October 2019 Moms

April STM/STM+ check in

cmbt2cmbt2 member
edited April 2019 in October 2019 Moms
Due Date/W+D:

Other kiddos/ages:

Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out:


Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?

Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go?


GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?
BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
~~~  ~~~  ~~~
BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
~~~  ~~~  ~~~
High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies

Re: April STM/STM+ check in

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    Due Date/W+D: 12w0d Oct 16th

    Other kiddos/ages: DS 4(Nov 14') DSS 20(August 98) DSD 17(Jan 02')

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Finding out

    Nails/Fails: 4 is a the hardest age thus far for me and my list of fails could probably be pages long. I can't really think of a nail at the moment. 

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? Pregnancy with another kid around is so much rougher. I don't remember being this tired last time around this far along. All DS wants to do is run and I just don't have it in me. He has been playing on his own a lot more than I like lately. 

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? We told DS a couple weeks ago, he had a lot of questions at first but now it doesn't seem to cross his mind at all. I still have to remind him to stop climbing all over me and especially not sitting on my belly, which for whatever strange reason seems to be his favorite spot. 

    Questions? Nothing at the moment. 

    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? I hope to not give up on breastfeeding so easily. I pumped for 6 months with DS I hope to BF this time around. Seemed all the odds worked against me with him and I just gave up.
    Me: 35 DH: 47

    DSS: 20
    DSD: 17
    DS: 4(Nov'14)
    MMC: 1/18
    BFP: 2/7/19 EDD:10/16/19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @kindbytealikat my DS really enjoys using my belly as a chair too... I hope you have an easier time breastfeeding this time around!! 

    Due Date/W+D: Oct 15th / 12+1
    Other kiddos/ages: 2.5
    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: 💙
    Nails/Fails: We're actually doing better lately now that the stress of "is our house going to sell" is gone. We've been getting out more which is soooo helpful! He also learned to say thank you and I love you and is using them often 🤗
    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? Our AC broke this week and we're like 5 days from closing. Unfortunately it's the compressor and not an easy fix, it's going to cost us a couple grand 😭
    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Yes, but I'm not sure he fully understands lol He loves to kiss the baby though!!
    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? We're starting routines in the new house and I'm hoping that continues with the new guy. I've just never been one for routines, so we'll see... 
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    cmbt2cmbt2 member
    Due Date/W+D: Oct 3

    Other kiddos/ages: DS1 (4) and DS2 (will be 2 this month)

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: pink!

    Nails/Fails: I’m so tired at night that parenting isn’t really happening. 😪

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? I think I’m more tired with this one than I was with DS1. I don’t remember being this tired with DS2

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? We haven’t officially told them and won’t until the end. We just have been working in comments on baby here and there 


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? 
    Pregnancy wise, we’re not sharing the sex. 

    Kid wise, I’m not sure yet. I’m sure I’ll come up with something 
    BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
    BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
    BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
    BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies
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    @kindbytealikat DS also likes to sit on my belly. He's needed to be reminded a few times (which is much easier now that I can say "your baby friend is in there").

    @nnaelilak it's always something..... hopefully it costs less then anticipated.
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    ***i don’t go here, just lurking***

    @nnaelilak I’m so excited that you’re on Team Blue with me 💙💙💙💙   Sorry about the AC!!  
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    cmbt2cmbt2 member
    @prpl11butterfly my boobs always started leaking towards late 2nd tri
    BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
    BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
    BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
    BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies
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    Due Date/W+D: 13weeks, Oct 8th

    Other kiddos/ages: Z is 3 1/2 (sept ‘15)

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: team gender creative parenting

    Nails/Fails: I feel like my fails are ironing into Z’s nails and it’s depressing but cute. When I’m too tired at the end of the day and turn in early, they’ve been bringing me Boom Boom, their weird muppet-esque  stuffy to snuggle. It’s a pretty precious display of empathy. 

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? Right now they’ve got a cold are a total mess so bleh. I can tell I’m definitely catching it too so double bleh. 

