July 2019 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 4/1/19

Bitch, vent, whine, complain, curse. Whatever you and your hormones need to do to get through the week. No one is safe, complain about EVERYONE and ANYONE you need to!!!!!

Re: Monday Bitchfest 4/1/19

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    I hate people and children and the fact that my middle schoolers have to have their hand held through EVERYTHING is making me fucking nuts today. They cannot follow directions, they have no independent thought, they can't be bothered to bring a FUCKING PENCIL TO MATH CLASS - every all year. We have needed a pencil every gd day, and I have students who have NEVER brought a single supply of any kind. And these are not poor students that cannot afford to get supplies, I could understand that. They literally will take a pencil from me, and lose it between the door to my class room and the door to their next class. 

    Quitting smoking just means that this normal middle schooler stuff is pissing me the fuck off today, but seriously. It's fucking ridiculous. 
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    Thought of more stuff, bitching some more because I can :)

    My only option for maternity stuff is online or my local Walmart. Bought Maternity jeggings saturday - that would have fit great if I was 6 inches shorter. Bought the EXACT SAME WALMART LEGGINGS I have been buying this whole pregnancy, just in black this time, and again, would have been fine if I were shorter. It is warming up and I need some freaking pants I can wear to school. Or some pantyhose so I can wear my dresses! But NOOOOOOOO there was literally NO pantyhose in my size at Walmart. It was ridiculous. I am not asking for the moon people, just some clothes!
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    msimimsimi member
    Social media on April Fools Day is THE worst. Everyone thinks they're so clever with their posts and I am just not in the mood 🙄
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    @msimi So am I. You are just NOT clever at all people. I'm over it. Can we just move on from your lame jokes? 
    Or, the companies who put out joke product commercials and people lose their ever-living minds over them. I don't know what is worse, the people who make the jokes, or the people who don't get it. But I'd stab every last one of them. 

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    My kids wouldn’t stay in their rooms during nap time, they have extreme attitudes, and they have not listened to a single thing I’ve said today. I am so over it today 
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    @msimi @hakele I hate the fake pregnancy announcements. It’s just not something that should be joked about whatsoever... but every year I see soooo many! 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    @indulgentgypsy I feel you on the maternity clothing. I don’t want to spend a bunch of money on things because this will most likely be my last pregnancy, but our local Walmart doesn’t even have a maternity section so I am stuck trying to find things at second-hand stores ... I cried the other day because I bought all summer things thinking it would warm up before I needed to switch to maternity. I was SO wrong and now I have NOTHING to wear. So frustrating. 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    @mamahmh2 totally agree on the fake announcements - I don’t see any humour in them at all anyway like what is funny about saying you’re pregnant in the first place? Then like “oh hahaha you believed that” like why wouldn’t I? 
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    Thank god I didn’t see any of those! I’d have been an absolute bitch and destroyed that person. 

    I am going to murder my husband. Like seriously. I’m gonna kill him. I think he has aquagenic pruritus. Meaning he is getting itchy with showers and washing dishes. I keep telling him to stop, but he just won’t listen. They just don’t listen! Ugh. 
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    @mrscammack that’s crazy! Who waits around when someone doesn’t answer? 

    What if you were sleeping because of a horrible night before? Ugh-I’m annoyed for you. 
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    I meant to post this yesterday. 
    My bitchfest is to the neighborhood kids. The kids are between 4-8 yo.

    There's a 4 yr old who is just the worst. She had all spring break and every weekend to knock on our door to ask if dd can play. But no, she waits until 10am on a school day to knock, ring the doorbell, then knock again to ask for dd. She also likes to go in our backyard and play with the dogs without asking. For some reason she takes the collar of one and picks her up.

    Another girl that makes dd cry each day for something mean she says. And she's constantly trying to get her to do things she doesn't want to or that would get her trouble. Yesterday she told dd to steal an LOL toy from her cousin whenever we go over there next time.

    Another girl who I use to let come in our house but not anymore. She went through all of dd's clothes in her closet and left them on the floor, toys everywhere, bedspread taken off the bed etc. She also hit dd in the eye with a stick a couple times and didn't even apologize. 

    They are all constantly knocking then ringing the doorbell. Dd doesn't want to play some times but they'll come back 5 minutes later and ask again. Yesterday they decided to play ding song ditch. I had to yell out the door to stop ringing the damn doorbell. 

    I'm just happy I can say that dd is the best kid in the neighborhood. 
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    @asupernovablizzardstorm I traditionally don't like kids--they definitely annoy me.  (yep, i'm going to be a great mom)
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    foodislovefoodislove member
    edited April 2019
    Tuesday bitchfest allowed?

