February 2020 Moms

August Symptoms


Re: August Symptoms

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    Im 10.5 weeks, I've been waking up at 3am for about 2 weeks now and have a heck of a time falling back asleep. I dont take daytime naps (except sometimes on the weekends). I have to get up at 6am for work and it is starting to effect me for work. Any advice? Anyone else experiencing this? 
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    I responded in your other thread! In the same boat with you! Sorry you're dealing with this, too :( 
    First baby due February 21, 2019
    Located in Columbia, SC
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    @rebornlotus I’ve been waking up and unable to fall back asleep before I have to get up for work. I sleep like a rock until that point though. I really don’t know any suggestions but I think I’m going to try taking a nap before dinner and then go to bed a little later than I normally would.
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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    The last 2 days have been great for me. No signs of MS and no boob soreness! But as I was changing for bed I noticed the boobs are feeling a little tender again. I want to be hopeful that the MS is dwindling down but I'm still only 10.5 weeks so not out of the first trimester symptoms yet...
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    @rebornlotus I've been getting up frequently to pee at night! Pre pregnancy it would have taken me 30 min to an hour to fall back to sleep. However, now that I'm pregnant, I'm taking a combination of B6 during the day and a half unisom at night to ease nausea. If you didn't already know, unisom is a sleep aid. The unisom  KNOCKS ME OUT, and I easily fall right back to sleep for the middle of the night bathroom trips. It's great, but a downside is that it seems it takes me longer to get up and moving in the AM. 
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    rikiteacuprikiteacup member
    edited August 2019
    @rebornlotus I take 1/2 a Unisom + 25mg vitamin B6 before bed to help with morning sickness the next day. The Unisom is REALLY helping me stay asleep. I have to take it before 9PM otherwise I really have a hard time waking up the next day.
    ETA: ditto @malloryfrommn

    I totally lied about my skin getting better. I still have acne. BUT, I don't have any red zits. It's all under the skin (no cyst). I look fine in the mirror but if you touch my skin, it is bumpy.

    10/2018: MFI (2 SA under 9 million/ml)
    11/2018: HSG shows right Fallopian tube slightly damaged 
    1/2019: Husband diagnosed with grade 3 varicocele
    4/05/2019: varicocele repair surgery
    6/13/2019: BFP!!! EDD: 2/22/2020 <3  Baby girl born 2/27/2020
    7/18/2019: Total Motile Count at 3 months post surgery = 51 millions!! (number must be >20 millions to conceive naturally).

    TTC #2
    9/07/2021: BFP - CP: 9/10/2021
    10/07/2021: BFP - CP: 10/23/2021
    12/23/2021: BFP! EDD: 08/31/2022

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    @rikiteacup Honestly skin is so confusing to me right now lol. Sorry you're dealing with it! But at least they aren't noticeable to the eye! Like my psoriasis is clearing up rapidly and I've always been blessed with no breakouts but it's insane right now haha. But I'm wondering if it's now the fact that I'm consuming more dairy? 
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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    @rikiteacup The only change I've noticed in my skin in my tzone seems about 10000x oilier than before. And it was already kind of oily to begin with. I asked my DH if maybe that's why pregnant ladies supposedly glow haha
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    @therealbitts yep...I am wearing a maternity shirt today. Do I have to? Not necessarily. But it’s more comfy. Even if it is a little big. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    @therealbitts A single stretchy knit skirt saved my life for several weeks during that time. 10/10 recommend buying 1 stretchy knit skirt.
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    @therealbitts Bahah! I agree! I wish I could just wear leggings to work every single day  :D.
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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    Still rocking the vegan lifestyle with the meat aversion, but otherwise,I feel really good. 
    Mentally I go through bouts of terror, mostly at night, but dealing with that in therapy. Feeling happy overall. 
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    @robynlynn83 I've been feeling movement for awhile also- way before I did with my other 2. At my appt last week the dr couldn't find a heartbeat so they got the u/s. I told them where to look based off of movement and there he/she was, flipping all over the place. It was NUTS lol. 
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    Guys I’m moderately stressing today. TMI had an orgasm this AM and have been having these twinges all day - not calling them cramps, but something? Anyone have any reassurance?

    @therealbitts totally in the same boat. For the first time today I went with an untucked shirt 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    @optimism3 I would get crampy after an orgasm when pregnant with DS. Nothing to worry about unless you’re having bleeding as well. During an orgasm, your genital muscles are contracting, and you have extra blood flow to the pelvic area. So it’s not unreasonable for your uterus to contract a bit too.
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    @optimism3, I get twinges too and did last pregnancy as well. Sometimes I almost feel nauseous too. 
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    Anyone else still quite nauseous? I'm 13+2 and still throwing up or wanting to after almost every meal. Have an appointment tomorrow, so going to ask the doc about it. High risk doc just told me it's normal still, as long as I'm not losing too much weight and can keep my liquids down. I know babies are doing well, but losing weight is still terrifying to me especially since with twins I feel I  should definitely be gaining at a steady pace. I want to be able to eat normaly and enjoy food again ☹

