April 2019 Moms

STM+ Check In w/o 1/23

How far along are you? How big is baby? 

How many kids do you already have? 

How are your other kids doing this week? 

Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 

GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot?

Re: STM+ Check In w/o 1/23

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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks, baby is the size of a pineapple. 

    How many kids do you already have? I have 3 dd’s. 7, 4, and 2 1/2. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Middle DD has some sort of stomach bug. Fun times. Keeping my fingers crossed no one else gets it. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Nothing new. I’m just soooo tired! I literally feel like I have no energy to do anything. 

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? We make it a point to watch a TV show together every night after the kids are in bed. We always value the importance of date and usually go out at least every other week even if it’s just dinner. 
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    edited January 2019
    How far along are you? How big is baby? 27+4

     How many kids do you already have? DS, 18m

     How are your other kids doing this week? Teething molars. Enough said.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I think I mentally blocked discharge from DS1. I can never feel clean enough.

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? Honestly...we don't until DS is in bed for the night or weekends when he naps.  We aim for a date night 1x a month.
    ME: 34 | DH: 36
    Married: 6/2016
    BFP: 11/22/2016 | EDD: 7/29/2017

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    How far along are you? How big is baby?  28+3 or something like that. They're eggplant/rollerblade sized.

    How many kids do you already have? 1 DS - he'll be four in the next couple weeks!

    How are your other kids doing this week? Sickly. I'm actually just waiting for the call from DC that I need to get him. BUT! He got moved up to the next class in DC  which is exciting. I think he misses his old friends, but he's with his cousin now, and the teachers told us they were attached at the hip yesterday. When I asked him how his first day was he said "Mom, I didn't have a lot of fun. I just had a little fun." He's so funny. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I know that nighttime bedwetting is a developmental thing but UGH I wish it would go away. He'll have weeks where he's fine then boom. Happens two nights in a row. 

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? Well, with just one kid we did date nights monthly where my parents would take DS overnight, but I don't know how common that'll be with three. His work schedule changed so he's on call less so we could go out to dinner at least once a week maybe eventually, but this pregnancy just has me dead. We hang out each night after bedtime (usually just laying on the couch snacking, chatting, and watching TV) but Thursdays are our dedicated stay up and actually watch something night. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    27+6 bunch of bananas/camping lantern/fennec fox

     How many kids do you already have? DD-4

     How are your other kids doing this week?
    Not one of our better weeks. She’s gotten her toys taken away a couple times for not listening and seems to be super whiny. 

    I think DH has decided to go back to school come summer, which is going to be difficult but super awesome for him. Now I just have to figure out how to financially make it work. 

    As of this morning bending over is almost a no go. 

    Anybody know how long a growth ultrasound takes? DH wants to go and I’m trying to figure out the scheduling. 

     GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot?

    Up until recently we would go out driving in the evenings a lot. It would allow us to talk since DD usually was fairly quiet or fell asleep. We spent two or so years living with family and sex was a far off concept during that time. It was rough but we got good at  reassuring one another of how we felt and dealing with it. So now (pre pregnancy) if we get time for sex great and we usually try to really make time but we also understand that life has demands and that doesn’t diminish our attraction or desire for one another but our ability to currently facilitate it. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 26.5... lettuce? 

    How many kids do you already have? 1DD 2yo

    How are your other kids doing this week? perfect. **Knocks on wood** She has been sleeping great and 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? hospital tour next tuesday, growth ultraound next thursday and then my 28 week appt the week after that. Here comes all the appointments! 

    Nursery is like 80% done, washed the clothes we had (up to 3 months) started going through bottles and such and making lists. 

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? Well we don't really get the chance to go out since we don't have a good babysitter. but we do carpool to work so we get a chance to talk. Once a week we watch TV and we have been doing game night once a week too. 

    We both work on our own hobbies so usually the only 2 free hours a day we get go to that (except tv and game night days) 
    Me: 32 DH: 31
    TTC #2 since January 2018
    Baby #1 DD  Born 8/25/2016
    BFP: 8/11/18 Due: 4/26/18


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    @thatbaintforbetty growth scans are like 20-25 min, plus extra while you wait to go in and extra if the doc comes in to look for themselves. Most of my growth scan appts take a little over an hour in total.
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    @lyse01 thank you! 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @kyashley1227, right there with you on the exhaustion front.  I have to force myself to do anything most days.

    @squirttheturtle, I definitely don't remember this amount of discharge with DS1 either.  I'm just pinning it down to everything being more obnoxious the second time around.