    I am SO over my work place atm. If it wasn't for the new paid maternity leave and tons of flexibility they give me with my schedule, I'd be looking for work elsewhere. The red tape drives me absolutely bonkers. My department is totally in the wrong unit to be the most effective. Being pregnant is just making me more prone to seeming like an absolute crazy person because I just want to meltdown when I find more and more violations happening left and right (and in my OWN UNIT, wthhhhhhhhh). 

    EDIT: @asupernovablizzardstorm OMG, I'd lose it. DH would have already lost it on the kids. And I love kids but wtf other parents. Reading yours I'm glad our neighborhood is mostly retirees and families with kids in high school/college.
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    @foodislove - this will be for weekly bitching, no worries! And dude, work sucks.

    >:( I love my husband, I love my husband, I love my husband... but FUCK! I started coughing yesterday, and I'm trying not to come down with the fever/cough/crud DH and YDS had all weekend. I go to bed after a super steamy shower with essential oils and remind DH to put the puppies in the kennel before he goes to bed. With the quitting smoking, I have not been in the Arctic Entry where the puppies are, so I don't see until I go to warm up my car, that he never put the pups to bed in the kennel and the entry is COVERED with dog poop! I go wake my boys, have one take the puppies outside, have the other help me clean. I wanted a smoke so damn bad!!!!!

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    I'm just all the rage today.  Things that really piss me off:
    1) My mother in law.  Just her being able to talk to me pisses me off most days.
    2) Passover is coming and my daughter's school is Kosher.  I am getting so annoyed with all of the moms who are saying they are sending bread products.  Look, I'm not kosher (kid ate prosciutto for dinner last night) but can't they just respect the fact that the school is?
    3) My job.  I have no particular reason to hate my job, except that I can't work from home and there are no parking spots near the building.  I have to walk up a freaking hill to get to my desk.
    4) My husband.  He is angry at himself and is yelling at me.
    5) Old Navy didn't upload my new card so I can't place an order for maternity clothes.

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    The husband and I are not agreeing on what color crib or furniture for the babys room. I originally thought of doing grey, but then I wanted white. He is so opposed to white, because I want to keep the colors muted, he keeps telling me that she needs bright colors in her room. I hate bright obnoxious colors. 
    Also can't find anywhere to have my baby shower that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, my friend who is supposed to be throwing it isn't helping look for a place, so I'm annoyed with her. If you don't want to help, just tell me. I'll find someone who wants to do it. 
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    @jennm0724 Would he compromise with white furniture and some brighter decor or bedding pieces? If you're having more kids, you might want to have neutral furniture since tastes change and you can change decor from kid to kid. 
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    @mamanbebe potentially, his hang is up that he doesn't want a white crib on a white wall *EYE ROLL* mind you our entire house is grey and white with no color anywhere so not sure why this is such a big deal now. I told him I'd add color in with art and sheets, although the sheets I picked are a soft pink or purple LOL. I felt like with the grey crib and dresser and the chair i was looking at was grey it was just toooo much for such a small space. 

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    My day has just been a downward spiral to disaster.  Every case I touch today just seems to be fucked from the outset.  Lack of sleep the last couple nights is definitely NOT helping.

    I need a fucking drink!
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    @jennm0724 I think you should just pick what you want haha. You carry and birth his child, he can deal with your tasteful color choices :) 

    I'm on day one of using a glucose meter in lieu of the sugar drink and I'm already losing my mind. The pharmacists gave me the wrong lancets, so I had to go back. I gave myself a miniature hematoma on my ring finger from a hard prick. And I'm having a really hard time with the 1 hour postprandial checks because I'm usually squeezing meals in on the run during the day. It's 10:10am, I'm getting ready to go to pilates right now and afterward I have to run home, pick up the dog, go get DS from school, take the dog to the vet for a post-op and somehow find time to have lunch and get a sugars reading 1 hour after that magical meal. I'm trying to see if I can place an order with a local healthy restaurant to pickup right before I grab DS but their website isn't working and they aren't open yet, and I won't have time to call or stop by and wait. Grr! I'm hangry already!  

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    @jennm0724 My mom has a trick for these situations.  She makes up entirely different names for colors.  She once designed a kitchen that was pink.  With three girls in the house, my dad declared no more pink.  So the walls were "off white."  the granite was "rose", the floor was "mauve" and so on.  About six months after the kitchen was completed he came in and said "I know you said there is no pink in the kitchen, but I feel like there is."  He didn't think of it again until they sold the house.
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    @mamanbebe I feel ya! I've been testing since 10 weeks and my fingers are shot. My pharmacy is the worst and never has my supplies ready on time. Trying to hit that 1 hr mark is hard when working or chasing around a toddler. 
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    @mamanbebe LOL I'm leaning that way! Just do what I want. F it! 
    @ketomommy omg that is too funny! my husband would never fall for that.. 

