
November 2018 IVF


Re: November 2018 IVF

  • Hi again.  So my doctor has told me that physical activity that doesn't cause pain is okay.  But then she gave me that 10 pound ???  What kind of activity is less than that?  I was more comfortable the cycle with 17 eggs than with 12.
    @wine_mama16, follicles grow to nearly an inch in diameter apiece, and you have a bunch of them!  So maybe take it easy?
  • @callingthestork thank you for your good words:) I will try to by positive with all my thoughts.  My previous pregnancy was natural one and it was 14 years ago with different partner. 
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  • Hello @aneeettt sorry that you find yourself here on this journey. This process can be incredibly stressful, but this board has helped me so much to feel less alone. I hope that your stims go well and you have good sperm count on day of ER. Would you prefer a fresh transfer or frozen? just wondering since my clinic doesn't even offer fresh transfers.
  • @callingthestork thank you for the advice. I think I am going to take it easy and maybe just walk here and there.
  • @wine_mama16 I’m finding talking about it helps going through the whole process. About a transfer I’m not sure as read different opinions, some saying fresh some frozen.... im really confused but statistics shows is better to use frozen ones. 
  • @callingthestork I was thinking the same thing when I was told yes to physical activity but dont lift 10+ lbs like uhh ok so what does that mean exactly lol. I was lifting weights /running least 3x a week but stopped earlier this month. I was literally crying my last day at the gym. Going through this is hard enough and now I've lost something that I do that actually makes me feel better.  I'm just getting out and walking now to stay active.  

    Day 2 of stims yesterday. It was super stressful the first night making sure everything was right/mixing.  I was reading the instructions and getting everything prepped for like an hour and a half.  Last night I was able to get all 5 shots done in about 30 min. I'm totally OK with the injections themselves now, the prepping is what is stressful. My partner is doing well with helping out with the IM despite his huge fear of needles. I can't even feel it really even though the needle looks huge to me.  

     I woke up yesterday morning with what feels like a fast pulse and just really noticing my heart beating that lasted all day.  My coordinator says that is not a side effect of the meds and thinks I'm anxious. Conveniently my Dr is out of the office until next week and I have an appointment Monday. My pulse in the AM was 97 when I went to my acupuncture appointment.  Last time I was in the 70's. I went to urgent care last night. The RN said my pulse was erratic (jumping around in the 60's/70's) but the Dr didn't see that. I had an EKG done which was normal.  My blood pressure was higher than usual for me, but not high. The urgent care Dr thought it could be due to the meds and possible retaining of fluids making my heart beat faster. I'm waking up again just really noticing my heart beating in a way that is not usual.  The current circumstances make me anxious, yes, but I've never felt like this. Has anyone else experienced anything like this with the meds?
  • Hi @ah80, I hope you stopped having trouble.

    I had fast and erratic heartbeat when my estrogen was very low on Lupron Depo (basically medically induced menopause), but not when estrogen is normal or going up.  Not during stims for me.  I know my doc specifically asked if fast heartbeat ever happened, before my first round of ivf.  
    So I  hope you can get an answer from your doc.  Possibly even a pharmacist could be helpful about side effects? 

  • @aneeettt Hi and welcome! We are also doing ICSI due to our male factor infertility. I am also 38, so on the older side as well. I know that this process can be extremely overwhelming, but know that you have a great group of people that you can lean on here when you need to. Just try and take it one step at a time. You got this!

    @callingthestork @wine_mama16 @ah80 The analogy I was give was "Imagine you have a bunch of grapes hanging from each ovary" You don't really want them banging around in there. It is going to be tough not working out, but lots of walks and stretching will hopefully get the time to pass quickly. It is worth it!

