May 2019 Moms

Migraine Sufferers

I’m a 4-5x a year hardcore migraine sufferer. I have a prescription for immitrex when not pregnant. 

My last pregnancy I was lucky to not get one. This time is a completely different story. I had one borderline and one full out migraine before my 14 week appointment. I practically begged this new OB for a script and bitch looked me in my face and told me to “try Tylenol.”

Today I called the nurses line after a 24 hour headache (that I could feel in my teeth it was so bad) and asked for something to be called in. I just took two fioricet and I’m crossing my fingers. 

Any any other migraine stories? What works to ease the pain for you? 
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Re: Migraine Sufferers

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    For about the past year and a half I've been getting what I think are "ocular migraines" (I haven't been diagnosed) -- I get the aura part, where I get a blind spot in my vision, and I stop being able to read things correctly, and get tingliness in my face and hands, but if I take Tylenol during the aura, the headache is usually very mild / sometimes nonexistent. 

    Thankfully I haven't had any since I've been pregnant -- the last one I had was in August just before I got pregnant, so I'm hoping it will be a while before I get another. It's definitely unsettling and not safe to drive if one comes on.
    kids with flags
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    Girl I HEAR you.  I think I posted this elsewhere but in my last pregnancy, my migraines went away after the first tri and didn’t return until I stopped breastfeeding. It was glorious. 

    Both last time and this time I took immitrex once in the first tri. I’d say it was based on my research (which actually made it not sound that bad) and my doctors advice (which was “it’s not ideal, but...”) but really it was based on being at the end of my rope and not seeing another option.  I’m now super aggressive about avoiding my triggers, mainly not altering my sleep schedule at all, not altering my caffeine intake at all, and taking Tylenol at the first event hint of a headache.  

    Im hoping they go away soon...for me and for you! 
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    @anonellis I’m sorry you get migraines but it’s kind of a relief to know I’m not alone! 

    Update on the fioricet—it’s working gloriously right now and I actually feel human. I could just eat and enjoy it. 

    I dont understand why doctors are so hesitant to prescribe pregnancy safe medication for migraines. I straight up had to cry on the phone with the nurse and tell her I couldn’t care for my toddler like this. I was a mess. It’s torture. Ugh.

    I don’t know what my triggers are .... I can’t pinpoint it. Lack of caffeine? 
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    chloe97chloe97 member
    edited November 2018
    For about the past year and a half I've been getting what I think are "ocular migraines" (I haven't been diagnosed) -- I get the aura part, where I get a blind spot in my vision, and I stop being able to read things correctly, and get tingliness in my face and hands, but if I take Tylenol during the aura, the headache is usually very mild / sometimes nonexistent. 

    Thankfully I haven't had any since I've been pregnant -- the last one I had was in August just before I got pregnant, so I'm hoping it will be a while before I get another. It's definitely unsettling and not safe to drive if one comes on.
    I have the exact same kind! Crazy. I’ve never met anyone else with my weird kind of migraines! I’ve been lucky this pregnancy so far. Knock on wood.

    ETA I have had these since I was in my early 20s. After I started tracking my cycles when TTC, I realize that they usually come in mid-cycle around ovulation? Did you by chance ever have a serious Diet Coke habit? I used to drink 5-6 a day and wonder if it had anything to do with it.
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    I oddly enough get menstrual migraines.  So every month like clockwork with my period.  When I was pregnant with DS I got a couple thanks to some hormone shifts.  My doctor said only take my meds if I was absolutely dying.  Otherwise Tylenol, compresses and rest.  It sucks but I don’t think they know what the migraine meds do or don’t do.
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    I usually get about 2-3 bad migraines a year, almost always with my period. Sometimes I can head them off with some Aleve taken before they develop too much, but if it's too late I'm out for at least six hours, often all day. I have light sensitivity and have to lay down and always, always throw up until my stomach is empty. There's one side of my head that I just wish I could inject with some magic drug to make the throbbing stop. Sorry, that's weird, but you guys know migraines are the worst.