    @MRDCle, do you do training pullups or underwear at night time at all?  I know our son had issues with nighttime bedwetting for awhile also, and we would put those "training underwear," things on at night.  They're extra thick to absorb accidents, and we also used a mattress protector.  I think after awhile he got sick of feeling cold and wet and figured out to just get up and go to the potty if he needed to.

    @thatbaintforbetty, is a growth ultrasound the same as an anatomy scan or something different?  My OB hasn't mentioned anything about a growth ultrasound yet... hm, something to ask next week I guess!

    @kosmo86, sometimes when we're driving places it's the only time we get to talk, haha.  Glad you have that carpool time to connect!

    How far along are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks, pineapple.

    How many kids do you already have? One 4yo DS.

    How are your other kids doing this week? He's doing pretty well, I'm trying to start an actual "morning time," homeschool routine so I hopefully can stick with it through newborn months.  He wanted to do more schoolwork than I had energy for this morning, haha, so hopefully that enthusiasm sticks.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? When is a growth ultrasound normally scheduled, or is that generally only for high-risk/AMA pregnancies?  Just wondering if I've missed something that I should be scheduling, haha.

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot?
    We usually watch a show after DS goes to bed most nights, or we play board games and work out together on our days off.  A lot of our together time includes DS (nerf battles, taking him sledding, etc.) and I know DH is worried about how a newborn will change that dynamic (I mean, I am too :lol:).
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 28w1d, eggplant

    How many kids do you already have? 6 yo DD, 3 yo DS

    How are your other kids doing this week? DS has started to tell us when he needs to go to the bathroom. Although he has been in pull ups for over a year we haven't really been focused on potty training. Out of the blue he asked to sit on the potty and actually went! We are planning on getting more consistent and focused when I start maternity leave in 7 weeks. We have too much damned carpet to just switch him over the underwear cold turkey (like we did with DD). We will really need to be on top of it and making sure that he is trying regularly. He is so excited to start preschool in the fall, but he knows that he has to be potty trained before he can go. Every time he uses the potty he beams that now he can go to preschool. Almost there buddy.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? We finally got a minivan!!! Yay! Even better we traded in our 15 year old subcompact. Now I get my nice car back and don't have to cram myself into that little car any more (it was getting harder and harder as I got bigger and bigger). I was so excited to have my heated seats again since the dash read an outside temp of 1 degree this morning.

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? Tablets. But seriously. Their allocated screen time is like the only 2 hours a day when they aren't all up in our business, or bickering, or destroying the house. We have the kids Amazon Fire tablets with a set time limit and age appropriate filters and we have already made good use of the no questions asked warranty to replace one with a cracked screen. DH and I are both introverts so we usually use the time doing our own relaxing activity, but usually in the same room. *introvert love*
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @kangstadt I don’t think it’s normal in a low risk pregnancy. I have GD plus possible IUGR. It’s fairly common with GD and I believe certain other high risk factors. 

    I don’t remember having one till much closer to the end last time and DH always went to appts since I was out of work by then. They also was no mention of IUGR last time. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @kangstadt we don't. The thing is he a majority of the time he knows and will get up to go pee, but the some nights he just sleeps too hard. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    eli_belleeli_belle member
    edited January 2019
    @thatbaintforbetty I start growth ultrasounds in March, mine are scheduled 30 minutes before my regular appointment. If I remember correctly from last pregnancy they make a lot of measurements (abdomen size, arm/leg length, head size) and try to calculate amniotic fluid levels. Less time intensive than the anatomy scan but longer than a peek and check ultrasound.

    ETA: I don't have GD but both of my babies were >9lbs at birth and doc wants to monitor their growth more closely near the end. May end up inducing around 39 weeks if this one starts to look on the bigger side.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @eli_belle that’s what I would have guessed. Thank you! 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks, 2 days. winter squash.

