August 2019 Moms

Weekly Questions 2/3

What questions do you have this week?


Re: Weekly Questions 2/3

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    For other STM+ out there. What's something you consider an essential part of the job description of "Mom" that you weren't expecting/no one warned you about?

    For me I think it's being a jungle gym.
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    @mrosek91 I didn’t know what to expect the first time, but going from 1 to 2 I didn’t realize how much I would have to referee/ mediate. I imagine going to three will only add to that role. 
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    How many times a day I here the word, “mom!” I think it’s 100-200 times per hour 
    BabyFruit Ticker}
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    @sourlemon exactly! Within a week of DS being born we cut back on beating ourselves up over screwing up DD. The fact they are full blood siblings being raised in the same house is mind blowing considering how different they are. 
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
    10/31/11 M/C at 9 weeks
    1/12/13 DD was born
    4/9/16 DS was born 
    9/17 CP 
    6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19 

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    Who has taken an NIPT this pregnancy, which brand, and how long have you been waiting for results to come in (or how long total until you got them).  I just took the Qnatal and am awaiting the results, with our last it took forever, about 16 days total.
    BFP 03/30/12 | EDD 12/07/12 | DS1 12/01/12
    BFP 06/25/17 | EDD 02/24/18 | DS2 02/19/18
    BFP 12/20/18 | EDD 08/26/19 

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    Oh and I'll ask this one here (since I posted in last week's thread): does or has anyone used magnesium infused lotion to assist with sleeping issues? It's been hit-or-miss whether I can fall back asleep when I get up to go to the bathroom. This morning I was up from 1:30-4:00 (and I have to get up at 5:45).
    **History in Spoiler**
    Me-35, DH-36 - TTC since 08/10
    Me - anovulatory, non-Insulin PCOS, DH - low end of "normal" sperm count
       IUI#1   - 02/15 - Cancelled due to scrubbed sperm count <1MM
       IVF#1  - 08/15 - 13x5-day blastocysts (ranging from AA-BB, most are 5 or 6), not PGS, on ice
       FET#1 - 10/15 - 1 emb - BFP (DD 07/16) (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#2 - 07/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#3 - 08/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#4 - 10/17 - 2 emb - BFN (changed to estrace + prometrium because of allergic reaction to PIO sesame oil)
    ERA Testing - 12/17 - window moved (-1 day)
       FET#5 - 03/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
    Karyotype Testing - 04/18 - Negative (we're ok)
       FET#6 - 06/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
       FET#7 - 10/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
       FET#8 - 11/18 - 2 emb - BFP; looks like one baby is going to make it, DD is due 8/16 (though likely to be 8/9)

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    Has anyone used the Blanqi maternity leggings? I’m sorry I know there was a pregnancy clothing thread but I’m specifically interested in these and don’t remember them being mentioned. Thinking of ordering a couple of pairs...
    BabyFruit Ticker}
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    I think so much of it is letting go of any expectations that you have about your kids and letting them be them. I have had a much easier job at this than my husband, but my mom was very forceful about who / what she wanted us to be like (in the eyes of other people) and I just let my kids do them. 

    Also, your kids will literally walk by your husband in the kitchen to come find you to get their milk. It is my biggest pet peeve.

    @velvetskyy I did counsyl and it took exactly a week. 
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    I'm with @Allycat11 and @sourlemon each kid is very different and needing to adapt my parenting style for each. What works for one does not necessarily work for the other... 
       also there are so many ways to be a parent. you will find what works for you and its ok if  your house is a hot mess and your not a pinterest mom... More of a PSA, but I feel like we can't hear that enough.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    @velvetskyy - my OB used Natera and I got my results in two weeks

    I’ve been drinking chamomile tea (1-2 cups a day) assuming it was safe because it’s caffeine free. Doing a quick internet search, I’m reading that some herbal teas aren’t safe/may not be safe during pregnancy, including chamomile. I plan on asking my OB during my next visit, but is anyone else avoiding chamomile or other herbal teas because their doctors advised against it? 

