June 2019 Moms

Mental Health Thread Week of 11/12

We had one of these on my old BMB and I know it helped a lot of women and gave everyone a place to vent emotionally without cluttering other threads. A lot of the women said it really helped to have one specific place so they didn’t feel guilty taking over other areas of the board. So I figured I would start it again and just go with the flow. Anyone can post! Whether you have a diagnosed mental disorder or you’re just worried about something this week, or maybe even just some things going wrong, feel free to come here and vent and get support ☺️ 

Just two questions to sort of get us started for anyone who would be here more regularly( me included) 

1) How are you feeling emotionally this week?
2) What are you doing this week to take care of YOU? 
Hubby and Me
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)

Re: Mental Health Thread Week of 11/12

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    So I’ll get us started here. I have always had anxiety/depression throughout my life ( first panic attack I remember was at age 8). Never been officially diagnosed, but I’ve dealt with it long enough to know what’s going on. Pregnancy and me are not friends. My first was extremely hard and a lot of life changes resulted in some pretty intense PPD (plus I was already dealing with anxiety and depression that was being ramped up while pregnant). I am hoping it won’t be that bad this time, even if it’s just by virtue of having done this before and because my life won’t be in upheaval right after giving birth, BUT I still struggle and have issues so having a place to talk always helped me. 

    1) I am ..... I’m here. I still haven’t totally accepted that I really am pregnant and getting my second baby, and won’t until I finally have an ultrasound, so I’m in denial ATM. I’m not as sick this time which has me worried that something is wrong as well. BUT I do feel about 1000 times calmer this go round. First because I know what to expect and I’ve done it before so I feel much more confident in my ability to do this whole pregnancy/momming and two I am too distracted by my toddler to sit around and worry about the pregnancy 24/7. 

    2) This week my big goal is to schedule an ultrasound so I can finally start feeling better and get.my.house.under.control. DS is a human hurricane and I can’t take it anymore. Anyone with any ideas is welcome to tell me how to keep my house clean with a rampaging toddler. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    @tuxielove93 thank you for starting this I feel like I need this! I'm alot like you I've always been anxious even as a kid but had always been able to handle and work through the symptoms. Then this summer came and I had some severe panic attacks enough to were I ended up in to er thinking my throat was closing. After some extensive test they ruled out everything else they put me on clonazepam and citalopram and it worked. I was able to get off the clonazepam fairly quickly and easily which I was super happy about, but now I found out that citalopram is not safe while pregnant and now I'm freaking out because I've been on it for 9 weeks and haven't been able to see an ob

    1) I'm here I have been so nauseous and it really makes my anxiety worse! this is my 3rd pregnancy and the anxiety about the baby is a lot better mostly because I'm busy and this was a totally unexpected pregnancy! 

    2) this is really hard for me to do something for myself, we did have tacos for dinner because I suggested it! 
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    antera23antera23 member
    edited November 2018
    @tuxielove93 thank you for starting this. They had it on the February BMB I was on for a brief period of time. 

    I have generalized anxiety disorder and OCD. I’ve always been an anxious child. My moms says I had an eye twitch when I was 3. In May I had a resurgence of just panic and anxiety. The worst I’ve felt in years. I didn’t feel safe in my own home and had to stay at my mothers house. My checking routine (OCD) also got more intense and was interfering in my life. It’s under control now after getting on medication and seeing a behaviorist. 

    1) How are you feeling emotionally this week?
    My ultrasound is on Friday and the closer it gets the more anxious I get. 

    2) What are you doing this week to take care of YOU? 
    I’m doing one household task a night and then taking it easy the rest of the night. 
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    1) this week has been tough anxiety wise. I had my first official ob appt today after transferring care from my amazing gynecologist. Actually feeling a lot of relief after my visit today though and going over some concerns. 

    2) I’ve been using the Calm app and doing lots of guided meditation exercises for deep relaxation. 
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    @tuxielove93 thank you so much for starting this thread! I’ve had major depressive disorder my whole life, attempted suicide a few times in my teens and have been on/off medication ever since. My mental health had been tracking ok but I’d been getting increasingly unhappy in my relationship and then I found out I was pregnant, so it has really tipped a scale. I think we’re fundamentally different and don’t see us being together in the long term, so I’m scared and nervous about what my future holds - then again, perhaps it is just my pregnancy hormones as it all started around the time I would have been ~2 weeks pregnant. 