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Nope. We’re waiting. We haven’t told anyone other than my mom and a couple really really close friends 


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?  I’m really excited to use they/them pronouns from the start with this babe. I really wish we had done it with Z, especially with how their gender identity is developing now, but it is what it is. This time around though, I’m excited. 
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    SchumeratorSchumerator member
    edited April 2019
    Not that I’m happy about it but I’m encouraged to hear your guys bellies are getting bounced on as well 😬 it’s obviously not ideal but moms must have been dealing with this for thousands of years! I take a small grain of comfort in that haha.

    Due Date/W+D: 10/29 , 10+1 

    Other kiddos/ages: DS 2 y/o

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Greeeeen! If I keep saying it then it will be true 😆

    Nails/Fails: NAILED IT: Made healthy orange cranberry carrot muffins today! FAILED IT: DS woke up right as I started grating the carrots sooo I let him hang out in his crib talking to himself for about a half hour while I baked the muffins 😬 I didn’t want it to take double the time since we had plans to go to the pool, and I figured he wouldn’t be too upset when he came down to muffins 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?  I’m feeling 100% excited to be having a second, it’s definitely what we want for our family! But I’m also like 75% terrified of having two haha. I know it’s not going to be the end of the world but I don’t want to romanticize those newborn days because I’m two years removed from them, they were hard and I was freaking tired, and DS was a really good baby even. I’m just feeling anxious to get past the hard part of those first few months, while also knowing I need to not wish it away and give this second child all I’ve got too. Meh idk those are my ramblings.

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Ummm sure I tell him every time he’s flailing about and accidentally kicks me 😬 I say there’s a baby in moms stomach, be careful! He gives me a little questioning side eye and then continues on with his crazy life 🙄

    Questions? Anyone here have older possibly school aged children? I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how DS learns so I can best support him in the future without deterring him from learning and making him hate it. With almost everything he learns I try to teach it for a long time and he’s resistant even if he knows the concept, until one day out of the blue he decides he wants to do whatever that thing is.  Does anyone have a child like this and have strategies to keep their child feeling supported in their way of learning? That seems confusing but idk how else to ask it haha. 

    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?
    Oh man. I think we have done an ok job so far. I think most importantly I just want to talk to H before this baby arrives and say “hey, this is going to be rough for a little while and we need to remember that and be easy on each other” and remember that the hardest part/sleep deprivation/breastfeeding struggle doesn’t last forever 
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    Due Date/W+D: 10/23 - 11w

    Other kiddos/ages: 3 1/2 yr old son

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: finding out

    Nails/Fails: aw man, too many to list

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? I herniated two discs in my low back about the same time as I got pregnant. One is pushing on my sciatic nerve causing intense and at times debilitating pain. Today was esp hard bc of morning puking and trying to run too many errands too early in the day. Trying so hard to stay positive but also very worried about how this injury will impact me as pregnancy progresses. 

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Yes, he is so excited. Hugs and kisses my belly and says he’s hugging the baby


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?
    Find out the sex! We didn’t last time and I want to try it the other way this time :)
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    @Schumerator let him learn at his own pace and don’t push. They learn so much in their play and just with every day life. I’ve always been one to explain things we’re doing and making games with errands, what colors/shapes do you see here or asking what a certain thing is. Now we’ve moved into words and word sounds, he’s 4. I’ve never pushed anything except books and when he started preschool this year he seems pretty on par. His struggle is writing, he just doesn’t have the interest, school helps with that. Let his interest guide you and don’t stress yourself out. The my lengthy opinion as a parent and someone who works in schools with special needs children.
    Me: 35 DH: 47

    DSS: 20
    DSD: 17
    DS: 4(Nov'14)
    MMC: 1/18
    BFP: 2/7/19 EDD:10/16/19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @nnaelilak I’m terrible at routines too but DH is even worse. I wish we had done more of a routine with DS when I see other people’s kids who are better sleepers, but then when I find out their kid HAS to be in bed by x time or they have a meltdown I’m kinda happy with how flexible DS is