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    Does anyone use LabCorp's patient portal? If so do you usually get lab results sooner on there or from your doctor? Or is it typically around the same time?
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    @sw1122 I saw the same online studies. My doctor does an intake appointment where the NP walks you through everything you are supposed to avoid, and didn't say anything about tea.
    I was talking to DH, the other day and mentioned I wanted tea, but the studies say it should be avoided. His response was basically that I shouldn't worry because (1) the doctor didn't say anything (2) the FDA is paranoid, and likes to put warning on all sorts of things saying not for pregnant woman, and these don't have those warnings (we actually do have one type of tea that says ask your doctor before drinking if your pregnant).
    Disclaimer neither DH nor I are doctors, but that's his opinion, which I am following.
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    sw1122sw1122 member
    edited February 2019
    @mrosek91 - thanks for this! I found a couple of articles stating that chamomile in large quantities can be an issue. I assume the 1-3 cups is fine - I may cut back a little until my next doctor's visit (which isn't until the end of the month, but after doing some more reading, I'm not terribly concerned). 
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    Some things that surprised me after having my first:

    - Sex hurts after delivery even if you had a c-section. It's hormone related & it will get better after a while. 
    - Your heart grows so much when you have a baby. I was worried about bonding and what if I didn't love the baby as much as my DH? It somehow just happens. 
    - The little things that will trip you up. The first time I had to trim DS's nails I was so worried. He was squirmy and fragile and what if I clipped his finger? (Pro tip: trim nails while babies are asleep). How do you actually lay a sleeping baby in a crib without waking them? It just takes practice. Everything the first time is a big deal. 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    @mamak225 - I've used it for charlie horses but never for aiding in sleep.  Last pregnancy I got them weekly and it was a big help for that.  I oddly slept like a log that entire pregnancy, but I think this one is going to be different. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @peachy0709 - Same. I slept great with DD, but am having issues (already!) being comfortable enough to sleep, so I'm willing to try anything to figure it out before it becomes a REAL issue.
    **History in Spoiler**
    Me-35, DH-36 - TTC since 08/10
    Me - anovulatory, non-Insulin PCOS, DH - low end of "normal" sperm count
       IUI#1   - 02/15 - Cancelled due to scrubbed sperm count <1MM
       IVF#1  - 08/15 - 13x5-day blastocysts (ranging from AA-BB, most are 5 or 6), not PGS, on ice
       FET#1 - 10/15 - 1 emb - BFP (DD 07/16) (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#2 - 07/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#3 - 08/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#4 - 10/17 - 2 emb - BFN (changed to estrace + prometrium because of allergic reaction to PIO sesame oil)
    ERA Testing - 12/17 - window moved (-1 day)
       FET#5 - 03/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
    Karyotype Testing - 04/18 - Negative (we're ok)
       FET#6 - 06/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
       FET#7 - 10/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
       FET#8 - 11/18 - 2 emb - BFP; looks like one baby is going to make it, DD is due 8/16 (though likely to be 8/9)

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    Who actually heats up their lunch meat? I’m going to guess the percentage goes down the more kids you have. I just keep forgetting.
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Regarding the question on becoming a mom- never realized I’d never be able to go to the bathroom alone ever again unless I was at work. 
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I had an absolutely delicious corned beef sandwich the other day, and DH tried to guilt me about lunch meat. I eat sandwiches only like 3-4 times a year, so I'm not concerned ... also I picked up lunch for you while you were at the gym and, secondly, get out of my esophagus, dude.
    **History in Spoiler**
    Me-35, DH-36 - TTC since 08/10
    Me - anovulatory, non-Insulin PCOS, DH - low end of "normal" sperm count
       IUI#1   - 02/15 - Cancelled due to scrubbed sperm count <1MM
       IVF#1  - 08/15 - 13x5-day blastocysts (ranging from AA-BB, most are 5 or 6), not PGS, on ice
       FET#1 - 10/15 - 1 emb - BFP (DD 07/16) (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#2 - 07/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#3 - 08/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
       FET#4 - 10/17 - 2 emb - BFN (changed to estrace + prometrium because of allergic reaction to PIO sesame oil)
    ERA Testing - 12/17 - window moved (-1 day)
       FET#5 - 03/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
    Karyotype Testing - 04/18 - Negative (we're ok)
       FET#6 - 06/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
       FET#7 - 10/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
       FET#8 - 11/18 - 2 emb - BFP; looks like one baby is going to make it, DD is due 8/16 (though likely to be 8/9)

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    @baby3ob I've tried to avoid lunch meat, but when I have had it, its been from places that I know freshly slice the meat. I've heard that the "juice" is where most bacteria is found, so you want to avoid your sliced meat sitting around for long periods of time.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I was told that as long as it's from a reputable place and not sitting at room temperature for a long time, you should be fine. I did accidentally eat a turkey sandwich at a work conference, which was maybe sitting out for a bit too long, because I forgot I was pregnant for a second. It tasted delicious though.
    Me 31  <3  DH 34
    TTC #1 5/13 BFP #3 5/2/14 DD born 1/19/15
    NTNP #2 8/17 BFP 12/13/18 ED 8/21/19
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Round ligament pain—-what did feel like and where was it for you?

