February 2019 Moms

November Appointments


Re: November Appointments

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    Yeah development is a lot more precise those first weeks. Right now it’s just genetics and such making them measure bigger. Bigger doesn’t make lungs ready for outside breathing faster or anything like that. Some just bake big ol babies. 
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    @madreofdragons that makes total sense! Thanks for the info! 
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    So jelly over here. I want to be able to schedule the rest of my stuff!! But noooo. Did the GT today and waiting on results. Not super concerned. And also, I am starting to freak out. At no appointment have they actually measured my uterus. The only appt that measured anything was the AS where they found the cord issue. The only thing that has been check at every appointment this entire pregnancy was his heart rate, my weight amd blood pressure. 
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    @hnbergeron don’t freak out! Another girl I know says they don’t do that at her OB. Personally I thinks it’s super inaccurate anyway. It’s like what @madreofdragons said, all genetics anyway! (Im pretty small and my hubs is too, so not sure where our big babe would come from LOL). But, it’s also shape and positon of uterus. I guess the only plus is seeing him again tomorrow! But, he will likely still be on track! 
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    @hnbergeron Yeah baby is measuring 4 weeks ahead over here and they won't move my due date.
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    sjnsjnsjnsjnsjnsjn member
    edited November 2018
    I have my 28 week appt today!  I think TDAP and Doppler and that’s the game right? I’ll be excited to hear the HB as always, although lately I feel him a ton so I don’t need the anxiety reduction as much.

    ETA:  Appt was so short except for the 45 minute wait 😳.  Always love to hear the HB on the Doppler though... ;).  In connection with getting the TDAP, my OB told me there was just a health dept notification out that whooping cough is in Chicago schools right now.  Holy crap what century is it?!
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    Had a regular OB appt today - amniotic fluid is a little elevated but she’s not too concerned about it.  Says we’ll keep an eye on it and I have another ultrasound appt next Monday.  Looks like it’ll be OB and ultrasounds every two weeks here on out - until once a week. 

    Little guy is measuring two weeks ahead except for his femur? Weird - and he’s 3lbs 11oz already! I know measurements aren’t exact but damn! No wonder I can’t breathe 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I had an U/S today! I am 28+5. Baby is 3 lbs!! Measuring 1 week ahead. 
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    Had 28 weeks appointment today. Learned I have an anterior placenta. HR 132. My doc did a quick cervical exam just to make sure no signs of preterm labor - that was all good too. Also got tdap and rhogam shot, so now my butt burns. Also glucose test. Should have results tomorrow, I think. 
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    I had an appointment this morning at 25w4d. I passed my glucose test! Appointment lasted just long enough to hear HB and measure stomach because my OB had to rush out for a csection. I scheduled the rest of my appointments with the nurse- that came so fast!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    28 week appt today. Hb was 140 and sounded strong. I've been having lots of Braxton hicks, but also some inconsistent contractions throughout the day so my ob wants me to call if I have more than 3 in an hour. With my two other kiddos these random contractions happened about 3 weeks before they were born so she wants to monitor it. No one wants me having a baby that early! Especially me!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
    Our Rainbow Baby H arrived at 37 weeks on 12/20/16!
    Baby E arrived at 37 weeks on 01/31/15!
    Married my Marine 05.23.14

    TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
    BFP 9.7.15 CP 
    BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
    BFP 10.14.17 CP
    BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
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    I had an extra appointment today thanks to being super uncomfortable and just generally yucky. Everything is good thankfully. Sat on a monitor for 20 min with no contractions. But I had my first internal exam and OMG that was painful. 
    I don't get an ultrasound until 35 weeks for a growth scan. Kind of bummed because I'd really like to see how she's doing. All I know is my fundal height is 30.5 so just slightly ahead of where I'm at (29w2d yesterday).
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    Had a check up with the MW at my practice since my OB is out of town. I found out why my pubic bone is so damn sore. It’s bc baby girl is head down right on top of it! I also found out that my OB is conservative when it comes to vbacs in that she won’t let patients go past 40 weeks (though for me her limit she set was 39, idk why exactly).

