May 2019 Moms

Group 4 Check In W/O 11/19

This thread is for those due May 22-31

Due date/W+D: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Any appointments? Questions?:


How are you feeling?: 

GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe?

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Re: Group 4 Check In W/O 11/19

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    Due date/W+D: May 26, 13w2d

    Baby is the size of a(n): matchbox car

    Any appointments? Questions?: next appointment is December 17th.

    Rants/Raves?: none

    How are you feeling?: Tired, getting sick and irritated that I can't take cold meds.

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe?

    Mac n cheese is my favorite 🙌😍
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Yes! Give me all the carbs! Mac n cheese and any sort of potato! That's like half of my plate.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Due date/W+D: May 24, 13w4d

    Baby is the size of a(n): lemon 

    Any appointments? Questions?: I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check on my sub chorionic hematoma. Still having some spotting that I wish would go away.

    Rants/Raves?: so thankful for this short week. I need some mental health time to unwind

    How are you feeling?: not much nausea anymore which is excellent but it’s been replaced by headaches

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe? Give me mashed potatoes or give me death
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    Due date/W+D: May 22 | 14 weeks today!

    Baby is the size of a(n):  Peach

    Any appointments? Questions?: Appointment next week, looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again. We opted not to do genetic testing, but I am really wishing we knew the gender now!

    Rants/Raves?: Thanksgiving is always a stressful time. I hosted immediate family (25 people) on Sunday. We have 2 more Thanksgivings tomorrow and a lot of driving. Looking forward to doing some registry research in the car and a little shopping on Friday though!

    How are you feeling?: Overall really good. A bit of nausea and some aches/pains in the mornings. I think I am going to get a body pillow or something because I wake up in the weirdest positions.

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe? My favorite dish to make and eat is macaroni and cheese! I was way to busy with all my prep to enjoy it this past weekend, but am looking forward to some tomorrow.
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    @cwell2016 are you going to get an early scan somewhere to find out or wait until you anatomy scan? 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Due date/W+D: May 22/14 weeks

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Any appointments? Questions?: I have an appointment next week.

    Rants/Raves?: After a whole week of stress and a few very cold days with no heat, we got a new boiler in the house we rent, so it's nice and warm!

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good since I quit drinking coffee. I think it was making my bladder miserable.

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe?     Stuffing and the desserts. I like to make pumpkin cheesecake.
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    Due date/W+D: May 27th; 13w2d

    Baby is the size of a(n): lemon

    Any appointments? Questions?: appointment 11/28 with my doctor, and I need to call to make an ultrasound appointment because they were supposed to call by yesterday to set one up.

    Rants/Raves?: no rants; I’m excited for Thanksgiving, and that I get an ultrasound appointment soon because I thought I wasn’t going to get another one until the anatomy scan.

    How are you feeling?: nauseous, tired, head hurts, and everything smells horrible, but other that that pretty good lol.

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  I love putting turkey and macaroni and cheese on a roll. It is sooo good to me.
    New mommy to be!
    EDD: 05/27/19
    hoping for a girl!!!
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    Due date/W+D: May 28.  13w1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): lemon

    Any appointments? Questions?: I've had a whole host of appts (Dr, ultrasound, lab work, Dr again) the last few days.  Switched my primary care from one province to another and started fresh with a new set of "necessary" tests and whatnot.   

    Rants/Raves?: I'm less than enthused with the small-town operation they seem to have going on here.  I delivered my last two babies in a small, rural town as well but always felt like everyone knew what was going on. Aside from my ultrasound tech who seemed very skilled, I've not been overly impressed with the nurses and doctor (that I've seen) here.  They are treating me like I'm the idiot, but they themselves seem very unsure about everything.  The nurse at my appt yesterday recorded my blood pressure completely wrong.  I had looked at the monitor when it was finished and knew it read 128/80.  She marked down 165/85 so the first thing the Dr. says once she starts looking through the chart is that my blood pressure was a little high.  I questioned her, she elaborated and I argued that I was sure it was incorrect.  I don't want to be "that" patient, but these new-style monitors are super easy to read and I know what I saw.  I don't want to be labeled high right off the get go.  So she checked it herself and sure enough, I was right.  Then we move on to the ultrasound, which I mentioned in Bitchfest.  She was going to move my due date to May 21 based on an ultrasound done at 12w6d, despite me being sure of LMP and when we had done the deed.  She kept saying "so you think your memory is more accurate than an ultrasound?"  I'm like, well, yeah.  I have heard from many people that doctors have told them dating by ultrasound is less reliable at this stage and that DH and I were seriously in different provinces for almost the entire time we would have had to have been having sex to make that date work.  I re-downloaded the app I was using to track my periods (thank goodness my history still reloaded) and I had recorded in there when we had sex.  It took a lot of back and forth but she finally agreed to keep my date at the original May 28.  I don't know, I'm going to ask around a bit now that I'm officially "out" and see if some of my local friends have any advice or experience with the L&D doctors and nurses here.  One of my girlfriends is a nurse here, but she's been out on Mat Leave since they reopened L&D, so I don't know how much insight she'll have for me.  