    @ah80 How are you feeling now? I really hope that you are starting to feel better and that the meds aren't causing you too many side effects. That is so horrible that you had to go through that and so out of your control. Just take it easy and let us know how you are making out. Sending positive thoughts your way! 
  • No.. not really that much better. I'm functioning, I went to work yesterday without problems. I don't even think it's that my pulse has increased since it was consistently in the 60's yesterday. I have an awareness of my heart beating like it's beating harder. But now maybe since I'm thinking about it I'm noticing it? Ugh. I received message from urgent care last night with my EKG results which said "borderline EKG" and probabe left atrial enlargement. The Dr said it was normal when I was there, so I'm going to follow up on that this morning. I am hoping my coordinator is right that this is anxiety. 

    Day 3 of stims was completed last night. I'm not really feeling anything yet. Maybe some unusual sensations, but I could be imagining that.  It was easier last night and took me about 30 min to prep/inject 4 and prepare my morning shot. Does that seem like a long time? 

    @nitnat007 I've heard the grapes analogy....I'm imagining lots of grapes for all of us! :)
  • Hi.  This morning is my baseline appointment, so hoping that goes well.  I've always had 8 antral follicles, and last time estrogen was 86 (US measure, Canada is different).  I quit Norithendrone on Sunday and AF started Tues, with lots of cramps and water retention.
    @erwhaler, your baseline is today too?  Good luck!  Please update us!
    @ah80, sounds like you are as fast as anyone mixing meds.  Menopur needs to sit a few minutes after you mix it anyway so it doesn't sting.  I wonder if your hearing is what is different?  I had major ringing in my ears, and sounds like fans and evenly pitched voices being painful during the Lupron Depo months.
  • @aneeettt   How does you child from previous relationship fee about possibility of a new younger sibling? We have a daughter, from a previous relationship. She’s 10. She knows we’ve been TTC but not about IVF or any of the details. We are also doing ICSI.

    @callingthestork Well wish on your baseline today.

  • @callingthestork @erwhaler how was your baseline appointments?? Im still on Norethisterone till the 1st of November. Is that mean you are starting your steam now??
    @nitnat007 ohh that’s good we are at the same position:) can you please tell me how far are you?? Have you started your steaming ?? Im still on the tablets till 1st. 
  • @callingthestork hope that you appointment went well today! Let us know how you made out. 

    @Tuasdad How is your wife doing? My partner has a son from his previous relationship that is 10 too. We have not told him that we are TTC though and I not sure how we are going to hide IVF and needles from him either. It is going to be interesting. 

    @aneeettt I go in on the 1st and tentatively will start stims on that day. Right now just on the down regulation drugs so essentially starting menopause early over here. The joys! Do you have any side effects from the pills?
  • @ah80 Oh man it sounds like these meds are just putting you through the ringer. I only have two shots in the evening which maybe takes me about 5 minutes and one in the morning which is just inject and go(pre-filled). I hope this starts going smoother for you.

    @callingthestork @erwhaler I hope your baseline appointments went well, keep us updated!

    @nitnat007 I have not heard the grape analogy, but that sounds pretty spot on. I'll definitely keep that in mind.