    I turned my medical release form in so I can get my records sent to another vbac friendly doctor to get his opinion. I really love my OB and hope I don’t have to switch but I also want to get a fair chance at a successful vbac and her 39 weeks requirement doesn’t really give me that. We will see I guess. 
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    Feeling like actual garbage after the GD test. I think I’m actually going to spend all day on the couch. DS is napping now. I usually try not to nap so I sleep well at night, but I feel like I could nap now and still go to bed at 8 tonight. Is that a bad sign? I don’t remember feeling bad like this when I took it with DS
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    @BourbonBiscuits that is exactly how I felt. I definitely took a nap lol. And I passed at 6.4!
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    I felt okay after the 3 hour that I failed so there’s hope for you lol. 
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    @BourbonBiscuits Do you regularly eat a lot of sugar? I'm wondering if some people feel so bad because their bodies aren't used to that much sugar all at once, kind of like if someone were to drink espresso who doesn't usually have any caffeine...
    I felt fine, but then again I regularly eat loads of sugar because I'm an idiot, so I think my body was like "Cool, the daily snack!" and just went on its way with business as usual. I think a few other people on here posted a week or two ago that they felt really gross after the test, and they passed it.
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    Another baby measuring 4 weeks ahead over here. Doctor laughed as my eyes got big and then scheduled an US for next week. I'm not too concerned, my husband is big and each of my sisters have had 10 lbs babies, but this is the first time in 4 pregnancies that the fundal height hasn't been right on the dot. This will also be the first time that I have had an US after the AS at 20 weeks, so that is kind of exciting.
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    conni0205conni0205 member
    edited November 2018
    So I passed my gestation diabetes testing but some of my other blood work came back high (wbc, neutrophils, and something else) so I called my doctor and now I’m waiting on the nurse to call me. Apparently they didn’t get the results yet...

    edit: just got a call that having those levels a little high during pregnancy is normal! I’m such a worrier so I’m glad they got back to me today! 
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    Yeah it is normal. Mine is pretty high too. 
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    @cmkrauss Replying to you super late here, but my white blood cell count was pretty high, too (I think around 14 or something). I also was pretty alarmed, but the doctor said it's normal for wbc to rise, especially in the third trimester, and that it will fall back to normal levels soon after birth.

    Heading in for an appointment today because this chafing isn't going away, and I'm starting to wonder if it's actually a yeast infection that's spread to the skin around my vulva. I honestly hope that's the case, since that would mean some relief and some actual treatment! The usual anti-chafing remedies I've been doing over the last week have done nothing of note to get rid of this.
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    @hannahbananas11 I know I keep bringing this up but I have had a vaginal infection (BV) since august that has just not gone away (I have tried 5 different types of antibiotics). At this stage my doctor was like "well, it's annoying but I think you just have to deal with it." Not ideal, but I'm just hoping it goes away after pregnancy. I hope they sort out what is going on with you and they are able to get you some relief! Solidarity. 
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    Onto the OB - my final appt with my family doctor and now waiting to be assigned to an OB where my hospital is. Also booked my hospital pre-admission appointment, wow - things seem to be happening FAST!
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    I had a growth scan today. Baby is about 4lbs and in 75th percentile. So not huge but not small. My OB wants baby to be on the smaller side to try for a vbac so I’m hoping she doesn’t get really big in the next few weeks. Next growth scan is 1/16/19!

    Also found out she is in an upsidedown V shape with her head on my pubic bone and butt to the right of my belly button. I thought that is what was sitcking out last night! I love when they push their little butts out. 

    I have been having less strong movements which was kind of concerning but the tech and Dr both said this is normal as they run out of room. So that was reassuring.

    We didn’t get any good pics bc she had her hands completely covering her face the whole time despite the tech trying to get her to move. 
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    @hannahbananas11 Yiiiiikes that sounds awful!  :#

    But I’m glad it was actually something you can treat! And yay for finding a good OB! 
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
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    Well @hannahbananas11 I figure if you’re going to do something you might as well go for the world record.  :D Hope you get that yeastie beastie under control.
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    @madreofdragons Very true! His nurse even handed him a tape measure because she wanted "to get some measurements of that monster" LOL I hope that I get some kind of blue ribbon like you get at the county fair!
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    @hannahbananas11 so glad you got a diagnosis! It's hard sometimes to know what is "pregnancy normal" and what is NOT. I hope the treatment works quickly! 
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    Growth scan today. He's measuring 4.4 lbs, no wonder I'm exhausted. Also, the tech commented about seeing hair in the US. It figures that I would have a hairy boy since my girls were both bald.
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    Did my glucose test today, so now I'm just waiting for the results! One weird thing though, the scale in the Dr office is off the charts wrong. Last time it made me 5 pounds heavier, today it was 8! Todays fake weight put me at 25 pounds above pre-preg weight, which is slightly above what I should gain, but on my home scale (and my IL's scale) I'm well within what I should gain. They didn't mention anything regarding it, but if they start basing recommendations on incorrect info I'll have to do something about it. So weird though!
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
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