gin. But I didn't know it was having a thing right now, I just have always loved gin and tonics. I really love the flavor of gin!
@marebear15 - I agree about Disney. We got to Disney World /Disneyland when the grandparents pay, because the kids have fun at amusement parks. But I am not getting Disney+ and pumping monthly money into the Disney monstrosity. We'll watch Frozen 2, but not only Disney movies 24/7.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): cabbage
Upcoming appointments: I had an ultrasound and an appt last week. My next one isn't for three weeks because we are going out of town. At that one I will have BPP and a regular appt. The recommendation is for me to start BPPs every week now, but just because of my age, not because of any signs. I am thinking on it. My 3 year old comes to every appt with me, and that is a lot for her to sit through weekly. They said he was measuring in the 95th %ile and is over 4lbs already. That seems really unlikely. My other three were all born after my due date. The first two were in the high 7lb range. And my third was 8 lbs even at a week late. I know those ultrasounds just done at the regular hospital are usually unreliable about size, so I am guessing they are just way off.
How are you feeling? Run down. Achy. I love the pregnancy part, and want to enjoy every minute of him squirming around in there, but I am just so tired. But we leave for San Diego in two days! I think some sun might help.
Raves/Rants? I have only lived here for two years, so don't really have close friends yet. Plus this is my 4th, and I haven't had a shower since my first. But on Sunday a could of mom friends and my sister took me out for brunch as a little sprinkle. And then San Diego some girl friends and family are throwing me a sprinkle. Everyone is excited that we are having a boy after our three girls. I feel very loved.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Disney +. Anything Disney, really.
BFP 3.8.16 EDD 11.20.16
@noranorabobora That would be my cue to send her this:
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? The Bachelor franchise and all the singing elimination shows. Don’t get me wrong; I love me some trashy TV. I just stick with the Bravo universe and 90 Day Fiancé.
@marebear15 I couldn't agree with you more about Disney. I just don't understand. Everyone was talking about this Disney+ the week and I had no idea what they were even talking about it
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 17/ 31+3
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): Asparagus bunch?!?
Upcoming appointments: OB Wednesday then I start weekly BPP and NST's next week
How are you feeling? Heartburn got out of control and Tums weren't cutting it so OB put me on Pepcid and it has made a world of difference. Pelvic and sacral pain wax and wane but this week has been better yay! Overall doing well.
Raves/Rants? Both my hubby and I are off for Thanksgiving this year which is rare so hoping to enjoy the holiday together on the actual day! Most years we celebrate on another day when we are both off and it is never the same.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Specialty clothes for kids that are supposed to be cute but I don't see the appeal, like Matilda Jane. It looks like a bunch of rags sewn together IMO and people pay so much money for them. Just not my style.
@EmilyE13 I don't get the bachelor type shows either! I can't think of a weirder or more unhealthy way of starting a relationship. That said, my guilty pleasure is also 90 day fiance (I rarely admit to this) so that's how big a hypocrite I am, lol!
@MollySm Yay for adding a boy to the mix and I'm glad you're getting a couple sprinkles. That show of support and love is so uplifting. I'm having another growth scan next week because my baby's belly measured in the 95th percentile, which I'm hoping is a mistake. I'm looking forward to seeing if this scan confirms or not.
@peppyj9 I'm glad you're getting a baby shower and I really hope you get to go! I know you're a FTM like me, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed my shower. I was very emotional and it felt like a beautiful welcome into motherhood. Books are a great idea! At my shower, in lieu of cards the guests brought a children's book and wrote a message to Leif in it. I love the thought of reading them to him saying "this one's from Auntie Jan..." etc.
@jaceru Ugh! I hope it goes smoothly with the house closing from here on out. That would stress me out. And I hope your rib pain gets better. That's one symptom that I luckily haven't experienced yet (knock on wood) but I'm sure it's right around the corner as my little guy gets bigger.