    How are you feeling?: @imrachellea I started throwing up for the first time this past weekend too.  I was sick the same time every day since last Wednesday night, but it seems to have passed now.  So just one last escalation in first tri nausea to send me off into second tri I guess?  

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe? Like @Jess4us, Canadian so our thanksgiving is long over.  But my favourite dish is probably stuffing, or the cauliflower mushroom casserole my mom always makes... I was actually planning to make that casserole this week to have with roast beef since I've been craving it for weeks!
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    @mcewen3 I'm sorry youve been having a rough go with your doctors office. Are you still in alberta? If so let me know. I have some really good recommendations including my own OB! She delivered DS and she was fantastic. I'm going back to see her this time as well. 

    Due date/W+D: May 23 (13 weeks 6 days) They changed my due date at my ultrasound last week.

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lemon

    Any appointments? Questions?: None this week

    Rants/Raves?: It's DS's first birthday today and I'm having all the emotions about it 😭

    How are you feeling?: Still having nausea and lots of aversions. I've been losing weight so I'm trying my hardest to eat what I can. Also some intermittent RLP.

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe? I'm in Canads but my favourite Thanksgiving dish is definitely a tie between sweet potato casserole and stuffing! 
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    @ibanezstarburst unfortunately not.  I had an awesome midwife in the Edmonton area, but we knew that if the overseas position for DH didn't pan out then we would be settling in Saskatchewan where he has been working for some time.  So we're in a pretty small, rural community about 2hrs south of Lloyd.  Not my preferred location, but it is DH's hometown.  We have lots of good friends here and the community is nice but the healthcare system is leaving a lot to be desired.  We used to live in Edson, and I really expected the two towns to be very comparable, but it doesn't really seem like they are in this respect.  I'm going to do a little digging and asking around.  I know when they were too short staffed to offer maternal care most of the women were going to either North Battleford, Saskatoon or Swift Current.  Most of my friends delivered in Swift and we have family there too so its the most convenient of the 3 options.  If I can't become satisfied with everything here I'll probably switch to Swift a little closer to the spring, mostly so I don't have to do too much driving for appointments through the winter ;)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers   Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    @mcewen3 that sounds like a good plan! If you dont get a good vibe from them now then its definitely best to check out your other options! 

    Also I'm sad to hear you moved away from my area! 
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    @ibanezstarburst I'm sad too :(  We'll be back lots since almost all my family is in the city, but won't move back probably for a few years.  This move isn't supposed to be permanent, just a few years, and I hope that the next place is back in Alberta but I guess we won't know that for a little while.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers   Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    @missy052819 I have an appt next week, so we may ask about an elective one early, but I don't know if I'd want to pay out of pocket for one. I haven't looked into boutique places at all, but one of the nurses at my office said it's not a great idea because they wouldn't find any abnormalities or anything and to just wait for the anatomy scan. 
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    Due date/W+D: 6/1 but I'm using 5/30 (similar to @mcewen3, going off of my tracking  but I guess it doesn't really matter in the long run since baby will come when they're ready). Based on 5/30 date  13w+1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): lemon

    Any appointments? Questions?: not for a bit, but we're waiting for the results of the NIPT test this week.

    Rants/Raves?: not really any. Still pissed that MIL started telling people after we asked her not to. And the chunk bump gropeing, too.

    How are you feeling?: getting much better  Nausea and puking in first tri sucked and was constant. Now most nausea is under control for the most part,and only puking triggered by flossing my wisdom teeth.

    GTKY:  For those celebrating Thanksgiving, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?  If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your go-to dinner recipe? Since meeting my DH, definitely Tourtiere (pork/meat pie).and mashed potatoes for sure .

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