November 2019 Moms

May Symptoms


Re: May Symptoms

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    mc0303mc0303 member
    @kriztyn sameeeee!! Really looking forward to some relief soon! 
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    I'm struggling with constipation too and I stopped drinking coffee when I found out I was pregnant ( I tend to get a lot of palpitations while pregnant so cut out the caffeine) and now I'm actually having aversions/no desire for coffee but I may need to try 😥
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    @ABabyMarshall I had coffee aversions really bad in the beginning of this pregnancy and stopped for like 2 months. I start drinking coffee again a week ago even though it didnt sound great still. But I've been having iced coffee and that seems to sound better than hot, but it has certainly helped with the constipation issues.
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    @ABabyMarshall the heart palpitations have been freaking me out. I dont have any caffeine but get them and just figure I am having a heart attack. (Im not anxious or anything...)

    Anyone else have a disgusting taste in their mouth almost all of the time? I have done everything to get rid of it. It is like I have been sucking on metal.
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    @purplefan1 I get them sporadically not pregnant but it is very common to happen during pregnancy too. When I mentioned to my GP he said chocolate/caffeine are to blame and I am also a very anxious person in general. You should mention to your OB but my GP didn't seem too concerned that I was having them.

    Sorry about the metallic taste, also very common. I've had not so much a taste in my mouth but a weird mouth-feel...hard to explain. Hope you get relief soon!
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    @purplefan1 I’m having some heart palpitations too, but I think it’s more related to my thyroid being out of whack right now.  As for the constant bad taste, yes 😩. The only relief I get is when I’m eating fruit or have a ice breakers mint in my mouth.  I can’t find anything else that helps, but I do know it’s very common.  Ginger hard candies helped me in my first pregnancy but I have a bad association with the taste of them now since I had so many back then!  I liked the GinGins brand, could be helpful for you!
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    I checked with my OB about the palpitations.  I refer to them as flubs because thats what they feel like. We are going to keep an eye on them. They said it could be an electrolyte imbalance, thyroid, or something else. When i go back in two weeks Im going to have them do a blood draw to test and then next step is an echo if it keeps happening. Luckily it is infrequent so far!
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    @purplefan1 I get that metallicy taste too. I have been since halfway through first trimester. The only things that help are  brushing my teeth AND tongue, or eating  more 🤷‍♀️
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    @gumby22c It definitsly gets worse through the day so I am thinking about taking a tooth brush and toothpaste to work with me and doing a midday brush. I hate it-makes everything taste funky. I keep hoping it will go away.
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    @purplefan1 Yes to the metallic taste. It’s so gross and it never goes away. It really, really needs to though.
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    blg116blg116 member
    I work in a manufacturing plant and its SUPER dusty... But my nose has never been so damn runny in the past year+ I've been working there. Super bad allergies suddenly or baby related??
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    @purplefan1 you could always go in for an EKG at a cardiologist, or even just go in to talk about what you’ve been feeling. The EKG is considered preventative care so a lot of health insurances cover it completely other than the copay. I get heart palpitations (since before being pregnant) and the ekg was the first step to rule out most electrical issues. My next steps were a 3 day heart monitor which of course I had no palpitations during and then an echo after all that. To me the heart is one of those things to get checked out ASAP.  I promised both my OB and cardiologist that even though mine are benign if I notice an increase in frequency or intensity that I would let them know right away. I would highly recommend finding a cardiologist just for the peace of mind.
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    I get the palpitations too. I’ve had my heart monitored (in just about every conceivable way)  several years back for palpitations and chest pain, but has always come back normal. They come and go, but are more frequent now that I’m pregnant. 
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    Anyone have pain around their bladder when they need to pee and after they've peed? My lower abdomen is really sore from needing to pee but I go quite frequently, I'm not holding it at all. 
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    @swedishmeatball I have this sometimes. It is usually when I have waited too long to go and my bladder is really full. 
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    @swedishmeatball when is your next appointment? You might want to get checked for a bladder infection. And if the appointment isnt for awhile you can call your doc and see if you can come in and give a urine sample just to make sure.
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    @swedishmeatball is it a sharp pain or just uncomfortable feeling?  When I have to go, I keep getting a tightening/cramping feeling that feels similar to Braxton Hicks contractions I had later in pregnancy last time.  I assume it’s just from the pressure of your bladder against the uterus.  
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    So just hit 15 weeks yesterday and having the weirdest new symptom. All day I've felt some discomfort in my lower abdomen. It's going to sound weird but it's like I can feel my uterus now. I know the books say this is around the time when it starts to move up because its growing bigger with baby. But now I actually feel like something is there. If I bend to tie my shoes, it feels like something is in the way. When I press on my lower stomach it feels a bit firmer than usual. No pain, just discomfort.  Anyone else around 15 weeks and feeling something similar? It's such a strange sensation! 
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    @erins_321 I just hit 13 weeks and can definitely feel it. This is my 2nd pregnancy (not including a loss) and it is popping out earlier than I think I remember in my 1st full pregnancy but definitely there.
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    @Emerald27 @purplefan1 @rogro118
    I think it's more pelvic floor area, had it all day today and it's kinda like @erins_321 is saying, there's a bit more of something there but in my case there's a bit of pressure pressing on my pelvic floor I believe. Guess things are just growing and I'm stretching a little!
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    Thank you everyone for sharing  your experience with constipation.  I didn't realize I had not taken a BM until I sat on the toilet...feeling like I had to go and I couldn't... reminds me of a lymrick.
    "Here I sit all broken hearted; tried to poop and only farted". A pregnant woman had to have written that.