    1) last week I did a leadership course that involved a lot of self reflection and as a result I am emotionally exhausted and just drained

    2) I asked my partner to not stay at home this week so I could just have some time to myself. He works away so it’s not a huge issue but he’s being such a drama queen about it. He really doesn’t understand that I just need some space and keeps pestering me, which in turn is making me dislike him more and more. His constant rebutte is “this is just the pregnancy hormones talking” which is driving me up the wall! I’ve started a 5 week secondment at work this week which has been super exciting and my mind hasn’t really had time to wander too much. I’m also getting heaps of exercise in which I think is starting to help too.
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    I'll jump in too.  I don't suffer from any chronic conditions but I do think it's important for everyone to take care of their mental health, and I try to give myself a lot of breaks (I tend to be pretty hard on myself if I don't consciously avoid it).  To those of you with anxiety and depression, my hats off to you for overcoming those on a daily basis, and getting pregnant and/or parenting! My husband suffers from both and I know how amplified the worries I have are in his mind. He has finally found a good combo of meds and a therapist and seems to be doing better but every day is different. I'm very proud of him for doing everything he can to be there for us emotionally and physically. 

    @wiseh I hope you can get all the distance you need now, and I totally understand what you're saying.  I am happy in my relationship and I have still been vying for opportunities to be alone for the last few weeks.  As for the future, it will be ok. One step at a time (in whichever direction you deem is best!)...

    1) I have been going back and forth between feeling anxious about how another kid will change our currently happy and easy family dynamic and feeling kind of detached from the whole thing, similar to the denial you mentioned @tuxielove93 . I can imagine a time 5 years from now when things will get back to normal but the next 3 kind of scare me.

    2) I've been trying to carve out alone time. So far so good. We'll be visiting my inlaws for the next two weeks so that will be harder, although it will be nice to be away from work.
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    @marijaa333 he hasn’t been giving me any. It’s constant message after message. He doesn’t seem to understand that the more he tries the more he pushes me away. I feel so violated by him right now and he just doesn’t get it. If I didn’t need my phone for work I would just turn it off and ignore the world.
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    mackororimackorori member
    edited November 2018
    This thread came at a timely moment since I woke up bawling this morning. Thank you @tuxielove93 for starting it. Apologies in advance for my lengthy brain dump below *TW loss mentioned*

    So I can be really hard on myself, which is the cause of my total meltdown this morning. Background...At 42 and 2 MC (one known trisomy) went to an RE and had two IVF cycles resulting in one PGS tested embryo (an emotional train wreck in itself). We were about to start our FET cycle, but got BFP instead and now I’m here at 11 weeks. I’ve been handling it pretty well knowing we have this embryo if something went wrong, but now my OB has concerns with the nuchal fold thinkness so we are seeing MFM next week. My meltdown this morning was freaking out if something goes wrong and beating myself up because we could have just used protection and I would be transferring my tested embryo this week. Logically I know everything could turn out fine but since we were supposed to do the FET this week I think it’s hitting me really hard. Even DH is anxious and thinking “why can’t we get a break” and he’s normally so steady. 

    Taking care of me? Well, this venting helped for one :-) I also try to take deep breaths, go somewhere private when I’m having a moment, and then yoga and acupuncture also help. @pigglesworth thanks for the app mention, I’m going to take a look.

    Thanks again for listening, I’m thinking positive thoughts for all of you.
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    @mackorori I thought the NT testing was only reliable in from 12w3d to 12w6d, with the best day for it at 12w6d (that’s what my u/s reports say anyway)? I wouldn’t worry too much until an amnio confirms it. The new amnios are so much better than the old ones! I know someone who’s had one for every pregnancy and all 3 have gone to term. Fingers cross for and virtual hugs to you.
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    @wiseh yeah, my OB said I’m at a point where they are starting to be able to measure this space so they are being precautionary referring me to MFM, particularly given my age and loss history. The MFM said they do the scans between 12 and 13 weeks, so will just see how that goes. I also am waiting on Panorama results. I just get more freaked out since I know my “good egg” lottery is dicey. I know way too much after the IVF experience, which on some days is great but other days (like today) is bad.
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    harrierwifeharrierwife member
    edited November 2018
    I love this thread. I vote to keep this going weekly or monthly throughout the next 6 months... (!!!)

    I'm not going to tag anyone, but want to say that I appreciate everyone's sharing. Its really nice (and healthy!) to know that we're not alone in our feelings. As a FTM, its been tough to wrap my head around my feelings lately - I wanted this pregnancy so badly and am now confused by my feelings. 

    1) How are you feeling emotionally this week? I'm feeling very guilty. I have such little energy these days and thus, my productivity has tanked. Laundry isn't getting done, the bathrooms need to be cleaned, dogs walked (they're used to 2x per day, but are only getting one walk now), and my business development is taking a big hit.