    Had another appointment yesterday. I have (estimated) 16 follies on one side and 10 on the other. I'm not sure how accurate the doctors are when counting them. It was pretty painful when they were doing the ultrasound, I'm not sure if that's due to the growing follicles or what. Also added an injection in the morning, Ganirelix, anyone taken that yet? It can cause redness and pain at the injection site and yup I got both. At least I'm halfway there. Another appointment tomorrow morning, hopefully those follies are growing, growing, growing.
  • @wine_mama16, are you pretty close to retrieval?  In the past, I've had Ganirelix the last 3 days of stims.  The purpose is to keep the more mature eggs from ovulating on their own so that all your eggs are ready at the same time.
    I'm very happy with what I learned at today's appt.  Estrogen 32.3 MUCH lower than last time so we are confident there are no cysts to mess things up.  5 follicles on left ovary, and they were actually big enough for me to see.  Hard to tell about the right ovary--it's stuck on top of my uterus so hard to see and get eggs out of.  My doc had a medical student today, and was explaining to the student how she had to turn my uterus upside down to get eggs out of the right ovary last time.  My last retrieval, she left 5 eggs behind😓.  I always tell her a laparoscopy would let her get all the eggs!
  • @callingthestork Yes my ER is scheduled for October 30th as long as everything proceeds as normal. I’ll be taking Ganirelix for 5 days in total. That’s so good to hear about your appointment! How sad that they left 5 behind in your last retrieval. Is that common? Is she against doing a laparoscopy?
  • @nitnat007  oh so im a week behind you, I’m starting my steam in the 6th. The only side effects I have is feeling very bloated and sweating like mad at nights, overall is ok at the moment. Im scared 😟 of injections as hate needles and I’m suffering from anxiety too. Do you have any side effects from pills?? 
  • @Tuasdad hello 👋 my daughter is 14 now and to be honest with you she was not happy when We told her about ivf, I think is more her hormone side plus she has been the only one for such a long time and now everything is about to change. If I could reverse the time I would not mention anything to her and just inform her if I get pregnant. 
  • Hello ladies.  Hoping I can join.  I'm preparing to start IVF #2 at the end of November, but found out this week that I will be starting next week due to some schedule conflicts in their office.  Nervous for round two, but happy I won't have another month for my anxiety to keep getting worse lol
    TTC 5+ years--> unexplained infertility
    5 IUI Cycles-BFN
    IVF Fresh Transfer 03/2018, Blighted Ovum D&C 4/2018
    FET #1 Scheduled 8/7 ☺️

  • Hi everyone.   
    @wine_mama16, usually they can retrieve all of the eggs.  Sometimes they even find extra eggs hiding that weren't visible on ultrasound!  I just happen to have distorted anatomy and lots of adhesive scar tissue keeping things from moving freely, from my endometriosis.  How are you feeling?
    @sbjbrn, welcome!  Imagine something actually moving faster than expected in IVF--I have never heard of that before.  Must be a sign that this is your lucky cycle.  Do you mind sharing the story of your first cycle sometime?  Any changes in protocol this time?  Good luck!
    We haven't shared with our families that we are doing ivf.   Well, we each told a brother.  Great thing about brothers is, they don't ever bring it up.  Telling friends didn't turn out well, so we quit that.  (Like, I  have missing plumbing!  Keto diet and praying isn't going to fix it!  But people are hard to convince.)  So it's awesome to have all of you who speak the language, understand, and share your journeys.
  • @wine_mama16 Those are great numbers! I have heard of other ladies taking Ganirelix so I think it is fairly common. Sorry for the side effects though! That bites. FX for your retrieval next week though! Grow follies grow!

    @aneeettt I have had some hot flashes and headaches. Nothing really too bad so far. I expect the real stuff will start once the stims start though. I am extremely anxious to just get started with it all honestly. 

    @sbjbrn Welcome! That is great that you are able to start sooner than anticipated! So sorry to hear that your first round was unsuccessful though. Have you gotten your calendar etc? 
  • sbjbrnsbjbrn member
    edited October 2018

    @callingthestork Thank you! I really hope this is it for us.  It's going on 6 years now TTC with 5 IUI prior to IVF with no success.  The only thing we are changing is Follistim instead of Gonal.  It's my RE's preference and we are completely out of pocket this time so we are using what his go to for IVF is. I did however take vitamin D and ubiquinol supplements, not sure that they will help, but it's worth trying.  Trigger in spoiler.

    My first IVF we did a fresh transfer with two embryos and one took, but resulted in blighted ovum, followed by a D&C at 6 weeks.  Three months later we thawed our last two embryos, only one survived the thaw and that resulted in a chemical pregnancy.   

    @nitnat007 Baseline US is 10/31, expected transfer week is 11/12-11/16.  I'll be getting the more detailed calendar this weds.  I'm nervous, but definitely  ready to get this show on the road. 