@biolprof Your work shower sounds so cute! I wish I could see the nerdy onesies, what a fun idea. You're exactly right about my MIL issue, I don't want to have to micromanage her "help." Just help out if/when you can, and trust that I'll set boundaries if needed. I did use the opportunity to mention that we just want my husband and I in the room for the birth. She was saying how her dad and MIL were there when my husband was born, and I jumped in and said we wanted it to be just us. She didn't seem very upset, so I'm counting that as a win because she's very sensitive and percieves rejection easily.
@cats_in_a_window I'm so sorry you're sick! I've been weirdly paranoid about getting sick while pregnant. Pregnancy already feels bad, especially in the 3rd tri, and adding a cold to this would be awful. I avoid sick coworkers like the plague. My husband has been sick all last week, and I was sure he'd take me down with him. Miraculously, so far so good. 🤞
@amb0924 I can't express enough how jealous I am of your nesting instinct! I've been waiting and waiting for mine to kick in, but no dice. My to do list gets longer and I just feel more exhausted. And with twins to boot, you are superwoman! (But you are dead wrong about The Office, lol)
@stashattack I guess there's never a good time for an appliance to break down, but with the holidays AND a baby on the way it seems like particularly bad timing. At least you'll get a nice washer that you actually like out of it, because lord knows the baby will increase your laundry. Also, very jealous of your nesting instinct. Enjoy your parents visit and ignore your MILs super passive aggressive comments. I'd be annoyed too.
@leprechaunlady It's nice that your husband stepped into a fatherly role with his brother, but calls at 4 in the morning? What is your MIL thinking? You need your rest, and I hope this is a one time thing.
@kbrown2385 Sorry it's getting so uncomfortable for you! I can't even imagine with twins. You ARE in the home stretch and you look fantastic! Also I love the names you choose ❤
@kbrown2385 - I'm going to try to take my kids to Disney World at least once or twice during their childhood, but I'm definitely going off season and when they are old enough to remember it (at least 5, maybe closer to 8).
@stashattack - Ugh I hate people with stupid questions. My birthing class was all FTMs except me, but no one asked anything stupid. We actually didn't ask that many questions, I think I had the majority of them because I wanted to learn more about my previous birth experience and make sure that no policies had changed.
@amb0924 - I have to be in the right mood for The Office, otherwise I'm just rolling my eyes at everything and not actually thinking it's funny. Sounds like you had a productive weekend!
@cats_in_a_window - I just came down with the cold and currently can't breathe out of my right nostril. I feel your pain. I'd die if I have two weeks of this to go.
@noranorabobora - I'm glad you had an amazing baby shower! I'm so looking forward to mine this weekend. As for your MIL, I don't think it's too late to give her direction. She probably wants to make sure that she's not going to be the overbearing grandmother that will cause a rift between you, but also doesn't know where that leaves her. Maybe she's wanting to know your expectations for labor and the hospital. When can she come visit? Can she wait in the waiting room while you give birth? Do you want any help around the house during the first few days/weeks postpartum? Can she set up a meal train for you?
@biolprof - Have you been able to see the outline of the foot on your belly? One mom promised me since I don't have an anterior placenta this time, I should be able to see that, but I haven't yet, just lumps and bumps.
@peppyj9 - Wow, 38 weeks is late for a baby shower. Hopefully it won't turn into a sip and see *cringe*.
@MollySm - Aww that's so sweet that you are getting two sprinkles for your first boy!
@EmilyE13 - Guess I need to go shopping for Spandex leggings!
@DalexRN - You could have stopped at "I don't understand specialty clothing for children." Children get everything messy and barely stay in a size long enough for one season. I never spend my money on frivolous clothes.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): Bok Choy
Upcoming appointments: Midwife Appt. this afternoon
How are you feeling? My cold is finally starting to get better at night, but it might be due to the allergy medicine that I am now taking regularly.