    MH works insane and very, very long hours so I feel awful asking him to help with things around the house when I'm basically a housewife right now. I think he's a bit frustrated himself, but hasn't said a word. He knows how tired and sick I feel right now, but I still feel awful. I'm the kind of person that has a 100-item long To-Do list and somehow gets it done in a half-day. 

    I can't even knit or sew right now for some self-care because it makes me nauseous. 

    2) What are you doing this week to take care of YOU?  I feel like all I've done the last 2-3 weeks is taken care of me. I've taken naps, warm baths, gone to bed early, read, gone to the gym, ordered take-out instead of cooking, etc. Again, I feel guilty even thinking about how to answer this. I just want my energy back - I think getting things done would help me feel better. 

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    @wiseh Ack sorry to hear that!! Can you take 3-4 time windows when you say to him that you are in meetings (even if only with yourself!) and just ignore all the pings? 
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    @harrierwife That was me my first pregnancy. I slept through the first trimester. Now it's even worse because of course I'm still tired and sick off and on but I can't just sleep all day because I have a toddler. I was a pre stay at home mom because I was just too sick to work, and yet I got nothing done until well into my second tri. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    1) How are you feeling emotionally this week? 
    I suffer from anxiety on a regular basis (have since a child). This week though I have been feeling more sensitive and irritable than overly anxious. I just feel bitchy. Not toward my daughter at all, or my husband most of the time. But more so coworkers or random people out in the world are really pissing me off and I just feel like screaming at them. Example: I got stuck today with a lazy ass coworker who doesn't do his work, he just makes personal calls all shift and so that pissed me off royally....and on my drive to work some idiot drove at me head first trying to pass the car in front of him and I wanted to follow him and just scream at him (potentially punch him in the head) for almost hitting me head on because he wanted to get around someone. Now I wouldn't because I won't put myself and my unborn in danger....but the though def crossed my mind. 
    2) What are you doing this week to take care of YOU? 
    Monday is finally my ultrasound, so after having some spotting earlier on and not being able to be seen b/c my dr's nurse said it sounded normal and to wait it out (so f-ing frustrating)....I am ready. Other than that....hopefully getting some extra rest Saturday. DH made me some awesome chili so that was great. I kind of have a hard time doing for myself....I focus my life on making sure my family is happy and cared for so I don't really do anything just for myself  
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    @wiseh your situation sounds really stressful right now. I just figured I would offer that you can set one persons notifications to “do not disturb” within their contact. It won’t ping or show up on your home screen, but will still be in the thread when you check it manually. Just in case you need a break from the constant messages. 
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    @harrierwife those were my feelings last pregnancy! I had wanted a lo for so long that when it finally happened I became obsessed and paranoid with something going wrong and in return my feelings about baby got really confusing! the first tri was the worst but it definitely got better in the 2nd tri when my energy came back and I wasn't as sick.  As for how you feel about keeping up the house and everything that needs to get done just take it easy and maybe talk to your DH about it. I had a meltdown one day last week over this same thing I told DH that I felt like a failure to him and our girls because I basically couldn't do anything to actually take care of them. He just hugged me and reassured me that he knew I felt sick and that they were fine and he'd help as much as possible so not to worry. the overflowing laundry and messy house still bother me but I try to do as much as I can and whatever I cant I either ask for help or leave it. it'll get done eventually (I hope). Hang in there and vent with us anytime, I promise you, your doing great and the things that you can't do right now you be able to later on just keep taking care of yourself and lo. 
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    1) How are you feeling emotionally this week? I’m a little mixed up because I want to tell my extended family at thanksgiving about my spud but I’m also really not looking forward to all their well meaning but generally unwanted advice 

    2) What are you doing this week to take care of YOU? Watching Harry Potter with my sweet love and just watching him enjoy it for the first time. Relaxing is nice. 
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    In addition to my own anxiety, DH is struggling with depression after the death of his twin brother and it is super sad watching him struggle. He is the best dad I have ever seen, and I just really appreciate his strength around our daughter. But I also wish there was more I could do to help him grieve and feel better.  
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    @marijaa333 @TJtheGoat I had already muted all his conversations but it was the constant dread that they’d be there every time I looked at my phone. I ended up telling him if he didn’t stop messaging me that I wouldn’t ever talk to him again. Definitely not the right thing to do but it worked and he left me alone for a day and I finally felt some peace!