    How many kids do you already have? 1 boy, 4yo

    How are your other kids doing this week? I think he's doing pretty well. although we have had issues w/ his daycare teacher ever since we moved him there last summer (we LOVED his first daycare and it broke my heart to pull him out of it, but he was coming home w/ weird bruises and questionable explanations). his teacher says she needs to start writing behavior reports, and I'm at the point now, where I'm like, "you do what you gotta do, and I'm gonna do what I do." b/c we've made changes at home (no tv after dinner), and we don't see the behaviors that she reports to us. I hope she racks up enough behavior reports that we have to come in for a conference so I can ask her, "here's what we've changed at home- what have YOU changed?" b/c I'm pretty sure she takes the same approach w/ every kid. I've seen her in action. she runs the place like a fucking prison. anyway, I'm thinking his behavior at daycare is attributed to him just getting older. all of his previous teachers have said, "yeah, he's getting this or that, but we see that w/ all the kids when they become the older ones in class." I can't wait to pull him out of daycare. I hate where he's at.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? is it annoying that I switch between checking into the STM thread and the week 2 thread?  :D

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? HA! great question. I have read everyone's responses in hopes of getting some ideas. we co-sleep so it's especially tough for us. I don't think it's affected our marriage negatively, though. we talk all the time. we also work for the same company, so we will sometimes get lunch together. we chat on the company IM all day long. dates are tough. far and few in between. we have a great sitter, but I don't use her often. and now w/ no. 2 on the way, I don't think I'll hire her to watch little one until at least after his first birthday.
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    @kangstadt - I don't think growth ultrasounds are common. I had possible IUGR last pregnancy but never had a scan until 37 weeks (after the normal 20 week one) 

    This time we had some possible complications in the beginning plus the baby is measuring small so they want to keep an eye on her. This next one will actually be my sixth or seventh this pregnancy! 
    Me: 32 DH: 31
    TTC #2 since January 2018
    Baby #1 DD  Born 8/25/2016
    BFP: 8/11/18 Due: 4/26/18


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    booksandlacebooksandlace member
    edited January 2019
    How far along are you? How big is baby? 27+6

    How many kids do you already have? DD age 4

    How are your other kids doing this week? Pretty well, she's been hyped lately about being my "big helper" but she also wants to literally act like a baby for a large amount of time which is annoying

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Even though I've been pregnant before I feel like i haven't been because this pregnancy has been so different. It's annoying that I don't know what to expect

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot?
    Honestly, we prioritize sex, it's always been out best way of connecting. I make sure kiddo gets to bed on time so we can have OUR time. We also usually get away 1-2x per year just the 2 of us for a few days
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     How far along are you? How big is baby?
    28+2, an echidna!

    How many kids do you already have? 
    DD, 6

    How are your other kids doing this week?
    She's doing well for the most part. Some adjusting to not having her cousins around, which isn't always pleasant, but overall it's good.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 
    3rd trimester, woo! But also 3rd trimester, ugh.

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? 
    We have bi-weekly date nights for now. We also try to make time to play games together & just hang out after bed.

    BabyFetus Ticker image
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 26+5, a bunch of kale, roughly 2lbs

    How many kids do you already have? DD, 21mos

    How are your other kids doing this week?
    Pretty well. Her canines seem to be done hurting her, though they’re not all the way in yet. She just went with my in laws to stay for five days because DH and I are going on our babymoon tomorrow and it’ll be the longest I’ve been without her ever. I’m not gonna lie, she’s probably going to have a great time but I am not handling it well already. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 
    Rave: DD started patting my belly and saying “baby tummy!” which is adorable. She doesn’t really get it, but it’s cute. Rant: the dog I think senses upcoming changes. Especially since we’ve been moving furniture. She’s been acting up just a little by digging in the trash. She’s done this once before though; she’ll be fine. 

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? I’m not gonna lie, we’ve not been in a good spot for quite awhile. But we’ve had some good talks lately, and I hope the babymoon helps us out. We probably won’t get to get frisky much on the trip though. Which is a bummer. When prego with DD I was a beast. Haha. With this kid not only could I not care less, but it’s been really painful. Boo. 
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    30+1, zucchini (but a 15” one which is massive for my standard grocery store zucchini)

    How many kids do you already have? 
    DD is 1.5

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    The sweetest thing except when a domestic terrorist. In the past two weeks, she has learned to unlock doors, served herself from the freezer and the grocery bags, broken a spice bottle cap and poured another spice out, climbed repeatedly onto the dining room table, and tried to microwave a fork. She also ditched bed tonight to climb onto the couch with me and fall asleep there, and has almost mastered putting on her Velcro sneakers. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 
    It’s weird to me that I have to take a cushion off the back of the couch for there to me space for my belly AND DD. Also, DD’s speech is lagging and I’m frustrated by it (and having to play 20 questions when she’s upset or wants something), but at the same time her two closest peers/friends also have speech delays so I wonder just how average the stated average is. 