    @prpl11butterfly We’re working on getting DS into his own bed too. Last night be probably could’ve gone all night but when he woke up the second time at 4:30 and wanted me to sit in his room I just couldn’t do it and he didn’t want Daddy so he came to our bed 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

    @Schumerator I’m jealous you’re somewhere that’s warmer enough to go to the pool! It’s starting to warm up here but it’s still chilly
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    @Schumerator also I hope that didn’t come out as cocky I didn’t mean it to. I don’t have nearly all the answers. Teaching is just something I’m passionate about 
    Me: 35 DH: 47

    DSS: 20
    DSD: 17
    DS: 4(Nov'14)
    MMC: 1/18
    BFP: 2/7/19 EDD:10/16/19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @kindbytealikat I didn’t think you sounded that way at all :) I’m just looking for honest feedback! And I’m not even some crazy perfectionist, I certainly wasn’t when I was in school. I think it’s just the classic “wanting better for your children than you did for yourself” but I don’t want to over do it and push him away from a love of learning. I appreciate your input! 
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    @melanier26 our YMCA that we belong to actually has an outdoor pool that they cover with a huge bubble tarp thing in the winter months and it’s awesome! Very little kid friendly which is nice so it’s not just me carrying him around the deep water, he gets to actually run around and get his energy out! 
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    Due Date/W+D: 10/9 13+3

    Other kiddos/ages: My son is turning 2 in a few weeks 😭😭😭

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Finding out!

    Nails/Fails: I was officially diagnosed with HG at my last midwife appointment which sucked. If i don’t feel better within the next week I will have to go in to get an IV/electrolyte drip.  BUT! I thiiiinnkk I might be turning the corner. I think. I didn’t vomit today and I only dry heaved a handful of times. I am trying to stay positive that this is going away as I enter the second trimester. While the nausea is getting “better” the gagging isn’t going anywhere. I still have the metallic taste in my mouth and I can’t drink anything without it tasting like I was sucking on a penny. I am really trying to avoid having to go in. 

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? 

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Yeah. I don’t think he quite understands it but  we try to talk about the baby a lot. I am going to look for a baby doll for him. 

    Questions? Is there a baby doll you would recommend for a new big sibling? Something that he can nuture like feed, brush their hair, change etc. 

    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? Find out the sex! My sister is hosting a reveal for us. She wanted to do it last time but we were team green. So this time she wants to host it. 
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    @rachelgreene-2 So sorry about the HG. That sounds so miserable! Hopefully you are turning a corner on that soon! As for dolls, we got our son this one https://www.amazon.com/Manhattan-Toy-Stella-Beige-Sleepy/dp/B01K4XLKP6/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=toddler+doll&qid=1554351875&s=gateway&sr=8-11  I think around that same age. The pacifier and bottle are magnetic and he enjoyed giving those to the baby. It was very sweet. He did eventually outgrow it and we passed it on to my niece, but I'd recommend it.

    *TW in Spoiler*BabyFetus Ticker

    Me 39 - DH 41

    Married 8/26/07

    TTGP #1 Jan '15 - 

         BFP 9/11/15 - DS born 5/31/16

    TTGP #2 July '17 -

         CP July '17

         Blighted Ovum MC Dec '17

         CP June '18

         BFP 1/30/19 - EDD 10/13/19

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    Due Date/W+D: Oct 6

    Other kiddos/ages: July 13, Feb 17

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Blue!

    Nails/Fails: Nails: Putting the kids down for the night on time. It seems bedtime had been creeping towards 9pm but last night we managed to get everyone down and out with enough of the evening left over to watch Queer Eye. Fails: Housework. Urgh. The kitchen looks a mess.

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?Rant: Weather. We got the swingset all set up and now it's supposed to rain for three days straight. Noooooo. Rave:We got the swingset all set up!

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Will be telling the kids at Easter, when my parents are visiting. Then my parents can find out they're having their first grandson and the girls can find out they're having a baby brother in one go.