    Seperate: my other system , started today (wk 16) my skin feels like I have a sun burn in my thigh and groin area...and my leg hair is doing weird things like stick straight up and not laying flat.
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    I was just telling DH last night that my uterus is sticking out far enough that it is getting in my way. I keep ramming my legs into it because, well, nothing is usually there and that's how I'm used to moving. Yay to us finally getting actual bumps from our uteruses and not just intestinal bloat!!
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    @soldierblessing I love that relatable and beautiful limerick 💚 as for the skin, very early on I had a very sensitive scalp that did sort of feel like sunburn but it also definitely wasn't sunburn. Hopefully the discomfort passes soon!

    Last night I woke up to change positions and I got the spins, like drunk spins! It was terrible. Sometime later I got up to use the bathroom and was still off and was leaning to the left and tripping over things. Kind of scary 😟
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    cl4157cl4157 member
    @ABabyMarshall I get some spins every once in a while too. I have pretty low blood pressure so any sudden change for me will screw my balance and vision. I started keeping some water by the bed and getting up SO slowly. 
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    @soldierblessing I get ridiculously itchy skin during pregnancy. I typically have itchy skin but it gets 100x worse. Most of it is my stretch marks reminding me not only of their presence but also of their growing admiration for all the carbs I am eating and they itch like crazy but feel sooooo sensitive.
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    STM+ question...Is anyone else’s breasts already bigger than with your previous pregnancy? At 12 weeks mine are huge right now and still very sore which I can deal with, but they’re bigger than they ever were during a year of nursing, what gives? I’m typically a very small B cup, and did not expect them to get even bigger than last time around! I guess I can expect more boob stretch marks 😬
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    @rogro118 I’ve had the opposite experience, my boobs are nowhere near as big as they were last pregnancy 😕
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    My boobs don't get big until I hit 3rd trimester. I'm pretty sure it's because I have been pregnant &/or nursing for the last 6 years. 
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    emmac99emmac99 member
    edited May 2019
    I’ve been cramping off and on for about a  week now. Honestly really scared me at first. Then I started noticing that my back aches all the time. Now My whole body just aches all the time. 