Raves/Rants? DH and I went to a Vikings game on Sunday in Minneapolis as a psuedo-babymoon. His parents were also with us, and as much as I love my in-laws and acknowledge that they are wonderful people, I hate spending extended time with with them like a vacation. They bicker a lot and I was terrified riding with my fil driving. However, I got some great sleep in the king-size hotel bed, and we had a great time at the Vikings game. @noranorabobora I would agree with you that a live football game is a little overrated, but we had a great time overall!
The best part about being gone though was getting back and picking up DS. I got a literal hanging 5 minute hug from him and he kept say how much he missed us even though he had a great weekend at my parents.
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Elf on the Shelf. I find it extremely creepy and refuse for the thing to enter my home. Plus I don't have the energy to move it and come up with creative scenes for it.
I'll come back for replying, I was on vacation all last week and need to play a bit of catch up at work.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): platypus without the tail
Upcoming appointments: regular on this morning
How are you feeling? Tired from dealing with DD waking up, but otherwise I'm feeling really great! Now that I'm not anemic anymore I have all kinds of energy. I need to call the chiropractor though, all the walking on vacation tweak my back a bit.
Raves/Rants? I loved the weather in San Diego, but dealing with a toddler on vacation was harder than I thought it would be. She climbed out the pack and play the first nap and refused to sleep there. So we had to put her in the spare bed (we got an apartment with Airbnb). She refused to fall asleep without one of us there in bed with her. Fast forward to being home and she's waking up multiple times a night and wanting us in her bed. Not happening.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green!
Baby is the size of a(n): 3 chocolate croissants (yummm)
Upcoming appointments: midwife appointment today that went well (i'll update in the appointments thread) also infant CPR / first aid course on wednesday night
How are you feeling? I am all bump and it is getting hard, things are starting to pull now and get soar. It's hard to be at my desk to be honest, 5 more weeks of full work left, maybe less though
Raves/Rants? Rave: so much nesting happening over the weekend, I pulled out and organized all the baby clothes, but since DD was born in the summer I have a ton of short sleeve stuff. I will need to get some neutral basics for the winter time.
Question: is anyone else getting anxiety when hearing Christmas music? hahah for me it means the countdown really is on until baby is due and I also underestimated how much stuff I causally need to prepare for during the holidays let alone all the baby items still
GTKY: What is something that people are obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? COSTCO... I know it's crazy but I have no use for it. I go maybe 1 time every year to stock up on toilet paper/ dishwasher pods and garbage bags but that's about it...I one time saw someone come out of there on a saturday morning (so busiest time ever) carrying just bags and bags of is that necessary?
@kbrown2385 also tired over here since I'm up every 2 hours so I don't think I'm getting anymore deep sleep
@marebear15 that's nice you get to share experience to FTMs who are having fears or anxiety around labour
@stashattack I can't remember if you go to a chiropractor for your back/ribs or for maternity massages, I found it really helps!
@noranorabobora your baby shower sounds like a success!\
@biolprof so sweet that they made those onesies for you, it's nice to feel that support from colleagues
@peppyj9 I would add diapers to that list of things people can bring haha, but I love the idea of bringing books, I did that for my shower with DD.
@EmilyE13 90 day fiance is my guilty pleasure too!
@breweber2010 totally agree about the elf on the shelf! way to much effort and he looks so creepy hahaha
@persnickity sorry you had such a tough time with dd on your trip. Hopefully she gets back to normal for you soon.
@DalexRN absolutely agree about kids specialty clothing. Not only are most of them ugly but they are super expensive. I don’t spend a ton on clothes for myself so the idea of spending a lot on a shirt that will be worn for 3 months gives me anxiety.
@noranorabobora I'm glad you worked it out with your MIL. That sounded like a total doosey of a situation. LOL
@biolprof yay for an awesome work shower!! My DH and his dad are both scientists so my MIL got onesies for us that say "i wear this onesie periodically) with the periodic table of elements on it. DH totally rolled his eyes at it but I find it adorable.