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? I've been following Janet Lansbury ever since DD1 was born and tried to apply her principles to raising my kids, with varying success. I think it'll be easier with this kid to just let it find its own way with meeting milestones (rolling over, sitting up, etc). With DD1 and to a lesser degree DD2 I was a lot more interfering with their motor capabilities.
    The original: Aug2013
    The remix: Feb2017
    The encore: coming Oct2019

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    @grapeskittles4lyfe - I love Janet Lansbury! Her podcast Unruffled has helped me through so many developmental challenges
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    @rachelgreene-2 @mrsinterweb We have baby Stella too! DD likes to give her the paci, change her diaper (the other day she grabbed the package of wipes and announced that the baby had a poopy diaper), and wrap her in a blanket and rock her. I think she’s going to like the big sister gig 😊
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Due Date/W+D: Oct 3rd, 14 weeks today!


    Other kiddos/ages: Daughter is 4

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Finding out (hopefully soon!)


    Nails/Fails: Got her to start doing some things on her own, playing, getting dressed. My fail I guess is she’s always coming in to our room at night and we can never catch her in time to send her back into her room.


    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? My rant is I am catching a cold so I’m even more exhausted.

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Yes, it went well but I don’t think she really understands.

    Questions? Not really

    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? Probably not go as nuts with the baby gates, we have them already in place in some areas but probably won’t put others up because its just not necessary.

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    cmbt2cmbt2 member
    @Cass005 I also have a cold. Downside to this not being the first go around- the littles tend to bring home colds left and right. I think I had 5/6 colds when I was pregnant with DS2.. this is my second one already this time around. Bipolar weather doesn’t help, either! Feel better!
    BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
    BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
    BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
    BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies
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    @cmbt2 It sucks! And my boss is out all week so its not like I can even work from home. I had a super bad cold with my first pregnancy. I had to break down and get robitussin. *Crosses fingers*  hoping it does get that bad. Hope you feel better too!
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    @kindbytealikat Wait what?! Four is hardest? I thought THREE was the hardest.... and have been told that at 4 yrs old they magically mature. Am counting down the days until my son's bday. :#
    @prpl11butterfly I like your term "baby friend." I am totally going to use that.
    @greenbean-2 DS1 didn't get it while I was pregnant with DS2 either, but I really tried empowering him to be a big boy while I was pregnant. Then when DS2 finally arrived DS1 was very proud of himself for being able to do all these things that babies can't do. Also toys. He got a lot of toys for becoming a big bro. He's actually more jealous now when DS2 has my attention than in the beginning.

    Due Date/W+D: 10/13 ... 12w4d
    Other kiddos/ages: DS1 3.5 (May '15) DS2 1.5 (June '17)
    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Finding out
    Nails/Fails: NAILED IT: DS2 looooves pasta. It's all he will eat besides fruit (so basically sugar and carbs are his thing). Welp, last night I steamed then pureed cauliflower, cut a box of mac n cheese in half and mixed the cauliflower in and boom! He ate so much of it. I know this isn't an original idea, but DS1 has always been an incredible eater that I'm clawing for healthy-ish food ideas for DS2.
    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? RANT: Mornings are tough. DS1 wakes up with full energy to be defiant and mischievous. And I yell. And I have to rely on TV to give myself even just 10 min to get ready. I am totally a supporter of TV when needed--100% --but I hate that they start the day that way.    
    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? No. I am not ready for DS1 to tell our daycare as we'll be switching once the baby arrives. Obviously we'll tell them with plenty of notice before we leave them, but they are wonderful and they will be so sad that we aren't using them for #3. I will probably tell the kids around Easter.
    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? I was already so much more relaxed with #2. I think I will try to get out of the house more during maternity leave this time. 
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    Due Date/W+D: 10/28; 10w3d

    Other kiddos/ages: 8 and 5

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: team find out ASAP!

    Nails/Fails: Fail: I had 2 good days of less nausea and then I let myself get too hungry last night and had a miserable evening.