    Since then we’ve only seen each other twice and I’m still struggling quite a bit. He’s started going to counselling and I’m trying to overcome my anxiety to give them a call too.

    I spoke to my sister in law about how I’m feeling and she said she also felt the same. I’m the same as harrierwife where I’ve wanted this baby for so long and now I’m pregnant I’m very confused. We actively tried for the baby so why am I telling people it was an accident? I’m currently feeling no joy and even shame that I’m pregnant. I don’t understand why because this is something I’ve wanted for so long and everyone around me is so happy, excited and supportive of me! 

    Words of wisdom from my sister in law is that your whole body is changing, your whole life is changing, you’re turning into a whole different person and that’s scary and overwhelming. I’ve gone from being a strong, independent woman that does everything for herself to someone who has to take her partner and now this baby into consideration for everything that I do in the space of less than a year. I feel like I’ve lost my identity. 

    I’ve decided that as a one last hurrah to my “old self” I’m going to do a trip away, by myself. I don’t know where I’ll go yet, so open to ideas (keeping in mind I live in Australia)! My passion is snowboarding so I’m considering doing one last ski trip, of course taking it super easy. Relaxing in Japan at a western resort with boarding in the morning and massages in the evening. It sounds like a dream! 

    Thank you so much again @tuxielove93 for making this board! 
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    marijaa333marijaa333 member
    edited November 2018
    @wiseh glad to hear that he finally listened. Hopefully he can continue with this good behavior. :expressionless:
    Oooh, yes, your SIL is very wise too! There is definitely a change in identity involved with motherhood but I promise the kid, especially once s/he becomes verbal, is going to bring you so much joy and fun. We have a three year old and the last year has been a blast, he constantly says so many hilarious and adorable things. I also still work and take trips by myself (mostly for work but DH has offered many times to take care of our son if I needed a few days, and he's taken multiple such breaks). The solo trips are something I used to enjoy a lot before the kid, and now I find that by day 3, I just wanna get home. But I digress.

    How is your sleep? I find that my mental state is miles better when I string together 7-8 hours of sleep, and even better if I can do more than 8 (I've been averaging 3 wakeups a night to go to the bathroom, so getting 8 hours of sleep requires at least 9 hours). This whole past week I wasn't sleeping well and was annoyed at the world. Last night I managed to get a good night's sleep and I'm in a markedly better mood.

    I suspect nutrition has something to do with it too but I haven't been in full control over that, I'm hoping second tri gives me a chance for more variety...

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    @marijaa333 I’m excited for the little parasite to be here in my arms, though if I’m honest I’m also terrified. 

    I’ve not been sleeping well at all. I’m also getting up at least 3 times. I slept through the whole night on Saturday night and I felt much better on Sunday. I’ve just started shift work again so getting back into the swing of things will take more than one block! Haha. 

    I’m starting to get more positive for the future. What a coincidence that it coincides with the end of my 1st trimester 😂
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    @wiseh it’s totally understandable to be terrified, i already have one and am still terrified about the health of this one! So glad that you are feeling a bit more positive, and I wish you luck in getting some quality zzzs this week... I can’t believe we’re  almost through first tri!
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    @ki1244 Thanks for typing that out it reached my heart! This morning I cried from anxiety and immediately  Jeremiah 29:11 came to mind! 
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    Really thankful for this thread and for everyone's courage in admitting to feeling some less than positive emotions.

    I've been struggling lately with a re-surfacing of some of my depression symptoms. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder many, many years ago, but meds have kept it well-managed for a long time. However, since my IVF transfer, I reduced my antidepressant dose significantly (gradually, under my GP's supervision) and have completely gone off an anti-anxiety med that I was using for sleep (again, under medical supervision). I was doing really well until the last week or so (am currently 11+2) when my symptoms started getting bad. I'm feeling okay today, but some days are much worse than others. In fact, I had to step away from the bump for a few days just to keep my head clear/off of pregnancy-related things for a little bit, since I was fixating on some anxieties.

    I tried contacting a local therapy office that has 2 providers who specialize in pre-natal/pregnancy care, but unfortunately they both have waitlists, and said it would be very unlikely that I'd be able to get in before late December. I'm crossing my fingers that changes and I can get in sooner.
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    @ellem29 I'm so sorry that you are struggling so much! I hope you can get in much sooner! feel free to vent here anytime and if you need someone to talk to please let me know! 
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    @ellem29 I know exactly how you feel. Major depression sucks, especially when it’s hormone imbalance that’s caused it. Hang in there and please use this board to vent. Feel free to message me too if you need to talk to someone removed from your situation that can give you an outsider’s view. ❤️❤️
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    AngieAPAngieAP member
    edited November 2018
    1) super anxious plus under the weather.
    2) took a couple days off of work to rest and get my mind right which literally took all the strength in my soul to call out sick because I was so anxious about my boss's reaction. I am 10 weeks on Monday. No ultrasound yet. 