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    @alseltzer I’m so sorry you’re still feeling bad! I do know some moms who were sick throughout their pregnancies. But hopefully that won’t be you. Definitely bring up all your concerns to your doctor! Hope it goes away ASAP. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    The last couple of days I have found myself feeling so nauseous to the point where I cough and am gagging most mornings and right before bed @alseltzer. Thankfully I am able to hold back actually throwing up but I was good for a week or so but am now back dealing with feeling this way again. 
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    @aselter I’m sorry you’re still feeling cruddy. I was still puking with DS through week 14. I lost 5 lbs in the first tri.
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    @alseltzer I am still nauseous in the morning too. Actually getting sick varies day to day. Lately any mucous in my through makes me gag. And ive had a stuffy nose. Im at 14+5. And im ready to stop being sick as well.
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    alseltzeralseltzer member
    edited August 2019
    @ibabyloveb87 @bg122785 @daffodil_shoe @robynlynn2000 thanks ladies! Yeah I'm hoping it goes away soon.  My aunt was sick all 9 months, so I'm praying I don't take after her! And yes the coughing and gagging thing is an all day thing for me. I feel like it's gas/reflux related.  I've gone to get sick and end up "throwing up" just air. My body doesn't know how to make itself burp sometimes, so violently coughing is the only way I can get it out.  It's strange. 🤷‍♀️
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    Yesterday I ran into a fun (not!) pregnancy symptom that I thought wouldn't happen until much later. I sneezed and accidentally peed myself a little. I was at work, too, so I had to wait for the end of the day to go home and change. I was 13 + 4 and I thought things like this didn't happen until the baby was much larger and pressing on your bladder.
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    Omg I've had that happen a couple of times. And I had the exact same thought process of why is this happening so early??? 
    Also there was no sign of needing to pee before the sneeze!! 
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    @noxacanthus yeah i peed my pants at work two seperate days. One day i had to choose between the desperate need to go no. 2 or vomiting. I chose getting sick in the doggie bags they put in the bathroom for your feminine trash. Obviously an empty one lol. That was the whole reason I got fmla. I now have been wearing pads for 6 weeks from the time i get up until noon. Just for safety. But if i poop my pants im going home no questions asked lol. And some people dont understand why i run to the bathroom instead of the trash can.
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    I feel a cold coming on :( I also had a tonsil stone today! I had strep a lot last year (thank you first graders) and a tonsil stone once. I will see what the OB says Friday.
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    Feeling good overall, except today started getting thigh/quad pain or soreness. It comes and goes and is just annoying. Otherwise counting down the days to second trimester energy! 
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    Still sick and not sleeping well at 11 weeks but manageable after doc pit me on meds. I run 1.5 miles every couple days and it is a huge chore but feels good. Everything is ok. Just waiting until I feel better.
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    I'm 12w+2d pregnant and for the last 3 days have noticed small amounts of brown spotting on my underwear some small very brownish clots when I pee. This has happened about 3 times. I don't see any red spots or bleeding and dont have any other symptoms. Has anyone else experienced this around 12w? I'm traveling today and tomorrow so can't go to the doctor but have an appointment with OB next Tuesday. Should I try to get an appointment before this?

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      I'm 12w+2d pregnant and for the last 3 days have noticed small amounts of brown spotting on my underwear some small very brownish clots when I pee. This has happened about 3 times. I don't see any red spots or bleeding and dont have any other symptoms. Has anyone else experienced this around 12w? I'm traveling today and tomorrow so can't go to the doctor but have an appointment with OB next Tuesday. Should I try to get an appointment before this?

        I had that once the day after sex. Could that be it? From everything I’ve read and from my past MC, seems like it’s more worrisome when you see bright red blood. But I’d probably call the doctor if you're worried and can’t get in to see them. 
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        I'm 12w+2d pregnant and for the last 3 days have noticed small amounts of brown spotting on my underwear some small very brownish clots when I pee. This has happened about 3 times. I don't see any red spots or bleeding and dont have any other symptoms. Has anyone else experienced this around 12w? I'm traveling today and tomorrow so can't go to the doctor but have an appointment with OB next Tuesday. Should I try to get an appointment before this?

          Could you call your ob and ask if this is something you should be coming in for ASAP? 
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          I'm 12w+2d pregnant and for the last 3 days have noticed small amounts of brown spotting on my underwear some small very brownish clots when I pee. This has happened about 3 times. I don't see any red spots or bleeding and dont have any other symptoms. Has anyone else experienced this around 12w? I'm traveling today and tomorrow so can't go to the doctor but have an appointment with OB next Tuesday. Should I try to get an appointment before this?

            Sorry you’re dealing with that. I had this around weeks 11-13 and baby checked out ok. I’ve had spotting with almost all of my pregnancies. Super unnerving, but sometimes it just happens, I think.
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            always call your OB if you have any questions or concerns! I've been bleeding on and off since I hit 13 weeks (currently 14+5) I was diagnosed with a SCH (subchorionic hematoma). It doesn't come without it's risks, but I am glad I talked to my OB right away and had it diagnosed early :) 
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            I'm semi convinced that commuting to work is NOT helping my MS. 
            Bouncy, overly warm subway cars that smell horrendous....not an ideal mix! And I can't/won't drive into bc hubby uses the car and I dont hve the patience/money to drive into downtown and park it 5 days a week! 
            Then again, all day I've felt rather pukish. Got super bad after I hopped off the bus from the train to apartment. Convinced myself to not lose it. Stepped into the kitchen and had enough time to move the water pitcher out of the sink (I have no idea why DH keeps it there) before I threw up...
            Dear god above let this end soon.
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            @babyroma emergency can’t even make it to the toilet I’m puking in the sink is the worst! I vomited the other day while brushing my teeth and now I either vomit or half vomit every single time I attempt to brush. No wonder dental health is so rough for pregnant women. I’m so embarrassed that I almost want to cancel my upcoming dental appointment, but know that will only make things worse. 
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            It really is awful. I'm just grateful the times I've thrown up it was all at home and not out in public. Though I've come close several times! 
            I was taking my prenatal vitamins yesterday and gagged trying to swallow. I was hesitant to take them today after the episode but I know I need to Haha. 

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            The nausea has abated... But ugh, the heartburn is here now! :( just when I was enjoying the second trimester... 
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