    Nail: Got my physical done for foster care requirements and she put me down as in perfect health!

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?  MFM appt today, glad to have the start to a plan for my type A-ness

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go?  Yup!  Several weeks ago.  They seem excited but the actual telling was anti-climactic.  They were very confused because we are becoming foster certified at the exact same time so they thought we were telling them that we were getting a foster placement.  Oops.

    Questions? Not at the moment.

    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?  I’m not going to be so ridiculous about breastfeeding.  I put so much undue pressure on myself both previous times and basically didn’t sleep because no one else ever fed baby except when I was at work.  I will feel better about using some pumped milk to let DH feed baby some nights so I can sleep this time.  And if I need to supplement ever, I’m not going to do nurse-ins all weekend with lactation cookes, etc. and not give myself time to be me or parent because of it.  I’ll just give a bottle of formula if I need to.  Both boys never got any formula and looking back I don’t know why I was so crazy about it.  So much stress, and so much work to keep up with supply.
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    Due Date/W+D: 11w1d

    Other kiddos/ages: DD1 - 4.5, DD2 - 2.5

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: finding out. Still debating if we will do NIPT or skip it and wait until 20w

    Nails/Fails: Nail: I just did a whirlwind overnight work trip to NYC and only brought a back pack. When I pack so light I feel like a badass 😂. Fail: we’ve been really bad about grocery shopping and totally just winging meals 😬

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Telling them next week after our first ultrasound


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? I’ll take this babe right to the pediatric dentist for a tongue/ lip tie revision consultation straight from the hospital. No eight weeks of hell trying to fight the inevitable this time!
    BabyFetus TickerBabyFruit Ticker

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    BBaires said:
    Due Date/W+D: 10/23 - 11w

    Other kiddos/ages: 3 1/2 yr old son

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: finding out

    Nails/Fails: aw man, too many to list

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? I herniated two discs in my low back about the same time as I got pregnant. One is pushing on my sciatic nerve causing intense and at times debilitating pain. Today was esp hard bc of morning puking and trying to run too many errands too early in the day. Trying so hard to stay positive but also very worried about how this injury will impact me as pregnancy progresses. 

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Yes, he is so excited. Hugs and kisses my belly and says he’s hugging the baby


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?
    Find out the sex! We didn’t last time and I want to try it the other way this time :)
    I herniated a disk halfway through my pregnancy with my second. It was REALLY hard. :(  I found an incredible chiropractor that specilizes in pregnant women and slowly but surely she got me feeling better. Are you seeing anyone to help?
    BabyFetus TickerBabyFruit Ticker

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    junebabyh said:
    @kindbytealikat Wait what?! Four is hardest? I thought THREE was the hardest.... and have been told that at 4 yrs old they magically mature. Am counting down the days until my son's bday. :#
    @prpl11butterfly I like your term "baby friend." I am totally going to use that.
    @greenbean-2 DS1 didn't get it while I was pregnant with DS2 either, but I really tried empowering him to be a big boy while I was pregnant. Then when DS2 finally arrived DS1 was very proud of himself for being able to do all these things that babies can't do. Also toys. He got a lot of toys for becoming a big bro. He's actually more jealous now when DS2 has my attention than in the beginning.

    Due Date/W+D: 10/13 ... 12w4d
    Other kiddos/ages: DS1 3.5 (May '15) DS2 1.5 (June '17)
    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Finding out
    Nails/Fails: NAILED IT: DS2 looooves pasta. It's all he will eat besides fruit (so basically sugar and carbs are his thing). Welp, last night I steamed then pureed cauliflower, cut a box of mac n cheese in half and mixed the cauliflower in and boom! He ate so much of it. I know this isn't an original idea, but DS1 has always been an incredible eater that I'm clawing for healthy-ish food ideas for DS2.
    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? RANT: Mornings are tough. DS1 wakes up with full energy to be defiant and mischievous. And I yell. And I have to rely on TV to give myself even just 10 min to get ready. I am totally a supporter of TV when needed--100% --but I hate that they start the day that way.    
    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? No. I am not ready for DS1 to tell our daycare as we'll be switching once the baby arrives. Obviously we'll tell them with plenty of notice before we leave them, but they are wonderful and they will be so sad that we aren't using them for #3. I will probably tell the kids around Easter.
    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? I was already so much more relaxed with #2. I think I will try to get out of the house more during maternity leave this time. 
    I truly hope for you they do, however for me 4 has been 100x worse than three. It is very much an exert his independence and with a attitude, and all his emotions right now are very intense, whether happy or sad or mad is so strong. My mom has told me things do start to improve at 5.
    Me: 35 DH: 47

