Trying to Get Pregnant

WTO Wednesday 4/3

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 






Re: WTO Wednesday 4/3

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    Good morning, ladies! 
    Month/Cycle: 9/8 (third cycle AL)

    CD: 6

    WAYDTGKU: Prenatal vitamins, Fertility Friend, temping, OPKs, SMEP(ish), fertility tea and cutting down on alcohol (not that I drink much to begin with)

    R/R: I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights and I'm super tired this morning.  The pouring rain isn't helping. My Moontime tea came yesterday so I am excited to try it today.  And only 8 school days until spring vacation. Not that I am counting or anything. 

    CS/Q: Not much to look at. I am hoping I O earlier than CD20 this cycle. 

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    @emeraldduchess I hear ya on the no sleeping part!

    Month/Cycle: 5

    CD: 16 (I think I O already, will probably move over to TWW tomorrow even though it’s not confirmed. OPKs are consistently negative now )

    WAYDTGKU: Opks, OvuSense Temping, fertiliTEA, Maca, PNV, DH on a supplement and sperm friendly food. 

    R/R: nothing really going on. I’m loving that the temps feel more like spring time now!

    CS/Q: ugly chart. I’ll keep it to myself lol
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    mrsvp614mrsvp614 member
    edited April 2019
    @emeraldduchess Yay for new tea and an upcoming break!
    @madcouplewithabox My chart is ugly too!

    Month/Cycle: 3/3

    CD: 20 


    R/R: I'm still not sure where I belong in my cycle. FF still thinks I O'd on day 8, but I usually don't until 18-20, so I'm holding out another day for a temp spike. I also temp at inconsistent times since I work a weird shift and sleep schedule. 
    Also, my kitchen is done! It's been 8.5 weeks since the pipe burst, so I'm glad it's over with! I'll post a spoiler with before/after.

    CS/Q: Ugly chart 

    Me: 33 DH: 33
    Married: 10.15.16
    BFP: 12.24.16
    DS BD: 8.20.17
    TTC #2 1.1.19
    BFP #2 7.3.19
    EDD #2 3.13.20
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    Month/Cycle: 5 AL


    WAYDTGKU:  OPK, BBT, PNV, Ubiquinol

    R/R: I think we missed O all together this cycle.  I have been Oing CD 16-17 the last few months.  I had an almost positive opk two days ago, followed by two clearly negative.  I had a .1 temp shift this morning.  I feel like my body is playing games with me. 

    CS/Q: None
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    Running late so will come back later to tag

    Month/Cycle: 3

    CD: 3

    WAYDTGKU: PNV, CM, CP, HIO during EWCM, OPKs, RHR, maybe BBT haven’t decided yet.

    R/R:  Exhausted today but another nice day so will hopefully be running and spending more time outside this afternoon again.

    CS/Q: Nothing to see

    Married: August 2014
    TTC #1: February 2017 - BFP 7/28/17; EDD 4/8/18; DD born 4/7/18
    TTC #2: February 2019
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    @emeraldduchess - agreed on not sleeping well lately! I was up at 3:30am last night which I haven't done in a while. Yay for upcoming spring break!
    @MrsVP614 - oh your kitchen looks great!

    Month/Cycle: 8/8

    CD: 12

    WAYDTGKU: HIO EOD, prenatals, OPKs, Clomid, preseed this month

    R/R: We are only one day into the time when we need to be HIO EOD but yesterday went well and was actually fun and not pressure-y so yay? Just doing everything I can to maintain a positive and chilled out attitude this month!

    CS/Q: nope
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    @whitealbum29 keeping a good attitude is so hard sometimes. Glad your window has started off on a chilled out foot:)

    @justkeepswimming8 enjoy the run and nice weather! 