    TTC 5+ years--> unexplained infertility
    5 IUI Cycles-BFN
    IVF Fresh Transfer 03/2018, Blighted Ovum D&C 4/2018
    FET #1 Scheduled 8/7 ☺️

  • @callingthestork We haven't told anyone either. I've debated being more open, but I just think you just can't count on anyone's support/reaction. It's too bad because if more people talked about it there would probably be less misinformation. It's not like this is that uncommon.  I like the brother idea though. There's probably no chance my brother would ask any follow up either lol. 

    I wasn't looking at my calendar and I  injections 28 days ago.  Crazy. It seems like so long ago and so short of a time at the same time. I have bloodwork and an ultrasound on Monday to see how I'm doing. For anyone who has been through this before, what did you feel once you started the stims? I am on day 5 today and feel tapping/fluttering and am a little bloated.   I kind of thought that the sensations I was feeling were my imagination but realized the past couple of days I've definitely been feeling something.   I have very severe DOR and my RE was not optimistic I would respond to meds.  I hope this means my ovaries are doing something!  I'm nervous but hopeful for Monday. 
  • @callingthestork this time around only one of my close friends knows; she is also a coworker that helps cover my shifts for appointments.  Two of my other close friends know I am going to begin stims and then hopefully retrieval, but I've left the transfer date in the air anywhere between now and beginning of next year.  I figured this way they won't be asking me, but I can still speak to them about the process.  
    TTC 5+ years--> unexplained infertility
    5 IUI Cycles-BFN
    IVF Fresh Transfer 03/2018, Blighted Ovum D&C 4/2018
    FET #1 Scheduled 8/7 ☺️

  • Hi everyone.
    @sbjbrn, Thank you for sharing.  I am so very sorry about your miscarriage and  CP.  You are a warrior, and I pray you win this battle with infertility.   

    Did you have PIO shots?  And if so, how bad were they?

    @wine_mama16, are you still doing good and your appointment went okay?  Can you see the follicles getting bigger on the ultrasounds?  Do you have to drink Gatorade? 

    @ah80, Do you have a day 6 scan?  Personally I can't feel the stims working until about day 8 when my tummy feels fuller and a bit tender.  My doc says that anyone who has done IUI meds or Clomid swears the stims aren't working.  My biggest side effects are sore boobs towards retrieval, and constipation after.  Oh my.  First round, I didn't take enough laxatives soon enough, and that was miserable.  Sorry, it's a yucky subject, but I think most do need a laxative. 

    @nitnat007, are you off the lupron down reg yet?  Yikes.  Doesn't sound like fun at all.  Really have fingers crossed you can start stims the first!  Get this baby-making ball rolling!

    So today is my second day of stims.  The plan is to order the second half of my meds AFTER  the day 6 I have just enough Menopur and hopefully enough Follistim to last.  They ordered my Follistim in 300 unit vials so I could use the overfill and not need to pay for as many doses.  I get 2 and 1/2  shots (150 unit) from a vial.  Lots of pokes!

    On another note, yeah, infertility is a very emotional subject and some days I would not be able to handle the wrong comment or question, so that's why we are pretty quiet about it.  But then I also feel like I'd like to wear a tshirt that lets the whole world know, especially others who also are quietly dealing with it.
  • I forgot THE major side effect of stims:  foggy thinking.  Anyone else?
  • @callingthestork I did PIO.  They weren't bad once my husband starting injecting the needle in faster lol.  The area would be a bit sore for a while, but nothing major. For my FET, I think I was more emotional about the whole process so I cried with the first few, but I think it was more my frustration of having to do the process all over again.  
    TTC 5+ years--> unexplained infertility
    5 IUI Cycles-BFN
    IVF Fresh Transfer 03/2018, Blighted Ovum D&C 4/2018
    FET #1 Scheduled 8/7 ☺️

  • @sbjbrn welcome! Here’s hoping this time around goes a lot smoother for you. I’ve told lots of people about going through this process, but I tend to be a really open person. I think the more it gets spoken about the more aware people become of how big of an issue this is and how many women actually deal with it. I still get the rediculous comments telling me I just need to losen up and have more sex which is just an eye roll from me. 