    DSS: 20
    DSD: 17
    DS: 4(Nov'14)
    MMC: 1/18
    BFP: 2/7/19 EDD:10/16/19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    Due Date/W+D: 11th/12w6d

    Other kiddos/ages: DS is 3.5

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: finding out

    Nails/Fails: So many fails. Finally getting over nausea and have gone straight into a horrific cold. Sink is full of dishes, I haven’t cooked a proper meal in forever and DS watches more tv than he should. Looking forward to shaking off this cold and getting back to normal

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary: Apparently getting sick at the end of the first trimester is tradition for me. This cold is kicking my butt, but with DS I got the worst stomach bug I’d ever had. I’m just thankful it’s not that!

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? DS has known since we found out. He loves talking about how he’s going to help with the baby and teach it things 💙


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? Make noise when the baby sleeps so it’s not a light sleeper! Made that mistake with DS and always had to tiptoe around when he napped
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    Due Date/W+D: 10/22

    Other kiddos/ages: DD is 6, DD2 is 4, DS is 3

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: I think team green this time.

    Nails/Fails: I have pneumonia so I’m miserable and my house is a wreck. I got offered a part time job today working at my kids preschool that I know I’d love but idk if I want to give up my SAHM gig during the summer. 

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary? I can’t wait for my next ultrasound. Normally I’m just meh about appointments and ultrasounds but I’m really trying to soak this in as this is our last peanut. 

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? We haven’t told them yet because as soon as they know everyone will know. I will probably tell them in the next few weeks. 

    Questions? None this week

    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? I really want to make it a year nursing. I have a horrible supply even with medications so I’m really preparing myself for the best way to make it to a year. Also I don’t plan on buying things unless I really need them, we always manage to accumulate way too much baby stuff. 
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    nnaelilaknnaelilak member
    edited April 2019
    @emily1052 it feels like there's not very many boys yet!! 
    @Schumerator I feel the same way! I'm so nervous for two when I occasionally feel like I can't handle the one...
    @melanier26 yes! I am so thankful DS just rolls with the punches lol
    @rachelgreene-2 I'm glad you're feeling a little better! Fingers crossed for you!
    @sweetteaandswingsmama I'm so sorry! That sounds awful 😭 
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    junebabyh said:
    @kindbytealikat Wait what?! Four is hardest? I thought THREE was the hardest.... and have been told that at 4 yrs old they magically mature. Am counting down the days until my son's bday. :#

    I truly hope for you they do, however for me 4 has been 100x worse than three. It is very much an exert his independence and with a attitude, and all his emotions right now are very intense, whether happy or sad or mad is so strong. My mom has told me things do start to improve at 5.
    HAHAHAHAHA OMG the sass with DD1. I think it's easier for me to deal with a 3 year old's tantrums because they are still figuring things out. But when a 5 year old is all like "well you already said I could go to neighbors house so I'll just eat the candy they have out in a bowl I don't give a frick if you said no sweets after lunch" I need to take a step back and breathe
    The original: Aug2013
    The remix: Feb2017
    The encore: coming Oct2019

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    Due Date/W+D: 12w4d

    Other kiddos/ages: 7 and 5, girl and a boy

    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: GREEN this time! Never did not find out before so I am excited about this and makes this third time around feel different

    Nails/Fails: I cannot get myself motivated at work. I need to work and it is tough to get myself there. I am hoping once in second trimester I will have more energy!