    @KerCo51 FX you didn’t miss it. It’s so frustrating when our bodies don’t function like their normal selves! 
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    @emeraldduchess Sorry about the sleep troubles! I hope you enjoy the tea. I’m interested to hear how it is. 🙂 Also, only 8 more days is great!! I remember March being the hardest time for teaching, so hopefully you’ll be dreaming about summer in no time!

    @madcouplewithabox yay for moving on over soon! Also, thanks for having listed sperm friendly snacks a ways back—we’ve been sneaking them in here now too. I don’t know why I’d never googled that before.

    @MrsVP614 Congrats on getting your kitchen back! Eight months can be rough without the comfort of a regular home cooked meal, not to mention having people invading your personal space for so long! That chart seems out of my league to interpret, so sorry for being no help there.

    @kerco925 Sorry for the hard to read body signs. I’ve had a few cycles where my body decided to delay o after it geared up for it, so I hear ya on the frustration.

    @justkeepswimming8 I hope you do enjoy the nice day! 

    @whitealbum29 glad you’re off to a pleasant start!

    AFM, I can’t decide if posting is helpful or harmful for my ttc stress overall, so I’ve just been lurking for the last couple weeks. My RE appointment back on cd1 was a little rough, and I ended up not going through with any of the next steps of testing. Mh has recently decided that he’s not comfortable with giving a sperm sample for religious reasons, and he also has also decided against condoms for the same reason. The condoms isn’t an issue for us since we’re trying, but I hadn’t realized that going through with all the testing would mean that we’d need to abstain for a month. I hated to see all hope for a 2019 baby disappear, and I guess I just wasn’t mentally ready for it all, but I keep thinking about it. Maybe we’ll try testing next month? I’m betting that stress is most likely the reason we’re on month 11 of trying, but I don’t know. Testing might give me the peace of mind to solve my issue, but I don’t want to have a whole month of stress, no sex, and tests. Sigh. I plan to discuss with dh after fw ends since I didn’t want to stress him out prior. Got a +opk yesterday, so at least this chat will happen soon since today is probably o. I don’t think I’ve ever o’ed this early. (Today is cd15) Last month o wasn’t until cd23. Sorry for the LONG rant.
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    I guess I'm finally ready to come back after my short sulking period (speaking of which, GTFO already AF).

    @emeraldduchess Oh hi cycle buddy. Sorry about the not sleeping. Pretty sure we're all just permanently exhausted. Keep us posted about the tea!
    @madcouplewithabox hi and bye! lol yay for O!
    @MrsVP614 Wow your kitchen looks great! Congrats on finally finishing that. Sorry your chart is super confusing. It looks a lot like my an-ovulatory charts did, with no clear temp shift. When you say you temp at inconsistent times because of your shift work, what time do you usually temp/what time would you have taken your temp on the days you have open circles?
    @kerco925 ugh, sorry your body is playing tricks on you. That was why SMEP appealed to me so much, because at least with EOD it's more manageable/realistic to maintain when you're unsure of your O date.
    @justkeepswimming8 some time outdoors sounds lovely! I think I'll also take the dog out tonight for a good long walk. 
    @whitealbum29 it's harder than it seems to keep it fun and non-pressure-y. Hopefully the rest of your cycle will follow suit. That was so important to me when we started TTC - trying to find ways to ensure sex wouldn't become a chore. I'd like to think we mostly succeeded. 

    Month/Cycle: 16/13 

    CD: 6 

    WAYDTGKU: PNVs, BBT/RHR, CM, Vit C/D/B12, Omega 3s, CoQ10, Metformin, Ovasitol, PCOS/low carb diet, no caffeine, HIO, softcups, letrozole + TI

    R/R: Rant: CD6, which is actually my 8th day of bleeding if you count 2 days of spotting, and I'm crabby. Also, MF fell asleep on me in the middle of fooling around a little last night and remembers none of it this morning. This is the guy who can never fall asleep. His defense is "oh but you make me feel so good and relaxed baby." Umm, ookay next time I'll just rub your back instead, sheesh. I'm laughing about it but also pretty annoyed, lol.
    Rave: It's getting warmer out. We're going to plant some of our seedlings this weekend in our new planter that'll stay indoors for another couple of weeks but MF left work early yesterday to surprise me and built a little stand for it on wheels so we can move it around! We bought it at the garden show a few weeks ago, one of those inventions that was on Shark Tank & D/D. It's called a VegePod and it's so cool.