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    @cb123391 The 1 hour mark is so hard if you're running around all day. My midwives tried to spin it that 1 hour was much easier than 2 but I wish I had that extra hour for planning when to eat meals because it seems like it would be really helpful. 
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    I'm so tired of people acting like I don't know what I'm in for with a baby of my own. I explain that I've spent tons of time with kids, and they still say "well, when its your own, its different." 
    I love kids, I worked for more than 10 years in child care, and have spent an extensive amount of time with all of my friends children, my nieces, and nephew. I've done overnights and all days, I've dealt with kids in a good mood, and in the worst, nothing is right in the world moods. I love the challenge of figuring out what they need, and teaching them to grow into good, self-sufficient, intelligent people. I understand that I have not spent every single waking moment of every day with a child, but I have experience and feel qualified to speak about how I will be able to handle being a mom. 
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    >:( 7th grade student that I have 2x a day for the exact same remedial math class that has not finished the work from YESTERDAY - "I don't have a pencil, I can't do the work". Like I don't have 30 fucking pencils on my desk. Like he didn't waster 4 hours already not doing this work and only bitching about it being boring. Fucking so done today. Cannot wait for my exercise class this evening. Maybe I will stop wanting to hit fucking every one. 
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    @fromcatstokids I am with you on the people who think you're just clueless. I have gotten pity looks from people and I want to slap them!

    Now, I am admittedly coming from a place with very little experience with kids. My friends and family that have kids are either far away or have chosen other parent-friends and the friendship has changed. I can count the number of diapers I've changed on one hand. Whether you're uber experienced, like you, or not experienced at all, it doesn't matter. Kids dont come with a manual and every kid/family is different. We all have experiences that are new and hard, but that doesn't give a stranger the right to feel sorry for me or to tell me "what I'm in for". Clueless or not, I'm having this baby and I'll figure out what works for my family. I am just as qualified to be a mom as the next woman that comes along, dammit!
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    @indulgentgypsy I'd make them wear a pencil with a string tied around it on their neck LOL!! 

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    @jennm0724 What about removable wallpaper or painting the room? Then the wall won't be white. 
    I want to do cream colored walls with very light pink accents. 
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    @hakele right now the room is painted a cream color, originally when I was doing a gray crib I was painting the walls white, when I said I wanted a white crib, I was going to paint a soft pale pink. I do like the idea of the removable wallpaper. Might need to look into that! 

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    I’m surprised I made it until Wednesday before bitching. I interviewed an applicant today. She asked 2467363 questions and went way past my typical hour. Then, at the end, she informed me she couldn’t start for 6 months!! I hate when my time is wasted. 
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    Ok, mama's with older (pre-teen) kids or siblings, or who are younger than my 41 and remember those years... My boys wear literally the EXACT SAME CLOTHES to school every day. Same shirt, same pants, I think the same socks, I am not sure if they are even wearing underwear 90% of the time as I leave an hour before they do and don't see what they wear until they get home. 

    They have other clothes that fit. They have a minimum of 30 pairs of socks each hidden somewhere in their rooms. They have underwear that they chose that they tell me fits them comfortably. I am at my wits end. They don't do their laundry (they are 9 & 11 but have been taught/shown how to do it multiple times and it is one of their chores) so those clothes are taking on a life of their own. I just... WTF do I do??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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    @indulgentgypsy That's a rough phase.  I was a kid who wanted to wear the same 5 things every week, but I would wash the stuff regularly.  My mom didn't wash my clothes fast enough, so I literally went to her and asked her to show me how to do it so that my favorites would be clean.

    I also dealt with kids in HS who would wear the same thing day after day and week after week, as I'm sure you see too.  As a regular ed teacher, I was less in a position to talk with them about it than others at the school, but I did what I could.  I mostly saw change when other kids started to notice and say things.

    Starting with the major disclaimer that I have never been in a parenting role to anyone, let alone a pre-teen boy, I would suggest one of two tactics: 1.  Sit down with them and ask them WHY they feel they need to wear the exact same thing every day.  React based on what they say.  For me as a kid, it was a self esteem thing.  Not sure how that can be addressed, but knowing why is a step in the right direction.  2. While they're in the shower/sleeping/not paying attention, take their much too worn clothes and throw them in the laundry.  Maybe before you leave for work, throw them in the washer so they literally can't be worn.  This will force them to wear something else.  If you do it enough, hopefully you'll break the habit.  When the eventual fit is thrown, explain to them what you're doing and why.

    Just my two cents.  Hey, you asked for it! :D  Good luck!
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    @cindler - we are definitely having a hygeine and washing/cleaning rooms this weekend talk. Because their rooms have that pre-teen boy smell. All boys have this smell (trust me) and I am tired of it. My DH has given up - and he is the neat freak in our house, not me. 
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    @indulgentgypsy That was literally one of the reasons I was thrilled to find out LO was a girl!  I just don't get boys.  Hell, I don't even get DH most days!

    Hope the hygiene talk goes well!
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