    Also I just don’t have any appetite. I know I need to eat but it’s harder than it would seem. Luckily MH makes sure I get food throughout the day.  But it’s not the same, now not even my “go to” foods sound good. 

    To make matters worse I can’t sleep, like ever. Even naps are hard to take. It’s always about midnight before I can fall asleep, and that’s super late for me cause I’m an early bird. Then I’m up 3-4 times to pee throughout the night. And in the morning I wake up more tired than I was when I went to bed. 
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    @emmac99 I go through bouts of feeling like that too.  I’ll have a few days of achiness, no appetite, headaches..then I’ll wake up and feel ok for a few days.  Have you talked to your doctor?  I’ve used unisom sleep aide a few times as it’s allowed and helps me get a full night in.  I’m not a huge fan of taking stuff regularly when pregnant, but my sister used it nightly throughout both of her pregnancies to help with nausea and had good luck with it.  
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    emmac99emmac99 member
    @rogro118 I haven’t brought up these particular symptoms to my doctor yet. I planned on doing that at my next appointment in about a week. 
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    kmb412kmb412 member
    Last night I had the worst gas cramps. I couldn’t sleep. Finally I got up and just started wandering around the apartment drinking bubble water. The bubble water was a gamble, but it seemed to create enough pressure things could get through. After about 30 minutes of walking around releasing gas in both directions (sorry if that’s TMI) I felt comfortable enough to sleep. Hope this isn’t a pattern!
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    I’ve joined the puking club, but at week 12?!  Several times this week, all in the evening I’ve thrown everything I’ve eaten for lunch/afternoon snack that day.  The weird thing is, I haven’t been overly nauseas.  How do you guys keep anything of substance down?  I’ve added so many foods to my never eat again list.  I was doing pretty good eating a well-balanced diet too, but toast and bagels are pretty much the only food that’ll sit with me right now.  
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    Im so mother loving tired today that Im not sure how I will make it through the rest of the day. Been up since 5 and working since 9 and work until 10 tonight (if Im lucky). I need all the naps. Literally struggling to keep my eyes open.
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    bmmimsbmmims member
    @rogro118 mine are HUGE!!! I have had several friends and family members comment on how big they've gotten. They're also SUPER sensitive, I almost relate the sensation to a "let down" when I take my bra off (maybe because the fall down hahahahha), my nipples are really sensitive and I did not have this with my first pregnancy. 
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    Anyone else having trouble sleeping?  Aside from it taking forever to fall asleep if I wake up in the middle of the night (which is always to pee) I struggle to fall asleep again.  I can't tell if I am uncomfortable because I am growing a baby, overheated or just another random insomnia thing.  I remember with my first pregnancy towards the 3rd trimester I would sleep well every other night but it was no where near this early.
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    @Dancer688 I had issues sleeping during my last pregnancy. Not so much this time. I would lay awake for hours trying to fall back to sleep. If that were happening to me now, I would consider taking a unisom. 
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    @Dancer688 I had that last time as well.  I have a awful cough this week and have been up a lot too, the last two nights I’ve taken half a unisom and it has done the trick.  A whole one makes me too drowsy in the morning, but it could be worth a try for you!
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    Pretty sure I had a braxton hicks contraction last night. Ill be 14 weeks on Saturday so this feels way too early and caused a stupid amount of anxiety. I was laying on the couch just gently rubbing my belly trying to see if I could feel any movement. I drug my fingers lightly across where my uterus is and it hardened like a little ball. It was cool because I could feel the entire outline of the uterus but scared me because I worried it might mean something is wrong. I drank a bunch of water but definitely had a bad nights sleep and when I did sleep the dreams were horrible.  :-(
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    @purplefan1 I’ve definitely had the same sensation as Braxton Hicks the last few weeks.  Only a handful of times, but it’s oh so familiar!  I had them regularly with my son I think starting around 20 weeks if I remember correctly.  
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