    Anyway, my last two pregnancies I didn't have any migraines (probably because no periods?), but this time I've already had two in the first trimester. I can't take Aleve while pregnant, so I've just had to suffer it out. My doctor said I shouldn't take migraine meds in the first trimester, but he would prescribe them for me in second trimester. But, yeah, the only way I was able to survive the two I've had this pregnancy was by calling my husband home from work immediately. I could not take care of my kids, so I completely commiserate with you all. 
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    I don't normally get migraines, but I got them during my second pregnancy. It sucked, they alone were bad enough but they caused nausea that made me throw up well into the third trimester. I got one every few weeks. My midwife told me she could prescribe me Tylenol with codeine, but I didn't take her up on it. While it was considered pregnancy safe I was too nervous since it was "only" once every few weeks. So it sucked, but I dealt with it because it wasn't crazy frequent.
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    Yes! I usually get one actual migraine per year and normal headaches in between. First pregnancy I was worried about getting them bad since I think they were hormone associated? Anyways, I didn't at all with DD and now I'm getting headaches very often this time around. It hasn't yet reached the migraine stage, so Tylenol and a cold towel works so far. Sorry you get them bad! I'm useless with one and can't function at all. Maybe they'll let up in the second trimester?
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    I used to get a ton of migraines when I was a teenager and the medicine they prescribed me actually seemed to make it worse (Imitrex) so Im not sure if I was misdiagnosed or something.  Thankfully,  I don't get them as frequently anymore.  I actually had a pretty bad headache last night to the point I had to retreat to my dark bedroom for the rest of the night.  What you ladies are going through though, sound absolutely horrible to deal with! 

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    @mrsclark731 I'm glad you were finally able to get some relief!

    @chloe97 Crazy that you get them too! One of my coworkers recently described having the same thing, and it felt so validating to know I wasn't alone! I have never been a diet soda drinker of any kind, so that's definitely not a link for me.

    Honestly, ever since my blood tests came back with extra-high platelets, I've been wondering if that was what was causing them (and then wondering if my platelets have been high for a year and a half, and then feeling guilty for not ever making time to go to the doctor about it... planning to ask at my hematology appointment on Monday). I didn't even think about a hormonal correlation with my cycle... I'll have to see if I can look back and see if there is one. 

    kids with flags
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    @brie_and_almonds what causes high platelets? You could certainly get some answers about that. 

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    edited November 2018
    @expandcontract yes, that's why I have the hematology appointment... my OB ran a complete blood count 3x and every time my platelets were more than double what they are supposed to be, thus I got a referral. Dr. Google says it could be a reaction to some kind of infection, or possibly a few various kinds of cancer, or apparently sometimes some people's bodies just decide to make extra...
    kids with flags
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    @brie_and_almonds @chloe97 I also get ocular migraines. I started to get them in college for me they are usually either from lack of sleep, or PMS, but sometimes just the way a certain light shines in my eyes can bring them on. I have found if I take a Tylenol and close my eyes for 10-15 min I can usually head them off, but if I don’t get to it in time it turns into a true migraine and my head feels like it will explode. I have to be able to close my eyes though it is the only way the aura goes away. I have had at least two since I’ve been pregnant but recognized them quickly and was able to avoid the worst of it. I blame hormones. I came across this article earlier in the fall it was so fascinating to me. The drawings are exactly what my auras look like.
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    I get migraines about once a week when not pregnant. I've tried a few prescriptions but they all had side effects I ultimately decided made them not worth it so I took Excedrin. Sometime this knocked them out, sometimes just dulled the pain to a tolerable level. I could keep it under control if I took it at the onset of pain - my Dr told me to stop being a hero haha. They  went away for me starting second tri last time so I hope that happens again. I had a bad one today because I was so busy party prepping I never stopped to have breakfast and didn't eat anything until noon. Luckily since I haven't had a migraine in a while and no Excedrin in almost 12 weeks, my tolerance has dropped significantly and a Tylenol works for me along with chugging water. I also took a hot shower to try to relieve some of the pressure. IDK that it actually does but it made sense in my brain at the time 😂 My biggest triggers are dehydration or lack of food. The smell of olive oil cooking is another random one. I don't get one from lack of caffeine but coffee definitely helps. Sometimes they are bad enough that I just need to go to bed, which, as you know, is not possible when you're taking care of another human.