    @callingthestork overall I feel kind of yucky. I feel pretty bloated and at my most recent appointment they explained that I have a high chance of hyperstimulation. They think I have 19 one the right and 9 on the left. They did tell me to drink lots of gatorade and just take it easy due to all the follicles in there. I actually can see them getting bigger at each appointment which is pretty crazy since there are so many!

    @nitnat007 thank you!

    i have my next appointment tomorrow morning and they informed me I will most likely be getting triggered and ER on Tuesday! 
  • @nitnat007 Thanks for asking. My wife is cautiously optimistic. A bit of nervousness kicked in today. She got a cold and she's hoping that does not cause any issues or delays. We start STIMS Monday morning, and also have our baseline ultrasound that day. We sat down tonight and went over calendar, meds and re-read instructions so we're ready. I'm trying to keep it together. As for our 10-year old, if it's not strawberries or blueberries, she ignores what's in the fridge. So if she does notice the medications, I don't think she would put 2 and 2 together about a baby, she may just believe it's medicine for my wife's cold lol

    @aneeettt I'm sorry to hear your 14 year old wasn't thrilled. We've talked about TTC with my daughter, but not specifically IVF. She's been excited to be a big sister, but that's been the "plan" for three years so I don't know if she thinks it's ever going to happen. We'd love to surprise her. I only wish that we would have known about my infertility sooner so we could have possibly done this three years ago and had a potential baby be closer in age to my daughter than now.

    @sbjbrn Fingers crossed! Good luck at appointment

    @wine_mama16 Good luck tomorrow and fingers crossed that Tuesday goes amazing : )
  • Is the night before first time starting stims nerve racking for everyone? I’ve been trying to be cautiously optimistic but tonight I’m starting to think about the what if’s and this not working. 

    I want want to keep it strictly positive with my wife, but I’m almost thinking this is too good to be true, and that there’s no way we’ll get pregnant; as if to prepare for the worse rather than hope for the best. 

    How have ave your husbands expressed or felt about the process, particularly the first attempt? 
  • @sbjbrn I am so sorry about your previous cycle. Sending you positive vibes that this will be your rainbow baby!
    We are on similar schedules. I go in for my baseline on Nov 1st and should start stims then. I am anxious to just get started  and get the show on the road! FX!

    @ah80 Thinking of you girl! Hope that your B/W and U/S goes well today with good numbers. Rooting for those follies. 

    @callingthestork We use Suprefact instead of Lupron, so still on it and I think will be on it for most of stims too as it shuts down other hormones and allows the meds to have full control. Or at least that is my understanding of it. 
    I was definitely a cranky biatch this weekend though. My poor H having to deal with me, and it is likely to only get worse lol. It is all such an emotional roller coaster going through IF. 
    How are you making out on stims so far? You still feeling foggy? When do you go back in for your scan etc?
    Sending hugs!

    @wine_mama16 FX for good news today! Let us know how it goes. 

    @Tuasdad You guys have got this! The more prepared you are the better in my mind. And it sounds like you are both very prepared! Being nervous is normal. I don't there is one of us here that could say we aren't nervous about it honestly. One day at a time, one shot at a time!
    My step son is far too curious for his own good. He notices everything that comes into the house so I have to be very careful. We just don't want him to get his hopes up and possibly have to face disappointment if it doesn't work out. We will see, we may have to tell him something, but we are hoping not to at this stage. 
    As for my husband, he just tries to keep it positive for my sake. He doesn't want me to see any doubt, so he doesn't show any. 
    GL and let us know how your first shots go!
  • @nitnat007 thank you! Waiting for the ultrasound now. Super anxious and hoping for the best!
  • @Tuasdad thank you. My husband has overall been handling this whole thing fine. He feels bad that I am going through the shots and the side effects that come along with all of that. Overall we are just happy that we are doing something to help this along.