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot?
    We are all at home all day every day (mostly) and yet still struggle to carve out no-phone, no-computer, no-kid time that is focused just on us. Watching shows together is usually good. Date night doesn’t happen.
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    @lyse01 people keep telling me kids focus on one area of develeopment at a time. It sounds like your DD is pretty adventurous with her surroundings and has good motor skills. Mine is 21 months and is a really good talker but hasn’t tried anything with the freezer or microwave or anything. And wants me help putting on her shoes. Haha. I’m sure your dd’s doing great, though I’m sure the lack of communication can be frustrating for you both. 
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 29+ weeks, size of a gallon of milk

    How many kids do you already have? 1DD who is 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? Good this week, she's been having less tantrums but yet still enough to make us groan and blame the terrible twos. Overall it's been a decent week though.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? So tired and overwhelmed when I get home at night, I feel like I can't get anything done because there is too much to do if that makes sense. Pregnancy is making it worse.

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? We try to have a date night at least once a month but it gets difficult. We did go out for dinner and a movie last Saturday which was amazing. If we really want 20-30 minutes for some intimate time and DD isn't in bed, it's easy enough to turn on Doc McStuffins and that keeps her occupied just long enough. Probably won't be able to do that forever but it works for now, especially since there are weeks we work completely opposite shifts.

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    @HGRich yeah - some of her developmental areas are waaaay ahead (like, this morning she spilled milk and grabbed a microfiber cloth off the counter to clean it up without my even knowing it happened, and yesterday she carried a bunch of dishes to the sink and tried to sweep up some onion skins on the kitchen floor) but I’m ready for the language to catch up! 

    Have fun on the babymoon moon and I hope you don’t miss DD too much!

    @batmama31 I wouldn’t notice the switching even if I were in the same week as you - people are busy and these get repetitive. It’s why when I start them, I try to space them out and/or ask gtkys that focus on existing parenting issues :)
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    How far along are you? How big is baby? 27+5 - length of a toilet brush

    How many kids do you already have? DD - 2.5

    How are your other kids doing this week? She's doing good, she's been eating really well so I wonder if she is going to go through a growth spurt. Which makes me nervous because she just transitioned to 3t clothes in the fall and I don't have much in the way of 4t clothes yet! I will go to a consignment sale at the end of February and stock up on summer items for both 3t and 4t, just in case! 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Pregnancy with a tiny human running around is HARD. I want to go back and punch no kid me in the face for thinking pregnancy without a kid was hard! I'm nervous about our level 2 ultrasound next week, I'm hoping my placenta has moved enough that we are in the clear. This is about the time when DD started having her heart issues so I'm just praying everything goes well. And I can be taken off pelvic rest.

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot? When DH isn't working on our basement (which is almost done), we usually watch TV and talk after DD goes to bed. He calls me every day when we are both on our way home so we can talk about our days without being interrupted. We do a good job of just spending time together as a family every night. We need to be better about date nights, but we usually like DD to go to my mom's overnight and she hasn't been sleeping well there so we may have to scale back and do dinner and just come home. DD just tends to sleep better in her own bed. 
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    OK @mrstmoose seriously how many things do we have in common? DH and I talk each day when I drive home from work and someone the other day asked me why and kind of implied it was weird? But we don't talk during the day (he does HVAC work and can't be texting) and our time at home until bedtime isn't exactly relaxing catch up time.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @lyse01 domestic terrorist made me laugh.  BIL calls his kids and his cats terrorists.
    @mrstmoose these size comparisons make no sense to me.  My toilet brush handle would not fit in my body.  Do I have a really long one??

    How far along are you? How big is baby?   29 and some weeks.  A gallon of milk or a head of cauliflower or a guinea pig - all of which are different sizes to me...?

    How many kids do you already have?   Twins girls - almost 4 years old!

    How are your other kids doing this week?   Doing great.  Bed time has been a bit challenging this week.  They share a room and this week I've had to go up and tell them to settle and go to sleep way more often than usual.  I few times I've caught them turning their lamps on.  I really don't think at this age they need a nap every day and that's probably what is making bedtime more difficult but the dayhome lady insists "everyone, including her, needs down time in the afternoons"...

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?  

    GTKY: how do you maintain a connection with your SO when there are kids constantly underfoot?  This is a tough one and something H has told me I need to make more of a priority.  We have a couple shows that we like to watch together but even that ends up being us sitting on different couches and usually looking at our phones anyways.  It's tough.
    Me: 31
    H: 36
    L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
    BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @mermaidca @kangstadt I give all credit for the phrase to DH. He’s full of them.
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    @mermaidca I’m assuming if he stretched out, he’d be around that size. 
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