May 2019 Moms

UO Thursday 12/13


Re: UO Thursday 12/13

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    @eatinwatermelonseeds. As a rule I ask people not to gift me clothes.  I have a really difficult to shop for body type so it never ends well.  If someone is really dead set on buying me a clothing item I normally suggest that we go out shopping together so that I can try on some different options and we can both pick something out together.

    @fatmonica yeah I see what you mean, especially in scenarios where there’s a set price everyone is spending as well.  I’ve actually started asking a lot of people to just forgo gift giving all together and instead save that money and go do something fun together because most of the time I value meaningful time spent with someone over things.
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    @fatmonica I get what you mean. With lists, I try to put things on that I would like but wouldn't buy myself so it feels like less of someone else doing my shopping. My friends and I do a little exchange every year with a $20 limit and floor that there is no list and it's fun to see what people come up with. For something like my birthday though, I'd rather people buy off a list or at least use it as a jumping point. If they come up with something cool on their own then that's awesome and exciting and has happened before, it's just the crap I hate. One of my friends would get really cheap souvenirs from trips and make those our gifts and then ask why I hadn't displayed it in my home. I absolutely can't stand that, don't give me decor.

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    @eatinwatermelonseeds same!!! I was so obsessed with my cat before DS and then after he was born I was like ew never touch me again. The feeling went away slowly when I stopped nursing and now I love him again but not at the same level as before DS. I'm expecting to push him away when this baby is born too.

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    @kbeers13 My husband and I were pretty laid back about it. He came to the birthing class with me but wasn’t sure if he wanted to be in the room during the delivery. He said if he was he was gonna be at my head and not look, etc etc.  I made a plan to have my mom be my “person” because I know she’s great under pressure and we’re so close. My husband actually ended up staying and holding my leg and watching the whole thing from the front row.  I think beforehand he thought he’d just walk out when the gory part happened but in the moment he was like, “holy shit, im not missing this!”  
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    @kbeers13 I'm also on team H in the room.  He has a lot of time to prepare and find a way to make himself less bitchy about the whole thing, and honestly, you are the one doing all the work.  This is one area where I feel like men can muster up the self-control to at very least keep their mouths shut even if they aren't thrilled about doing it.  DH wasn't overly excited about being in the delivery room either.  I knew it wasn't his thing, but I didn't offer the option not to be there and he didn't dare ask.  I don't think he would tell anyone now that he wished he hadn't been in there.  He still wasn't super involved, but he did hold my leg when I was pushing with DD1.  For nearly 2 hours.  But other than that, I wasn't the type of labouring mother who required a lot of support.  I found the positions that worked well for me to manage the contractions, and ended up standing in the shower most of the time.  He just slept in a chair or played on his phone.  With DD2 the only thing he had to do was lift me onto the bed when it was time to push.  I delivered her on my knees, so no leg holding needed.

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    @eatinwatermelonseeds how scary about your son!! Rehoming was your only choice. My dogs were definitely my babies before DD was born. They were 7 and 6 years old when she was born so they’d been part of our lives for a long time. But all their crimes have felt totally magnified since she was born. They dig up the yard, break the sprinklers, the little one eats poop and occasionally brings a turd INTO OUR HOUSE when they’re called back inside, the little one pees in the big one’s bed when she’s mad about something, they’ve both been having disgusting health issues that required constant clean up of gross bodily wastes and vet visits. I’m just at the end of my rope with them. They’re 9.5 and 8 now, and I don’t think anyone would want them if I tried to rehome them, so I’m just stuck. At least DD enjoys them. Her first word was dog and her first laughs were for them. DH thinks that makes them worth it, but he’s not the one cleaning up dog shit and vomit! 
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    @poshspice I get it. My cats scratched up all of our furniture, pissed outside their litter box if they were mad about something, legit scratched the paint off the freaking walls. I just lost the patience for them after DS was born. It's hard. The love for them don't go away, but when you have a baby, your attention has to be there 100% and you're already so stressed, tired, touched out, that having to pick up messes after an animal is just really difficult. 
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds i have to agree with you. My last puppy was house trained withing two weeks but: ate THROUGH two legs of my wooden dining table as well as all 6 chairs, made a tunnel through my lazy boy, and last but not least set my kitchen on fire and burned half my kitchen to the studs- 3 days before i was supposed to make thanksgiving dinner for DHs whole family... needless to say i am on a break from dogs and  now have two kittens.
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    @justharrison omfg that's insane! Yeah, puppies are the freaking worst. I'll cuddle one all day long, but I better be sending it back with its owner. 
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    My UO is that i dont care if DH is in the delivery room or not. I gave him the option and he said he felt like he is supposed to be in the room. I told him his is free to change his mind with no hard feelings on my part. My sister is coming up and staying with me until a month after i give birth. I was there for all her deliveries so i am so excited she is coming for mine. She is like a second mom to me so I feel like if i have her than i will be okay if dh would rather not be in there. 
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