@peppyj9 and @marebear15 OMG yes. And it's not like they are eating into teaching time, but more so it's from 7-9pm each tuesday. The recent lectures have only gone like an hour long with a q&a afterwards. Can't y'all just save your questions and ask your OB later so we can all go HOME?!?! Cuz the last 2 times we had to wait until the very end to find out if our group was going to tour the L&D floor or not. I swear if I don't have any questions for the breastfeeding lecture I might just leave with DH early if the questions get too stupid.
Yeah, slowing losing our washer sucks. But I hate it anyway. I hate front loaders and it gives me an excuse to get rid of it and get a top loader I'll actually like. IDK why front loaders are a thing. You still have to bend over to get clothes in and out, and it's just asking for leaks TBH.
Edit not finished
PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
@leprechaunlady ugh. Teenagers are fun. Hope you can catch a break and get some sleep!
@kbrown2385 I can’t wait to see your nursery!!
@marebear15 you’re making me think maybe I should have taken a class. Oops. Probably would have been helpful 😬
@stashattack sorry your washing machine is leaking. FWIW we have the super cheap Roper from Lowe’s and it has been the best for cloth diapering. It has an agitator and I think it gets things way cleaner than my moms which is way fancier.
@amb0924 glad I’m not the only one to say The Office! I just can’t
EDD/Weeks + days: 1/23 30+6
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink!
Baby is the size of a(n): platypus
Upcoming appointments: Tuesday next week
How are you feeling? Swirly, frazzled, maybe nesting but also maybe just panicking? Physically not too bad, mentally I’m a hot mess.
Raves/Rants? See above about swirly/frazzledness. I’ve just had so dang much going on. Transitioning DS to his big boy bed is a hot mess. But him and sleep have pretty much been a hot mess from the day he was born so 🤷🏻♀️ We also started potty training ish. In a no pressure, not picking fight and kind of way because hes the most stubborn person I know. It’s been hit or miss but I’m glad he’s kinda taking to it somewhat. If he could be mostly out of diapers by the time baby gets here that would be awesome.
Rave: found a great deal on a used double BOB and I’m going to get it tomorrow 🙌
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? The Office. I just don’t get the appeal
@FyreFlyeRush I feel you on the leggings....especially if they are see-through!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): asparagus bunch
Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow morning growth scan (11/20)
How are you feeling? Tired and out of breath. I'm ready to stop working for the day at 2pm every day.
Raves/Rants? Had monthly appt earlier this week and we got to visit L&D ward and postpartum. I'm a healthcare professional, work in the hospital, but it was so overwhelming for me. Cried afterward.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Dressing like a slob when air travelling, like they stepped straight out of bed or out of the gym.
PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
@kbrown2385 The weight of two on your pelvis deserves as much laying in bed as possible! I can only imagine how uncomfortable that is.
@leprechaunlady Im always afraid my water is going to randomly break too! I’m sure having two in there makes the feeing even stronger.
@marebear15 Ive never been to Disney land or Disney world. I’d love to bring the kids one day but I don’t see the hype either.
@stashattack Im sorry about your washer. I think there are some pretty good deals out there for washer and dryers right now!
I’ll come back after the kids are in bed to respond to everyone else. Short nap and I have myself a stage 5 clinger who needs to go to bed early. Oooof!
EDD/Weeks + days: Jan 24th, 30+6
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): I’m not sure anymore lol
Upcoming appointments: Weekly nst and weekly ob appointment Tomorrow.
How are you feeling? I’m doing ok. My hips bother me more lately. I can’t tell if there’s a butt or a head under my rib but it’s making me a bit sore.
Raves/Rants? Nothing baby related but I’m over this week, hence why I’m just posting now. Everyone is sick in my house and I’m just exhuasted from dealing with fevers, runny noses, and lack of sleep. Not to mention the attitudes from not feeling well. I know my turn is next but instead of being able to rest I’ll still have to take care of everything. I keep reminding myself it could be worse.
GTKY: What is something that people are
obsessed with that you just don’t get the point of? Pumpkin spice anything. I hate pumpkin.