    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?

    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? No. I want to wait as long as possible.  They both really want us to have another baby so I am petrified of telling them and then something happening with the pregnancy.  So if I could make it until the anatomy scan to tell them, that is the plan. But considering how big I was last times, I don't see that happening. Right now with this one though I am way smaller than in the past so who knows. 


    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around? Hoping to be more laid back about everything.  And to do better at sleep training. 
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    @grapeskittles4lyfe @kindbytealikat Oh geez. I am in for it then. This kid's attitude is already through the roof.
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    Due Date/W+D: 10/20  11w5
    Other kiddos/ages: DD1 - 3.5
    Team Pink/Blue/Green/Finding out: Blue
    Nails/Fails: I have had no time for the bump this week! Sorry for being MIA!!
    Rants/Raves/Dear Diary?  Dealing with some housing issues at one of our clinical sites. It's such a pain in the butt and the class behind us really dropped the ball. They're supposed to be having 2 students stay in the housing that our program director leases (but we pay for). Well those two students decided to find their own housing and didn't communicate. Now they're scrambling trying to figure out what to do next month because someone needs to pay for that shit! Their class is so disorganized!!
    Have you told your kid(s)? How did it go? Yes, she's been so cute about it. Asked if the baby is sleeping in my bed right now, if the baby has hair and if he's wearing clothes. Some days she'll say good night to the baby and rub my belly

    Questions? Anyone else having bladder issues?! I'm going to talk to my OB doc at my next appt but I'm soooo annoyed and it's embarrasing! I think I need to start wearing a pad. I'm starting to have leaking issues, like wtf!! I think I'm gonna need some pelvic floor PT after this pregnancy. Hopefully not surgery or anything! And what's gonna happen when I'm 9 months pregnant if it's already starting at 3 months pregnant?!
    GTKY: What’s one thing you plan to do differently this time around?  Buy less shit?! DD1 has way too many clothes!! I feel like that's going to be easier with a boy though.
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    @alinic916 ummm yup same here 😐 I didn’t feel like I had a lot of issues after having DS but I know my pelvic floor is suffering and I could probably use PT for it. Since becoming pregnant if my bladder is even slightly full I end up having leaks when sneezing or anything like that, I hate it so much. I have a friend who went to someone to rehab her pelvic floor after giving birth and she said it was so so helpful. I should probably look into it... let us know if your doctor gives you any suggestions!
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    cmbt2cmbt2 member
    @alinic916 ummm yup same here 😐 I didn’t feel like I had a lot of issues after having DS but I know my pelvic floor is suffering and I could probably use PT for it. Since becoming pregnant if my bladder is even slightly full I end up having leaks when sneezing or anything like that, I hate it so much. I have a friend who went to someone to rehab her pelvic floor after giving birth and she said it was so so helpful. I should probably look into it... let us know if your doctor gives you any suggestions!
    You can try strengthening your core-
    i wasn’t able to close my diastisis that way, but the snizzing had all but stopped. 

    I’m back to snizzing, but mainly
    because someone likes to lay against my bladder— if she moves away, it stops. Most of my leaking now is from a massive increase in CM 🤢🤢
    BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
    BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
    BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
    BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies
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    @mrsinterweb thanks for the recommendation! I ordered one for his Easter basket! 
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    cmbt2 said:
    @alinic916 ummm yup same here 😐 I didn’t feel like I had a lot of issues after having DS but I know my pelvic floor is suffering and I could probably use PT for it.

    I’m back to snizzing, but mainly
    because someone likes to lay against my bladder— if she moves away, it stops. Most of my leaking now is from a massive increase in CM 🤢🤢
    OMG this. Hormones with babies 1 and 2 were just puttering along, but this one has made me reconsider my stance on pantyliners.  Urgh CM
    The original: Aug2013
    The remix: Feb2017
    The encore: coming Oct2019

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