    @nitnat007 Thank you! My appointment yesterday went well. There is still concern for hyperstimulation, but overall my doctors all indicate that my high follicle count is all good news.

    I did my trigger along with Lupron last night at 10:30pm then the second dose of Lupron this 10:30am. I feel nervous and anxious for my ER tomorrow morning. Check in time at 8:30am and ER to be done at 9:30am. I don't know why I feel so nervous about this. Has anyone else had this emotion prior to ER?
  • @Tuasdad The first night for us was very stressful. I was reading/re-reading instructions to make sure I was mixing everything right. I was going overboard and that was frustrating for both of us.  This last week has been very stressful. My partner has a huge phobia of needles which surprisingly I had no idea about (after 13 years together) until we started this. It's been a lot for him to get over to help with the IM shots. My anxiety about this doesn't help the situation. My partner is optimistic, I'm pessimistic. I think a part of it is trying to protect yourself and prepare for the worst.  My partner's perspective is like, why are we even doing this if you are so sure it won't work? Don't be hard on yourself. There is no doubt that this is hard. It's been helpful for me to have my partner stay positive because I am not always able to be that strong.
  • Ultrasound done. Two follicles 12mm and 10mm, two smaller 8mm and 6mm.  RE is counting it as 2. My next appointment is Thursday. It's not a lot, but I am really happy that I can keep going. My AMH is so low (.03) and I was bracing myself for the possibility that I had nothing. Hope they keep growing!
  • @wine_mama16 Oh so much positive vibes got way for ER tomorrow. Will be thinking of you nd hoping for a smooth retrieval with great numbers. 

    @ah80 That is fantastic! I’m so glad to hear that you are happy and that you’ve responded to treatment. FX that the other two grow and maybe catch up. 
  • @Tuasdad Thank you.  Will be getting my official calendar.  I'm so ready!
    It's definitely hard to stay positive throughout the whole process, but hand in there.  In the end, no matter the journey, it's all worth it.

    @nitnat007 looks like we'll be buddies! Last day of BCP for me today! Thank goodness, this breakthrough bleeding/spotting has been super annoying. 

    @wine_mama16 FX for an awesome retrieval day tomorrow!!! I just joked with the anesthesiologist before the transfer and told him to load me up lol.

    @ah80 I'm also the pessimist in the relationship when it comes to this process, but my husbands knows it's my way of protecting myself.  I think I'm doing much better this time around. I'm just ready to get it done already lol. Awesome news on your ultrasound.  FX things keep getting better for you.  
    TTC 5+ years--> unexplained infertility
    5 IUI Cycles-BFN
    IVF Fresh Transfer 03/2018, Blighted Ovum D&C 4/2018
    FET #1 Scheduled 8/7 ☺️

  • AF finally came after being late. So baseline ultrasound Wed morning and then start stims that night.
  • @wine_mama16, Good luck today!!!😊
  • @ah80 That's such great news that you're responding to treatment!  Fingers crossed for continued success.

    @wine_mama16 I hope today's retrieval went well!

    AFM: Baseline scan was yesterday.  We have 17 follicles (10R & 7L).  This is a little lower than our AFC for the first round (22) but the doc is pleased with the lower number and thinks it will help with quality.
    I will start HGH tomorrow morning and Gonal-F & Menopur on Saturday.
    December FET Spreadsheet
    TTC History in spoiler  Instagram
    Me 35 - DH 42
    Married Oct 2007
    TTC Since Oct 2010 - MFI Diagnosis 2012 (Morphology 1% + High DNA Frag)
    IUI x2 in 2012 - BFN
    IVF #1 Feb 2018 - 9 Retrieved - 8 Mature - 5 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    FET#1 March 2018 - BFP - MMC May @ 10w4d
    FET#2 July 2018 - BFN
    IVF #2 Nov 2018 - 10 Retrieved - 10 Mature - 8 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    “Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.”― Winston Churchill
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