July 2019 Moms

Weekly Bitchfest 5/6/19


Re: Weekly Bitchfest 5/6/19

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    @gbud630 please tell me you ripped her a new one!
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    @gbud630 If ever there was a time for some aggressive womanspreading...!
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    @geobud360 I wouldve pushes my way in anyway. They expect that elevator to move then they better also. I hope you snatched her wig!
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    @gbud630 Please tell me you did something! Or at least flashed your belly in this lady’s face! 

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    This week has been a struggle. The recent school shooting that happened in Colorado was up the road from us. I have been sick so the exhaustion from that mixed with hormones and fear of a school shooting had has had me feeling pretty down. The sun is out today so I’m praying that helps turn it around but I wish I could do more to help. My husband is an officer and had to go over there to help families so I’m trying to help support him too. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @gbud630 I like that your parents names your alter ego 😂😂. 

    @annewheeler2 Imm sorry for your tough week. I feel distraught by all of these shootings and helpless too. I’m glad your husband has you to lean on after tough days supporting the school.
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    gembudgembud member
    @leylea89 it was their sweet pet name for me as a child 🤣 my first name is Gemma so I’ve always been Gemma the Dilemma - but when I go full force it’s an ‘uh oh here’s The Dilemma’
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @annewheeler2 Another CO mama! Yay, but I know how you feel. I’m so sorry that your DH had to be there. It’s so tragic that it has to happen yet again in CO, and so close to the Columbine time frame. 

    So my DH forgot to look in DD’s bin when he was picking her up from daycare. They usually do a cute craft for mother’s day, and I’m really sad that I didn’t get one.  It’s being petty, I know, but I really wanted something from DD because I know DH wont get me a card from her. He hates cards. 😭😢
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    @annewheeler2 That’s a lot to deal with at once. Hope something good happens to cheer you up! Thanks to your husband for his service. Schools are in such a fragile state these days...
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    @jenniferjoy37, I don’t blame you. I’d be grumpy as well.... and he should totally make it up to you. 
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    mamahmh2mamahmh2 member
    edited May 2019
    @fromcatstokids oh no, I’d be really mad on that one too. So sorry mama - I really hope
    he’s in good shape for your plans today! Otherwise, cold wake-up shower for him...

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    @fromcatstokids I hear you, but it looks like he at least tried to make an apology tour by cleaning. If he’s still drunk or hungover, he can’t really change that so I’d just press forward and like pp said, ice cold shower will do the trick.

    Maybe make sure he has eggs and toast too. Not that you should have to baby him but he’s human. We all are. Since you said it’s not his usual ammo, I’d just let it go now. You’re gonna have to do that anyway when baby gets here because nothing works out anger to forgiveness switch like a child. It’s just practice.
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    @fromcatstokids How did the rest of the day go? Did your DH behave??
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    Ugh... this not being able to sleep thing... getting old!

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    key33key33 member
    @mamahmh2 - Agree. I keep waking up at 2 or 3 am and staying up tossing and turning for hours. I usually fall back asleep just before I have to wake up and get the kids ready for school. 
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    @jenniferjoy37 He was still a little tipsy when he woke up, so I had to keep re-directing him to get the cleaning done, but everything turned out ok. He was super apologetic about the whole thing. Turns out that the "spill" in the living room was the person who passed out on the couch pee'd herself. Thank goodness we're buying a new one this month anyways.
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