    CS/Q: Just a lonely dot. 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    Sorry @begging4abump missed you in my tags. Sending you a big hug. I wondered where you disappeared to lately. I've also been lurking a fair bit, similar reasons (stress, uncertainty). I wish I had some wisdom or insight for you regarding the testing, but there really is never an easy answer for that. If it's YH that won't pony up a sample for the testing can you still go through with whatever you need to get done? Honestly the SA is simple and can basically be done at any time. We have scheduled ours during AF or during the TWW so it doesn't interfere with my FW and he can abstain for a few days prior. If you don't mind me asking, what part about giving a sample goes against his religion? No judgement, just curious as I've heard of it before but never met anyone who actually followed it. 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    @kiki047 Thanks. Mh has gone through an extended period of high anxiety about a lot of things, including a fear of going to hell. As a result, he’s been going extreme in finding what the catholic faith deems  sins. (Like going out of his way to look up potential conflicts.) It’s how the sample needs to be acquired that’s causing the conflict. So, yes, that doesn’t affect my testing, but the info packet I got from the re said to use condoms for the month while I’m getting tested, so I just freaked out. It’s a delicate conversation to have. He and I both want a baby, I don’t want to attack his beliefs, and he doesn’t want to disappoint me, but he’s also terrified of going to hell, so it’s just hard to find a proper solution. Plus, I don’t want to be benched for a month, and then I also worry what’ll happen to his sperm count if I get tests and he wants to abstain for the entire month since he’s opposed to contraceptives. But don’t worry, some strangers who have no idea about me or what I’m dealing with have told me to relax and it’ll happen. Ugh. 

    Sorry about YF last night! I guess building that garden contraption really took it out of him. Hopefully AF has let the door hit her on the way out and he makes it up to you tonight. 
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    @begging4abump - Coming from a Catholic extended family, I do believe that the Catholic faith allows for the rhythm method, so you wouldn't have to abstain the whole time. Also, could you do something like the pull and pray method to get his sperm sample?
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    @begging4abump the Catholic Church definitely has guidelines and rules on reproductive assistance.  I remember reading something about a permissible way to collect a sperm sample for analysis.  It might be worth looking into if your H is really conflicted. 
    @madcouplewithabox can you send some of those springtime temps over to NE? It's still chilly over here!
    @MrsVP614 your kitchen looks awesome!
    @kerco925 I hate when my body messes with me.  It did that last cycle. I hope you didn't miss O!
    @kiki047 welcome back, cycle buddy!  I missed you!  The Moontime tea is good. It just tastes like peppermint tea, so no complaining here. :) 
    @whitealbum29 glad you can keep the chill-vibes going this cycle. I always say I am going to do that but fail miserably.  

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    I just introduced myself on the newbie thread. Looking forward to joining the group!

    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD: 4

    WAYDTGKU: Acupuncture 1x/week, BBT, CM tracking, HIO EOD & possibly Pre Seed

    R/R: Rave: It finally feels like SPRING! Rant: Dreading allergy season. Lol!

    CS/Q: Nope.
    Me: 37 | H: 44
    TTC #1: May 2015
    IF DX January 2016- Me: Right sided hydrosalpinx 
    Right tube removed: February 2016
    Acupuncture + TCM: March 2016
    BFP: July 4, 2016 | DS: March 2017 (39w 2d)
    TTC #2: April 2019
    BFP #2: April 2019 | CP: April 30, 2019 (4w 2d)
    BFP #3: July 15, 2019
    EDD: March 23, 2020

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