    I think I’m still too early but this morning I was laying sideways on the couch petting Bella. I stood up and there was a sharp feeling in my stomach – – a cross between a stabbing feeling and like a Charlie horse feeling. It was strong enough that I had to sit back down and kind of cringe for a while. Then throughout the day it’s been kind of aching. Almost like how if you have a Charlie horse in your leg, it hurts for a while. Is that a round ligament pain or is it something else? 
    I’ve been reading that round ligament pain is lower in the abdomen but mine was to the right side of my belly button about halfway between my belly button and hip. So I’m freaking out that it’s something else 
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    @purplg8r it could sure be round ligament pain. When I get it and that can be as early as 7-8 weeks, it sure makes me stop for a second. I tend to feel it maybe a little lower than you described but that doesn't mean that its not the same thing. When I get it it tends to go a way after a few seconds, but you could have also had some muscle cramping which is why it is still sore. I would say if it still hurts in the same place tomorrow then maybe message your doc just to be safe. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    @baby3ob I am on baby #3 and have literally never heated lunch meat during any pregnancy. 

    @purplg8r definitely sounds like round ligament pain to me. I have been having it for a couple weeks already. i think it started fairly early with my other 2 as well. 
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
    10/31/11 M/C at 9 weeks
    1/12/13 DD was born
    4/9/16 DS was born 
    9/17 CP 
    6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19 

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    I heated lunch meat for my first pregnancy but not the last one or this one. It just isn't as yummy.
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

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    @wabash15 @Allycat11 thanks ladies.  That hurt!

    @baby3ob thank goodness for Firehouse Subs!!
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    What all are you doing to fight nausea and morning sickness? I feel nauseous almost all the time and seems like almost ALL smells get to me. I work at an elementary school so there’s weird smells all the time. Also, I can hardly stand to be in my kitchen or cook in my kitchen. Hoping being super sensitive to smells ends soon! Any tips or things that work for you all, would be much appreciated. Thank you! :)

    *Side Note*
    I do carry peppermint essential oil and smelling that does help ease my stomach. I am also pregnant with twins. 
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    @hg003 Frequently eating small amounts of things that sound appealing (mainly carbs, in my case!), and eating something substantial before bed helped me a bit. SeaBands seemed to help a little too. I was trying to “tough it out” but I finally started taking Unisom and Vitamin B6 at night and it was really what changed the nausea from debilitating to manageable for me. I would definitely recommend giving it a try! 

    PS - I’m pregnant with twins too! 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    hg003hg003 member
    edited February 2019
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    Does anyone have a will or planning on getting a will? I wanted to when I got pregnant with DD but never ended up doing one. Now that we're expecting again, I'm thinking about it again and DH seems to be swaying more towards 'doesn't think it's necessary' but wanted to see who all has done one.

    Me: 31  DH:35
    Started TTC in June 2014
    Started seeing RE in June 2015
    HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
    Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
    BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
    DD#1 born on 7/1/16

    TTC #2 in September 2018
    BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
    Team Green!
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    @MollyH1987 we do not yet have a will which is a bit of a sore point. I think it's partly how you grew up. My parents have one, and have had it my whole life. My in-laws do not have one.
    I keep telling DH we need one, and he doesn't understand it. I finally got him to agree to have one made, but every time I try to get him to schedule something with a lawyer he says now doesn't work we'll do it soon.
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    @MollyH1987 We absolutely have a will, and part of that is because the state we live in has some really outdated laws/rules of how your estate is broken up if there is not a will.  We had a friend do it pro bono for us.  You don't have to have the second child specifically named, they can write "Child 2 and any subsequent children" kind of deal. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @MollyH1987 we got wills, living wills/advance directives, power of attorney (medical) stuff all done when DS was born. I have issues with my family and I wanted to make sure if anything happened, there'd be no question of who would take care of my child. We meant to have the POA and advance directive stuff done prior to his birth but...stuff happens.

    We had the benefit of legal from DH's job handle it so it was easy, but I would 100% make the time and money for it in any other case. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Thanks everyone. I'm not sure what sort of "default" laws they have in Texas if there is no will but I think I definitely would rather have in writing what our wishes would be if something happened.

    Me: 31  DH:35
    Started TTC in June 2014
    Started seeing RE in June 2015
    HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
    Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
    BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
    DD#1 born on 7/1/16

    TTC #2 in September 2018
    BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
    Team Green!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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