    Anyway, solidarity and I hope they go TF away soon for you.

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    @brie_and_almonds i definitely hope it's not cancer!! That sounds scary.  Keep us posted please and I hope everyone's headaches go away. 

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    @Stormiewinter Certain lighting situations are definitely a trigger for me too -- I've learned not to sit facing a bright window in meetings, restaurants, etc.

    @expandcontract Me too, me too. I'm in sort-of a "zen" place about it right now, but when I first found out about the platelet thing, I basically froze for like a week and did little but Google like a madman (which was actually reassuring because the types of cancer it seems likely to be seem pretty treatable / not a death sentence). Now my doctor's appointment is finally here, so I'm eager to see what they have to say.
    kids with flags
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    I was a weekly to bimonthly migraine sufferer pre-pregnancy. Though the first 8 weeks were headache free, I got a bout of 5 bad ones over the past 5 weeks (end of my first trimester). I got the go ahead from my midwife to take imitrex, which I’ve done three times.  Hoping they’ll end soon. I am trying to be more diligent about drinking water and taking a Tylenol at the first sign of pain or light sensitivity.  We’ll see if another one rolls around this week. 
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    I am also a migraine sufferer. I feel like there is no rhyme or reason as to why my migraines occur. The only thing that I can contribute is the changing of the seasons when the temperature has extreme fluctuations. I have thankfully not had any migraines this pregnancy. But I have had dull sinus headaches a lot lately, usually Tylenol helps.
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

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    @MelissaMay82 I once had a neurologist who made me keep a really detailed (and annoying) headache journal.  That's how I found out some very random triggers--before that I also thought there was no rhyme or reason to mine.  

    It turns out I'm super sensitive to varying my sleep patterns at all.  Having kids has actually helped with that one, since now that they sleep through the night I rarely stay up late bc I know I have to get up with them, and of course I never get to sleep in  :'(  I get them from flying too, even if I don't change time zones, so I've gotten really militant about drinking a ton of water and preemptively taking Tylenol when I have a flight.  
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    @anonmona I should really keep a detailed log. Fingers crossed the migraines stay away during the rest of this pregnancy.
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

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    Well, I think I’m joining this train, sadly. I have had terrible migraines for the past 11 years. They are always hormone related (always around my period). When i has an IUD, my migraines were so rare, maybe once a year and usually stress related. Well, I’ve been getting more and more headaches going into 2nd trimester. Today, I had a migraine that prevented me from doing much of anything this late afternoon/evening. Just sat with a rice bag on my neck/eyes and drank water. I was really hoping to avoid them! 😢
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    ALL. I had a migraine coming on last night and managed to keep away by making myself orgasm.  Not kidding, no drugs needed. Give it a try.  I looked it up afterwards and there are actually a couple of scientific studies that back this up. 
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    @mrskoz428 have you (or anyone here) tried B2 and magnesium before? They are daily preventative measures for migraines. My OB didn't recommend them because she said the evidence is weak but she is fine with me trying them if I want to because they're safe for pregnancy. I'm intrigued because I've had two friends say it worked for them, one has had many migraine issues and been to a neurologist and tried multiple prescription medications, but B2 and magnesium has worked best for her. She actually has both as a prescription. Just curious! I haven't tried it yet but I did buy some magnesium yesterday (couldn't find B2).

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    @DuchessOfCambridge interesting! I have a magnesium drink called Calm that I like to drink that helps me sleep at night, but I’ve been nervous because of the magnesium in it! I’ll definitely have to try!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @mrskoz428 one of the moms in my BMB for DS told me her midwife said there is basically no such thing as too much magnesium while pregnant. I'm not about to test that theory and will stick to the 1 200mg pill/day but your Calm drink is fine!

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