    Thank you ladies for this thread ❤
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    This is an amazing thread. Thank you all for sharing I know sometimes it takes a ton of courage.

    This is my second baby. My first pregnancy I didn't get sick, I worked no problem a physical job and had no issues until way late in my pregnancy and took mat leave about 3 weeks before baby was due. When my son was six months old I found out my husband was cheating/had been cheating/ had a whole other life basically. I felt robbed of my maternity leave (Canadian so we get a year) and my first years with my new baby that should have been pure bliss were spent in and out of therapy, starting over on my own and getting a divorce.  My life turned upside down. We spent some time in therapy. He moved out then back in, I took my son and moved in with my mom for six months and moved back home and ultimately it didn't work. After 11 years together. I went from thinking I'd have two fairly quickly to being a single mom and through the whole experience I basically did it alone as when we did live under one roof he was always gone. (ill also add I quit my job to be a stay at home mom and after all this happened I was stuck and I ended up having to find a job to work evenings so I could save on daycare and afford to keep my house). This has given me some trust issues that have come up recently.  

    Fast Forward and I meet my partner of now. He's awesome, younger, has his moments with a lack of maturity but a great heart and he's an amazing step-dad to my son. Way better than his actual father. We've been together for a few years now and things are great and we decide to start trying for a baby and I was SO ready for this. I was lucky enough to get knocked up on the first try which I know is such a blessing. I want this baby and I know I'm a strong person and I can do this but I get this fear that I'm going to be stuck alone again and I know it's irrational. Or I'm going to be stuck unhappy with my partner and just feel stuck in this situation with him. I was so empowered single, own my own home, didn't NEED anybody and now I'm in a position where Ive set up my life with someone again. I'm scared to rely on him. My partner is also not super sensitive, doesn't seem to understand how I'm feeling, complains all the time about how tired he is and how he doesn't feel good (meanwhile I've been struggling with insomnia and Hypermesis Gravidarum) and we've been fighting lately and he has NO control over how he responds to things. You would think he would keep in mind I'm hormonal and emotional but it seems like it's the other way around and he ends up losing his temper with me and lashing out, yelling etc.  Common sense would dictate that you stay calm and let the pregnant chick get crazy but if I try and talk to him about something he usually loses it and yells at me. It's making me question if this was the right choice, if he's the right person to do this with, if he's ready for this, if I can do this again etc. and then I feel super guilty. I think back to how easy life was with one child and nobody to answer to. I mean it was actually really hard and lonely, but I made my own choices and that part was way less stressful. I also miss feeling good. I miss not being pregnant. I miss eating the foods I liked and going to the gym and having energy. Insert guilt here.

    Example of a fight we had recently: I started venting saying I felt so guilty for being so sick. I feel guilty for not being at my sons hockey practices, for not walking him to school every day (My partner walked him in the mornings for two weeks before I was prescribed meds) and for missing some time at work. I felt guilty for the house not being kept up etc. He got mad at me for complaining. He gave a few suggestions that made zero sense "why don't you wean off your pills and see if you're better and you can drive now and run some errands" (I had been on them for maybe 48 hours and I'm stuck not being able to drive on them) and when I suggested maybe he read up on my condition and this stage of pregnancy his response was "I DO EVERYTHING I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT". He doesn't do everything. He's stepped up walking my son to school and he works his job. He still doesn't feel like chores are his responsibility because he works too much. I work and take care of my son and while he's at school I usually do all the house stuff but I mean he needs to be responsible for himself when I'm down and out. He's usually not this much of an asshole I just think he's maybe not mature enough to deal with this type of pressure. It's making me see him in a different light and I'm not sure if that's just hormones or what.
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    @kateraid I’m going through something similar with mine, though it’s that he just won’t leave me alone when I’m being crazy and need some space. It’s literally gone from a little tiff that would have been over in a few hours if he just let me be, but now it’s turned into this huge row and we’re living separately until I’m ready to have him back in my life. We’ve both started seeing a counsellor and he’s really been working on his communication skills and understanding of “love languages” - is that something you could do? 
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    kateraidkateraid member
    edited November 2018
    @wiseh I’ve heard about a book on the “love languages”. Some counselling wouldn’t hurt. Do you find it’s helping? 
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